Commit 6fd60bb5 authored by Valentin Platzgummer's avatar Valentin Platzgummer

CircularSurvey concurr. update improved

parent 81a0bb81
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! // Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
this->_calculating = false;
emit calculatingChanged();
// source: ortools/constraint_solver/search_limit.proto // source: ortools/constraint_solver/search_limit.proto
#ifndef GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_INCLUDED_ortools_2fconstraint_5fsolver_2fsearch_5flimit_2eproto #ifndef GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_INCLUDED_ortools_2fconstraint_5fsolver_2fsearch_5flimit_2eproto
...@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ FORMS += \ ...@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ FORMS += \
# #
src/Wima/CSWorker.h \
src/Wima/CircularSurvey.h \ src/Wima/CircularSurvey.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/GenericCircle.h \ src/Wima/Geometry/GenericCircle.h \
src/Wima/Snake/clipper/clipper.hpp \ src/Wima/Snake/clipper/clipper.hpp \
...@@ -502,6 +503,7 @@ HEADERS += \ ...@@ -502,6 +503,7 @@ HEADERS += \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/topic_subscriber.h \ src/comm/ros_bridge/include/topic_subscriber.h \
src/comm/utilities.h src/comm/utilities.h
src/Wima/CSWorker.cpp \
src/Wima/ \ src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/Snake/clipper/clipper.cpp \ src/Wima/Snake/clipper/clipper.cpp \
src/Wima/Snake/snake.cpp \ src/Wima/Snake/snake.cpp \
...@@ -92,9 +92,6 @@ Rectangle { ...@@ -92,9 +92,6 @@ Rectangle {
columns: 2 columns: 2
visible: transectsHeader.checked visible: transectsHeader.checked
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Delta R") } QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Delta R") }
FactTextField { FactTextField {
fact: missionItem.deltaR fact: missionItem.deltaR
...@@ -131,12 +128,26 @@ Rectangle { ...@@ -131,12 +128,26 @@ Rectangle {
} }
} }
Column { GridLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: _margin columnSpacing: _margin
rowSpacing: _margin
columns: 2
visible: transectsHeader.checked visible: transectsHeader.checked
QGCButton {
text: qsTr("Reverse")
onClicked: missionItem.reverse();
Layout.fillWidth: true
QGCButton {
text: qsTr("Reset Ref.")
onClicked: missionItem.resetReference();
Layout.fillWidth: true
QGCCheckBox { QGCCheckBox {
id: relAlt id: relAlt
text: qsTr("Relative altitude") text: qsTr("Relative altitude")
...@@ -144,6 +155,8 @@ Rectangle { ...@@ -144,6 +155,8 @@ Rectangle {
enabled: missionItem.cameraCalc.isManualCamera && !missionItem.followTerrain enabled: missionItem.cameraCalc.isManualCamera && !missionItem.followTerrain
visible: QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.showMissionAbsoluteAltitude || (!missionItem.cameraCalc.distanceToSurfaceRelative && !missionItem.followTerrain) visible: QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.showMissionAbsoluteAltitude || (!missionItem.cameraCalc.distanceToSurfaceRelative && !missionItem.followTerrain)
onClicked: missionItem.cameraCalc.distanceToSurfaceRelative = checked onClicked: missionItem.cameraCalc.distanceToSurfaceRelative = checked
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Connections { Connections {
target: missionItem.cameraCalc target: missionItem.cameraCalc
...@@ -151,96 +164,38 @@ Rectangle { ...@@ -151,96 +164,38 @@ Rectangle {
} }
} }
FactCheckBox {
text: qsTr("Reverse Path")
fact: missionItem.reverse
} }
QGCButton { Column{
text: qsTr("Reset Reference")
onClicked: missionItem.resetReference();
Layout.fillWidth: true
SectionHeader {
id: miscellaneousHeader
text: qsTr("Miscellaneous")
ColumnLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: _margin spacing: _margin
visible: miscellaneousHeader.checked
GridLayout { BusyIndicator{
Layout.fillWidth: true id: indicator
columnSpacing: _margin anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
rowSpacing: _margin running: missionItem.calculating
columns: 2
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Max Waypoints") } onRunningChanged: {
FactTextField { if(running){
fact: missionItem.maxWaypoints visible = true
Layout.fillWidth: true } else {
} }
} // GridLayout
} // ColumnLayout
// The following code causes seg. faults from time to time
SectionHeader {
id: terrainHeader
text: qsTr("Terrain")
checked: missionItem.followTerrain
} }
ColumnLayout { Timer{
anchors.left: parent.left id: timer
anchors.right: parent.right interval: 2000
spacing: _margin repeat: false
visible: terrainHeader.checked
QGCCheckBox { onTriggered: {
id: followsTerrainCheckBox if (indicator.running == false){
text: qsTr("Vehicle follows terrain") indicator.visible = false
checked: missionItem.followTerrain
onClicked: missionItem.followTerrain = checked
} }
GridLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
columnSpacing: _margin
rowSpacing: _margin
columns: 2
visible: followsTerrainCheckBox.checked
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Tolerance") }
FactTextField {
fact: missionItem.terrainAdjustTolerance
Layout.fillWidth: true
} }
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Max Climb Rate") }
FactTextField {
fact: missionItem.terrainAdjustMaxClimbRate
Layout.fillWidth: true
} }
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Max Descent Rate") }
FactTextField {
fact: missionItem.terrainAdjustMaxDescentRate
Layout.fillWidth: true
} }
} }
/*SectionHeader {
id: statsHeader
text: qsTr("Statistics")
//TransectStyleComplexItemStats { }
} // Column } // Column
} // Rectangle } // Rectangle
#include "CSWorker.h"
// Wima
#define CLIPPER_SCALE 10000
#include "clipper/clipper.hpp"
template <int k> ClipperLib::cInt get(ClipperLib::IntPoint &p);
#include "Geometry/GenericCircle.h"
// std
#include <chrono>
// Qt
#include <QDebug>
template <> ClipperLib::cInt get<0>(ClipperLib::IntPoint &p) { return p.X; }
template <> ClipperLib::cInt get<1>(ClipperLib::IntPoint &p) { return p.Y; }
CSWorker::CSWorker(QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent), _deltaR(2 * bu::si::meter),
_deltaAlpha(3 * bu::degree::degree), _minLength(10 * bu::si::meter),
_calculating(false), _stop(false), _restart(false) {}
CSWorker::~CSWorker() {
this->_stop = true;
Lock lk(this->_mutex);
this->_restart = true;
bool CSWorker::calculating() { return this->_calculating; }
void CSWorker::update(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &polygon,
const QGeoCoordinate &origin, snake::Length deltaR,
snake::Length minLength, snake::Angle deltaAlpha) {
// Sample input.
Lock lk(this->_mutex);
this->_polygon = polygon;
this->_origin = origin;
this->_deltaR = deltaR;
this->_deltaAlpha = deltaAlpha;
this->_minLength = minLength;
if (!this->isRunning()) {
} else {
Lock lk(this->_mutex);
this->_restart = true;
void CSWorker::run() {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): thread start.";
while (!this->_stop) {
// Copy input.
Lock lk(this->_mutex);
const auto polygon = this->_polygon;
const auto origin = this->_origin;
const auto deltaR = this->_deltaR;
const auto deltaAlpha = this->_deltaAlpha;
const auto minLength = this->_minLength;
// Check preconitions
if (polygon.size() >= 3) {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): calculation "
const auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
using namespace boost::units;
this->_calculating = true;
emit calculatingChanged();
// Convert geo polygon to ENU polygon.
snake::BoostPolygon polygonENU;
snake::BoostPoint originENU{0, 0};
snake::areaToEnu(origin, polygon, polygonENU);
std::string error;
// Check validity.
if (!bg::is_valid(polygonENU, error)) {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): "
"invalid polygon.";
qWarning() << error.c_str();
} else {
// Calculate polygon distances and angles.
std::vector<snake::Length> distances;
std::vector<snake::Angle> angles;
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run():";
for (const auto &p : polygonENU.outer()) {
snake::Length distance = bg::distance(originENU, p) * si::meter;
snake::Angle alpha =
(std::atan2(p.get<1>(), p.get<0>())) * si::radian;
alpha =
alpha < 0 * si::radian ? alpha + 2 * M_PI * si::radian : alpha;
qWarning() << "distances, angles, coordinates:";
qWarning() << to_string(distance).c_str();
qWarning() << to_string(snake::Degree(alpha)).c_str();
qWarning() << "x = " << p.get<0>() << "y = " << p.get<1>();
auto rMin = deltaR; // minimal circle radius
snake::Angle alpha1(0 * degree::degree);
snake::Angle alpha2(360 * degree::degree);
// Determine r_min by successive approximation
if (!bg::within(originENU, polygonENU)) {
rMin = bg::distance(originENU, polygonENU) * si::meter;
auto rMax =
distances.end())); // maximal circle radius
// Scale parameters and coordinates.
const auto rMinScaled =
ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(rMin.value() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
const auto deltaRScaled =
ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(deltaR.value() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
auto originScaled = ClipperLib::IntPoint{
auto s1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Generate circle sectors.
auto rScaled = rMinScaled;
const auto nTran = long(std::ceil(((rMax - rMin) / deltaR).value()));
vector<ClipperLib::Path> sectors(nTran, ClipperLib::Path());
const auto nSectors =
long(std::round(((alpha2 - alpha1) / deltaAlpha).value()));
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): sector parameres:";
qWarning() << "alpha1: " << to_string(snake::Degree(alpha1)).c_str();
qWarning() << "alpha2: " << to_string(snake::Degree(alpha2)).c_str();
qWarning() << "n: "
<< to_string((alpha2 - alpha1) / deltaAlpha).c_str();
qWarning() << "nSectors: " << nSectors;
qWarning() << "rMin: " << to_string(rMin).c_str();
qWarning() << "rMax: " << to_string(rMax).c_str();
qWarning() << "nTran: " << nTran;
using ClipperCircle =
GenericCircle<ClipperLib::cInt, ClipperLib::IntPoint>;
for (auto &sector : sectors) {
ClipperCircle circle(rScaled, originScaled);
approximate(circle, nSectors, sector);
rScaled += deltaRScaled;
// Clip sectors to polygonENU.
ClipperLib::Path polygonClipper;
auto &outer = polygonENU.outer();
polygonClipper.reserve(outer.size() - 1);
for (auto it = outer.begin(); it < outer.end() - 1; ++it) {
auto x = ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(it->get<0>() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
auto y = ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(it->get<1>() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
polygonClipper.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint{x, y});
ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
clipper.AddPath(polygonClipper, ClipperLib::ptClip, true);
clipper.AddPaths(sectors, ClipperLib::ptSubject, false);
ClipperLib::PolyTree transectsClipper;
clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctIntersection, transectsClipper,
ClipperLib::pftNonZero, ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
// Extract transects from PolyTree and convert them to
// BoostLineString
snake::Transects transectsENU;
for (const auto &child : transectsClipper.Childs) {
snake::BoostLineString transect;
for (const auto &vertex : child->Contour) {
auto x = static_cast<double>(vertex.X) / CLIPPER_SCALE;
auto y = static_cast<double>(vertex.Y) / CLIPPER_SCALE;
transect.push_back(snake::BoostPoint(x, y));
// Join sectors which where slit due to clipping.
const double th = 0.01;
for (auto ito = transectsENU.begin(); ito < transectsENU.end(); ++ito) {
for (auto iti = ito + 1; iti < transectsENU.end(); ++iti) {
auto dist1 = bg::distance(ito->front(), iti->front());
if (dist1 < th) {
snake::BoostLineString temp;
for (auto it = iti->end() - 1; it >= iti->begin(); --it) {
temp.insert(temp.end(), ito->begin(), ito->end());
*ito = temp;
auto dist2 = bg::distance(ito->front(), iti->back());
if (dist2 < th) {
snake::BoostLineString temp;
temp.insert(temp.end(), iti->begin(), iti->end());
temp.insert(temp.end(), ito->begin(), ito->end());
*ito = temp;
auto dist3 = bg::distance(ito->back(), iti->front());
if (dist3 < th) {
snake::BoostLineString temp;
temp.insert(temp.end(), ito->begin(), ito->end());
temp.insert(temp.end(), iti->begin(), iti->end());
*ito = temp;
auto dist4 = bg::distance(ito->back(), iti->back());
if (dist4 < th) {
snake::BoostLineString temp;
temp.insert(temp.end(), ito->begin(), ito->end());
for (auto it = iti->end() - 1; it >= iti->begin(); --it) {
*ito = temp;
// Remove short transects
for (auto it = transectsENU.begin(); it < transectsENU.end();) {
if (bg::length(*it) < minLength.value()) {
it = transectsENU.erase(it);
} else {
// Move transect with min. distance to the front.
auto minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
auto minIt = transectsENU.begin();
bool reverse = false;
for (auto it = transectsENU.begin(); it < transectsENU.end(); ++it) {
auto distFront = bg::distance(originENU, it->front());
auto distBack = bg::distance(originENU, it->back());
if (distFront < minDist) {
minDist = distFront;
minIt = it;
reverse = false;
if (distBack < minDist) {
minDist = distBack;
minIt = it;
reverse = true;
// Swap and reverse (if necessary).
if (minIt != transectsENU.begin()) {
auto minTransect = *minIt;
if (reverse) {
snake::BoostLineString rev;
for (auto it = minTransect.end() - 1; it >= minTransect.begin();
--it) {
minTransect = rev;
*minIt = *transectsENU.begin();
*transectsENU.begin() = minTransect;
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): transect gen. time: "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - s1)
<< " ms";
if (transectsENU.size() == 0) {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): "
"not able to generate transects.";
} else if (this->_restart) {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): "
"restart requested.";
} else {
// Prepare data for routing.
std::vector<snake::TransectInfo> transectsInfo;
snake::Route route;
const auto routingStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const auto maxRoutingTime = std::chrono::minutes(1);
const auto routingEnd = routingStart + maxRoutingTime;
const auto &restart = this->_restart;
auto stopLambda = [&restart, routingEnd] {
bool expired =
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() > routingEnd;
return restart || expired;
std::string errorString;
// Route transects;
bool success = snake::route(polygonENU, transectsENU, transectsInfo,
route, stopLambda, errorString);
if (!success && !this->_restart) {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): "
"routing failed.";
} else if (this->_restart) {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): "
"restart requested.";
} else {
// Remove return path.
const auto &info = transectsInfo.back();
const auto &lastTransect = transectsENU[info.index];
const auto &lastWaypoint =
info.reversed ? lastTransect.front() : lastTransect.back();
auto &wp = route.back();
while (wp != lastWaypoint) {
wp = route.back();
// Convert to geo coordinates and notify main thread.
auto pRoute = PtrRoute(new Route());
for (const auto &vertex : route) {
QGeoCoordinate c;
snake::fromENU(origin, vertex, c);
emit ready(pRoute);
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): "
"concurrent update success.";
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): execution time: "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start)
<< " ms";
this->_calculating = false;
emit calculatingChanged();
else {
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): preconditions failed.";
Lock lk2(this->_mutex);
if (!this->_restart) {
this->_cv.wait(lk2, [this] { return this->_restart.load(); });
this->_restart = false;
qWarning() << "CSWorker::run(): thread end.";
#pragma once
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include <QList>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QThread>
#include "snake.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
//! \brief The CSWorker class
//! \note Don't call QThread::start, QThread::quit, etc. onyl use Worker
//! members!
class CSWorker : public QThread {
using Lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
using Route = QList<QGeoCoordinate>;
using PtrRoute = QSharedPointer<Route>;
CSWorker(QObject *parent = nullptr);
~CSWorker() override;
bool calculating();
public slots:
void update(const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &polygon,
const QGeoCoordinate &origin, snake::Length deltaR,
snake::Length minLength, snake::Angle deltaAlpha);
void ready(PtrRoute pTransects);
void calculatingChanged();
void run() override;
mutable std::mutex _mutex;
mutable std::condition_variable _cv;
// Internal data
QList<QGeoCoordinate> _polygon;
QGeoCoordinate _origin;
snake::Length _deltaR;
snake::Angle _deltaAlpha;
snake::Length _minLength;
std::size_t _maxWaypoints;
// State
std::atomic_bool _calculating;
std::atomic_bool _stop;
std::atomic_bool _restart;
#include "CircularSurvey.h" #include "CircularSurvey.h"
#include "CSWorker.h"
#include <QtConcurrentRun> // QGC
#include "JsonHelper.h" #include "JsonHelper.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h" #include "QGCApplication.h"
// Wima
#include <chrono>
#include "clipper/clipper.hpp"
#include "snake.h" #include "snake.h"
#define CLIPPER_SCALE 10000 // boost
template <int k> ClipperLib::cInt get(ClipperLib::IntPoint &p);
#include "Geometry/GenericCircle.h"
#include "Geometry/GeoUtilities.h"
#include "Geometry/PlanimetryCalculus.h"
#include "Geometry/PolygonCalculus.h"
#include <boost/units/io.hpp> #include <boost/units/io.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp> #include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp>
template <> ClipperLib::cInt get<0>(ClipperLib::IntPoint &p) { return p.X; }
template <> ClipperLib::cInt get<1>(ClipperLib::IntPoint &p) { return p.Y; }
template <class Functor> class CommandRAII { template <class Functor> class CommandRAII {
public: public:
CommandRAII(Functor f) : fun(f) {} CommandRAII(Functor f) : fun(f) {}
...@@ -36,8 +22,6 @@ const char *CircularSurvey::settingsGroup = "CircularSurvey"; ...@@ -36,8 +22,6 @@ const char *CircularSurvey::settingsGroup = "CircularSurvey";
const char *CircularSurvey::deltaRName = "DeltaR"; const char *CircularSurvey::deltaRName = "DeltaR";
const char *CircularSurvey::deltaAlphaName = "DeltaAlpha"; const char *CircularSurvey::deltaAlphaName = "DeltaAlpha";
const char *CircularSurvey::transectMinLengthName = "TransectMinLength"; const char *CircularSurvey::transectMinLengthName = "TransectMinLength";
const char *CircularSurvey::reverseName = "Reverse";
const char *CircularSurvey::maxWaypointsName = "MaxWaypoints";
const char *CircularSurvey::CircularSurveyName = "CircularSurvey"; const char *CircularSurvey::CircularSurveyName = "CircularSurvey";
const char *CircularSurvey::refPointLatitudeName = "ReferencePointLat"; const char *CircularSurvey::refPointLatitudeName = "ReferencePointLat";
const char *CircularSurvey::refPointLongitudeName = "ReferencePointLong"; const char *CircularSurvey::refPointLongitudeName = "ReferencePointLong";
...@@ -52,51 +36,40 @@ CircularSurvey::CircularSurvey(Vehicle *vehicle, bool flyView, ...@@ -52,51 +36,40 @@ CircularSurvey::CircularSurvey(Vehicle *vehicle, bool flyView,
_deltaR(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[deltaRName]), _deltaR(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[deltaRName]),
_deltaAlpha(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[deltaAlphaName]), _deltaAlpha(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[deltaAlphaName]),
_minLength(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[transectMinLengthName]), _minLength(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[transectMinLengthName]),
_reverse(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[reverseName]), _isInitialized(false), _pWorker(std::make_unique<CSWorker>()),
_maxWaypoints(settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[maxWaypointsName]), _needsStoring(false), _needsReversal(false) {
_isInitialized(false), _calculating(false), _cancle(false) {
Q_UNUSED(kmlOrShpFile) Q_UNUSED(kmlOrShpFile)
_editorQml = "qrc:/qml/CircularSurveyItemEditor.qml"; _editorQml = "qrc:/qml/CircularSurveyItemEditor.qml";
// Defer update if facts or ref. changes. // Connect facts.
connect(&_deltaR, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate); connect(&_deltaR, &Fact::valueChanged, this,
connect(&_deltaAlpha, &Fact::valueChanged, this, connect(&_deltaAlpha, &Fact::valueChanged, this,
&CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate); &CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransects);
connect(&_minLength, &Fact::valueChanged, this, connect(&_minLength, &Fact::valueChanged, this,
&CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate); &CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransects);
connect(&_maxWaypoints, &Fact::valueChanged, [this] {
qWarning() << "max waypoints implementaion missing";
connect(&_reverse, &Fact::valueChanged, [this] {
qWarning() << "reverse implementaion missing";
connect(this, &CircularSurvey::refPointChanged, this, connect(this, &CircularSurvey::refPointChanged, this,
&CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate); &CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransects);
connect(&this->_surveyAreaPolygon, &QGCMapPolygon::pathChanged, this, // Connect worker.
&CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate); qRegisterMetaType<PtrRoute>("PtrRoute");
// Setup Timer. connect(this->_pWorker.get(), &CSWorker::ready, this,
_timer.setSingleShot(true); &CircularSurvey::_setTransects);
connect(&_timer, &QTimer::timeout, [this] { this->_rebuildTransects(); }); connect(this->_pWorker.get(), &CSWorker::calculatingChanged, this,
// Future watcher.
connect(&_watcher, &Watcher::finished, [this] {
this->_calculating = false;
emit calculatingChanged();
if (!_cancle) {
this->_transectsDirty = false; this->_transectsDirty = false;
} else {
_cancle = false;
} }
CircularSurvey::~CircularSurvey() {}
void CircularSurvey::resetReference() { void CircularSurvey::resetReference() {
setRefPoint(; setRefPoint(;
} }
void CircularSurvey::reverse() {
this->_needsReversal = true;
void CircularSurvey::setRefPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &refPt) { void CircularSurvey::setRefPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &refPt) {
if (refPt != _referencePoint) { if (refPt != _referencePoint) {
_referencePoint = refPt; _referencePoint = refPt;
...@@ -123,8 +96,8 @@ bool CircularSurvey::isInitialized() { return _isInitialized; } ...@@ -123,8 +96,8 @@ bool CircularSurvey::isInitialized() { return _isInitialized; }
bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber, bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber,
QString &errorString) { QString &errorString) {
// We need to pull version first to determine what validation/conversion needs // We need to pull version first to determine what validation/conversion
// to be performed // needs to be performed
QList<JsonHelper::KeyValidateInfo> versionKeyInfoList = { QList<JsonHelper::KeyValidateInfo> versionKeyInfoList = {
{JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {JsonHelper::jsonVersionKey, QJsonValue::Double, true},
}; };
...@@ -145,7 +118,6 @@ bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber, ...@@ -145,7 +118,6 @@ bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber,
{deltaRName, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {deltaRName, QJsonValue::Double, true},
{deltaAlphaName, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {deltaAlphaName, QJsonValue::Double, true},
{transectMinLengthName, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {transectMinLengthName, QJsonValue::Double, true},
{reverseName, QJsonValue::Bool, true},
{refPointLatitudeName, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {refPointLatitudeName, QJsonValue::Double, true},
{refPointLongitudeName, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {refPointLongitudeName, QJsonValue::Double, true},
{refPointAltitudeName, QJsonValue::Double, true}, {refPointAltitudeName, QJsonValue::Double, true},
...@@ -160,8 +132,8 @@ bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber, ...@@ -160,8 +132,8 @@ bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber,
complexObject[ComplexMissionItem::jsonComplexItemTypeKey].toString(); complexObject[ComplexMissionItem::jsonComplexItemTypeKey].toString();
if (itemType != VisualMissionItem::jsonTypeComplexItemValue || if (itemType != VisualMissionItem::jsonTypeComplexItemValue ||
complexType != CircularSurveyName) { complexType != CircularSurveyName) {
errorString = errorString = tr("%1 does not support loading this complex mission item "
tr("%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3") "type: %2:%3")
.arg(qgcApp()->applicationName()) .arg(qgcApp()->applicationName())
.arg(itemType) .arg(itemType)
.arg(complexType); .arg(complexType);
...@@ -189,7 +161,6 @@ bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber, ...@@ -189,7 +161,6 @@ bool CircularSurvey::load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber,
_referencePoint.setLongitude(complexObject[refPointLongitudeName].toDouble()); _referencePoint.setLongitude(complexObject[refPointLongitudeName].toDouble());
_referencePoint.setLatitude(complexObject[refPointLatitudeName].toDouble()); _referencePoint.setLatitude(complexObject[refPointLatitudeName].toDouble());
_referencePoint.setAltitude(complexObject[refPointAltitudeName].toDouble()); _referencePoint.setAltitude(complexObject[refPointAltitudeName].toDouble());
setIsInitialized(true); setIsInitialized(true);
_ignoreRecalc = false; _ignoreRecalc = false;
...@@ -220,7 +191,6 @@ void CircularSurvey::save(QJsonArray &planItems) { ...@@ -220,7 +191,6 @@ void CircularSurvey::save(QJsonArray &planItems) {
saveObject[deltaRName] = _deltaR.rawValue().toDouble(); saveObject[deltaRName] = _deltaR.rawValue().toDouble();
saveObject[deltaAlphaName] = _deltaAlpha.rawValue().toDouble(); saveObject[deltaAlphaName] = _deltaAlpha.rawValue().toDouble();
saveObject[transectMinLengthName] = _minLength.rawValue().toDouble(); saveObject[transectMinLengthName] = _minLength.rawValue().toDouble();
saveObject[reverseName] = _reverse.rawValue().toBool();
saveObject[refPointLongitudeName] = _referencePoint.longitude(); saveObject[refPointLongitudeName] = _referencePoint.longitude();
saveObject[refPointLatitudeName] = _referencePoint.latitude(); saveObject[refPointLatitudeName] = _referencePoint.latitude();
saveObject[refPointAltitudeName] = _referencePoint.altitude(); saveObject[refPointAltitudeName] = _referencePoint.altitude();
...@@ -279,8 +249,8 @@ void CircularSurvey::_buildAndAppendMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items, ...@@ -279,8 +249,8 @@ void CircularSurvey::_buildAndAppendMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items,
for (const CoordInfo_t &transectCoordInfo : transect) { for (const CoordInfo_t &transectCoordInfo : transect) {
item = new MissionItem( item = new MissionItem(
seqNum++, MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, mavFrame, seqNum++, MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, mavFrame,
0, // Hold time (delay for hover and capture to settle vehicle before 0, // Hold time (delay for hover and capture to settle vehicle
// image is taken) // before image is taken)
0.0, // No acceptance radius specified 0.0, // No acceptance radius specified
0.0, // Pass through waypoint 0.0, // Pass through waypoint
std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), // Yaw unchanged std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), // Yaw unchanged
...@@ -318,15 +288,7 @@ bool CircularSurvey::readyForSave() const { ...@@ -318,15 +288,7 @@ bool CircularSurvey::readyForSave() const {
double CircularSurvey::additionalTimeDelay() const { return 0; } double CircularSurvey::additionalTimeDelay() const { return 0; }
void CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) { void CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) {
if (_calculating) if (this->_needsStoring) {
if (!_transectsDirty) {
auto pTransects = _watcher.result();
if (pTransects) {
<< "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): storing transects.";
// If the transects are getting rebuilt then any previously loaded // If the transects are getting rebuilt then any previously loaded
// mission items are now invalid. // mission items are now invalid.
if (_loadedMissionItemsParent) { if (_loadedMissionItemsParent) {
...@@ -334,244 +296,35 @@ void CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) { ...@@ -334,244 +296,35 @@ void CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) {
_loadedMissionItemsParent->deleteLater(); _loadedMissionItemsParent->deleteLater();
_loadedMissionItemsParent = nullptr; _loadedMissionItemsParent = nullptr;
} }
// Store new transects; // Copy Transects.
_transects = *pTransects; QList<CoordInfo_t> list;
} for (const auto c : *this->_pRoute) {
} else { list.append(CoordInfo_t{c, CoordTypeInterior});
_transects.clear(); }
// Check preconitions this->_transects.append(list);
#ifdef DEBUG_CIRCULAR_SURVEY // Mark transect as stored;
qWarning() this->_needsStoring = false;
<< "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): checking preconditions."; } else if (this->_needsReversal) {
#endif if (this->_transects.size() > 0) {
if (_isInitialized && _surveyAreaPolygon.count() >= 3 && auto &t = this->_transects.front();
_deltaAlpha.rawValue() <= _deltaAlpha.rawMax() && QList<CoordInfo_t> list;
_deltaAlpha.rawValue() >= _deltaAlpha.rawMin() && list.reserve(t.size());
_deltaR.rawValue() <= _deltaR.rawMax() && for (auto it = t.end() - 1; it >= t.begin(); --it) {
_deltaR.rawValue() >= _deltaR.rawMin()) { list.append(*it);
qWarning() this->_transects.clear();
<< "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): preconditions ok."; this->_transects.append(list);
#endif }
using namespace boost::units; this->_needsReversal = false;
_calculating = true;
emit calculatingChanged();
// Copy input.
const auto &polygon = this->_surveyAreaPolygon.coordinateList();
const auto &origin = this->_referencePoint;
const snake::Length deltaR(this->_deltaR.rawValue().toDouble() *
const snake::Angle deltaAlpha(this->_deltaAlpha.rawValue().toDouble() *
const snake::Length minLength(this->_minLength.rawValue().toDouble() *
const auto maxWaypoints(this->_maxWaypoints.rawValue().toUInt());
auto future = QtConcurrent::run([polygon, origin, deltaAlpha, minLength,
maxWaypoints, deltaR] {
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): calculation "
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto onExit = [&start] {
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey: concurrent update execution time: "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start)
<< " ms";
CommandRAII<decltype(onExit)> commandRAII(onExit);
// Convert geo polygon to ENU polygon.
snake::BoostPolygon polygonENU;
snake::BoostPoint originENU{0, 0};
snake::areaToEnu(origin, polygon, polygonENU);
std::string error;
// Check validity.
if (!bg::is_valid(polygonENU, error)) {
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): "
"invalid polygon.";
qWarning() << error.c_str();
return PtrTransects();
} else { } else {
// Calculate polygon distances and angles. this->_transects.clear();
std::vector<snake::Length> distances; auto polygon = this->_surveyAreaPolygon.coordinateList();
distances.reserve(polygonENU.outer().size()); this->_pWorker->update(
std::vector<snake::Angle> angles; polygon, this->_referencePoint,
angles.reserve(polygonENU.outer().size()); this->_deltaR.rawValue().toDouble() * bu::si::meter,
for (const auto &p : polygonENU.outer()) { this->_minLength.rawValue().toDouble() * bu::si::meter,
snake::Length distance = bg::distance(originENU, p) * si::meter; snake::Angle(this->_deltaAlpha.rawValue().toDouble() *
distances.push_back(distance); bu::degree::degree));
snake::Angle alpha =
(std::atan2(p.get<1>(), p.get<0>())) * si::radian;
alpha =
alpha < 0 * si::radian ? alpha + 2 * M_PI * si::radian : alpha;
qWarning() << "distances, angles, coordinates:";
qWarning() << to_string(distance).c_str();
qWarning() << to_string(snake::Degree(alpha)).c_str();
qWarning() << "x = " << p.get<0>() << "y = " << p.get<1>();
auto rMin = deltaR; // minimal circle radius
snake::Angle alpha1(0 * degree::degree);
snake::Angle alpha2(360 * degree::degree);
// Determine r_min by successive approximation
if (!bg::within(originENU, polygonENU)) {
rMin = bg::distance(originENU, polygonENU) * si::meter;
auto rMax =
distances.end())); // maximal circle radius
// Scale parameters and coordinates.
const auto rMinScaled =
ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(rMin.value() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
const auto deltaRScaled =
ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(deltaR.value() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
auto originScaled = ClipperLib::IntPoint{
auto s1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Generate circle sectors.
auto rScaled = rMinScaled;
const auto nTran = long(std::ceil(((rMax - rMin) / deltaR).value()));
vector<ClipperLib::Path> sectors(nTran, ClipperLib::Path());
const auto nSectors =
long(std::round(((alpha2 - alpha1) / deltaAlpha).value()));
qWarning() << "sector parameres:";
qWarning() << "alpha1: " << to_string(snake::Degree(alpha1)).c_str();
qWarning() << "alpha2: " << to_string(snake::Degree(alpha2)).c_str();
qWarning() << "n: "
<< to_string((alpha2 - alpha1) / deltaAlpha).c_str();
qWarning() << "nSectors: " << nSectors;
qWarning() << "rMin: " << to_string(rMin).c_str();
qWarning() << "rMax: " << to_string(rMax).c_str();
qWarning() << "nTran: " << nTran;
using ClipperCircle =
GenericCircle<ClipperLib::cInt, ClipperLib::IntPoint>;
for (auto &sector : sectors) {
ClipperCircle circle(rScaled, originScaled);
approximate(circle, nSectors, sector);
rScaled += deltaRScaled;
// Clip sectors to polygonENU.
ClipperLib::Path polygonClipper;
auto &outer = polygonENU.outer();
polygonClipper.reserve(outer.size() - 1);
for (auto it = outer.begin(); it < outer.end() - 1; ++it) {
auto x = ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(it->get<0>() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
auto y = ClipperLib::cInt(std::round(it->get<1>() * CLIPPER_SCALE));
polygonClipper.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint{x, y});
ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
clipper.AddPath(polygonClipper, ClipperLib::ptClip, true);
clipper.AddPaths(sectors, ClipperLib::ptSubject, false);
ClipperLib::PolyTree transectsClipper;
clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctIntersection, transectsClipper,
ClipperLib::pftNonZero, ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
// Extract transects from PolyTree and convert them to
// BoostLineString
snake::Transects transectsENU;
for (const auto &child : transectsClipper.Childs) {
snake::BoostLineString transect;
for (const auto &vertex : child->Contour) {
auto x = static_cast<double>(vertex.X) / CLIPPER_SCALE;
auto y = static_cast<double>(vertex.Y) / CLIPPER_SCALE;
transect.push_back(snake::BoostPoint(x, y));
if (bg::length(transect) >= minLength.value()) {
// Join sectors which where slit due to clipping.
static_assert(false, "continue here.");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < transectsENU.size() - 1; ++i) {
const auto &t1 = transectsENU[i];
for (std::size_t j = i + 1; j < transectsENU.size(); ++j) {
const auto &t2 = transectsENU[j];
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey: concurrent update transect gen. time: "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - s1)
<< " ms";
if (transectsENU.size() == 0) {
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): "
"not able to generate transects.";
return PtrTransects();
// Route transects;
std::vector<snake::TransectInfo> transectsInfo;
snake::Route route;
std::string errorString;
bool success = snake::route(polygonENU, transectsENU, transectsInfo,
route, errorString);
if (!success) {
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): "
"routing failed.";
return PtrTransects();
// Remove return path.
const auto &info = transectsInfo.back();
const auto &lastTransect = transectsENU[info.index];
const auto &lastWaypoint =
info.reversed ? lastTransect.front() : lastTransect.back();
auto &wp = route.back();
while (wp != lastWaypoint) {
wp = route.back();
// Convert to geo coordinates.
QList<CoordInfo_t> transectList;
for (const auto &vertex : route) {
QGeoCoordinate c;
snake::fromENU(origin, vertex, c);
CoordInfo_t coordinfo = {c, CoordTypeInterior};
PtrTransects pTransects(new Transects());
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): "
"concurrent update success.";
return pTransects;
}); // QtConcurrent::run()
else {
<< "CircularSurvey::_rebuildTransectsPhase1(): preconditions failed.";
} }
} }
...@@ -590,40 +343,27 @@ void CircularSurvey::_recalcComplexDistance() { ...@@ -590,40 +343,27 @@ void CircularSurvey::_recalcComplexDistance() {
// no cameraShots in Circular Survey, add if desired // no cameraShots in Circular Survey, add if desired
void CircularSurvey::_recalcCameraShots() { _cameraShots = 0; } void CircularSurvey::_recalcCameraShots() { _cameraShots = 0; }
void CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate() { void CircularSurvey::_setTransects(CircularSurvey::PtrRoute pRoute) {
if (!_calculating) { this->_pRoute = pRoute;
#ifdef DEBUG_CIRCULAR_SURVEY this->_needsStoring = true;
qWarning() << "CircularSurvey::_deferUpdate(): defer update."; this->_rebuildTransects();
_transectsDirty = true;
if (_timer.isActive()) {
_timer.start(100 /*ms*/);
} else {
_cancle = true;
} }
Fact *CircularSurvey::transectMinLength() { return &_minLength; } Fact *CircularSurvey::transectMinLength() { return &_minLength; }
Fact *CircularSurvey::reverse() { return &_reverse; } bool CircularSurvey::calculating() { return this->_pWorker->calculating(); }
Fact *CircularSurvey::maxWaypoints() { return &_maxWaypoints; }
bool CircularSurvey::calculating() { return _calculating; }
/*! /*!
\class CircularSurveyComplexItem \class CircularSurveyComplexItem
\inmodule Wima \inmodule Wima
\brief The \c CircularSurveyComplexItem class provides a survey mission item \brief The \c CircularSurveyComplexItem class provides a survey mission
with circular transects around a point of interest. item with circular transects around a point of interest.
CircularSurveyComplexItem class provides a survey mission item with circular CircularSurveyComplexItem class provides a survey mission item with
transects around a point of interest. Within the \c Wima module it's used to circular transects around a point of interest. Within the \c Wima module
scan a defined area with constant angle (circular transects) to the base it's used to scan a defined area with constant angle (circular transects)
station (point of interest). to the base station (point of interest).
\sa WimaArea \sa WimaArea
*/ */
...@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ ...@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@
#include "SettingsFact.h" #include "SettingsFact.h"
#include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h" #include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h"
class CSWorker;
class CircularSurvey : public TransectStyleComplexItem { class CircularSurvey : public TransectStyleComplexItem {
public: public:
using Route = QList<QGeoCoordinate>;
using PtrRoute = QSharedPointer<Route>;
/// @param vehicle Vehicle which this is being contructed for /// @param vehicle Vehicle which this is being contructed for
/// @param flyView true: Created for use in the Fly View, false: Created for /// @param flyView true: Created for use in the Fly View, false: Created for
/// use in the Plan View /// use in the Plan View
...@@ -16,19 +21,19 @@ public: ...@@ -16,19 +21,19 @@ public:
/// polygon /// polygon
CircularSurvey(Vehicle *vehicle, bool flyView, const QString &kmlOrShpFile, CircularSurvey(Vehicle *vehicle, bool flyView, const QString &kmlOrShpFile,
QObject *parent); QObject *parent);
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate refPoint READ refPoint WRITE setRefPoint NOTIFY Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate refPoint READ refPoint WRITE setRefPoint NOTIFY
refPointChanged) refPointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *deltaAlpha READ deltaAlpha CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(Fact *deltaAlpha READ deltaAlpha CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *transectMinLength READ transectMinLength CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(Fact *transectMinLength READ transectMinLength CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *reverse READ reverse CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *maxWaypoints READ maxWaypoints CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isInitialized READ isInitialized WRITE setIsInitialized NOTIFY Q_PROPERTY(bool isInitialized READ isInitialized WRITE setIsInitialized NOTIFY
isInitializedChanged) isInitializedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool calculating READ calculating NOTIFY calculatingChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool calculating READ calculating NOTIFY calculatingChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE void resetReference(void); Q_INVOKABLE void resetReference(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void reverse(void);
// Property setters // Property setters
void setRefPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &refPt); void setRefPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &refPt);
...@@ -41,8 +46,6 @@ public: ...@@ -41,8 +46,6 @@ public:
Fact *deltaR(); Fact *deltaR();
Fact *deltaAlpha(); Fact *deltaAlpha();
Fact *transectMinLength(); Fact *transectMinLength();
Fact *reverse();
Fact *maxWaypoints();
bool calculating(); bool calculating();
// Is true if survey was automatically generated, prevents initialisation from // Is true if survey was automatically generated, prevents initialisation from
// gui. // gui.
...@@ -72,8 +75,6 @@ public: ...@@ -72,8 +75,6 @@ public:
static const char *deltaRName; static const char *deltaRName;
static const char *deltaAlphaName; static const char *deltaAlphaName;
static const char *transectMinLengthName; static const char *transectMinLengthName;
static const char *reverseName;
static const char *maxWaypointsName;
static const char *CircularSurveyName; static const char *CircularSurveyName;
static const char *refPointLongitudeName; static const char *refPointLongitudeName;
static const char *refPointLatitudeName; static const char *refPointLatitudeName;
...@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ private slots: ...@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ private slots:
void _rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) final; void _rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) final;
void _recalcComplexDistance(void) final; void _recalcComplexDistance(void) final;
void _recalcCameraShots(void) final; void _recalcCameraShots(void) final;
void _deferUpdate(); void _setTransects(PtrRoute pRoute);
private: private:
void _appendLoadedMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items, void _appendLoadedMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items,
...@@ -108,21 +109,14 @@ private: ...@@ -108,21 +109,14 @@ private:
// minimal transect lenght, transects are rejected if they are shorter than // minimal transect lenght, transects are rejected if they are shorter than
// this value // this value
SettingsFact _minLength; SettingsFact _minLength;
// reverses the _transects path
SettingsFact _reverse;
// the maximum number of waypoints _transects (TransectStyleComplexItem) can
// contain (to avoid performance hits)
SettingsFact _maxWaypoints;
// Timer to defer recalc
QTimer _timer;
// indicates if the polygon and refpoint etc. are initialized, prevents // indicates if the polygon and refpoint etc. are initialized, prevents
// reinitialisation from gui and execution of _rebuildTransectsPhase1 during // reinitialisation from gui and execution of _rebuildTransectsPhase1 during
// init from gui // init from gui
bool _isInitialized; bool _isInitialized;
using PtrTransects = std::shared_ptr<Transects>; using PtrWorker = std::shared_ptr<CSWorker>;
using Watcher = QFutureWatcher<PtrTransects>; PtrWorker _pWorker;
Watcher _watcher; PtrRoute _pRoute;
bool _calculating; bool _needsStoring;
bool _cancle; bool _needsReversal;
}; };
...@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ void generateRoutingModel(const BoostLineString &vertices, ...@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ void generateRoutingModel(const BoostLineString &vertices,
} }
bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
std::vector<TransectInfo> &transectInfo, Route &route, std::vector<TransectInfo> &transectInfo, Route &r,
string &errorString) { std::function<bool()> stop, string &errorString) {
//======================================= //=======================================
// Route Transects using Google or-tools. // Route Transects using Google or-tools.
//======================================= //=======================================
...@@ -819,9 +819,17 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, ...@@ -819,9 +819,17 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
vertices.push_back(vertex); vertices.push_back(vertex);
} }
size_t n1 = vertices.size(); size_t n1 = vertices.size();
if (stop()) {
errorString = "User termination.";
return false;
// Generate routing model. // Generate routing model.
RoutingDataModel dataModel; RoutingDataModel dataModel;
Matrix<double> connectionGraph(n1, n1); Matrix<double> connectionGraph(n1, n1);
if (stop()) {
errorString = "User termination.";
return false;
// Offset joined area. // Offset joined area.
BoostPolygon areaOffset; BoostPolygon areaOffset;
offsetPolygon(area, areaOffset, detail::offsetConstant); offsetPolygon(area, areaOffset, detail::offsetConstant);
...@@ -835,6 +843,10 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, ...@@ -835,6 +843,10 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
cout << "Execution time _generateRoutingModel(): " << delta.count() << " ms" cout << "Execution time _generateRoutingModel(): " << delta.count() << " ms"
<< endl; << endl;
#endif #endif
if (stop()) {
errorString = "User termination.";
return false;
// Create Routing Index Manager. // Create Routing Index Manager.
RoutingIndexManager manager(dataModel.distanceMatrix.getN(), RoutingIndexManager manager(dataModel.distanceMatrix.getN(),
...@@ -883,16 +895,13 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, ...@@ -883,16 +895,13 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
index += 1; index += 1;
} }
} }
// Set first solution heuristic.
// Setting first solution heuristic. auto searchParameters = DefaultRoutingSearchParameters();
RoutingSearchParameters searchParameters = DefaultRoutingSearchParameters();
searchParameters.set_first_solution_strategy( searchParameters.set_first_solution_strategy(
FirstSolutionStrategy::PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC); FirstSolutionStrategy::PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC);
google::protobuf::Duration *tMax = // Set costume limit.
new google::protobuf::Duration(); // seconds auto *limit = solver->MakeCustomLimit(stop);
tMax->set_seconds(10); routing.AddSearchMonitor(limit);
// Solve the problem. // Solve the problem.
start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
...@@ -908,6 +917,9 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, ...@@ -908,6 +917,9 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
if (!solution || solution->Size() <= 1) { if (!solution || solution->Size() <= 1) {
errorString = "Not able to solve the routing problem."; errorString = "Not able to solve the routing problem.";
return false; return false;
} else if (stop()) {
errorString = "User terminated.";
return false;
} }
// Extract index list from solution. // Extract index list from solution.
...@@ -944,12 +956,12 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, ...@@ -944,12 +956,12 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
} }
for (auto it = reversedTransect.begin(); for (auto it = reversedTransect.begin();
it < reversedTransect.end() - 1; ++it) { it < reversedTransect.end() - 1; ++it) {
route.push_back(*it); r.push_back(*it);
} }
} else { } else {
const auto &t = transects[info1.index]; const auto &t = transects[info1.index];
for (auto it = t.begin(); it < t.end() - 1; ++it) { for (auto it = t.begin(); it < t.end() - 1; ++it) {
route.push_back(*it); r.push_back(*it);
} }
} }
} else { } else {
...@@ -958,12 +970,19 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, ...@@ -958,12 +970,19 @@ bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
if (i != route_idx.size() - 2) { if (i != route_idx.size() - 2) {
idxList.pop_back(); idxList.pop_back();
} }
idx2Vertex(idxList, route); idx2Vertex(idxList, r);
} }
} }
return true; return true;
} }
bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
std::vector<TransectInfo> &transectInfo, Route &r,
string &errorString) {
auto stop = [] { return false; };
return route(area, transects, transectInfo, r, stop, errorString);
} // namespace snake } // namespace snake
bool boost::geometry::model::operator==(snake::BoostPoint p1, bool boost::geometry::model::operator==(snake::BoostPoint p1,
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <array> #include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
...@@ -185,8 +187,11 @@ struct TransectInfo { ...@@ -185,8 +187,11 @@ struct TransectInfo {
bool reversed; bool reversed;
}; };
bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
std::vector<TransectInfo> &transectInfo, Route &route, std::vector<TransectInfo> &transectInfo, Route &r,
string &errorString); string &errorString);
bool route(const BoostPolygon &area, const Transects &transects,
std::vector<TransectInfo> &transectInfo, Route &r,
std::function<bool(void)> stop, string &errorString);
namespace detail { namespace detail {
const double offsetConstant = const double offsetConstant =
...@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ const char *WimaPlaner::areaItemsName = "AreaItems"; ...@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ const char *WimaPlaner::areaItemsName = "AreaItems";
const char *WimaPlaner::missionItemsName = "MissionItems"; const char *WimaPlaner::missionItemsName = "MissionItems";
WimaPlaner::WimaPlaner(QObject *parent) WimaPlaner::WimaPlaner(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), _currentAreaIndex(-1), _wimaBridge(nullptr), : QObject(parent), _masterController(nullptr), _missionController(nullptr),
_joinedArea(this), _joinedAreaValid(false), _measurementArea(this), _currentAreaIndex(-1), _wimaBridge(nullptr), _joinedArea(this),
_serviceArea(this), _corridor(this), _TSComplexItem(nullptr), _joinedAreaValid(false), _arrivalPathLength(0), _returnPathLength(0),
_surveyRefChanging(false), _measurementAreaChanging(false), _TSComplexItem(nullptr), _surveyRefChanging(false),
_corridorChanging(false), _serviceAreaChanging(false), _measurementAreaChanging(false), _corridorChanging(false),
_syncronizedWithController(false), _readyForSync(false) { _serviceAreaChanging(false), _syncronizedWithController(false),
_readyForSync(false) {
_lastMeasurementAreaPath = _measurementArea.path(); _lastMeasurementAreaPath = _measurementArea.path();
_lastServiceAreaPath = _serviceArea.path(); _lastServiceAreaPath = _serviceArea.path();
_lastCorridorPath = _corridor.path(); _lastCorridorPath = _corridor.path();
...@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ public: ...@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool readyForSync READ readyForSync NOTIFY readyForSyncChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool readyForSync READ readyForSync NOTIFY readyForSyncChanged)
// Property accessors // Property accessors
PlanMasterController *masterController(void) { return _masterController; } PlanMasterController *masterController(void);
MissionController *missionController(void) { return _missionController; } MissionController *missionController(void);
QmlObjectListModel *visualItems(void); QmlObjectListModel *visualItems(void);
int currentPolygonIndex(void) const { return _currentAreaIndex; } int currentPolygonIndex(void) const;
QString currentFile(void) const { return _currentFile; } QString currentFile(void) const;
QStringList loadNameFilters(void) const; QStringList loadNameFilters(void) const;
QStringList saveNameFilters(void) const; QStringList saveNameFilters(void) const;
QString fileExtension(void) const { return wimaFileExtension; } QString fileExtension(void) const;
QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter(void) const; QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter(void) const;
WimaBridge *wimaBridge(void) { return _wimaBridge; } WimaBridge *wimaBridge(void);
// Property setters // Property setters
void setMasterController(PlanMasterController *masterController); void setMasterController(PlanMasterController *masterController);
...@@ -145,22 +145,22 @@ private: ...@@ -145,22 +145,22 @@ private:
PlanMasterController *_masterController; PlanMasterController *_masterController;
MissionController *_missionController; MissionController *_missionController;
int _currentAreaIndex; int _currentAreaIndex;
QString _currentFile; // file for saveing QString _currentFile;
WimaBridge *_wimaBridge; // container for data exchange with WimaController // container for data exchange with WimaController
QmlObjectListModel _visualItems; // contains all visible areas WimaBridge *_wimaBridge;
WimaJoinedArea _joinedArea; // joined area fromed by _measurementArea,
// _serviceArea, _corridor
bool _joinedAreaValid; bool _joinedAreaValid;
WimaMeasurementArea _measurementArea; // measurement area WimaMeasurementArea _measurementArea;
WimaServiceArea _serviceArea; // area for supplying WimaServiceArea _serviceArea;
WimaCorridor WimaCorridor _corridor;
_corridor; // corridor connecting _measurementArea and _serviceArea // contains all visible areas
unsigned long QmlObjectListModel _visualItems;
_arrivalPathLength; // the number waypoints the arrival path consists of // joined area fromed by _measurementArea, _serviceArea, _corridor
// (path from takeoff to first measurement point) WimaJoinedArea _joinedArea;
unsigned long // path from takeoff to first measurement point
_returnPathLength; // the number waypoints the return path consists of unsigned long _arrivalPathLength;
// (path from last measurement point to land) // path from last measurement point to land
unsigned long _returnPathLength;
CircularSurvey *_TSComplexItem; // pointer to the CircularSurvey item in CircularSurvey *_TSComplexItem; // pointer to the CircularSurvey item in
// _missionController.visualItems() // _missionController.visualItems()
...@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ ...@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* *
****************************************************************************/ ****************************************************************************/
// original file: SurveyMapVisual.qml
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtLocation 5.3 import QtLocation 5.3
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