Commit 62aaa1b2 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Merge branch 'v10release' of into v10release

parents 909727e3 3f331cd3
......@@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ macx|macx-g++42|macx-g++: {
# GNU/Linux
linux-g++ {
CONFIG -= console
debug {
#CONFIG += debug console
......@@ -274,6 +276,8 @@ message("Compiling for linux 32")
linux-g++-64 {
CONFIG -= console
debug {
#CONFIG += debug console
......@@ -132,7 +132,29 @@ LinechartPlot::LinechartPlot(QWidget *parent, int plotid, quint64 interval): Qwt
// datalock.lock();
// // Delete curves
// QMap<QString, QwtPlotCurve*>::iterator i;
// for(i = curves.begin(); i != curves.end(); ++i) {
// // Remove from curve list
// QwtPlotCurve* curve = curves.take(i.key());
// // Delete the object
// delete curve;
// // Set the pointer null
// curve = NULL;
// }
// // Delete data
// QMap<QString, TimeSeriesData*>::iterator j;
// for(j = data.begin(); j != data.end(); ++j) {
// // Remove from data list
// TimeSeriesData* d = data.take(j.key());
// // Delete the object
// delete d;
// // Set the pointer null
// d = NULL;
// }
// datalock.unlock();
void LinechartPlot::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
......@@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ LinechartWidget::~LinechartWidget()
if (activePlot) delete activePlot;
activePlot = NULL;
delete listedCurves;
listedCurves = NULL;
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