Commit 5a57860d authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Updated to MAVLink v1.0.8

parent 36018f72
#define MAVLINK_VERSION "1.0.7"
typedef struct __mavlink_ahrs_t
float omegaIx; ///< X gyro drift estimate rad/s
float omegaIy; ///< Y gyro drift estimate rad/s
float omegaIz; ///< Z gyro drift estimate rad/s
float accel_weight; ///< average accel_weight
float renorm_val; ///< average renormalisation value
float error_rp; ///< average error_roll_pitch value
float error_yaw; ///< average error_yaw value
} mavlink_ahrs_t;
#define MAVLINK_MSG_ID_163_LEN 28
"AHRS", \
7, \
{ { "omegaIx", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 0, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, omegaIx) }, \
{ "omegaIy", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 4, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, omegaIy) }, \
{ "omegaIz", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 8, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, omegaIz) }, \
{ "accel_weight", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 12, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, accel_weight) }, \
{ "renorm_val", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 16, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, renorm_val) }, \
{ "error_rp", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 20, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, error_rp) }, \
{ "error_yaw", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 24, offsetof(mavlink_ahrs_t, error_yaw) }, \
} \
* @brief Pack a ahrs message
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param omegaIx X gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param omegaIy Y gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param omegaIz Z gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param accel_weight average accel_weight
* @param renorm_val average renormalisation value
* @param error_rp average error_roll_pitch value
* @param error_yaw average error_yaw value
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_ahrs_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg,
float omegaIx, float omegaIy, float omegaIz, float accel_weight, float renorm_val, float error_rp, float error_yaw)
char buf[28];
_mav_put_float(buf, 0, omegaIx);
_mav_put_float(buf, 4, omegaIy);
_mav_put_float(buf, 8, omegaIz);
_mav_put_float(buf, 12, accel_weight);
_mav_put_float(buf, 16, renorm_val);
_mav_put_float(buf, 20, error_rp);
_mav_put_float(buf, 24, error_yaw);
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), buf, 28);
mavlink_ahrs_t packet;
packet.omegaIx = omegaIx;
packet.omegaIy = omegaIy;
packet.omegaIz = omegaIz;
packet.accel_weight = accel_weight;
packet.renorm_val = renorm_val;
packet.error_rp = error_rp;
packet.error_yaw = error_yaw;
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, 28);
msg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AHRS;
return mavlink_finalize_message(msg, system_id, component_id, 28, 127);
* @brief Pack a ahrs message on a channel
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param omegaIx X gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param omegaIy Y gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param omegaIz Z gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param accel_weight average accel_weight
* @param renorm_val average renormalisation value
* @param error_rp average error_roll_pitch value
* @param error_yaw average error_yaw value
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_ahrs_pack_chan(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, uint8_t chan,
mavlink_message_t* msg,
float omegaIx,float omegaIy,float omegaIz,float accel_weight,float renorm_val,float error_rp,float error_yaw)
char buf[28];
_mav_put_float(buf, 0, omegaIx);
_mav_put_float(buf, 4, omegaIy);
_mav_put_float(buf, 8, omegaIz);
_mav_put_float(buf, 12, accel_weight);
_mav_put_float(buf, 16, renorm_val);
_mav_put_float(buf, 20, error_rp);
_mav_put_float(buf, 24, error_yaw);
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), buf, 28);
mavlink_ahrs_t packet;
packet.omegaIx = omegaIx;
packet.omegaIy = omegaIy;
packet.omegaIz = omegaIz;
packet.accel_weight = accel_weight;
packet.renorm_val = renorm_val;
packet.error_rp = error_rp;
packet.error_yaw = error_yaw;
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, 28);
msg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AHRS;
return mavlink_finalize_message_chan(msg, system_id, component_id, chan, 28, 127);
* @brief Encode a ahrs struct into a message
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param ahrs C-struct to read the message contents from
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_ahrs_encode(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg, const mavlink_ahrs_t* ahrs)
return mavlink_msg_ahrs_pack(system_id, component_id, msg, ahrs->omegaIx, ahrs->omegaIy, ahrs->omegaIz, ahrs->accel_weight, ahrs->renorm_val, ahrs->error_rp, ahrs->error_yaw);
* @brief Send a ahrs message
* @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message
* @param omegaIx X gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param omegaIy Y gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param omegaIz Z gyro drift estimate rad/s
* @param accel_weight average accel_weight
* @param renorm_val average renormalisation value
* @param error_rp average error_roll_pitch value
* @param error_yaw average error_yaw value
static inline void mavlink_msg_ahrs_send(mavlink_channel_t chan, float omegaIx, float omegaIy, float omegaIz, float accel_weight, float renorm_val, float error_rp, float error_yaw)
char buf[28];
_mav_put_float(buf, 0, omegaIx);
_mav_put_float(buf, 4, omegaIy);
_mav_put_float(buf, 8, omegaIz);
_mav_put_float(buf, 12, accel_weight);
_mav_put_float(buf, 16, renorm_val);
_mav_put_float(buf, 20, error_rp);
_mav_put_float(buf, 24, error_yaw);
_mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AHRS, buf, 28, 127);
mavlink_ahrs_t packet;
packet.omegaIx = omegaIx;
packet.omegaIy = omegaIy;
packet.omegaIz = omegaIz;
packet.accel_weight = accel_weight;
packet.renorm_val = renorm_val;
packet.error_rp = error_rp;
packet.error_yaw = error_yaw;
_mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AHRS, (const char *)&packet, 28, 127);
* @brief Get field omegaIx from ahrs message
* @return X gyro drift estimate rad/s
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_omegaIx(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 0);
* @brief Get field omegaIy from ahrs message
* @return Y gyro drift estimate rad/s
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_omegaIy(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 4);
* @brief Get field omegaIz from ahrs message
* @return Z gyro drift estimate rad/s
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_omegaIz(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 8);
* @brief Get field accel_weight from ahrs message
* @return average accel_weight
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_accel_weight(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 12);
* @brief Get field renorm_val from ahrs message
* @return average renormalisation value
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_renorm_val(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 16);
* @brief Get field error_rp from ahrs message
* @return average error_roll_pitch value
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_error_rp(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 20);
* @brief Get field error_yaw from ahrs message
* @return average error_yaw value
static inline float mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_error_yaw(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_float(msg, 24);
* @brief Decode a ahrs message into a struct
* @param msg The message to decode
* @param ahrs C-struct to decode the message contents into
static inline void mavlink_msg_ahrs_decode(const mavlink_message_t* msg, mavlink_ahrs_t* ahrs)
ahrs->omegaIx = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_omegaIx(msg);
ahrs->omegaIy = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_omegaIy(msg);
ahrs->omegaIz = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_omegaIz(msg);
ahrs->accel_weight = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_accel_weight(msg);
ahrs->renorm_val = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_renorm_val(msg);
ahrs->error_rp = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_error_rp(msg);
ahrs->error_yaw = mavlink_msg_ahrs_get_error_yaw(msg);
memcpy(ahrs, _MAV_PAYLOAD(msg), 28);
typedef struct __mavlink_hwstatus_t
uint16_t Vcc; ///< board voltage (mV)
uint8_t I2Cerr; ///< I2C error count
} mavlink_hwstatus_t;
#define MAVLINK_MSG_ID_165_LEN 3
2, \
{ { "Vcc", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT16_T, 0, 0, offsetof(mavlink_hwstatus_t, Vcc) }, \
{ "I2Cerr", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T, 0, 2, offsetof(mavlink_hwstatus_t, I2Cerr) }, \
} \
* @brief Pack a hwstatus message
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param Vcc board voltage (mV)
* @param I2Cerr I2C error count
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_hwstatus_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg,
uint16_t Vcc, uint8_t I2Cerr)
char buf[3];
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 0, Vcc);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 2, I2Cerr);
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), buf, 3);
mavlink_hwstatus_t packet;
packet.Vcc = Vcc;
packet.I2Cerr = I2Cerr;
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, 3);
return mavlink_finalize_message(msg, system_id, component_id, 3, 21);
* @brief Pack a hwstatus message on a channel
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param Vcc board voltage (mV)
* @param I2Cerr I2C error count
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_hwstatus_pack_chan(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, uint8_t chan,
mavlink_message_t* msg,
uint16_t Vcc,uint8_t I2Cerr)
char buf[3];
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 0, Vcc);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 2, I2Cerr);
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), buf, 3);
mavlink_hwstatus_t packet;
packet.Vcc = Vcc;
packet.I2Cerr = I2Cerr;
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, 3);
return mavlink_finalize_message_chan(msg, system_id, component_id, chan, 3, 21);
* @brief Encode a hwstatus struct into a message
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param hwstatus C-struct to read the message contents from
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_hwstatus_encode(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg, const mavlink_hwstatus_t* hwstatus)
return mavlink_msg_hwstatus_pack(system_id, component_id, msg, hwstatus->Vcc, hwstatus->I2Cerr);
* @brief Send a hwstatus message
* @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message
* @param Vcc board voltage (mV)
* @param I2Cerr I2C error count
static inline void mavlink_msg_hwstatus_send(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint16_t Vcc, uint8_t I2Cerr)
char buf[3];
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 0, Vcc);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 2, I2Cerr);
_mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HWSTATUS, buf, 3, 21);
mavlink_hwstatus_t packet;
packet.Vcc = Vcc;
packet.I2Cerr = I2Cerr;
_mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HWSTATUS, (const char *)&packet, 3, 21);
* @brief Get field Vcc from hwstatus message
* @return board voltage (mV)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_hwstatus_get_Vcc(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint16_t(msg, 0);
* @brief Get field I2Cerr from hwstatus message
* @return I2C error count
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_hwstatus_get_I2Cerr(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, 2);
* @brief Decode a hwstatus message into a struct
* @param msg The message to decode
* @param hwstatus C-struct to decode the message contents into
static inline void mavlink_msg_hwstatus_decode(const mavlink_message_t* msg, mavlink_hwstatus_t* hwstatus)
hwstatus->Vcc = mavlink_msg_hwstatus_get_Vcc(msg);
hwstatus->I2Cerr = mavlink_msg_hwstatus_get_I2Cerr(msg);
memcpy(hwstatus, _MAV_PAYLOAD(msg), 3);
typedef struct __mavlink_radio_t
uint16_t rxerrors; ///< receive errors
uint16_t fixed; ///< count of error corrected packets
uint8_t rssi; ///< local signal strength
uint8_t remrssi; ///< remote signal strength
uint8_t txbuf; ///< how full the tx buffer is as a percentage
uint8_t noise; ///< background noise level
uint8_t remnoise; ///< remote background noise level
} mavlink_radio_t;
#define MAVLINK_MSG_ID_166_LEN 9
"RADIO", \
7, \
{ { "rxerrors", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT16_T, 0, 0, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, rxerrors) }, \
{ "fixed", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT16_T, 0, 2, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, fixed) }, \
{ "rssi", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T, 0, 4, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, rssi) }, \
{ "remrssi", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T, 0, 5, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, remrssi) }, \
{ "txbuf", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T, 0, 6, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, txbuf) }, \
{ "noise", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T, 0, 7, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, noise) }, \
{ "remnoise", NULL, MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T, 0, 8, offsetof(mavlink_radio_t, remnoise) }, \
} \
* @brief Pack a radio message
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param rssi local signal strength
* @param remrssi remote signal strength
* @param txbuf how full the tx buffer is as a percentage
* @param noise background noise level
* @param remnoise remote background noise level
* @param rxerrors receive errors
* @param fixed count of error corrected packets
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_radio_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg,
uint8_t rssi, uint8_t remrssi, uint8_t txbuf, uint8_t noise, uint8_t remnoise, uint16_t rxerrors, uint16_t fixed)
char buf[9];
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 0, rxerrors);
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 2, fixed);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 4, rssi);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 5, remrssi);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 6, txbuf);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 7, noise);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 8, remnoise);
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), buf, 9);
mavlink_radio_t packet;
packet.rxerrors = rxerrors;
packet.fixed = fixed;
packet.rssi = rssi;
packet.remrssi = remrssi;
packet.txbuf = txbuf;
packet.noise = noise;
packet.remnoise = remnoise;
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, 9);
msg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RADIO;
return mavlink_finalize_message(msg, system_id, component_id, 9, 21);
* @brief Pack a radio message on a channel
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param rssi local signal strength
* @param remrssi remote signal strength
* @param txbuf how full the tx buffer is as a percentage
* @param noise background noise level
* @param remnoise remote background noise level
* @param rxerrors receive errors
* @param fixed count of error corrected packets
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_radio_pack_chan(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, uint8_t chan,
mavlink_message_t* msg,
uint8_t rssi,uint8_t remrssi,uint8_t txbuf,uint8_t noise,uint8_t remnoise,uint16_t rxerrors,uint16_t fixed)
char buf[9];
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 0, rxerrors);
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 2, fixed);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 4, rssi);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 5, remrssi);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 6, txbuf);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 7, noise);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 8, remnoise);
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), buf, 9);
mavlink_radio_t packet;
packet.rxerrors = rxerrors;
packet.fixed = fixed;
packet.rssi = rssi;
packet.remrssi = remrssi;
packet.txbuf = txbuf;
packet.noise = noise;
packet.remnoise = remnoise;
memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, 9);
msg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RADIO;
return mavlink_finalize_message_chan(msg, system_id, component_id, chan, 9, 21);
* @brief Encode a radio struct into a message
* @param system_id ID of this system
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param radio C-struct to read the message contents from
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_radio_encode(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg, const mavlink_radio_t* radio)
return mavlink_msg_radio_pack(system_id, component_id, msg, radio->rssi, radio->remrssi, radio->txbuf, radio->noise, radio->remnoise, radio->rxerrors, radio->fixed);
* @brief Send a radio message
* @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message
* @param rssi local signal strength
* @param remrssi remote signal strength
* @param txbuf how full the tx buffer is as a percentage
* @param noise background noise level
* @param remnoise remote background noise level
* @param rxerrors receive errors
* @param fixed count of error corrected packets
static inline void mavlink_msg_radio_send(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t rssi, uint8_t remrssi, uint8_t txbuf, uint8_t noise, uint8_t remnoise, uint16_t rxerrors, uint16_t fixed)
char buf[9];
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 0, rxerrors);
_mav_put_uint16_t(buf, 2, fixed);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 4, rssi);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 5, remrssi);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 6, txbuf);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 7, noise);
_mav_put_uint8_t(buf, 8, remnoise);
_mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RADIO, buf, 9, 21);
mavlink_radio_t packet;
packet.rxerrors = rxerrors;
packet.fixed = fixed;
packet.rssi = rssi;
packet.remrssi = remrssi;
packet.txbuf = txbuf;
packet.noise = noise;
packet.remnoise = remnoise;
_mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RADIO, (const char *)&packet, 9, 21);
* @brief Get field rssi from radio message
* @return local signal strength
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_rssi(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, 4);
* @brief Get field remrssi from radio message
* @return remote signal strength
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_remrssi(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, 5);
* @brief Get field txbuf from radio message
* @return how full the tx buffer is as a percentage
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_txbuf(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, 6);
* @brief Get field noise from radio message
* @return background noise level
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_noise(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, 7);
* @brief Get field remnoise from radio message
* @return remote background noise level
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_remnoise(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, 8);
* @brief Get field rxerrors from radio message
* @return receive errors
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_rxerrors(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint16_t(msg, 0);
* @brief Get field fixed from radio message
* @return count of error corrected packets
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_radio_get_fixed(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
return _MAV_RETURN_uint16_t(msg, 2);
* @brief Decode a radio message into a struct
* @param msg The message to decode
* @param radio C-struct to decode the message contents into
static inline void mavlink_msg_radio_decode(const mavlink_message_t* msg, mavlink_radio_t* radio)
radio->rxerrors = mavlink_msg_radio_get_rxerrors(msg);
radio->fixed = mavlink_msg_radio_get_fixed(msg);
radio->rssi = mavlink_msg_radio_get_rssi(msg);
radio->remrssi = mavlink_msg_radio_get_remrssi(msg);
radio->txbuf = mavlink_msg_radio_get_txbuf(msg);
radio->noise = mavlink_msg_radio_get_noise(msg);
radio->remnoise = mavlink_msg_radio_get_remnoise(msg);
memcpy(radio, _MAV_PAYLOAD(msg), 9);
......@@ -668,12 +668,12 @@ static void mavlink_test_fence_status(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, m
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
static void mavlink_test_dcm(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t *last_msg)
static void mavlink_test_ahrs(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t *last_msg)
mavlink_message_t msg;
uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
uint16_t i;
mavlink_dcm_t packet_in = {
mavlink_ahrs_t packet_in = {
......@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ static void mavlink_test_dcm(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_me
mavlink_dcm_t packet1, packet2;
mavlink_ahrs_t packet1, packet2;
memset(&packet1, 0, sizeof(packet1));
packet1.omegaIx = packet_in.omegaIx;
packet1.omegaIy = packet_in.omegaIy;
......@@ -695,18 +695,18 @@ static void mavlink_test_dcm(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_me
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_dcm_encode(system_id, component_id, &msg, &packet1);
mavlink_msg_dcm_decode(&msg, &packet2);
mavlink_msg_ahrs_encode(system_id, component_id, &msg, &packet1);
mavlink_msg_ahrs_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_dcm_pack(system_id, component_id, &msg , packet1.omegaIx , packet1.omegaIy , packet1.omegaIz , packet1.accel_weight , packet1.renorm_val , packet1.error_rp , packet1.error_yaw );
mavlink_msg_dcm_decode(&msg, &packet2);
mavlink_msg_ahrs_pack(system_id, component_id, &msg , packet1.omegaIx , packet1.omegaIy , packet1.omegaIz , packet1.accel_weight , packet1.renorm_val , packet1.error_rp , packet1.error_yaw );
mavlink_msg_ahrs_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_dcm_pack_chan(system_id, component_id, MAVLINK_COMM_0, &msg , packet1.omegaIx , packet1.omegaIy , packet1.omegaIz , packet1.accel_weight , packet1.renorm_val , packet1.error_rp , packet1.error_yaw );
mavlink_msg_dcm_decode(&msg, &packet2);
mavlink_msg_ahrs_pack_chan(system_id, component_id, MAVLINK_COMM_0, &msg , packet1.omegaIx , packet1.omegaIy , packet1.omegaIz , packet1.accel_weight , packet1.renorm_val , packet1.error_rp , packet1.error_yaw );
mavlink_msg_ahrs_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
......@@ -714,12 +714,12 @@ static void mavlink_test_dcm(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_me
for (i=0; i<mavlink_msg_get_send_buffer_length(&msg); i++) {
comm_send_ch(MAVLINK_COMM_0, buffer[i]);
mavlink_msg_dcm_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
mavlink_msg_ahrs_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_dcm_send(MAVLINK_COMM_1 , packet1.omegaIx , packet1.omegaIy , packet1.omegaIz , packet1.accel_weight , packet1.renorm_val , packet1.error_rp , packet1.error_yaw );
mavlink_msg_dcm_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
mavlink_msg_ahrs_send(MAVLINK_COMM_1 , packet1.omegaIx , packet1.omegaIy , packet1.omegaIz , packet1.accel_weight , packet1.renorm_val , packet1.error_rp , packet1.error_yaw );
mavlink_msg_ahrs_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
......@@ -782,6 +782,106 @@ static void mavlink_test_simstate(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavli
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
static void mavlink_test_hwstatus(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t *last_msg)
mavlink_message_t msg;
uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
uint16_t i;
mavlink_hwstatus_t packet_in = {
mavlink_hwstatus_t packet1, packet2;
memset(&packet1, 0, sizeof(packet1));
packet1.Vcc = packet_in.Vcc;
packet1.I2Cerr = packet_in.I2Cerr;
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_encode(system_id, component_id, &msg, &packet1);
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_pack(system_id, component_id, &msg , packet1.Vcc , packet1.I2Cerr );
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_pack_chan(system_id, component_id, MAVLINK_COMM_0, &msg , packet1.Vcc , packet1.I2Cerr );
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
for (i=0; i<mavlink_msg_get_send_buffer_length(&msg); i++) {
comm_send_ch(MAVLINK_COMM_0, buffer[i]);
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_send(MAVLINK_COMM_1 , packet1.Vcc , packet1.I2Cerr );
mavlink_msg_hwstatus_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
static void mavlink_test_radio(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t *last_msg)
mavlink_message_t msg;
uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
uint16_t i;
mavlink_radio_t packet_in = {
mavlink_radio_t packet1, packet2;
memset(&packet1, 0, sizeof(packet1));
packet1.rxerrors = packet_in.rxerrors;
packet1.fixed = packet_in.fixed;
packet1.rssi = packet_in.rssi;
packet1.remrssi = packet_in.remrssi;
packet1.txbuf = packet_in.txbuf;
packet1.noise = packet_in.noise;
packet1.remnoise = packet_in.remnoise;
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_radio_encode(system_id, component_id, &msg, &packet1);
mavlink_msg_radio_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_radio_pack(system_id, component_id, &msg , packet1.rssi , packet1.remrssi , packet1.txbuf , packet1.noise , packet1.remnoise , packet1.rxerrors , packet1.fixed );
mavlink_msg_radio_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_radio_pack_chan(system_id, component_id, MAVLINK_COMM_0, &msg , packet1.rssi , packet1.remrssi , packet1.txbuf , packet1.noise , packet1.remnoise , packet1.rxerrors , packet1.fixed );
mavlink_msg_radio_decode(&msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &msg);
for (i=0; i<mavlink_msg_get_send_buffer_length(&msg); i++) {
comm_send_ch(MAVLINK_COMM_0, buffer[i]);
mavlink_msg_radio_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
memset(&packet2, 0, sizeof(packet2));
mavlink_msg_radio_send(MAVLINK_COMM_1 , packet1.rssi , packet1.remrssi , packet1.txbuf , packet1.noise , packet1.remnoise , packet1.rxerrors , packet1.fixed );
mavlink_msg_radio_decode(last_msg, &packet2);
MAVLINK_ASSERT(memcmp(&packet1, &packet2, sizeof(packet1)) == 0);
static void mavlink_test_ardupilotmega(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t *last_msg)
mavlink_test_sensor_offsets(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
......@@ -796,8 +896,10 @@ static void mavlink_test_ardupilotmega(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id,
mavlink_test_fence_point(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_fence_fetch_point(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_fence_status(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_dcm(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_ahrs(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_simstate(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_hwstatus(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
mavlink_test_radio(system_id, component_id, last_msg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:36:59 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:47 2012"
......@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ enum MAV_TYPE
MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR=14, /* Octorotor | */
MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER=15, /* Octorotor | */
MAV_TYPE_FLAPPING_WING=16, /* Flapping wing | */
MAV_TYPE_ENUM_END=17, /* | */
MAV_TYPE_KITE=17, /* Flapping wing | */
MAV_TYPE_ENUM_END=18, /* | */
......@@ -239,48 +240,6 @@ enum MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_TYPE
/** @brief Commands to be executed by the MAV. They can be executed on user request, or as part of a mission script. If the action is used in a mission, the parameter mapping to the waypoint/mission message is as follows: Param 1, Param 2, Param 3, Param 4, X: Param 5, Y:Param 6, Z:Param 7. This command list is similar what ARINC 424 is for commercial aircraft: A data format how to interpret waypoint/mission data. */
enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT=16, /* Navigate to MISSION. |Hold time in decimal seconds. (ignored by fixed wing, time to stay at MISSION for rotary wing)| Acceptance radius in meters (if the sphere with this radius is hit, the MISSION counts as reached)| 0 to pass through the WP, if > 0 radius in meters to pass by WP. Positive value for clockwise orbit, negative value for counter-clockwise orbit. Allows trajectory control.| Desired yaw angle at MISSION (rotary wing)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM=17, /* Loiter around this MISSION an unlimited amount of time |Empty| Empty| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS=18, /* Loiter around this MISSION for X turns |Turns| Empty| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME=19, /* Loiter around this MISSION for X seconds |Seconds (decimal)| Empty| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH=20, /* Return to launch location |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND=21, /* Land at location |Empty| Empty| Empty| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF=22, /* Takeoff from ground / hand |Minimum pitch (if airspeed sensor present), desired pitch without sensor| Empty| Empty| Yaw angle (if magnetometer present), ignored without magnetometer| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_ROI=80, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicles control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. |Region of intereset mode. (see MAV_ROI enum)| MISSION index/ target ID. (see MAV_ROI enum)| ROI index (allows a vehicle to manage multiple ROI's)| Empty| x the location of the fixed ROI (see MAV_FRAME)| y| z| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING=81, /* Control autonomous path planning on the MAV. |0: Disable local obstacle avoidance / local path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable local path planning, 2: Enable and reset local path planning| 0: Disable full path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable, 2: Enable and reset map/occupancy grid, 3: Enable and reset planned route, but not occupancy grid| Empty| Yaw angle at goal, in compass degrees, [0..360]| Latitude/X of goal| Longitude/Y of goal| Altitude/Z of goal| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay in seconds (decimal)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate (m/s)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance (meters)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle: [0-360], 0 is north| speed during yaw change:[deg per second]| direction: negative: counter clockwise, positive: clockwise [-1,1]| relative offset or absolute angle: [ 1,0]| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE=176, /* Set system mode. |Mode, as defined by ENUM MAV_MODE| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP=177, /* Jump to the desired command in the mission list. Repeat this action only the specified number of times |Sequence number| Repeat count| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED=178, /* Change speed and/or throttle set points. |Speed type (0=Airspeed, 1=Ground Speed)| Speed (m/s, -1 indicates no change)| Throttle ( Percent, -1 indicates no change)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME=179, /* Changes the home location either to the current location or a specified location. |Use current (1=use current location, 0=use specified location)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER=180, /* Set a system parameter. Caution! Use of this command requires knowledge of the numeric enumeration value of the parameter. |Parameter number| Parameter value| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY=181, /* Set a relay to a condition. |Relay number| Setting (1=on, 0=off, others possible depending on system hardware)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY=182, /* Cycle a relay on and off for a desired number of cyles with a desired period. |Relay number| Cycle count| Cycle time (seconds, decimal)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO=183, /* Set a servo to a desired PWM value. |Servo number| PWM (microseconds, 1000 to 2000 typical)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO=184, /* Cycle a between its nominal setting and a desired PWM for a desired number of cycles with a desired period. |Servo number| PWM (microseconds, 1000 to 2000 typical)| Cycle count| Cycle time (seconds)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CONTROL_VIDEO=200, /* Control onboard camera system. |Camera ID (-1 for all)| Transmission: 0: disabled, 1: enabled compressed, 2: enabled raw| Transmission mode: 0: video stream, >0: single images every n seconds (decimal)| Recording: 0: disabled, 1: enabled compressed, 2: enabled raw| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_LAST=240, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the DO commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION=241, /* Trigger calibration. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Gyro calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Magnetometer calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Ground pressure: 0: no, 1: yes| Radio calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_SET_SENSOR_OFFSETS=242, /* Set sensor offsets. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Sensor to adjust the offsets for: 0: gyros, 1: accelerometer, 2: magnetometer, 3: barometer, 4: optical flow| X axis offset (or generic dimension 1), in the sensor's raw units| Y axis offset (or generic dimension 2), in the sensor's raw units| Z axis offset (or generic dimension 3), in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 4, in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 5, in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 6, in the sensor's raw units| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE=245, /* Request storage of different parameter values and logs. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Parameter storage: 0: READ FROM FLASH/EEPROM, 1: WRITE CURRENT TO FLASH/EEPROM| Mission storage: 0: READ FROM FLASH/EEPROM, 1: WRITE CURRENT TO FLASH/EEPROM| Reserved| Reserved| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN=246, /* Request the reboot or shutdown of system components. |0: Do nothing for autopilot, 1: Reboot autopilot, 2: Shutdown autopilot.| 0: Do nothing for onboard computer, 1: Reboot onboard computer, 2: Shutdown onboard computer.| Reserved| Reserved| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO=252, /* Hold / continue the current action |MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD: hold MAV_GOTO_DO_CONTINUE: continue with next item in mission plan| MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION: Hold at current position MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_SPECIFIED_POSITION: hold at specified position| MAV_FRAME coordinate frame of hold point| Desired yaw angle in degrees| Latitude / X position| Longitude / Y position| Altitude / Z position| */
MAV_CMD_MISSION_START=300, /* start running a mission |first_item: the first mission item to run| last_item: the last mission item to run (after this item is run, the mission ends)| */
MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM=400, /* Arms / Disarms a component |1 to arm, 0 to disarm| */
MAV_CMD_ENUM_END=401, /* | */
/** @brief Data stream IDs. A data stream is not a fixed set of messages, but rather a
recommendation to the autopilot software. Individual autopilots may or may not obey
the recommended messages. */
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:39:13 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Sat Apr 28 19:24:08 2012"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:38:31 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:49 2012"
......@@ -17,7 +17,15 @@
#if (defined _MSC_VER) | ((defined __APPLE__) & (defined __MACH__)) | (defined __linux__)
/* full fledged 32bit++ OS */
/* small microcontrollers */
typedef struct param_union {
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:42:34 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:49 2012"
......@@ -55,6 +55,51 @@ enum DATA_TYPES
/** @brief */
enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT=16, /* Navigate to MISSION. |Hold time in decimal seconds. (ignored by fixed wing, time to stay at MISSION for rotary wing)| Acceptance radius in meters (if the sphere with this radius is hit, the MISSION counts as reached)| 0 to pass through the WP, if > 0 radius in meters to pass by WP. Positive value for clockwise orbit, negative value for counter-clockwise orbit. Allows trajectory control.| Desired yaw angle at MISSION (rotary wing)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM=17, /* Loiter around this MISSION an unlimited amount of time |Empty| Empty| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS=18, /* Loiter around this MISSION for X turns |Turns| Empty| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME=19, /* Loiter around this MISSION for X seconds |Seconds (decimal)| Empty| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH=20, /* Return to launch location |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND=21, /* Land at location |Empty| Empty| Empty| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF=22, /* Takeoff from ground / hand |Minimum pitch (if airspeed sensor present), desired pitch without sensor| Empty| Empty| Yaw angle (if magnetometer present), ignored without magnetometer| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_ROI=80, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicles control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. |Region of intereset mode. (see MAV_ROI enum)| MISSION index/ target ID. (see MAV_ROI enum)| ROI index (allows a vehicle to manage multiple ROI's)| Empty| x the location of the fixed ROI (see MAV_FRAME)| y| z| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING=81, /* Control autonomous path planning on the MAV. |0: Disable local obstacle avoidance / local path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable local path planning, 2: Enable and reset local path planning| 0: Disable full path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable, 2: Enable and reset map/occupancy grid, 3: Enable and reset planned route, but not occupancy grid| Empty| Yaw angle at goal, in compass degrees, [0..360]| Latitude/X of goal| Longitude/Y of goal| Altitude/Z of goal| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay in seconds (decimal)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate (m/s)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance (meters)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle: [0-360], 0 is north| speed during yaw change:[deg per second]| direction: negative: counter clockwise, positive: clockwise [-1,1]| relative offset or absolute angle: [ 1,0]| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE=176, /* Set system mode. |Mode, as defined by ENUM MAV_MODE| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP=177, /* Jump to the desired command in the mission list. Repeat this action only the specified number of times |Sequence number| Repeat count| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED=178, /* Change speed and/or throttle set points. |Speed type (0=Airspeed, 1=Ground Speed)| Speed (m/s, -1 indicates no change)| Throttle ( Percent, -1 indicates no change)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME=179, /* Changes the home location either to the current location or a specified location. |Use current (1=use current location, 0=use specified location)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER=180, /* Set a system parameter. Caution! Use of this command requires knowledge of the numeric enumeration value of the parameter. |Parameter number| Parameter value| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY=181, /* Set a relay to a condition. |Relay number| Setting (1=on, 0=off, others possible depending on system hardware)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY=182, /* Cycle a relay on and off for a desired number of cyles with a desired period. |Relay number| Cycle count| Cycle time (seconds, decimal)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO=183, /* Set a servo to a desired PWM value. |Servo number| PWM (microseconds, 1000 to 2000 typical)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO=184, /* Cycle a between its nominal setting and a desired PWM for a desired number of cycles with a desired period. |Servo number| PWM (microseconds, 1000 to 2000 typical)| Cycle count| Cycle time (seconds)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CONTROL_VIDEO=200, /* Control onboard camera system. |Camera ID (-1 for all)| Transmission: 0: disabled, 1: enabled compressed, 2: enabled raw| Transmission mode: 0: video stream, >0: single images every n seconds (decimal)| Recording: 0: disabled, 1: enabled compressed, 2: enabled raw| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_LAST=240, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the DO commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION=241, /* Trigger calibration. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Gyro calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Magnetometer calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Ground pressure: 0: no, 1: yes| Radio calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_SET_SENSOR_OFFSETS=242, /* Set sensor offsets. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Sensor to adjust the offsets for: 0: gyros, 1: accelerometer, 2: magnetometer, 3: barometer, 4: optical flow| X axis offset (or generic dimension 1), in the sensor's raw units| Y axis offset (or generic dimension 2), in the sensor's raw units| Z axis offset (or generic dimension 3), in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 4, in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 5, in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 6, in the sensor's raw units| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE=245, /* Request storage of different parameter values and logs. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Parameter storage: 0: READ FROM FLASH/EEPROM, 1: WRITE CURRENT TO FLASH/EEPROM| Mission storage: 0: READ FROM FLASH/EEPROM, 1: WRITE CURRENT TO FLASH/EEPROM| Reserved| Reserved| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN=246, /* Request the reboot or shutdown of system components. |0: Do nothing for autopilot, 1: Reboot autopilot, 2: Shutdown autopilot.| 0: Do nothing for onboard computer, 1: Reboot onboard computer, 2: Shutdown onboard computer.| Reserved| Reserved| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO=252, /* Hold / continue the current action |MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD: hold MAV_GOTO_DO_CONTINUE: continue with next item in mission plan| MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION: Hold at current position MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_SPECIFIED_POSITION: hold at specified position| MAV_FRAME coordinate frame of hold point| Desired yaw angle in degrees| Latitude / X position| Longitude / Y position| Altitude / Z position| */
MAV_CMD_MISSION_START=300, /* start running a mission |first_item: the first mission item to run| last_item: the last mission item to run (after this item is run, the mission ends)| */
MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM=400, /* Arms / Disarms a component |1 to arm, 0 to disarm| */
MAV_CMD_ENUM_END=401, /* | */
MAV_CMD_DO_START_SEARCH=10001, /* Starts a search |1 to arm, 0 to disarm| */
MAV_CMD_DO_FINISH_SEARCH=10002, /* Starts a search |1 to arm, 0 to disarm| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_SWEEP=10003, /* Starts a search |1 to arm, 0 to disarm| */
#include "./mavlink_msg_set_cam_shutter.h"
#include "./mavlink_msg_image_triggered.h"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:36:40 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Sat Apr 28 19:24:08 2012"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:38:48 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:51 2012"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:39:06 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:53 2012"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:38:38 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:54 2012"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Apr 19 19:39:13 2012"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Apr 20 12:22:54 2012"
Name: mavlink
Cflags: -I//include/mavlink
/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
send all possible mavlink messages
Andrew Tridgell July 2011
// AVR runtime
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <math.h>
// Libraries
#include <FastSerial.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include "mavtest.h"
FastSerialPort0(Serial); // FTDI/console
FastSerialPort1(Serial1); // GPS port
FastSerialPort3(Serial3); // Telemetry port
#define SERIAL0_BAUD 115200
#define SERIAL3_BAUD 115200
void setup() {
Serial.begin(SERIAL0_BAUD, 128, 128);
Serial3.begin(SERIAL3_BAUD, 128, 128);
mavlink_comm_0_port = &Serial;
mavlink_comm_1_port = &Serial3;
void loop()
Serial.println("Starting MAVLink test generator\n");
while (1) {
This is a python implementation of the MAVLink protocol.
Please see for
#!/usr/bin/env python
set stream rate on an APM
import sys, struct, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int',
help="master port baud rate", default=115200)
parser.add_option("--device", dest="device", default=None, help="serial device")
parser.add_option("--rate", dest="rate", default=4, type='int', help="requested stream rate")
parser.add_option("--source-system", dest='SOURCE_SYSTEM', type='int',
default=255, help='MAVLink source system for this GCS')
parser.add_option("--showmessages", dest="showmessages", action='store_true',
help="show incoming messages", default=False)
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavlink10 as mavlink
import mavlink
import mavutil
if opts.device is None:
print("You must specify a serial device")
def wait_heartbeat(m):
'''wait for a heartbeat so we know the target system IDs'''
print("Waiting for APM heartbeat")
print("Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" % (m.target_system, m.target_system))
def show_messages(m):
'''show incoming mavlink messages'''
while True:
msg = m.recv_match(blocking=True)
if not msg:
if msg.get_type() == "BAD_DATA":
if mavutil.all_printable(
# create a mavlink serial instance
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate)
# wait for the heartbeat msg to find the system ID
print("Sending all stream request for rate %u" % opts.rate)
for i in range(0, 3):
master.mav.request_data_stream_send(master.target_system, master.target_component,
mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, opts.rate, 1)
if opts.showmessages:
#!/usr/bin/env python
check bandwidth of link
import sys, struct, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
import mavutil
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int',
help="master port baud rate", default=115200)
parser.add_option("--device", dest="device", default=None, help="serial device")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.device is None:
print("You must specify a serial device")
# create a mavlink serial instance
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate)
t1 = time.time()
counts = {}
bytes_sent = 0
bytes_recv = 0
while True:
master.mav.heartbeat_send(1, 1)
master.mav.sys_status_send(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
master.mav.gps_raw_send(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
master.mav.attitude_send(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
master.mav.vfr_hud_send(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
while master.port.inWaiting() > 0:
m = master.recv_msg()
if m == None: break
if m.get_type() not in counts:
counts[m.get_type()] = 0
counts[m.get_type()] += 1
t2 = time.time()
if t2 - t1 > 1.0:
print("%u sent, %u received, %u errors bwin=%.1f kB/s bwout=%.1f kB/s" % (
bytes_sent = master.mav.total_bytes_sent
bytes_recv = master.mav.total_bytes_received
t1 = t2
#!/usr/bin/env python
show changes in flight modes
import sys, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
def flight_modes(logfile):
'''show flight modes for a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
mode = -1
nav_mode = -1
filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS',
condition='SYS_STATUS.mode != %u or SYS_STATUS.nav_mode != %u' % (mode, nav_mode))
if m is None:
mode = m.mode
nav_mode = m.nav_mode
pct = (100.0 * mlog.f.tell()) / filesize
print('%s MAV.flightmode=%-12s mode=%u nav_mode=%u (MAV.timestamp=%u %u%%)' % (
mode, nav_mode, m._timestamp, pct))
for filename in args:
#!/usr/bin/env python
work out total flight time for a mavlink log
import sys, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
def flight_time(logfile):
'''work out flight time for a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
in_air = False
start_time = 0.0
total_time = 0.0
t = None
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD')
if m is None:
if in_air:
total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time
if total_time > 0:
print("Flight time : %u:%02u" % (int(total_time)/60, int(total_time)%60))
return total_time
t = time.localtime(m._timestamp)
if m.groundspeed > 3.0 and not in_air:
print("In air at %s" % time.asctime(t))
in_air = True
start_time = time.mktime(t)
elif m.groundspeed < 3.0 and in_air:
print("On ground at %s" % time.asctime(t))
in_air = False
total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time
return total_time
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
total += flight_time(filename)
print("Total time in air: %u:%02u" % (int(total)/60, int(total)%60))
#!/usr/bin/env python
show GPS lock events in a MAVLink log
import sys, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
def lock_time(logfile):
'''work out gps lock times for a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
locked = False
start_time = 0.0
total_time = 0.0
t = None
m = mlog.recv_match(type='GPS_RAW')
unlock_time = time.mktime(time.localtime(m._timestamp))
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type='GPS_RAW')
if m is None:
if locked:
total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time
if total_time > 0:
print("Lock time : %u:%02u" % (int(total_time)/60, int(total_time)%60))
return total_time
t = time.localtime(m._timestamp)
if m.fix_type == 2 and not locked:
print("Locked at %s after %u seconds" % (time.asctime(t),
time.mktime(t) - unlock_time))
locked = True
start_time = time.mktime(t)
elif m.fix_type == 1 and locked:
print("Lost GPS lock at %s" % time.asctime(t))
locked = False
total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time
unlock_time = time.mktime(t)
elif m.fix_type == 0 and locked:
print("Lost protocol lock at %s" % time.asctime(t))
locked = False
total_time += time.mktime(t) - start_time
unlock_time = time.mktime(t)
return total_time
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
total += lock_time(filename)
print("Total time locked: %u:%02u" % (int(total)/60, int(total)%60))
#!/usr/bin/env python
fit best estimate of magnetometer offsets
import sys, time, os, math
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--no-timestamps",dest="notimestamps", action='store_true', help="Log doesn't have timestamps")
parser.add_option("--condition",dest="condition", default=None, help="select packets by condition")
parser.add_option("--noise", type='float', default=0, help="noise to add")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
from rotmat import Vector3
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
def noise():
'''a noise vector'''
from random import gauss
v = Vector3(gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1))
return v * opts.noise
def select_data(data):
ret = []
counts = {}
for d in data:
mag = d
key = "%u:%u:%u" % (mag.x/20,mag.y/20,mag.z/20)
if key in counts:
counts[key] += 1
counts[key] = 1
if counts[key] < 3:
print(len(data), len(ret))
return ret
def radius(mag, offsets):
'''return radius give data point and offsets'''
return (mag + offsets).length()
def radius_cmp(a, b, offsets):
'''return radius give data point and offsets'''
diff = radius(a, offsets) - radius(b, offsets)
if diff > 0:
return 1
if diff < 0:
return -1
return 0
def sphere_error(p, data):
from scipy import sqrt
x,y,z,r = p
ofs = Vector3(x,y,z)
ret = []
for d in data:
mag = d
err = r - radius(mag, ofs)
return ret
def fit_data(data):
import numpy, scipy
from scipy import optimize
p0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
p1, ier = optimize.leastsq(sphere_error, p0[:], args=(data))
if not ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find solution")
return (Vector3(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]), p1[3])
def magfit(logfile):
'''find best magnetometer offset fit to a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps)
data = []
last_t = 0
offsets = Vector3(0,0,0)
# now gather all the data
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition)
if m is None:
if m.get_type() == "SENSOR_OFFSETS":
# update current offsets
offsets = Vector3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z)
if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU":
mag = Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag)
# add data point after subtracting the current offsets
data.append(mag - offsets + noise())
print("Extracted %u data points" % len(data))
print("Current offsets: %s" % offsets)
data = select_data(data)
# do an initial fit with all data
(offsets, field_strength) = fit_data(data)
for count in range(3):
# sort the data by the radius
data.sort(lambda a,b : radius_cmp(a,b,offsets))
print("Fit %u : %s field_strength=%6.1f to %6.1f" % (
count, offsets,
radius(data[0], offsets), radius(data[-1], offsets)))
# discard outliers, keep the middle 3/4
data = data[len(data)/8:-len(data)/8]
# fit again
(offsets, field_strength) = fit_data(data)
print("Final : %s field_strength=%6.1f to %6.1f" % (
radius(data[0], offsets), radius(data[-1], offsets)))
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
#!/usr/bin/env python
fit best estimate of magnetometer offsets using the algorithm from
Bill Premerlani
import sys, time, os, math
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
# command line option handling
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--no-timestamps",dest="notimestamps", action='store_true', help="Log doesn't have timestamps")
parser.add_option("--condition",dest="condition", default=None, help="select packets by condition")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
parser.add_option("--verbose", action='store_true', default=False, help="verbose offset output")
parser.add_option("--gain", type='float', default=0.01, help="algorithm gain")
parser.add_option("--noise", type='float', default=0, help="noise to add")
parser.add_option("--max-change", type='float', default=10, help="max step change")
parser.add_option("--min-diff", type='float', default=50, help="min mag vector delta")
parser.add_option("--history", type='int', default=20, help="how many points to keep")
parser.add_option("--repeat", type='int', default=1, help="number of repeats through the data")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
from rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
def noise():
'''a noise vector'''
from random import gauss
v = Vector3(gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1))
return v * opts.noise
def find_offsets(data, ofs):
'''find mag offsets by applying Bills "offsets revisited" algorithm
on the data
This is an implementation of the algorithm from:
# a limit on the maximum change in each step
max_change = opts.max_change
# the gain factor for the algorithm
gain = opts.gain
data2 = []
for d in data:
d = d.copy() + noise()
d.x = float(int(d.x + 0.5))
d.y = float(int(d.y + 0.5))
d.z = float(int(d.z + 0.5))
data = data2
history_idx = 0
mag_history = data[0:opts.history]
for i in range(opts.history, len(data)):
B1 = mag_history[history_idx] + ofs
B2 = data[i] + ofs
diff = B2 - B1
diff_length = diff.length()
if diff_length <= opts.min_diff:
# the mag vector hasn't changed enough - we don't get any
# information from this
history_idx = (history_idx+1) % opts.history
mag_history[history_idx] = data[i]
history_idx = (history_idx+1) % opts.history
# equation 6 of Bills paper
delta = diff * (gain * (B2.length() - B1.length()) / diff_length)
# limit the change from any one reading. This is to prevent
# single crazy readings from throwing off the offsets for a long
# time
delta_length = delta.length()
if max_change != 0 and delta_length > max_change:
delta *= max_change / delta_length
# set the new offsets
ofs = ofs - delta
if opts.verbose:
print ofs
return ofs
def magfit(logfile):
'''find best magnetometer offset fit to a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
# open the log file
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps)
data = []
mag = None
offsets = Vector3(0,0,0)
# now gather all the data
while True:
# get the next MAVLink message in the log
m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition)
if m is None:
if m.get_type() == "SENSOR_OFFSETS":
# update offsets that were used during this flight
offsets = Vector3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z)
if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU" and offsets != None:
# extract one mag vector, removing the offsets that were
# used during that flight to get the raw sensor values
mag = Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag) - offsets
print("Extracted %u data points" % len(data))
print("Current offsets: %s" % offsets)
# run the fitting algorithm
ofs = offsets
ofs = Vector3(0,0,0)
for r in range(opts.repeat):
ofs = find_offsets(data, ofs)
print('Loop %u offsets %s' % (r, ofs))
print("New offsets: %s" % ofs)
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
#!/usr/bin/env python
fit best estimate of magnetometer offsets
import sys, time, os, math
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--no-timestamps",dest="notimestamps", action='store_true', help="Log doesn't have timestamps")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
parser.add_option("--minspeed", type='float', default=5.0, help="minimum ground speed to use")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
class vec3(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def __str__(self):
return "%.1f %.1f %.1f" % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
def heading_error1(parm, data):
from math import sin, cos, atan2, degrees
from numpy import dot
xofs,yofs,zofs,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,declination = parm
ret = []
for d in data:
x = d[0] + xofs
y = d[1] + yofs
z = d[2] + zofs
r = d[3]
p = d[4]
h = d[5]
headX = x*cos(p) + y*sin(r)*sin(p) + z*cos(r)*sin(p)
headY = y*cos(r) - z*sin(r)
heading = degrees(atan2(-headY,headX)) + declination
if heading < 0:
heading += 360
herror = h - heading
if herror > 180:
herror -= 360
if herror < -180:
herror += 360
return ret
def heading_error(parm, data):
from math import sin, cos, atan2, degrees
from numpy import dot
xofs,yofs,zofs,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,declination = parm
a = [[1.0,a2,a3],[a4,a5,a6],[a7,a8,a9]]
ret = []
for d in data:
x = d[0] + xofs
y = d[1] + yofs
z = d[2] + zofs
r = d[3]
p = d[4]
h = d[5]
mv = [x, y, z]
mv2 = dot(a, mv)
x = mv2[0]
y = mv2[1]
z = mv2[2]
headX = x*cos(p) + y*sin(r)*sin(p) + z*cos(r)*sin(p)
headY = y*cos(r) - z*sin(r)
heading = degrees(atan2(-headY,headX)) + declination
if heading < 0:
heading += 360
herror = h - heading
if herror > 180:
herror -= 360
if herror < -180:
herror += 360
return ret
def fit_data(data):
import numpy, scipy
from scipy import optimize
p0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
p1, ier = optimize.leastsq(heading_error1, p0[:], args=(data))
# p0 = p1[:]
# p1, ier = optimize.leastsq(heading_error, p0[:], args=(data))
if not ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find solution")
return p1
def magfit(logfile):
'''find best magnetometer offset fit to a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps)
flying = False
gps_heading = 0.0
data = []
# get the current mag offsets
m = mlog.recv_match(type='SENSOR_OFFSETS')
offsets = vec3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z)
attitude = mlog.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE')
# now gather all the data
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match()
if m is None:
if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW":
# flying if groundspeed more than 5 m/s
flying = (m.v > opts.minspeed and m.fix_type == 2)
gps_heading = m.hdg
if m.get_type() == "ATTITUDE":
attitude = m
if m.get_type() == "SENSOR_OFFSETS":
# update current offsets
offsets = vec3(m.mag_ofs_x, m.mag_ofs_y, m.mag_ofs_z)
if not flying:
if m.get_type() == "RAW_IMU":
data.append((m.xmag - offsets.x, m.ymag - offsets.y, m.zmag - offsets.z, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, gps_heading))
print("Extracted %u data points" % len(data))
print("Current offsets: %s" % offsets)
ofs2 = fit_data(data)
print("Declination estimate: %.1f" % ofs2[-1])
new_offsets = vec3(ofs2[0], ofs2[1], ofs2[2])
a = [[ofs2[3], ofs2[4], ofs2[5]],
[ofs2[6], ofs2[7], ofs2[8]],
[ofs2[9], ofs2[10], ofs2[11]]]
print("New offsets : %s" % new_offsets)
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
#!/usr/bin/env python
rotate APMs on bench to test magnetometers
import sys, os, time
from math import radians
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
import mavlink, mavutil
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--device1", dest="device1", default=None, help="mavlink device1")
parser.add_option("--device2", dest="device2", default=None, help="mavlink device2")
parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int',
help="master port baud rate", default=115200)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.device1 is None or opts.device2 is None:
print("You must specify a mavlink device")
def set_attitude(rc3, rc4):
global mav1, mav2
values = [ 65535 ] * 8
values[2] = rc3
values[3] = rc4
mav1.mav.rc_channels_override_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component, *values)
mav2.mav.rc_channels_override_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component, *values)
# create a mavlink instance
mav1 = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device1, baud=opts.baudrate)
# create a mavlink instance
mav2 = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device2, baud=opts.baudrate)
print("Waiting for HEARTBEAT")
print("Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" % (mav1.target_system, mav1.target_system))
print("Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" % (mav2.target_system, mav2.target_system))
print("Waiting for MANUAL mode")
mav1.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', condition='SYS_STATUS.mode==2 and SYS_STATUS.nav_mode==4', blocking=True)
mav2.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', condition='SYS_STATUS.mode==2 and SYS_STATUS.nav_mode==4', blocking=True)
print("Setting declination")
mav1.mav.param_set_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component,
'COMPASS_DEC', radians(12.33))
mav2.mav.param_set_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component,
'COMPASS_DEC', radians(12.33))
set_attitude(1060, 1160)
event = mavutil.periodic_event(30)
pevent = mavutil.periodic_event(0.3)
rc3_min = 1060
rc3_max = 1850
rc4_min = 1080
rc4_max = 1500
rc3 = rc3_min
rc4 = 1160
delta3 = 2
delta4 = 1
use_pitch = 1
mav1.mav.action_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component, MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_GYRO)
mav2.mav.action_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component, MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_GYRO)
print("Waiting for gyro calibration")
print("Resetting mag offsets")
mav1.mav.set_mag_offsets_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component, 0, 0, 0)
mav2.mav.set_mag_offsets_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component, 0, 0, 0)
def TrueHeading(SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW):
p = float(SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo3_raw - rc3_min) / (rc3_max - rc3_min)
return 172 + p*(326 - 172)
while True:
if event.trigger():
if not use_pitch:
rc4 = 1160
set_attitude(rc3, rc4)
rc3 += delta3
if rc3 > rc3_max or rc3 < rc3_min:
delta3 = -delta3
use_pitch ^= 1
rc4 += delta4
if rc4 > rc4_max or rc4 < rc4_min:
delta4 = -delta4
if pevent.trigger():
print "hdg1: %3u hdg2: %3u ofs1: %4u, %4u, %4u ofs2: %4u, %4u, %4u" % (
# 314M 326G
# 160M 172G
#!/usr/bin/env python
graph a MAVLink log file
Andrew Tridgell August 2011
import sys, struct, time, os, datetime
import math, re
import pylab, pytz, matplotlib
from math import *
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from mavextra import *
locator = None
formatter = None
def plotit(x, y, fields, colors=[]):
'''plot a set of graphs using date for x axis'''
global locator, formatter
fig = pylab.figure(num=1, figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.gca()
ax2 = None
xrange = 0.0
for i in range(0, len(fields)):
if len(x[i]) == 0: continue
if x[i][-1] - x[i][0] > xrange:
xrange = x[i][-1] - x[i][0]
xrange *= 24 * 60 * 60
if formatter is None:
if xrange < 1000:
formatter = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S')
formatter = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')
interval = 1
intervals = [ 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 600,
900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 5*3600, 10*3600, 24*3600 ]
for interval in intervals:
if xrange / interval < 15:
locator = matplotlib.dates.SecondLocator(interval=interval)
empty = True
ax1_labels = []
ax2_labels = []
for i in range(0, len(fields)):
if len(x[i]) == 0:
print("Failed to find any values for field %s" % fields[i])
if i < len(colors):
color = colors[i]
color = 'red'
(tz, tzdst) = time.tzname
if axes[i] == 2:
if ax2 == None:
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax = ax2
label = fields[i]
if label.endswith(":2"):
label = label[:-2]
ax = ax1
ax.plot_date(x[i], y[i], color=color, label=fields[i],
linestyle='-', marker='None', tz=None)
empty = False
if ax1_labels != []:
if ax2_labels != []:
if empty:
print("No data to graph")
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options] <filename> <fields>")
parser.add_option("--no-timestamps",dest="notimestamps", action='store_true', help="Log doesn't have timestamps")
parser.add_option("--planner",dest="planner", action='store_true', help="use planner file format")
parser.add_option("--condition",dest="condition", default=None, help="select packets by a condition")
parser.add_option("--labels",dest="labels", default=None, help="comma separated field labels")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
parser.add_option("--legend", default='upper left', help="default legend position")
parser.add_option("--legend2", default='upper right', help="default legend2 position")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 2:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILES...> <fields...>")
filenames = []
fields = []
for f in args:
if os.path.exists(f):
msg_types = set()
multiplier = []
field_types = []
colors = [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'olive', 'black', 'grey' ]
# work out msg types we are interested in
x = []
y = []
axes = []
first_only = []
re_caps = re.compile('[A-Z_]+')
for f in fields:
caps = set(re.findall(re_caps, f))
msg_types = msg_types.union(caps)
def add_data(t, msg, vars):
'''add some data'''
mtype = msg.get_type()
if mtype not in msg_types:
for i in range(0, len(fields)):
if mtype not in field_types[i]:
f = fields[i]
if f.endswith(":2"):
axes[i] = 2
f = f[:-2]
if f.endswith(":1"):
first_only[i] = True
f = f[:-2]
v = mavutil.evaluate_expression(f, vars)
if v is None:
def process_file(filename):
'''process one file'''
print("Processing %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps)
vars = {}
while True:
msg = mlog.recv_match(opts.condition)
if msg is None: break
tdays = (msg._timestamp - time.timezone) / (24 * 60 * 60)
tdays += 719163 # pylab wants it since 0001-01-01
add_data(tdays, msg, mlog.messages)
if len(filenames) == 0:
print("No files to process")
if opts.labels is not None:
labels = opts.labels.split(',')
if len(labels) != len(fields)*len(filenames):
print("Number of labels (%u) must match number of fields (%u)" % (
len(labels), len(fields)*len(filenames)))
labels = None
for fi in range(0, len(filenames)):
f = filenames[fi]
for i in range(0, len(x)):
if first_only[i] and fi != 0:
x[i] = []
y[i] = []
if labels:
lab = labels[fi*len(fields):(fi+1)*len(fields)]
lab = fields[:]
plotit(x, y, lab, colors=colors[fi*len(fields):])
for i in range(0, len(x)):
x[i] = []
y[i] = []
raw_input('press enter to exit....')
#!/usr/bin/env python
example program that dumps a Mavlink log file. The log file is
assumed to be in the format that qgroundcontrol uses, which consists
of a series of MAVLink packets, each with a 64 bit timestamp
header. The timestamp is in microseconds since 1970 (unix epoch)
import sys, time, os, struct
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--no-timestamps",dest="notimestamps", action='store_true', help="Log doesn't have timestamps")
parser.add_option("--planner",dest="planner", action='store_true', help="use planner file format")
parser.add_option("--robust",dest="robust", action='store_true', help="Enable robust parsing (skip over bad data)")
parser.add_option("-f", "--follow",dest="follow", action='store_true', help="keep waiting for more data at end of file")
parser.add_option("--condition",dest="condition", default=None, help="select packets by condition")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action='store_true', help="don't display packets")
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", default=None, help="output matching packets to give file")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
parser.add_option("--types", default=None, help="types of messages (comma separated)")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE>")
filename = args[0]
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, planner_format=opts.planner,
output = None
if opts.output:
output = mavutil.mavlogfile(opts.output, write=True)
types = opts.types
if types is not None:
types = types.split(',')
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(condition=opts.condition, blocking=opts.follow)
if m is None:
if types is not None and m.get_type() not in types:
if output:
timestamp = getattr(m, '_timestamp', None)
if timestamp:
output.write(struct.pack('>Q', timestamp*1.0e6))
if opts.quiet:
print("%s.%02u: %s" % (
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
int(m._timestamp*100.0)%100, m))
#!/usr/bin/env python
extract mavlink parameter values
import sys, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
parms = {}
def mavparms(logfile):
'''extract mavlink parameters'''
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE')
if m is None:
pname = str(m.param_id).strip()
if len(pname) > 0:
parms[pname] = m.param_value
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
keys = parms.keys()
for p in keys:
print("%-15s %.6f" % (p, parms[p]))
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
import mavlink
class fifo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.buf = []
def write(self, data):
self.buf += data
return len(data)
def read(self):
return self.buf.pop(0)
f = fifo()
# create a mavlink instance, which will do IO on file object 'f'
mav = mavlink.MAVLink(f)
# set the WP_RADIUS parameter on the MAV at the end of the link
mav.param_set_send(7, 1, "WP_RADIUS", 101)
# alternatively, produce a MAVLink_param_set object
# this can be sent via your own transport if you like
m = mav.param_set_encode(7, 1, "WP_RADIUS", 101)
# get the encoded message as a buffer
b = m.get_msgbuf()
# decode an incoming message
m2 = mav.decode(b)
# show what fields it has
print("Got a message with id %u and fields %s" % (m2.get_msgId(), m2.get_fieldnames()))
# print out the fields
#!/usr/bin/env python
test mavlink messages
import sys, struct, time, os
from curses import ascii
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
import mavlink, mavtest, mavutil
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int',
help="master port baud rate", default=115200)
parser.add_option("--device", dest="device", default=None, help="serial device")
parser.add_option("--source-system", dest='SOURCE_SYSTEM', type='int',
default=255, help='MAVLink source system for this GCS')
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.device is None:
print("You must specify a serial device")
def wait_heartbeat(m):
'''wait for a heartbeat so we know the target system IDs'''
print("Waiting for APM heartbeat")
msg = m.recv_match(type='HEARTBEAT', blocking=True)
print("Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" % (m.target_system, m.target_system))
# create a mavlink serial instance
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate, source_system=opts.SOURCE_SYSTEM)
# wait for the heartbeat msg to find the system ID
print("Sending all message types")
#!/usr/bin/env python
example program to extract GPS data from a mavlink log, and create a GPX
file, for loading into google earth
import sys, struct, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--condition",dest="condition", default=None, help="select packets by a condition")
parser.add_option("--nofixcheck", default=False, action='store_true', help="don't check for GPS fix")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: <LOGFILE>")
def mav_to_gpx(infilename, outfilename):
'''convert a mavlink log file to a GPX file'''
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(infilename)
outf = open(outfilename, mode='w')
def process_packet(m):
t = time.localtime(m._timestamp)
outf.write('''<trkpt lat="%s" lon="%s">
''' % (, m.lon, m.alt,
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", t),
m.hdg, m.v))
def add_header():
outf.write('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
def add_footer():
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type='GPS_RAW', condition=opts.condition)
if m is None: break
if m.fix_type != 2 and not opts.nofixcheck:
if == 0.0 or m.lon == 0.0:
count += 1
print("Created %s with %u points" % (outfilename, count))
for infilename in args:
outfilename = infilename + '.gpx'
mav_to_gpx(infilename, outfilename)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vector3 and rotation matrix classes
# This follows the conventions in the ArduPilot code,
# and is essentially a python version of the AP_Math library
# Andrew Tridgell, March 2012
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
'''rotation matrix class
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, asin, atan2, pi, radians, acos
class Vector3:
'''a vector'''
def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None):
if x != None and y != None and z != None:
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.z = float(z)
elif x != None and len(x) == 3:
self.x = float(x[0])
self.y = float(x[1])
self.z = float(x[2])
elif x != None:
raise ValueError('bad initialiser')
self.x = float(0)
self.y = float(0)
self.z = float(0)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Vector3(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (self.x,
def __add__(self, v):
return Vector3(self.x + v.x,
self.y + v.y,
self.z + v.z)
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, v):
return Vector3(self.x - v.x,
self.y - v.y,
self.z - v.z)
def __neg__(self):
return Vector3(-self.x, -self.y, -self.z)
def __rsub__(self, v):
return Vector3(v.x - self.x,
v.y - self.y,
v.z - self.z)
def __mul__(self, v):
if isinstance(v, Vector3):
'''dot product'''
return self.x*v.x + self.y*v.y + self.z*v.z
return Vector3(self.x * v,
self.y * v,
self.z * v)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __div__(self, v):
return Vector3(self.x / v,
self.y / v,
self.z / v)
def __mod__(self, v):
'''cross product'''
return Vector3(self.y*v.z - self.z*v.y,
self.z*v.x - self.x*v.z,
self.x*v.y - self.y*v.x)
def __copy__(self):
return Vector3(self.x, self.y, self.z)
copy = __copy__
def length(self):
return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
def zero(self):
self.x = self.y = self.z = 0
def angle(self, v):
'''return the angle between this vector and another vector'''
return acos(self * v) / (self.length() * v.length())
def normalized(self):
return self / self.length()
def normalize(self):
v = self.normalized()
self.x = v.x
self.y = v.y
self.z = v.z
class Matrix3:
'''a 3x3 matrix, intended as a rotation matrix'''
def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None):
if a is not None and b is not None and c is not None:
self.a = a.copy()
self.b = b.copy()
self.c = c.copy()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Matrix3((%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f))' % (
self.a.x, self.a.y, self.a.z,
self.b.x, self.b.y, self.b.z,
self.c.x, self.c.y, self.c.z)
def identity(self):
self.a = Vector3(1,0,0)
self.b = Vector3(0,1,0)
self.c = Vector3(0,0,1)
def transposed(self):
return Matrix3(Vector3(self.a.x, self.b.x, self.c.x),
Vector3(self.a.y, self.b.y, self.c.y),
Vector3(self.a.z, self.b.z, self.c.z))
def from_euler(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
'''fill the matrix from Euler angles in radians'''
cp = cos(pitch)
sp = sin(pitch)
sr = sin(roll)
cr = cos(roll)
sy = sin(yaw)
cy = cos(yaw)
self.a.x = cp * cy
self.a.y = (sr * sp * cy) - (cr * sy)
self.a.z = (cr * sp * cy) + (sr * sy)
self.b.x = cp * sy
self.b.y = (sr * sp * sy) + (cr * cy)
self.b.z = (cr * sp * sy) - (sr * cy)
self.c.x = -sp
self.c.y = sr * cp
self.c.z = cr * cp
def to_euler(self):
'''find Euler angles for the matrix'''
if self.c.x >= 1.0:
pitch = pi
elif self.c.x <= -1.0:
pitch = -pi
pitch = -asin(self.c.x)
roll = atan2(self.c.y, self.c.z)
yaw = atan2(self.b.x, self.a.x)
return (roll, pitch, yaw)
def __add__(self, m):
return Matrix3(self.a + m.a, self.b + m.b, self.c + m.c)
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, m):
return Matrix3(self.a - m.a, self.b - m.b, self.c - m.c)
def __rsub__(self, m):
return Matrix3(m.a - self.a, m.b - self.b, m.c - self.c)
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Vector3):
v = other
return Vector3(self.a.x * v.x + self.a.y * v.y + self.a.z * v.z,
self.b.x * v.x + self.b.y * v.y + self.b.z * v.z,
self.c.x * v.x + self.c.y * v.y + self.c.z * v.z)
elif isinstance(other, Matrix3):
m = other
return Matrix3(Vector3(self.a.x * m.a.x + self.a.y * m.b.x + self.a.z * m.c.x,
self.a.x * m.a.y + self.a.y * m.b.y + self.a.z * m.c.y,
self.a.x * m.a.z + self.a.y * m.b.z + self.a.z * m.c.z),
Vector3(self.b.x * m.a.x + self.b.y * m.b.x + self.b.z * m.c.x,
self.b.x * m.a.y + self.b.y * m.b.y + self.b.z * m.c.y,
self.b.x * m.a.z + self.b.y * m.b.z + self.b.z * m.c.z),
Vector3(self.c.x * m.a.x + self.c.y * m.b.x + self.c.z * m.c.x,
self.c.x * m.a.y + self.c.y * m.b.y + self.c.z * m.c.y,
self.c.x * m.a.z + self.c.y * m.b.z + self.c.z * m.c.z))
v = other
return Matrix3(self.a * v, self.b * v, self.c * v)
def __div__(self, v):
return Matrix3(self.a / v, self.b / v, self.c / v)
def __neg__(self):
return Matrix3(-self.a, -self.b, -self.c)
def __copy__(self):
return Matrix3(self.a, self.b, self.c)
copy = __copy__
def rotate(self, g):
'''rotate the matrix by a given amount on 3 axes'''
temp_matrix = Matrix3()
a = self.a
b = self.b
c = self.c
temp_matrix.a.x = a.y * g.z - a.z * g.y
temp_matrix.a.y = a.z * g.x - a.x * g.z
temp_matrix.a.z = a.x * g.y - a.y * g.x
temp_matrix.b.x = b.y * g.z - b.z * g.y
temp_matrix.b.y = b.z * g.x - b.x * g.z
temp_matrix.b.z = b.x * g.y - b.y * g.x
temp_matrix.c.x = c.y * g.z - c.z * g.y
temp_matrix.c.y = c.z * g.x - c.x * g.z
temp_matrix.c.z = c.x * g.y - c.y * g.x
self.a += temp_matrix.a
self.b += temp_matrix.b
self.c += temp_matrix.c
def normalize(self):
'''re-normalise a rotation matrix'''
error = self.a * self.b
t0 = self.a - (self.b * (0.5 * error))
t1 = self.b - (self.a * (0.5 * error))
t2 = t0 % t1
self.a = t0 * (1.0 / t0.length())
self.b = t1 * (1.0 / t1.length())
self.c = t2 * (1.0 / t2.length())
def trace(self):
'''the trace of the matrix'''
return self.a.x + self.b.y + self.c.z
def test_euler():
'''check that from_euler() and to_euler() are consistent'''
m = Matrix3()
from math import radians, degrees
for r in range(-179, 179, 3):
for p in range(-89, 89, 3):
for y in range(-179, 179, 3):
m.from_euler(radians(r), radians(p), radians(y))
(r2, p2, y2) = m.to_euler()
v1 = Vector3(r,p,y)
v2 = Vector3(degrees(r2),degrees(p2),degrees(y2))
diff = v1 - v2
if diff.length() > 1.0e-12:
print('EULER ERROR:', v1, v2, diff.length())
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
#!/usr/bin/env python
show times when signal is lost
import sys, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--no-timestamps",dest="notimestamps", action='store_true', help="Log doesn't have timestamps")
parser.add_option("--planner",dest="planner", action='store_true', help="use planner file format")
parser.add_option("--robust",dest="robust", action='store_true', help="Enable robust parsing (skip over bad data)")
parser.add_option("--mav10", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 1.0")
parser.add_option("--deltat", type='float', default=1.0, help="loss threshold in seconds")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.mav10:
os.environ['MAVLINK10'] = '1'
import mavutil
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: [options] <LOGFILE...>")
def sigloss(logfile):
'''work out signal loss times for a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename,
last_t = 0
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match()
if m is None:
if opts.notimestamps:
if not 'usec' in m._fieldnames:
t = m.usec / 1.0e6
t = m._timestamp
if last_t != 0:
if t - last_t > opts.deltat:
print("Sig lost for %.1fs at %s" % (t-last_t, time.asctime(time.localtime(t))))
last_t = t
total = 0.0
for filename in args:
#!/usr/bin/env python
example program to extract GPS data from a waypoint file, and create a GPX
file, for loading into google earth
import sys, struct, time, os
# allow import from the parent directory, where is
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..'))
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
import mavutil, mavwp
if len(args) < 1:
print("Usage: <WPFILE>")
def wp_to_gpx(infilename, outfilename):
'''convert a wp file to a GPX file'''
wp = mavwp.MAVWPLoader()
outf = open(outfilename, mode='w')
def process_wp(w, i):
t = time.localtime(i)
outf.write('''<wpt lat="%s" lon="%s">
<cmt>WP %u</cmt>
''' % (w.x, w.y, w.z, i))
def add_header():
outf.write('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
def add_footer():
count = 0
for i in range(wp.count()):
w = wp.wp(i)
if w.frame == 3:
w.z += wp.wp(0).z
if w.command == 16:
process_wp(w, i)
count += 1
print("Created %s with %u points" % (outfilename, count))
for infilename in args:
outfilename = infilename + '.gpx'
wp_to_gpx(infilename, outfilename)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# parse and construct FlightGear NET FDM packets
# Andrew Tridgell, November 2011
# released under GNU GPL version 2 or later
import struct, math
class fgFDMError(Exception):
'''fgFDM error class'''
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.message = 'fgFDMError: ' + msg
class fgFDMVariable(object):
'''represent a single fgFDM variable'''
def __init__(self, index, arraylength, units):
self.index = index
self.arraylength = arraylength
self.units = units
class fgFDMVariableList(object):
'''represent a list of fgFDM variable'''
def __init__(self):
self.vars = {}
self._nextidx = 0
def add(self, varname, arraylength=1, units=None):
self.vars[varname] = fgFDMVariable(self._nextidx, arraylength, units=units)
self._nextidx += arraylength
class fgFDM(object):
'''a flightgear native FDM parser/generator'''
def __init__(self):
'''init a fgFDM object'''
self.pack_string = '>I 4x 3d 6f 11f 3f 2f I 4I 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f I 4f I 3I 3f 3f 3f I i f 10f'
self.values = [0]*98
self.FG_MAX_WHEELS = 3
self.FG_MAX_TANKS = 4
# supported unit mappings
self.unitmap = {
('radians', 'degrees') : math.degrees(1),
('rps', 'dps') : math.degrees(1),
('feet', 'meters') : 0.3048,
('fps', 'mps') : 0.3048,
('knots', 'mps') : 0.514444444,
('knots', 'fps') : 0.514444444/0.3048,
('fpss', 'mpss') : 0.3048,
('seconds', 'minutes') : 60,
('seconds', 'hours') : 3600,
# build a mapping between variable name and index in the values array
# note that the order of this initialisation is critical - it must
# match the wire structure
self.mapping = fgFDMVariableList()
# position
self.mapping.add('longitude', units='radians') # geodetic (radians)
self.mapping.add('latitude', units='radians') # geodetic (radians)
self.mapping.add('altitude', units='meters') # above sea level (meters)
self.mapping.add('agl', units='meters') # above ground level (meters)
# attitude
self.mapping.add('phi', units='radians') # roll (radians)
self.mapping.add('theta', units='radians') # pitch (radians)
self.mapping.add('psi', units='radians') # yaw or true heading (radians)
self.mapping.add('alpha', units='radians') # angle of attack (radians)
self.mapping.add('beta', units='radians') # side slip angle (radians)
# Velocities
self.mapping.add('phidot', units='rps') # roll rate (radians/sec)
self.mapping.add('thetadot', units='rps') # pitch rate (radians/sec)
self.mapping.add('psidot', units='rps') # yaw rate (radians/sec)
self.mapping.add('vcas', units='fps') # calibrated airspeed
self.mapping.add('climb_rate', units='fps') # feet per second
self.mapping.add('v_north', units='fps') # north velocity in local/body frame, fps
self.mapping.add('v_east', units='fps') # east velocity in local/body frame, fps
self.mapping.add('v_down', units='fps') # down/vertical velocity in local/body frame, fps
self.mapping.add('v_wind_body_north', units='fps') # north velocity in local/body frame
self.mapping.add('v_wind_body_east', units='fps') # east velocity in local/body frame
self.mapping.add('v_wind_body_down', units='fps') # down/vertical velocity in local/body
# Accelerations
self.mapping.add('A_X_pilot', units='fpss') # X accel in body frame ft/sec^2
self.mapping.add('A_Y_pilot', units='fpss') # Y accel in body frame ft/sec^2
self.mapping.add('A_Z_pilot', units='fpss') # Z accel in body frame ft/sec^2
# Stall
self.mapping.add('stall_warning') # 0.0 - 1.0 indicating the amount of stall
self.mapping.add('slip_deg', units='degrees') # slip ball deflection
# Engine status
self.mapping.add('num_engines') # Number of valid engines
self.mapping.add('eng_state', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Engine state (off, cranking, running)
self.mapping.add('rpm', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Engine RPM rev/min
self.mapping.add('fuel_flow', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Fuel flow gallons/hr
self.mapping.add('fuel_px', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Fuel pressure psi
self.mapping.add('egt', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Exhuast gas temp deg F
self.mapping.add('cht', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Cylinder head temp deg F
self.mapping.add('mp_osi', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Manifold pressure
self.mapping.add('tit', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Turbine Inlet Temperature
self.mapping.add('oil_temp', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Oil temp deg F
self.mapping.add('oil_px', self.FG_MAX_ENGINES) # Oil pressure psi
# Consumables
self.mapping.add('num_tanks') # Max number of fuel tanks
self.mapping.add('fuel_quantity', self.FG_MAX_TANKS)
# Gear status
self.mapping.add('wow', self.FG_MAX_WHEELS)
self.mapping.add('gear_pos', self.FG_MAX_WHEELS)
self.mapping.add('gear_steer', self.FG_MAX_WHEELS)
self.mapping.add('gear_compression', self.FG_MAX_WHEELS)
# Environment
self.mapping.add('cur_time', units='seconds') # current unix time
self.mapping.add('warp', units='seconds') # offset in seconds to unix time
self.mapping.add('visibility', units='meters') # visibility in meters (for env. effects)
# Control surface positions (normalized values)
self._packet_size = struct.calcsize(self.pack_string)
self.set('version', self.FG_NET_FDM_VERSION)
if len(self.values) != self.mapping._nextidx:
raise fgFDMError('Invalid variable list in initialisation')
def packet_size(self):
'''return expected size of FG FDM packets'''
return self._packet_size
def convert(self, value, fromunits, tounits):
'''convert a value from one set of units to another'''
if fromunits == tounits:
return value
if (fromunits,tounits) in self.unitmap:
return value * self.unitmap[(fromunits,tounits)]
if (tounits,fromunits) in self.unitmap:
return value / self.unitmap[(tounits,fromunits)]
raise fgFDMError("unknown unit mapping (%s,%s)" % (fromunits, tounits))
def units(self, varname):
'''return the default units of a variable'''
if not varname in self.mapping.vars:
raise fgFDMError('Unknown variable %s' % varname)
return self.mapping.vars[varname].units
def variables(self):
'''return a list of available variables'''
return sorted(self.mapping.vars.keys(),
key = lambda v : self.mapping.vars[v].index)
def get(self, varname, idx=0, units=None):
'''get a variable value'''
if not varname in self.mapping.vars:
raise fgFDMError('Unknown variable %s' % varname)
if idx >= self.mapping.vars[varname].arraylength:
raise fgFDMError('index of %s beyond end of array idx=%u arraylength=%u' % (
varname, idx, self.mapping.vars[varname].arraylength))
value = self.values[self.mapping.vars[varname].index + idx]
if units:
value = self.convert(value, self.mapping.vars[varname].units, units)
return value
def set(self, varname, value, idx=0, units=None):
'''set a variable value'''
if not varname in self.mapping.vars:
raise fgFDMError('Unknown variable %s' % varname)
if idx >= self.mapping.vars[varname].arraylength:
raise fgFDMError('index of %s beyond end of array idx=%u arraylength=%u' % (
varname, idx, self.mapping.vars[varname].arraylength))
if units:
value = self.convert(value, units, self.mapping.vars[varname].units)
self.values[self.mapping.vars[varname].index + idx] = value
def parse(self, buf):
'''parse a FD FDM buffer'''
t = struct.unpack(self.pack_string, buf)
except struct.error, msg:
raise fgFDMError('unable to parse - %s' % msg)
self.values = list(t)
def pack(self):
'''pack a FD FDM buffer from current values'''
for i in range(len(self.values)):
if math.isnan(self.values[i]):
self.values[i] = 0
return struct.pack(self.pack_string, *self.values)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _CHECKSUM_H_
#define _CHECKSUM_H_
#define X25_INIT_CRC 0xffff
#define X25_VALIDATE_CRC 0xf0b8
* @brief Accumulate the X.25 CRC by adding one char at a time.
* The checksum function adds the hash of one char at a time to the
* 16 bit checksum (uint16_t).
* @param data new char to hash
* @param crcAccum the already accumulated checksum
static inline void crc_accumulate(uint8_t data, uint16_t *crcAccum)
/*Accumulate one byte of data into the CRC*/
uint8_t tmp;
tmp = data ^ (uint8_t)(*crcAccum &0xff);
tmp ^= (tmp<<4);
*crcAccum = (*crcAccum>>8) ^ (tmp<<8) ^ (tmp <<3) ^ (tmp>>4);
* @brief Initiliaze the buffer for the X.25 CRC
* @param crcAccum the 16 bit X.25 CRC
static inline void crc_init(uint16_t* crcAccum)
*crcAccum = X25_INIT_CRC;
* @brief Calculates the X.25 checksum on a byte buffer
* @param pBuffer buffer containing the byte array to hash
* @param length length of the byte array
* @return the checksum over the buffer bytes
static inline uint16_t crc_calculate(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t length)
uint16_t crcTmp;
while (length--) {
crc_accumulate(*pBuffer++, &crcTmp);
return crcTmp;
* @brief Accumulate the X.25 CRC by adding an array of bytes
* The checksum function adds the hash of one char at a time to the
* 16 bit checksum (uint16_t).
* @param data new bytes to hash
* @param crcAccum the already accumulated checksum
static inline void crc_accumulate_buffer(uint16_t *crcAccum, const char *pBuffer, uint8_t length)
const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)pBuffer;
while (length--) {
crc_accumulate(*p++, crcAccum);
#endif /* _CHECKSUM_H_ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @file
* @brief MAVLink comm protocol built from test.xml
* @see
#ifndef MAVLINK_H
#define MAVLINK_H
#define MAVLINK_STX 85
#include "version.h"
#include "test.h"
#endif // MAVLINK_H
/** @file
* @brief MAVLink comm protocol built from test.xml
* @see
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Mar 1 15:11:54 2012"
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