Commit 6103a554 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

UAS: Fix battery status lowpass and only publish values when battery measurements are valid

parent 9b75d0dc
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ UAS::UAS(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, Vehicle* vehicle) : UASInterface(),
......@@ -495,11 +495,11 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
emit loadChanged(this,state.load/10.0f);
emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("load"), "%", state.load/10.0f, time);
if (state.voltage_battery != UINT16_MAX) {
if (state.voltage_battery > 0.0f && state.voltage_battery != UINT16_MAX) {
// Battery charge/time remaining/voltage calculations
currentVoltage = state.voltage_battery/1000.0f;
lpVoltage = filterVoltage(currentVoltage);
tickLowpassVoltage = tickLowpassVoltage*0.8f + 0.2f*currentVoltage;
tickLowpassVoltage = tickLowpassVoltage * 0.8f + 0.2f * currentVoltage;
// We don't want to tick above the threshold
if (tickLowpassVoltage > tickVoltage)
......@@ -514,10 +514,10 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
&& (currentVoltage > 3.3f)
/* warn only if current voltage is really still lower by a reasonable amount */
&& ((currentVoltage - 0.2f) < tickVoltage)
/* warn only every 12 seconds */
&& (QGC::groundTimeUsecs() - lastVoltageWarning) > 12000000)
/* warn only every 20 seconds */
&& (QGC::groundTimeUsecs() - lastVoltageWarning) > 20000000)
_say(QString("Voltage warning for system %1: %2 volts").arg(getUASID()).arg(lpVoltage, 0, 'f', 1, QChar(' ')));
_say(QString("Low battery system %1: %2 volts").arg(getUASID()).arg(lpVoltage, 0, 'f', 1, QChar(' ')));
lastVoltageWarning = QGC::groundTimeUsecs();
lastTickVoltageValue = tickLowpassVoltage;
......@@ -1557,9 +1557,14 @@ quint64 UAS::getUnixTime(quint64 time)
* @param value battery voltage
float UAS::filterVoltage(float value) const
float UAS::filterVoltage(float value)
return lpVoltage * 0.6f + value * 0.4f;
if (lpVoltage < 0.0f) {
lpVoltage = value;
lpVoltage = lpVoltage * 0.6f + value * 0.4f;
return lpVoltage;
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