Commit 6caef012 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Merge pull request #437 from Susurrus/simpleCheckRates

Add display of the upstream data rate to the Debug Console
parents 17883dbb 03e904d5
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
/* Connection characteristics */
* @Brief Get the nominal data rate of the interface.
* @Brief Get the maximum connection speed for this interface.
* The nominal data rate is the theoretical maximum data rate of the
* interface. For 100Base-T Ethernet this would be 100 Mbit/s (100'000'000
......@@ -81,7 +81,27 @@ public:
* @return The nominal data rate of the interface in bit per second, 0 if unknown
virtual qint64 getNominalDataRate() const = 0;
virtual qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const = 0;
* @Brief Get the current incoming data rate.
* This should be over a short timespan, something like 100ms. A precise value isn't necessary,
* and this can be filtered, but should be a reasonable estimate of current data rate.
* @return The data rate of the interface in bits per second, 0 if unknown
virtual qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const = 0;
* @Brief Get the current outgoing data rate.
* This should be over a short timespan, something like 100ms. A precise value isn't necessary,
* and this can be filtered, but should be a reasonable estimate of current data rate.
* @return The data rate of the interface in bits per second, 0 if unknown
virtual qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const = 0;
* @brief Connect this interface logically
......@@ -1000,8 +1000,18 @@ QString MAVLinkSimulationLink::getName() const
return name;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getNominalDataRate() const
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getConnectionSpeed() const
/* 100 Mbit is reasonable fast and sufficient for all embedded applications */
return 100000000;
\ No newline at end of file
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
return 0;
......@@ -58,8 +58,10 @@ public:
bool connect();
bool disconnect();
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
// Extensive statistics for scientific purposes
qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const;
qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const;
qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const;
QString getName() const;
int getId() const;
......@@ -496,16 +496,18 @@ bool OpalLink::disconnect()
return true;
// Data rate functions
qint64 OpalLink::getConnectionSpeed() const
return 0; //unknown
qint64 OpalLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const
return 0;
qint64 OpalLink::getNominalDataRate() const
qint64 OpalLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
return 0; //unknown
\ No newline at end of file
return 0;
......@@ -75,10 +75,9 @@ public:
QString getName() const;
bool isConnected() const;
/* Connection characteristics */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const;
qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const;
qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const;
bool connect();
......@@ -19,18 +19,26 @@
#include "QGC.h"
#include <MG.h>
SerialLink::SerialLink(QString portname, int baudRate, bool hardwareFlowControl, bool parity,
int dataBits, int stopBits) :
// Setup settings
m_portName = portname.trimmed();
// Initialize our arrays manually, cause C++<03 is dumb.
for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i)
inDataWriteAmounts[i] = 0;
inDataWriteTimes[i] = 0;
outDataWriteAmounts[i] = 0;
outDataWriteTimes[i] = 0;
// Get the name of the current port in use.
m_portName = portname.trimmed();
if (m_portName == "" && getCurrentPorts().size() > 0)
m_portName = m_ports.first().trimmed();
......@@ -69,6 +77,7 @@ SerialLink::SerialLink(QString portname, int baudRate, bool hardwareFlowControl,
void SerialLink::requestReset()
QMutexLocker locker(&this->m_stoppMutex);
......@@ -157,9 +166,9 @@ void SerialLink::run()
qint64 timeout = 5000;
int linkErrorCount = 0;
forever {
forever {
QMutexLocker locker(&this->m_stoppMutex);
QMutexLocker locker(&this->m_stoppMutex);
if(m_stopp) {
m_stopp = false;
break; // exit the thread
......@@ -174,6 +183,7 @@ void SerialLink::run()
// If there are too many errors on this link, disconnect.
if (isConnected() && (linkErrorCount > 1000)) {
qDebug() << "linkErrorCount too high: disconnecting!";
linkErrorCount = 0;
......@@ -181,8 +191,9 @@ void SerialLink::run()
// Write all our buffered data out the serial port.
if (m_transmitBuffer.count() > 0) {
QMutexLocker writeLocker(&m_writeMutex);
int numWritten = m_port->write(m_transmitBuffer);
bool txSuccess = m_port->waitForBytesWritten(5);
if (!txSuccess || (numWritten != m_transmitBuffer.count())) {
......@@ -190,30 +201,46 @@ void SerialLink::run()
qDebug() << "TX Error! wrote" << numWritten << ", asked for " << m_transmitBuffer.count() << "bytes";
else {
// Since we were successful, reset out error counter.
linkErrorCount = 0;
m_transmitBuffer = m_transmitBuffer.remove(0, numWritten);
// Now that we transmit all of the data in the transmit buffer, flush it.
m_transmitBuffer = m_transmitBuffer.remove(0, numWritten);
// Log this written data for this timestep. If this value ends up being 0 due to
// write() failing, that's what we want as well.
QMutexLocker statsLocker(&m_statisticsMutex);
WriteDataStatsBuffer(outDataWriteAmounts, outDataWriteTimes, &outDataIndex, numWritten, QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
//wait n msecs for data to be ready
//[TODO][BB] lower to SerialLink::poll_interval?
bool success = m_port->waitForReadyRead(10);
if (success) {
QByteArray readData = m_port->readAll();
while (m_port->waitForReadyRead(10))
readData += m_port->readAll();
if (readData.length() > 0) {
emit bytesReceived(this, readData);
// qDebug() << "rx of length " << QString::number(readData.length());
// Log this data reception for this timestep
QMutexLocker statsLocker(&m_statisticsMutex);
WriteDataStatsBuffer(inDataWriteAmounts, inDataWriteTimes, &inDataIndex, readData.length(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
// Track the total amount of data read.
m_bytesRead += readData.length();
linkErrorCount = 0;
else {
//qDebug() << "Wait read response timeout" << QTime::currentTime().toString();
if (bytes != m_bytesRead) { // i.e things are good and data is being read.
......@@ -266,19 +293,31 @@ void SerialLink::run()
void SerialLink::WriteDataStatsBuffer(quint64 *bytesBuffer, qint64 *timeBuffer, int *writeIndex, quint64 bytes, qint64 time)
int i = *writeIndex;
// Now write into the buffer, if there's no room, we just overwrite the first data point.
bytesBuffer[i] = bytes;
timeBuffer[i] = time;
// Increment and wrap the write index
if (i == buffer_size)
i = 0;
*writeIndex = i;
void SerialLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size)
if(m_port && m_port->isOpen()) {
// qDebug() << "writeBytes" << m_portName << "attempting to tx " << size << "bytes.";
QByteArray byteArray(data, size);
QMutexLocker writeLocker(&m_writeMutex);
// Extra debug logging
// qDebug() << byteArray->toHex();
} else {
// Error occured
......@@ -294,12 +333,11 @@ void SerialLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size)
void SerialLink::readBytes()
if(m_port && m_port->isOpen()) {
const qint64 maxLength = 2048;
char data[maxLength];
qint64 numBytes = m_port->bytesAvailable();
//qDebug() << "numBytes: " << numBytes;
if(numBytes > 0) {
/* Read as much data in buffer as possible without overflow */
......@@ -308,18 +346,9 @@ void SerialLink::readBytes()
m_port->read(data, numBytes);
QByteArray b(data, numBytes);
emit bytesReceived(this, b);
//qDebug() << "SerialLink::readBytes()" << std::hex << data;
// int i;
// for (i=0; i<numBytes; i++){
// unsigned int v=data[i];
// fprintf(stderr,"%02x ", v);
// }
// fprintf(stderr,"\n");
......@@ -482,7 +511,7 @@ QString SerialLink::getName() const
* This function maps baud rate constants to numerical equivalents.
* It relies on the mapping given in qportsettings.h from the QSerialPort library.
qint64 SerialLink::getNominalDataRate() const
qint64 SerialLink::getConnectionSpeed() const
int baudRate;
if (m_port) {
......@@ -526,6 +555,94 @@ qint64 SerialLink::getNominalDataRate() const
return dataRate;
qint64 SerialLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
const qint64 now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
// Limit the time we calculate to the recent past
const qint64 cutoff = now - stats_timespan;
// Grab the mutex for working with the stats variables
QMutexLocker statsLocker(&m_statisticsMutex);
// Now iterate through the buffer of all received data packets adding up all values
// within now and our cutof.
int index = outDataIndex;
qint64 totalBytes = 0;
qint64 totalTime = 0;
qint64 lastTime = 0;
int size = buffer_size;
while (size-- > 0)
// If this data is within our cutoff time, include it in our calculations.
// This also accounts for when the buffer is empty and filled with 0-times.
if (outDataWriteTimes[index] > cutoff && lastTime > 0) {
// Track the total time, using the previous time as our timeperiod.
totalTime += outDataWriteTimes[index] - lastTime;
totalBytes += outDataWriteAmounts[index];
// Track the last time sample for doing timespan calculations
lastTime = outDataWriteTimes[index];
// Increment and wrap the index if necessary.
if (++index == buffer_size)
index = 0;
// Return the final calculated value in bits / s, converted from bytes/ms.
qint64 dataRate = (totalTime != 0)?(qint64)((float)totalBytes * 8.0f / ((float)totalTime / 1000.0f)):0;
// Finally return our calculated data rate.
return dataRate;
qint64 SerialLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const
const qint64 now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
// Limit the time we calculate to the recent past
const qint64 cutoff = now - stats_timespan;
// Grab the mutex for working with the stats variables
QMutexLocker statsLocker(&m_statisticsMutex);
// Now iterate through the buffer of all received data packets adding up all values
// within now and our cutof.
int index = inDataIndex;
qint64 totalBytes = 0;
qint64 totalTime = 0;
qint64 lastTime = 0;
int size = buffer_size;
while (size-- > 0)
// If this data is within our cutoff time, include it in our calculations.
// This also accounts for when the buffer is empty and filled with 0-times.
if (inDataWriteTimes[index] > cutoff && lastTime > 0) {
// Track the total time, using the previous time as our timeperiod.
totalTime += inDataWriteTimes[index] - lastTime;
totalBytes += inDataWriteAmounts[index];
// Track the last time sample for doing timespan calculations
lastTime = inDataWriteTimes[index];
// Increment and wrap the index if necessary.
if (++index == buffer_size)
index = 0;
// Return the final calculated value in bits / s, converted from bytes/ms.
qint64 dataRate = (totalTime != 0)?(qint64)((float)totalBytes * 8.0f / ((float)totalTime / 1000.0f)):0;
// Finally return our calculated data rate.
return dataRate;
QString SerialLink::getPortName() const
return m_portName;
......@@ -535,7 +652,7 @@ QString SerialLink::getPortName() const
int SerialLink::getBaudRate() const
return getNominalDataRate();
return getConnectionSpeed();
int SerialLink::getBaudRateType() const
......@@ -654,7 +771,6 @@ bool SerialLink::setPortName(QString portName)
if ((portName != m_portName)
&& (portName.trimmed().length() > 0)) {
m_portName = portName.trimmed();
// m_name = tr("serial port ") + portName.trimmed(); // [TODO] Do we need this?
......@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ public:
static const int poll_interval = SERIAL_POLL_INTERVAL; ///< Polling interval, defined in configuration.h
static const int buffer_size = 20; ///< Specify how many data points to capture for data rate calculations.
static const qint64 stats_timespan = 500; ///< Set the maximum age of samples to use for data calculations (ms).
/** @brief Get a list of the currently available ports */
QList<QString> getCurrentPorts();
......@@ -95,8 +99,9 @@ public:
int getDataBitsType() const;
int getStopBitsType() const;
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const;
qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const;
qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const;
void loadSettings();
void writeSettings();
......@@ -147,19 +152,45 @@ protected:
int m_stopBits;
int m_parity;
QString m_portName;
// QString m_name;
int m_timeout;
int m_id;
QMutex m_dataMutex;
QMutex m_writeMutex;
// Implement a simple circular buffer for storing when and how much data was received.
// Used for calculating the incoming data rate. Use with *StatsBuffer() functions.
int inDataIndex;
quint64 inDataWriteAmounts[buffer_size]; // In bytes
qint64 inDataWriteTimes[buffer_size]; // in ms
// Implement a simple circular buffer for storing when and how much data was transmit.
// Used for calculating the outgoing data rate. Use with *StatsBuffer() functions.
int outDataIndex;
quint64 outDataWriteAmounts[buffer_size]; // In bytes
qint64 outDataWriteTimes[buffer_size]; // in ms
quint64 m_connectionStartTime; // Connection start time (ms since epoch)
mutable QMutex m_statisticsMutex; // Mutex for accessing the statistics member variables (inData*,outData*,bitsSent,bitsReceived)
QMutex m_dataMutex; // Mutex for reading data from m_port
QMutex m_writeMutex; // Mutex for accessing the m_transmitBuffer.
QList<QString> m_ports;
* @brief WriteDataStatsBuffer Stores transmission times/amounts for statistics
* This function logs the send times and amounts of datas to the given circular buffers.
* This data is used for calculating the transmission rate.
* @param bytesBuffer The buffer to write the bytes value into.
* @param timeBuffer The buffer to write the time value into
* @param writeIndex The write index used for this buffer.
* @param bytes The amount of bytes transmit.
* @param time The time (in ms) this transmission occurred.
void WriteDataStatsBuffer(quint64 *bytesBuffer, qint64 *timeBuffer, int *writeIndex, quint64 bytes, qint64 time);
volatile bool m_stopp;
volatile bool m_reqReset;
QMutex m_stoppMutex;
QByteArray m_transmitBuffer;
QMutex m_stoppMutex; // Mutex for accessing m_stopp
QByteArray m_transmitBuffer; // An internal buffer for receiving data from member functions and actually transmitting them via the serial port.
bool hardwareConnect();
......@@ -262,7 +262,17 @@ void TCPLink::setName(QString name)
qint64 TCPLink::getNominalDataRate() const
qint64 TCPLink::getConnectionSpeed() const
return 54000000; // 54 Mbit
\ No newline at end of file
qint64 TCPLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const
return 0;
qint64 TCPLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
return 0;
......@@ -68,9 +68,11 @@ public:
int getParityType() const;
int getDataBitsType() const;
int getStopBitsType() const;
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
// Extensive statistics for scientific purposes
qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const;
qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const;
qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const;
void run();
......@@ -376,7 +376,17 @@ void UDPLink::setName(QString name)
qint64 UDPLink::getNominalDataRate() const
qint64 UDPLink::getConnectionSpeed() const
return 54000000; // 54 Mbit
\ No newline at end of file
qint64 UDPLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const
return 0;
qint64 UDPLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
return 0;
......@@ -71,8 +71,10 @@ public:
return hosts;
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
// Extensive statistics for scientific purposes
qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const;
qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const;
qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const;
void run();
......@@ -119,10 +119,21 @@ bool XbeeLink::isConnected() const
return this->m_connected;
qint64 XbeeLink::getNominalDataRate() const
qint64 XbeeLink::getConnectionSpeed() const
return this->m_baudRate;
qint64 XbeeLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const
return 0;
qint64 XbeeLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const
return 0;
bool XbeeLink::hardwareConnect()
emit tryConnectBegin(true);
......@@ -245,4 +256,4 @@ void CALLTYPE XbeeLink::portCallback(xbee_con *xbeeCon, xbee_pkt *XbeePkt)
emit bytesReceived(this, buf);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -34,11 +34,15 @@ public: // virtual functions from LinkInterface
int getId() const;
QString getName() const;
bool isConnected() const;
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
bool connect();
bool disconnect();
qint64 bytesAvailable();
// Extensive statistics for scientific purposes
qint64 getConnectionSpeed() const;
qint64 getCurrentOutDataRate() const;
qint64 getCurrentInDataRate() const;
public slots: // virtual functions from LinkInterface
void writeBytes(const char *bytes, qint64 length);
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
* @file
* @brief Implementation of DebugConsole
* @brief This file implements the Debug Console, a serial console built-in to QGC.
* @author Lorenz Meier <>
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include <QPainter>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QDebug>
#include "DebugConsole.h"
#include "ui_DebugConsole.h"
......@@ -39,8 +40,6 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "protocol.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include <QDebug>
DebugConsole::DebugConsole(QWidget *parent) :
......@@ -58,11 +57,8 @@ DebugConsole::DebugConsole(QWidget *parent) :
m_ui(new Ui::DebugConsole)
......@@ -78,21 +74,14 @@ DebugConsole::DebugConsole(QWidget *parent) :
// Allow to wrap everywhere
// // Set monospace font
// m_ui->receiveText->setFontFamily("Monospace");
// Enable 10 Hz output
//connect(&lineBufferTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showData()));
//lineBufferTimer.setInterval(100); // 100 Hz
// Load settings for this widget
// Enable traffic measurements
// Enable traffic measurements. We only start/stop the timer as our links change, as
// these calculations are dependent on the specific link.
connect(&snapShotTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateTrafficMeasurements()));
// Update measurements the first time
// First connect management slots, then make sure to add all existing objects
// Connect to link manager to get notified about new links
......@@ -155,13 +144,6 @@ void DebugConsole::loadSettings()
MAVLINKfilterEnabled(settings.value("MAVLINK_FILTER_ENABLED", filterMAVLINK).toBool());
setAutoHold(settings.value("AUTO_HOLD_ENABLED", autoHold).toBool());
// // Update visibility settings
// if (m_ui->specialCheckBox->isChecked())
// {
// m_ui->specialCheckBox->setVisible(true);
// m_ui->addSymbolButton->setVisible(false);
// }
void DebugConsole::storeSettings()
......@@ -176,7 +158,6 @@ void DebugConsole::storeSettings()
settings.setValue("AUTO_HOLD_ENABLED", autoHold);
//qDebug() << "Storing settings!";
void DebugConsole::uasCreated(UASInterface* uas)
......@@ -205,7 +186,6 @@ void DebugConsole::addLink(LinkInterface* link)
void DebugConsole::removeLink(LinkInterface* const linkInterface)
//LinkInterface* linkInterface = dynamic_cast<LinkInterface*>(link);
// Add link to link list
if (links.contains(linkInterface)) {
int linkIndex = links.indexOf(linkInterface);
......@@ -214,7 +194,14 @@ void DebugConsole::removeLink(LinkInterface* const linkInterface)
if (linkInterface == currLink) currLink = NULL;
// Now if this was the current link, clean up some stuff.
if (linkInterface == currLink)
// Like disable the update time for the UI.
currLink = NULL;
void DebugConsole::linkStatusUpdate(const QString& name,const QString& text)
......@@ -227,11 +214,14 @@ void DebugConsole::linkStatusUpdate(const QString& name,const QString& text)
void DebugConsole::linkSelected(int linkId)
// Disconnect
if (currLink) {
if (currLink)
disconnect(currLink, SIGNAL(bytesReceived(LinkInterface*,QByteArray)), this, SLOT(receiveBytes(LinkInterface*, QByteArray)));
disconnect(currLink, SIGNAL(connected(bool)), this, SLOT(setConnectionState(bool)));
// Clear data
......@@ -241,6 +231,7 @@ void DebugConsole::linkSelected(int linkId)
connect(currLink, SIGNAL(connected(bool)), this, SLOT(setConnectionState(bool)));
......@@ -250,7 +241,6 @@ void DebugConsole::updateLinkName(QString name)
// Set name if signal came from a link
LinkInterface* link = qobject_cast<LinkInterface*>(sender());
//if (link != NULL) m_ui->linkComboBox->setItemText(link->getId(), name);
if((link != NULL) && (links.contains(link)))
const qint16 &linkIndex(links.indexOf(link));
......@@ -326,65 +316,44 @@ void DebugConsole::receiveTextMessage(int id, int component, int severity, QStri
* This function updates the speed indicator text in the GUI.
* Additionally, if this speed is too high, the display of incoming characters is disabled.
void DebugConsole::updateTrafficMeasurements()
lowpassDataRate = lowpassDataRate * 0.9f + (0.1f * ((float)snapShotBytes / (float)snapShotInterval) * 1000.0f);
dataRate = ((float)snapShotBytes / (float)snapShotInterval) * 1000.0f;
snapShotBytes = 0;
// Check if limit has been exceeded
if ((lowpassDataRate > dataRateThreshold) && autoHold) {
// Enable auto-old
// Calculate the rate of incoming data, converting to
// kilobytes per second from the received bits per second.
qint64 inDataRate = currLink->getCurrentInDataRate() / 1000.0f;
lowpassInDataRate = lowpassInDataRate * 0.9f + (0.1f * inDataRate / 8.0f);
// If the incoming data rate is faster than our threshold, don't display the data.
// We don't use the low-passed data rate as we want the true data rate. The low-passed data
// is just for displaying to the user to remove jitter.
if ((inDataRate > inDataRateThreshold) && autoHold) {
// Enable auto-hold
QString speed;
speed = speed.sprintf("%04.1f kB/s", dataRate/1000.0f);
// Update the incoming data rate label.
m_ui->downSpeedLabel->setText(tr("%L1 kB/s").arg(lowpassInDataRate, 4, 'f', 1, '0'));
if (holdOn) {
// Calculate the rate of outgoing data, converting to
// kilobytes per second from the received bits per second.
lowpassOutDataRate = lowpassOutDataRate * 0.9f + (0.1f * currLink->getCurrentOutDataRate() / 8.0f / 1000.0f);
// Update the outoing data rate label.
m_ui->upSpeedLabel->setText(tr("%L1 kB/s").arg(lowpassOutDataRate, 4, 'f', 1, '0'));
//QPainter painter(m_ui->receiveText);
//painter.translate((this->vwidth/2.0+xCenterOffset)*scalingFactor, (this->vheight/2.0+yCenterOffset)*scalingFactor);
void DebugConsole::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
// Update bandwidth
// if (holdOn)
// {
// //qDebug() << "Data rate:" << dataRate/1000.0f << "kB/s";
// QString rate("data rate: %1");
// rate.arg(dataRate);
// QPainter painter(this);
// painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);
// painter.translate(width()/5.0f, height()/5.0f);
// //QFont font("Bitstream Vera Sans");
// QFont font = painter.font();
// font.setPixelSize((int)(60.0f));
// QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font);
// int border = qMax(4, metrics.leading());
// QRect rect = metrics.boundingRect(0, 0, width() - 2*border, int(height()*0.125),
// Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextWordWrap, rate);
// painter.setPen(QColor(255, 50, 50));
// painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing);
// painter.drawText(QRect(QPoint(static_cast<int>(width()/5.0f), static_cast<int>(height()/5.0f)), QPoint(static_cast<int>(width() - width()/5.0f), static_cast<int>(height() - height()/5.0f))), rate);
// //Qt::AlignRight | Qt::TextWordWrap
// }
void DebugConsole::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray bytes)
snapShotBytes += bytes.size();
int len = bytes.size();
int lastSpace = 0;
if ((this->bytesToIgnore > 260) || (this->bytesToIgnore < -2)) this->bytesToIgnore = 0;
......@@ -432,7 +401,6 @@ void DebugConsole::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray bytes)
if (escIndex < static_cast<int>(sizeof(escBytes)))
escBytes[escIndex] = byte;
//qDebug() << "GOT BYTE ESC:" << byte;
if (/*escIndex == 1 && */escBytes[escIndex] == 0x48)
// Handle sequence
......@@ -440,7 +408,7 @@ void DebugConsole::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray bytes)
escReceived = false;
else if (/*escIndex == 1 && */escBytes[escIndex] == 0x4b)
else if (escBytes[escIndex] == 0x4b)
// Handle sequence
// for this one, do nothing
......@@ -487,7 +455,6 @@ void DebugConsole::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray bytes)
// Do nothing for now
default: // Append replacement character (box) if char is not ASCII
// str.append(QChar(QChar::ReplacementCharacter));
QString str2;
if ( lastSpace == 1)
str2.sprintf("0x%02x ", byte);
......@@ -518,8 +485,6 @@ void DebugConsole::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray bytes)
if (filterMAVLINK) this->bytesToIgnore--;
// Constrain bytes to positive range
// bytesToIgnore = qMax(0, bytesToIgnore);
......@@ -603,7 +568,6 @@ QString DebugConsole::bytesToSymbolNames(const QByteArray& b)
void DebugConsole::specialSymbolSelected(const QString& text)
void DebugConsole::appendSpecialSymbol(const QString& text)
......@@ -709,7 +673,6 @@ void DebugConsole::sendBytes()
if (okByte) {
// Feedback
feedback.append(" ");
......@@ -726,16 +689,8 @@ void DebugConsole::sendBytes()
// Transmit ASCII or HEX formatted text, only if more than one symbol
if (ok && m_ui->sendText->text().toLatin1().size() > 0) {
// Transmit only if conversion succeeded
// int transmitted =
currLink->writeBytes(transmit, transmit.size());
// if (transmit.size() == transmitted)
// {
m_ui->sentText->setText(tr("Sent: ") + feedback);
// }
// else
// {
// m_ui->sentText->setText(tr("Error during sending: Transmitted only %1 bytes instead of %2.").arg(transmitted, transmit.size()));
// }
} else if (m_ui->sendText->text().toLatin1().size() > 0) {
// Conversion failed, display error message
m_ui->sentText->setText(tr("Not sent: ") + feedback);
......@@ -787,7 +742,7 @@ void DebugConsole::hold(bool hold)
// TODO No conversion is done to the bytes in the hold buffer
lowpassDataRate = 0.0f;
lowpassInDataRate = 0.0f;
this->holdOn = hold;
......@@ -137,11 +137,10 @@ protected:
quint64 lastLineBuffer; ///< Last line buffer emission time
QTimer lineBufferTimer; ///< Line buffer timer
QTimer snapShotTimer; ///< Timer for measuring traffic snapshots
int snapShotInterval; ///< Snapshot interval for traffic measurements
int snapShotBytes; ///< Number of bytes received in current snapshot
float dataRate; ///< Current data rate
float lowpassDataRate; ///< Lowpass filtered data rate
float dataRateThreshold; ///< Threshold where to enable auto-hold
static const int snapShotInterval = 500; ///< Set the time between UI updates for the data rate (ms)
float lowpassInDataRate; ///< Lowpass filtered data rate (kilobytes/s)
static const float inDataRateThreshold = 0.4; ///< Threshold where to enable auto-hold (kilobytes/s)
float lowpassOutDataRate; ///< Low-pass filtered outgoing data rate (kilobytes/s)
QStringList commandHistory;
QString currCommand;
int commandIndex;
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<property name="windowTitle">
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2" stretch="10,0,0,0,0,0">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2" stretch="10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="linkComboBox">
<property name="maximumSize">
......@@ -39,9 +39,75 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="speedLabel">
<widget class="QLabel" name="downArrow">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="maximumSize">
<property name="baseSize">
<property name="autoFillBackground">
<property name="text">
<property name="pixmap">
<pixmap resource="../../qgroundcontrol.qrc">:/files/images/actions/go-down.svg</pixmap>
<property name="scaledContents">
<widget class="QLabel" name="downSpeedLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>00.0 kB/s</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="upArrow">
<property name="maximumSize">
<property name="text">
<property name="pixmap">
<pixmap resource="../../qgroundcontrol.qrc">:/files/images/actions/go-up.svg</pixmap>
<property name="scaledContents">
<widget class="QLabel" name="upSpeedLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>0.0 kB/s</string>
<string>00.0 kB/s</string>
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void APMToolBar::updateLinkDisplay(LinkInterface* newLink)
QObject *object = rootObject();
if (newLink && object){
qint64 baudrate = newLink->getNominalDataRate();
qint64 baudrate = newLink->getConnectionSpeed();
object->setProperty("baudrateLabel", QString::number(baudrate));
QString linkName = newLink->getName();
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