<long_desc>If not equal to zero the commander will automatically save parameters to persistent storage once changed. Default is on, as the interoperability with currently deployed GCS solutions depends on parameters being sticky. Developers can default it to off.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Time-out for auto disarm after landing</short_desc>
<long_desc>A non-zero, positive value specifies the time-out period in seconds after which the vehicle will be automatically disarmed in case a landing situation has been detected during this period. A value of zero means that automatic disarming is disabled.</long_desc>
<groupname="Data Link Loss">
@@ -754,6 +789,12 @@ Other values will disable magnetometer fusion completely</short_desc>
<long_desc>This is the maximum throttle % that can be used by the controller. For overpowered aircraft, this should be reduced to a value that provides sufficient thrust to climb at the maximum pitch angle PTCH_MAX.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Channel which changes a parameter</short_desc>
<long_desc>Can be used for parameter tuning with the RC. This one is further referenced as the 1st parameter channel. Set to 0 to deactivate *</long_desc>
<short_desc>Channel which changes a parameter</short_desc>
<long_desc>Can be used for parameter tuning with the RC. This one is further referenced as the 2nd parameter channel. Set to 0 to deactivate *</long_desc>
<short_desc>Channel which changes a parameter</short_desc>
<long_desc>Can be used for parameter tuning with the RC. This one is further referenced as the 3th parameter channel. Set to 0 to deactivate *</long_desc>
@@ -3355,46 +3583,235 @@ Other values will disable magnetometer fusion completely</short_desc>
<long_desc>This is the main flight mode selector. The channel index (starting from 1 for channel 1) indicates which channel should be used for deciding about the main mode. A value of zero indicates the switch is not assigned.</long_desc>