Commit 5fc911f8 authored by pixhawk's avatar pixhawk

Changed status message in, fixed compile error in class...

Changed status message in, fixed compile error in class Freenect (void* did not work)
parent 6302dedf
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ SOURCES += src/ \
message("Including headers for OpenSceneGraph")
message("Including sources for OpenSceneGraph")
# Enable only if OpenSceneGraph is available
SOURCES += src/ui/map3D/
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ contains(DEPENDENCIES_PRESENT, osgearth) {
contains(DEPENDENCIES_PRESENT, libfreenect) {
message("Including headers for libfreenect")
message("Including sources for libfreenect")
# Enable only if libfreenect is available
SOURCES += src/input/
......@@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ Freenect::FreenectThread::run(void)
Freenect::rgbCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_pixel* rgb,
unsigned int timestamp)
Freenect::rgbCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_pixel* rgb, uint32_t timestamp)
Freenect* freenect = static_cast<Freenect *>(freenect_get_user(device));
......@@ -184,8 +183,7 @@ Freenect::rgbCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_pixel* rgb,
Freenect::depthCallback(freenect_device* device, void* depth,
unsigned int timestamp)
Freenect::depthCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_depth* depth, uint32_t timestamp)
Freenect* freenect = static_cast<Freenect *>(freenect_get_user(device));
freenect_depth* data = reinterpret_cast<freenect_depth *>(depth);
......@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ public:
void setTiltAngle(int angle);
static void rgbCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_pixel* rgb,
unsigned int timestamp);
static void depthCallback(freenect_device* device, void* depth,
unsigned int timestamp);
static void rgbCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_pixel* rgb, uint32_t timestamp);
static void depthCallback(freenect_device* device, freenect_depth* depth, uint32_t timestamp);
freenect_context* context;
freenect_device* device;
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