Commit 59ad9be7 authored by dogmaphobic's avatar dogmaphobic

First android commit.

parent 9a141821
......@@ -61,12 +61,15 @@ QT += network \
qml \
quick \
quickwidgets \
serialport \
sql \
svg \
widgets \
xml \
!AndroidBuild {
QT += serialport
QT += multimedia
......@@ -78,6 +81,11 @@ QT += testlib
# OS Specific settings
AndroidBuild {
DEFINES += __android__
MacBuild {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Custom-Info.plist
ICON = $$BASEDIR/resources/icons/macx.icns
......@@ -173,9 +181,6 @@ FORMS += \
src/ui/designer/QGCToolWidgetComboBox.ui \
src/ui/designer/QGCXYPlot.ui \
src/ui/HDDisplay.ui \
src/ui/JoystickAxis.ui \
src/ui/JoystickButton.ui \
src/ui/JoystickWidget.ui \
src/ui/Linechart.ui \
src/ui/MainWindow.ui \
src/ui/map/QGCMapTool.ui \
......@@ -229,6 +234,13 @@ FORMS += \
src/ui/WaypointList.ui \
src/ui/WaypointViewOnlyView.ui \
!AndroidBuild {
FORMS += \
src/ui/JoystickButton.ui \
src/ui/JoystickAxis.ui \
src/audio/QGCAudioWorker.h \
src/CmdLineOptParser.h \
......@@ -250,7 +262,6 @@ HEADERS += \
src/comm/TCPLink.h \
src/comm/UDPLink.h \
src/GAudioOutput.h \
src/input/JoystickInput.h \
src/LogCompressor.h \
src/MG.h \
src/QGC.h \
......@@ -281,7 +292,6 @@ HEADERS += \
src/uas/UASParameterCommsMgr.h \
src/uas/UASParameterDataModel.h \
src/uas/UASWaypointManager.h \
src/ui/CameraView.h \
src/ui/configuration/ApmHighlighter.h \
src/ui/configuration/console.h \
src/ui/configuration/SerialSettingsDialog.h \
......@@ -300,9 +310,6 @@ HEADERS += \
src/ui/HDDisplay.h \
src/ui/HSIDisplay.h \
src/ui/HUD.h \
src/ui/JoystickAxis.h \
src/ui/JoystickButton.h \
src/ui/JoystickWidget.h \
src/ui/linechart/ChartPlot.h \
src/ui/linechart/IncrementalPlot.h \
src/ui/linechart/LinechartPlot.h \
......@@ -376,6 +383,15 @@ HEADERS += \
src/ViewWidgets/ViewWidgetController.h \
src/Waypoint.h \
!AndroidBuild {
src/input/JoystickInput.h \
src/ui/JoystickAxis.h \
src/ui/JoystickButton.h \
src/ui/JoystickWidget.h \
src/ui/CameraView.h \
src/audio/QGCAudioWorker.cpp \
src/ \
......@@ -393,7 +409,6 @@ SOURCES += \
src/comm/ \
src/comm/ \
src/ \
src/input/ \
src/ \
src/ \
src/ \
......@@ -418,7 +433,6 @@ SOURCES += \
src/uas/ \
src/uas/ \
src/uas/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/configuration/ \
src/ui/configuration/console.cpp \
src/ui/configuration/ \
......@@ -437,9 +451,6 @@ SOURCES += \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/linechart/ \
src/ui/linechart/ \
src/ui/linechart/ \
......@@ -513,6 +524,15 @@ SOURCES += \
src/ViewWidgets/ \
src/ \
!AndroidBuild {
src/input/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
src/ui/ \
# Unit Test specific configuration goes here
......@@ -524,6 +544,11 @@ SOURCES += \
DebugBuild|WindowsDebugAndRelease {
HEADERS += src/QmlControls/QmlTestWidget.h
SOURCES += src/QmlControls/
!AndroidBuild {
......@@ -550,7 +575,6 @@ HEADERS += \
src/qgcunittest/MockLinkMissionItemHandler.h \
src/qgcunittest/PX4RCCalibrationTest.h \
src/qgcunittest/UnitTest.h \
src/QmlControls/QmlTestWidget.h \
src/VehicleSetup/SetupViewTest.h \
......@@ -575,10 +599,10 @@ SOURCES += \
src/qgcunittest/ \
src/qgcunittest/ \
src/qgcunittest/ \
src/QmlControls/ \
src/VehicleSetup/ \
} # DebugBuild|WindowsDebugAndRelease
} # AndroidBuild
# AutoPilot Plugin Support
......@@ -658,3 +682,26 @@ SOURCES += \
src/FactSystem/ \
src/FactSystem/ \
src/FactSystem/ \
# Android
AndroidBuild {
message("Adding Serial Java Classes")
QT += androidextras
$$PWD/android/AndroidManifest.xml \
$$PWD/android/res/xml/device_filter.xml \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/driver/ \
$$PWD/android/src/org/qgroundcontrol/qgchelper/ \
......@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ linux {
linux-g++ | linux-g++-64 {
message("Linux build")
CONFIG += LinuxBuild
} else : android-g++ {
message("Android build")
CONFIG += AndroidBuild
warning("Android build is experimental and not fully functional")
} else {
error("Unsuported Linux toolchain, only GCC 32- or 64-bit is supported")
......@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
QMAKE_POST_LINK += echo "Copying files"
AndroidBuild {
# Copy the application resources to the associated place alongside the application
......@@ -40,8 +44,10 @@ WindowsBuild {
QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$escape_expand(\\n) $$QMAKE_COPY_DIR \"$$BASEDIR_COPY_RESOURCE_LIST\\flightgear\" \"$$DESTDIR_COPY_RESOURCE_LIST\\flightgear\"
} else {
# Make sure to keep both side of this if using the same set of directories
!AndroidBuild {
# Make sure to keep both sides of this if using the same set of directories
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<manifest package="org.qgroundcontrol" xmlns:android="" android:versionName="2.3.0" android:versionCode="2" android:installLocation="auto">
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:name="" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:icon="@drawable/icon">
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation" android:name="org.qgroundcontrol.qgchelper.UsbDeviceJNI" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:screenOrientation="reverseLandscape" android:launchMode="singleTask">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
<action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED"/>
<action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED"/>
<!-- Needed to keep working while 'asleep' -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
<!-- Support devices without USB host mode since there are other connection types -->
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<meta-data android:resource="@xml/device_filter" android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED"/>
<meta-data android:resource="@xml/device_filter" android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED"/>
<!-- Rest of Standard Manifest -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="-- %%INSERT_APP_LIB_NAME%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@array/qt_sources"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="default"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@array/qt_libs"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@array/bundled_libs"/>
<!-- Deploy Qt libs as part of package -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="-- %%BUNDLE_LOCAL_QT_LIBS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@array/bundled_in_lib"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@array/bundled_in_assets"/>
<!-- Run with local libs -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="-- %%USE_LOCAL_QT_LIBS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="/data/local/tmp/qt/"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="-- %%INSERT_LOCAL_LIBS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="-- %%INSERT_LOCAL_JARS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="-- %%INSERT_INIT_CLASSES%% --"/>
<!-- Messages maps -->
<meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_not_found_msg" android:name=""/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_needed_msg" android:name=""/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/fatal_error_msg" android:name=""/>
<!-- Messages maps -->
<!-- Splash screen -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@drawable/logo"/>
<!-- Splash screen -->
<!-- Background running -->
<!-- Warning: changing this value to true may cause unexpected crashes if the
application still try to draw after
signal is sent! -->
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="false"/>
<!-- Background running -->
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="19" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/>
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:anyDensity="true" android:smallScreens="true"/>
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default permissions based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default permissions. -->
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default features based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default features. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Everything -->
<usb-device />
<!-- 0x26AC / 0x11: PX4 FMU Pixhawk -->
<usb-device vendor-id="9900" product-id="17" />
<!-- 0x0403 / 0x6001: FTDI FT232R UART -->
<usb-device vendor-id="1027" product-id="24577" />
<!-- 0x0403 / 0x6015: FTDI FT231X -->
<usb-device vendor-id="1027" product-id="24597" />
<!-- 0x2341 / Arduino -->
<usb-device vendor-id="9025" />
<!-- 0x16C0 / 0x0483: Teensyduino -->
<usb-device vendor-id="5824" product-id="1155" />
<!-- 0x10C4 / 0xEA60: CP210x UART Bridge -->
<usb-device vendor-id="4292" product-id="60000" />
<!-- 0x067B / 0x2303: Prolific PL2303 -->
<usb-device vendor-id="1659" product-id="8963" />
import android.hardware.usb.UsbConstants;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* USB CDC/ACM serial driver implementation.
* @author mike wakerly (
* @see <a
* href="">Universal
* Serial Bus Class Definitions for Communication Devices, v1.1</a>
public class CdcAcmSerialDriver extends CommonUsbSerialDriver {
private final String TAG = CdcAcmSerialDriver.class.getSimpleName();
private UsbInterface mControlInterface;
private UsbInterface mDataInterface;
private UsbEndpoint mControlEndpoint;
private UsbEndpoint mReadEndpoint;
private UsbEndpoint mWriteEndpoint;
private boolean mRts = false;
private boolean mDtr = false;
private static final int USB_RECIP_INTERFACE = 0x01;
private static final int USB_RT_ACM = UsbConstants.USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE;
private static final int SET_LINE_CODING = 0x20; // USB CDC 1.1 section 6.2
private static final int GET_LINE_CODING = 0x21;
private static final int SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE = 0x22;
private static final int SEND_BREAK = 0x23;
public CdcAcmSerialDriver(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection) {
super(device, connection);
public void open() throws IOException {
Log.d(TAG, "claiming interfaces, count=" + mDevice.getInterfaceCount());
Log.d(TAG, "Claiming control interface.");
mControlInterface = mDevice.getInterface(0);
Log.d(TAG, "Control iface=" + mControlInterface);
// class should be USB_CLASS_COMM
if (!mConnection.claimInterface(mControlInterface, true)) {
throw new IOException("Could not claim control interface.");
mControlEndpoint = mControlInterface.getEndpoint(0);
Log.d(TAG, "Control endpoint direction: " + mControlEndpoint.getDirection());
Log.d(TAG, "Claiming data interface.");
mDataInterface = mDevice.getInterface(1);
Log.d(TAG, "data iface=" + mDataInterface);
// class should be USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA
if (!mConnection.claimInterface(mDataInterface, true)) {
throw new IOException("Could not claim data interface.");
mReadEndpoint = mDataInterface.getEndpoint(1);
Log.d(TAG, "Read endpoint direction: " + mReadEndpoint.getDirection());
mWriteEndpoint = mDataInterface.getEndpoint(0);
Log.d(TAG, "Write endpoint direction: " + mWriteEndpoint.getDirection());
private int sendAcmControlMessage(int request, int value, byte[] buf) {
return mConnection.controlTransfer(
USB_RT_ACM, request, value, 0, buf, buf != null ? buf.length : 0, 5000);
public void close() throws IOException {
public int read(byte[] dest, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
final int numBytesRead;
synchronized (mReadBufferLock) {
int readAmt = Math.min(dest.length, mReadBuffer.length);
numBytesRead = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mReadEndpoint, mReadBuffer, readAmt,
if (numBytesRead < 0) {
// This sucks: we get -1 on timeout, not 0 as preferred.
// We *should* use UsbRequest, except it has a bug/api oversight
// where there is no way to determine the number of bytes read
// in response :\ --
return 0;
System.arraycopy(mReadBuffer, 0, dest, 0, numBytesRead);
return numBytesRead;
public int write(byte[] src, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
// TODO(mikey): Nearly identical to FtdiSerial write. Refactor.
int offset = 0;
while (offset < src.length) {
final int writeLength;
final int amtWritten;
synchronized (mWriteBufferLock) {
final byte[] writeBuffer;
writeLength = Math.min(src.length - offset, mWriteBuffer.length);
if (offset == 0) {
writeBuffer = src;
} else {
// bulkTransfer does not support offsets, make a copy.
System.arraycopy(src, offset, mWriteBuffer, 0, writeLength);
writeBuffer = mWriteBuffer;
amtWritten = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mWriteEndpoint, writeBuffer, writeLength,
if (amtWritten <= 0) {
throw new IOException("Error writing " + writeLength
+ " bytes at offset " + offset + " length=" + src.length);
//Log.d(TAG, "Wrote amt=" + amtWritten + " attempted=" + writeLength);
offset += amtWritten;
return offset;
public void setParameters(int baudRate, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity) {
byte stopBitsByte;
switch (stopBits) {
case STOPBITS_1: stopBitsByte = 0; break;
case STOPBITS_1_5: stopBitsByte = 1; break;
case STOPBITS_2: stopBitsByte = 2; break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad value for stopBits: " + stopBits);
byte parityBitesByte;
switch (parity) {
case PARITY_NONE: parityBitesByte = 0; break;
case PARITY_ODD: parityBitesByte = 1; break;
case PARITY_EVEN: parityBitesByte = 2; break;
case PARITY_MARK: parityBitesByte = 3; break;
case PARITY_SPACE: parityBitesByte = 4; break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad value for parity: " + parity);
byte[] msg = {
(byte) ( baudRate & 0xff),
(byte) ((baudRate >> 8 ) & 0xff),
(byte) ((baudRate >> 16) & 0xff),
(byte) ((baudRate >> 24) & 0xff),
(byte) dataBits};
sendAcmControlMessage(SET_LINE_CODING, 0, msg);
public boolean getCD() throws IOException {
return false; // TODO
public boolean getCTS() throws IOException {
return false; // TODO
public boolean getDSR() throws IOException {
return false; // TODO
public boolean getDTR() throws IOException {
return mDtr;
public void setDTR(boolean value) throws IOException {
mDtr = value;
public boolean getRI() throws IOException {
return false; // TODO
public boolean getRTS() throws IOException {
return mRts;
public void setRTS(boolean value) throws IOException {
mRts = value;
private void setDtrRts() {
int value = (mRts ? 0x2 : 0) | (mDtr ? 0x1 : 0);
sendAcmControlMessage(SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE, value, null);
public static Map<Integer, int[]> getSupportedDevices() {
final Map<Integer, int[]> supportedDevices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, int[]>();
new int[] {
new int[] {
new int[] {
new int[] {
new int[] {
return supportedDevices;
/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Project home page:
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
* A base class shared by several driver implementations.
* @author mike wakerly (
abstract class CommonUsbSerialDriver implements UsbSerialDriver {
public static final int DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
public static final int DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
protected final UsbDevice mDevice;
protected final UsbDeviceConnection mConnection;
protected final Object mReadBufferLock = new Object();
protected final Object mWriteBufferLock = new Object();
/** Internal read buffer. Guarded by {@link #mReadBufferLock}. */
protected byte[] mReadBuffer;
/** Internal write buffer. Guarded by {@link #mWriteBufferLock}. */
protected byte[] mWriteBuffer;
public CommonUsbSerialDriver(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection) {
mDevice = device;
mConnection = connection;
mReadBuffer = new byte[DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
mWriteBuffer = new byte[DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];
* Returns the currently-bound USB device.
* @return the device
public final UsbDevice getDevice() {
return mDevice;
* Returns the currently-bound USB device connection.
* @return the device connection
public final UsbDeviceConnection getDeviceConnection() {
return mConnection;
* Sets the size of the internal buffer used to exchange data with the USB
* stack for read operations. Most users should not need to change this.
* @param bufferSize the size in bytes
public final void setReadBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
synchronized (mReadBufferLock) {
if (bufferSize == mReadBuffer.length) {
mReadBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
* Sets the size of the internal buffer used to exchange data with the USB
* stack for write operations. Most users should not need to change this.
* @param bufferSize the size in bytes
public final void setWriteBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
synchronized (mWriteBufferLock) {
if (bufferSize == mWriteBuffer.length) {
mWriteBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
public abstract void open() throws IOException;
public abstract void close() throws IOException;
public abstract int read(final byte[] dest, final int timeoutMillis) throws IOException;
public abstract int write(final byte[] src, final int timeoutMillis) throws IOException;
public abstract void setParameters(
int baudRate, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity) throws IOException;
public abstract boolean getCD() throws IOException;
public abstract boolean getCTS() throws IOException;
public abstract boolean getDSR() throws IOException;
public abstract boolean getDTR() throws IOException;
public abstract void setDTR(boolean value) throws IOException;
public abstract boolean getRI() throws IOException;
public abstract boolean getRTS() throws IOException;
public abstract void setRTS(boolean value) throws IOException;
public boolean purgeHwBuffers(boolean flushReadBuffers, boolean flushWriteBuffers) throws IOException {
return !flushReadBuffers && !flushWriteBuffers;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbConstants;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Cp2102SerialDriver extends CommonUsbSerialDriver {
private static final String TAG = Cp2102SerialDriver.class.getSimpleName();
private static final int DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE = 9600;
private static final int USB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 5000;
* Configuration Request Types
private static final int REQTYPE_HOST_TO_DEVICE = 0x41;
* Configuration Request Codes
private static final int SILABSER_IFC_ENABLE_REQUEST_CODE = 0x00;
private static final int SILABSER_SET_BAUDDIV_REQUEST_CODE = 0x01;
private static final int SILABSER_SET_LINE_CTL_REQUEST_CODE = 0x03;
private static final int SILABSER_SET_MHS_REQUEST_CODE = 0x07;
private static final int SILABSER_SET_BAUDRATE = 0x1E;
private static final int SILABSER_FLUSH_REQUEST_CODE = 0x12;
private static final int FLUSH_READ_CODE = 0x0a;
private static final int FLUSH_WRITE_CODE = 0x05;
private static final int UART_ENABLE = 0x0001;
private static final int UART_DISABLE = 0x0000;
private static final int BAUD_RATE_GEN_FREQ = 0x384000;
private static final int MCR_DTR = 0x0001;
private static final int MCR_RTS = 0x0002;
private static final int MCR_ALL = 0x0003;
private static final int CONTROL_WRITE_DTR = 0x0100;
private static final int CONTROL_WRITE_RTS = 0x0200;
private UsbEndpoint mReadEndpoint;
private UsbEndpoint mWriteEndpoint;
public Cp2102SerialDriver(UsbDevice device, UsbDeviceConnection connection) {
super(device, connection);
private int setConfigSingle(int request, int value) {
return mConnection.controlTransfer(REQTYPE_HOST_TO_DEVICE, request, value,
public void open() throws IOException {
boolean opened = false;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < mDevice.getInterfaceCount(); i++) {
UsbInterface usbIface = mDevice.getInterface(i);
if (mConnection.claimInterface(usbIface, true)) {
Log.d(TAG, "claimInterface " + i + " SUCCESS");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "claimInterface " + i + " FAIL");
UsbInterface dataIface = mDevice.getInterface(mDevice.getInterfaceCount() - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < dataIface.getEndpointCount(); i++) {
UsbEndpoint ep = dataIface.getEndpoint(i);
if (ep.getType() == UsbConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK) {
if (ep.getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_IN) {
mReadEndpoint = ep;
} else {
mWriteEndpoint = ep;
opened = true;
} finally {
if (!opened) {
public void close() throws IOException {
public int read(byte[] dest, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
final int numBytesRead;
synchronized (mReadBufferLock) {
int readAmt = Math.min(dest.length, mReadBuffer.length);
numBytesRead = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mReadEndpoint, mReadBuffer, readAmt,
if (numBytesRead < 0) {
// This sucks: we get -1 on timeout, not 0 as preferred.
// We *should* use UsbRequest, except it has a bug/api oversight
// where there is no way to determine the number of bytes read
// in response :\ --
return 0;
System.arraycopy(mReadBuffer, 0, dest, 0, numBytesRead);
return numBytesRead;
public int write(byte[] src, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
int offset = 0;
while (offset < src.length) {
final int writeLength;
final int amtWritten;
synchronized (mWriteBufferLock) {
final byte[] writeBuffer;
writeLength = Math.min(src.length - offset, mWriteBuffer.length);
if (offset == 0) {
writeBuffer = src;
} else {
// bulkTransfer does not support offsets, make a copy.
System.arraycopy(src, offset, mWriteBuffer, 0, writeLength);
writeBuffer = mWriteBuffer;
amtWritten = mConnection.bulkTransfer(mWriteEndpoint, writeBuffer, writeLength,
if (amtWritten <= 0) {
throw new IOException("Error writing " + writeLength
+ " bytes at offset " + offset + " length=" + src.length);
//Log.d(TAG, "Wrote amt=" + amtWritten + " attempted=" + writeLength);
offset += amtWritten;
return offset;
private void setBaudRate(int baudRate) throws IOException {
byte[] data = new byte[] {
(byte) ( baudRate & 0xff),
(byte) ((baudRate >> 8 ) & 0xff),
(byte) ((baudRate >> 16) & 0xff),
(byte) ((baudRate >> 24) & 0xff)
int ret = mConnection.controlTransfer(REQTYPE_HOST_TO_DEVICE, SILABSER_SET_BAUDRATE,
if (ret < 0) {
throw new IOException("Error setting baud rate.");
public void setParameters(int baudRate, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity)
throws IOException {
int configDataBits = 0;
switch (dataBits) {
case DATABITS_5:
configDataBits |= 0x0500;
case DATABITS_6:
configDataBits |= 0x0600;
case DATABITS_7:
configDataBits |= 0x0700;
case DATABITS_8:
configDataBits |= 0x0800;
configDataBits |= 0x0800;
setConfigSingle(SILABSER_SET_LINE_CTL_REQUEST_CODE, configDataBits);
int configParityBits = 0; // PARITY_NONE
switch (parity) {
configParityBits |= 0x0010;
configParityBits |= 0x0020;
setConfigSingle(SILABSER_SET_LINE_CTL_REQUEST_CODE, configParityBits);
int configStopBits = 0;
switch (stopBits) {
case STOPBITS_1:
configStopBits |= 0;
case STOPBITS_2:
configStopBits |= 2;
setConfigSingle(SILABSER_SET_LINE_CTL_REQUEST_CODE, configStopBits);
public boolean getCD() throws IOException {
return false;
public boolean getCTS() throws IOException {
return false;
public boolean getDSR() throws IOException {
return false;
public boolean getDTR() throws IOException {
return true;
public void setDTR(boolean value) throws IOException {
public boolean getRI() throws IOException {
return false;
public boolean getRTS() throws IOException {
return true;
public boolean purgeHwBuffers(boolean purgeReadBuffers,
boolean purgeWriteBuffers) throws IOException {
int value = (purgeReadBuffers ? FLUSH_READ_CODE : 0)
| (purgeWriteBuffers ? FLUSH_WRITE_CODE : 0);
if (value != 0) {
setConfigSingle(SILABSER_FLUSH_REQUEST_CODE, value);
return true;
public void setRTS(boolean value) throws IOException {
public static Map<Integer, int[]> getSupportedDevices() {
final Map<Integer, int[]> supportedDevices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, int[]>();
new int[] {
return supportedDevices;
/* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Project home page:
* Registry of USB vendor/product ID constants.
* Culled from various sources; see
* <a href="">usb.ids</a> for one listing.
* @author mike wakerly (
public final class UsbId {
public static final int VENDOR_FTDI = 0x0403;
public static final int FTDI_FT232R = 0x6001;
public static final int FTDI_FT231X = 0x6015;
public static final int VENDOR_PX4 = 0x26AC;
public static final int DEVICE_PX4FMU = 0x11;
public static final int VENDOR_ATMEL = 0x03EB;
public static final int ATMEL_LUFA_CDC_DEMO_APP = 0x2044;
public static final int VENDOR_ARDUINO = 0x2341;
public static final int ARDUINO_UNO = 0x0001;
public static final int ARDUINO_MEGA_2560 = 0x0010;
public static final int ARDUINO_SERIAL_ADAPTER = 0x003b;
public static final int ARDUINO_MEGA_ADK = 0x003f;
public static final int ARDUINO_MEGA_2560_R3 = 0x0042;
public static final int ARDUINO_UNO_R3 = 0x0043;
public static final int ARDUINO_MEGA_ADK_R3 = 0x0044;
public static final int ARDUINO_SERIAL_ADAPTER_R3 = 0x0044;
public static final int ARDUINO_LEONARDO = 0x8036;
public static final int VENDOR_VAN_OOIJEN_TECH = 0x16c0;
public static final int VAN_OOIJEN_TECH_TEENSYDUINO_SERIAL = 0x0483;
public static final int VENDOR_LEAFLABS = 0x1eaf;
public static final int LEAFLABS_MAPLE = 0x0004;
public static final int VENDOR_SILAB = 0x10c4;
public static final int SILAB_CP2102 = 0xea60;
public static final int VENDOR_PROLIFIC = 0x067b;
public static final int PROLIFIC_PL2303 = 0x2303;
private UsbId() {
throw new IllegalAccessError("Non-instantiable class.");
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Project home page:
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
* Driver interface for a USB serial device.
* @author mike wakerly (
public interface UsbSerialDriver {
/** 5 data bits. */
public static final int DATABITS_5 = 5;
/** 6 data bits. */
public static final int DATABITS_6 = 6;
/** 7 data bits. */
public static final int DATABITS_7 = 7;
/** 8 data bits. */
public static final int DATABITS_8 = 8;
/** No flow control. */
public static final int FLOWCONTROL_NONE = 0;
/** RTS/CTS input flow control. */
public static final int FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN = 1;
/** RTS/CTS output flow control. */
public static final int FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT = 2;
/** XON/XOFF input flow control. */
public static final int FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN = 4;
/** XON/XOFF output flow control. */
public static final int FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT = 8;
/** No parity. */
public static final int PARITY_NONE = 0;
/** Odd parity. */
public static final int PARITY_ODD = 1;
/** Even parity. */
public static final int PARITY_EVEN = 2;
/** Mark parity. */
public static final int PARITY_MARK = 3;
/** Space parity. */
public static final int PARITY_SPACE = 4;
/** 1 stop bit. */
public static final int STOPBITS_1 = 1;
/** 1.5 stop bits. */
public static final int STOPBITS_1_5 = 3;
/** 2 stop bits. */
public static final int STOPBITS_2 = 2;
* Returns the currently-bound USB device.
* @return the device
public UsbDevice getDevice();
* Returns the currently-bound USB device.
* @return the device
public UsbDeviceConnection getDeviceConnection();
* Opens and initializes the device as a USB serial device. Upon success,
* caller must ensure that {@link #close()} is eventually called.
* @throws IOException on error opening or initializing the device.
public void open() throws IOException;
* Closes the serial device.
* @throws IOException on error closing the device.
public void close() throws IOException;
* Reads as many bytes as possible into the destination buffer.
* @param dest the destination byte buffer
* @param timeoutMillis the timeout for reading
* @return the actual number of bytes read
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public int read(final byte[] dest, final int timeoutMillis) throws IOException;
* Writes as many bytes as possible from the source buffer.
* @param src the source byte buffer
* @param timeoutMillis the timeout for writing
* @return the actual number of bytes written
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during writing
public int write(final byte[] src, final int timeoutMillis) throws IOException;
* Sets various serial port parameters.
* @param baudRate baud rate as an integer, for example {@code 115200}.
* @param dataBits one of {@link #DATABITS_5}, {@link #DATABITS_6},
* {@link #DATABITS_7}, or {@link #DATABITS_8}.
* @param stopBits one of {@link #STOPBITS_1}, {@link #STOPBITS_1_5}, or
* {@link #STOPBITS_2}.
* @param parity one of {@link #PARITY_NONE}, {@link #PARITY_ODD},
* {@link #PARITY_EVEN}, {@link #PARITY_MARK}, or
* {@link #PARITY_SPACE}.
* @throws IOException on error setting the port parameters
public void setParameters(
int baudRate, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity) throws IOException;
* Gets the CD (Carrier Detect) bit from the underlying UART.
* @return the current state, or {@code false} if not supported.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public boolean getCD() throws IOException;
* Gets the CTS (Clear To Send) bit from the underlying UART.
* @return the current state, or {@code false} if not supported.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public boolean getCTS() throws IOException;
* Gets the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit from the underlying UART.
* @return the current state, or {@code false} if not supported.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public boolean getDSR() throws IOException;
* Gets the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit from the underlying UART.
* @return the current state, or {@code false} if not supported.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public boolean getDTR() throws IOException;
* Sets the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit on the underlying UART, if
* supported.
* @param value the value to set
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during writing
public void setDTR(boolean value) throws IOException;
* Gets the RI (Ring Indicator) bit from the underlying UART.
* @return the current state, or {@code false} if not supported.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public boolean getRI() throws IOException;
* Gets the RTS (Request To Send) bit from the underlying UART.
* @return the current state, or {@code false} if not supported.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during reading
public boolean getRTS() throws IOException;
* Sets the RTS (Request To Send) bit on the underlying UART, if
* supported.
* @param value the value to set
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during writing
public void setRTS(boolean value) throws IOException;
* Flush non-transmitted output data and / or non-read input data
* @param flushRX {@code true} to flush non-transmitted output data
* @param flushTX {@code true} to flush non-read input data
* @return {@code true} if the operation was successful, or
* {@code false} if the operation is not supported by the driver or device
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during flush
public boolean purgeHwBuffers(boolean flushRX, boolean flushTX) throws IOException;
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Project home page:
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Helper class which finds compatible {@link UsbDevice}s and creates
* {@link UsbSerialDriver} instances.
* <p/>
* You don't need a Prober to use the rest of the library: it is perfectly
* acceptable to instantiate driver instances manually. The Prober simply
* provides convenience functions.
* <p/>
* For most drivers, the corresponding {@link #probe(UsbManager, UsbDevice)}
* method will either return an empty list (device unknown / unsupported) or a
* singleton list. However, multi-port drivers may return multiple instances.
* @author mike wakerly (
public enum UsbSerialProber {
// TODO(mikey): Too much boilerplate.
* Prober for {@link FtdiSerialDriver}.
* @see FtdiSerialDriver
public List<UsbSerialDriver> probe(final UsbManager manager, final UsbDevice usbDevice) {
if (!testIfSupported(usbDevice, FtdiSerialDriver.getSupportedDevices())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbDeviceConnection connection = manager.openDevice(usbDevice);
if (connection == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbSerialDriver driver = new FtdiSerialDriver(usbDevice, connection);
return Collections.singletonList(driver);
public List<UsbSerialDriver> probe(UsbManager manager, UsbDevice usbDevice) {
if (!testIfSupported(usbDevice, CdcAcmSerialDriver.getSupportedDevices())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbDeviceConnection connection = manager.openDevice(usbDevice);
if (connection == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbSerialDriver driver = new CdcAcmSerialDriver(usbDevice, connection);
return Collections.singletonList(driver);
public List<UsbSerialDriver> probe(final UsbManager manager, final UsbDevice usbDevice) {
if (!testIfSupported(usbDevice, Cp2102SerialDriver.getSupportedDevices())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbDeviceConnection connection = manager.openDevice(usbDevice);
if (connection == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbSerialDriver driver = new Cp2102SerialDriver(usbDevice, connection);
return Collections.singletonList(driver);
public List<UsbSerialDriver> probe(final UsbManager manager, final UsbDevice usbDevice) {
if (!testIfSupported(usbDevice, ProlificSerialDriver.getSupportedDevices())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbDeviceConnection connection = manager.openDevice(usbDevice);
if (connection == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final UsbSerialDriver driver = new ProlificSerialDriver(usbDevice, connection);
return Collections.singletonList(driver);
* Tests the supplied {@link UsbDevice} for compatibility with this enum
* member, returning one or more driver instances if compatible.
* @param manager the {@link UsbManager} to use
* @param usbDevice the raw {@link UsbDevice} to use
* @return zero or more {@link UsbSerialDriver}, depending on compatibility
* (never {@code null}).
protected abstract List<UsbSerialDriver> probe(final UsbManager manager, final UsbDevice usbDevice);
* Creates and returns a new {@link UsbSerialDriver} instance for the first
* compatible {@link UsbDevice} found on the bus. If none are found,
* returns {@code null}.
* <p/>
* The order of devices is undefined, therefore if there are multiple
* devices on the bus, the chosen device may not be predictable (clients
* should use {@link #findAllDevices(UsbManager)} instead).
* @param usbManager the {@link UsbManager} to use.
* @return the first available {@link UsbSerialDriver}, or {@code null} if
* none are available.
public static UsbSerialDriver findFirstDevice(final UsbManager usbManager) {
for (final UsbDevice usbDevice : usbManager.getDeviceList().values()) {
for (final UsbSerialProber prober : values()) {
final List<UsbSerialDriver> probedDevices = prober.probe(usbManager, usbDevice);
if (!probedDevices.isEmpty()) {
return probedDevices.get(0);
return null;
* Creates a new {@link UsbSerialDriver} instance for all compatible
* {@link UsbDevice}s found on the bus. If no compatible devices are found,
* the list will be empty.
* @param usbManager
* @return
public static List<UsbSerialDriver> findAllDevices(final UsbManager usbManager) {
final List<UsbSerialDriver> result = new ArrayList<UsbSerialDriver>();
Log.i("QGC_UsbSerialProber", "Looking for USB devices");
// For each UsbDevice, call probe() for each prober.
for (final UsbDevice usbDevice : usbManager.getDeviceList().values()) {
Log.i("QGC_UsbSerialProber", "Probing device: " + usbDevice.getDeviceName() + " mid: " + usbDevice.getVendorId() + " pid: " + usbDevice.getDeviceId());
result.addAll(probeSingleDevice(usbManager, usbDevice));
return result;
* Special method for testing a specific device for driver support,
* returning any compatible driver(s).
* <p/>
* Clients should ordinarily use {@link #findAllDevices(UsbManager)}, which
* operates against the entire bus of devices. This method is useful when
* testing against only a single target is desired.
* @param usbManager the {@link UsbManager} to use.
* @param usbDevice the device to test against.
* @return a list containing zero or more {@link UsbSerialDriver} instances.
public static List<UsbSerialDriver> probeSingleDevice(final UsbManager usbManager,
UsbDevice usbDevice)
final List<UsbSerialDriver> result = new ArrayList<UsbSerialDriver>();
for (final UsbSerialProber prober : values()) {
final List<UsbSerialDriver> probedDevices = prober.probe(usbManager, usbDevice);
return result;
* Deprecated; Use {@link #findFirstDevice(UsbManager)}.
* @param usbManager
* @return
public static UsbSerialDriver acquire(final UsbManager usbManager) {
return findFirstDevice(usbManager);
* Deprecated; use {@link #probeSingleDevice(UsbManager, UsbDevice)}.
* @param usbManager
* @param usbDevice
* @return
public static UsbSerialDriver acquire(final UsbManager usbManager, final UsbDevice usbDevice) {
final List<UsbSerialDriver> probedDevices = probeSingleDevice(usbManager, usbDevice);
if (!probedDevices.isEmpty()) {
return probedDevices.get(0);
return null;
* Returns {@code true} if the given device is found in the driver's
* vendor/product map.
* @param usbDevice the device to test
* @param supportedDevices map of vendor IDs to product ID(s)
* @return {@code true} if supported
private static boolean testIfSupported(final UsbDevice usbDevice,
final Map<Integer, int[]> supportedDevices) {
final int[] supportedProducts = supportedDevices.get(
if (supportedProducts == null) {
return false;
final int productId = usbDevice.getProductId();
for (int supportedProductId : supportedProducts) {
if (productId == supportedProductId) {
return true;
return false;
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Generic unchecked exception for the usbserial package.
* @author mike wakerly (
public class UsbSerialRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {
public UsbSerialRuntimeException() {
public UsbSerialRuntimeException(String detailMessage, Throwable throwable) {
super(detailMessage, throwable);
public UsbSerialRuntimeException(String detailMessage) {
public UsbSerialRuntimeException(Throwable throwable) {
This diff is collapsed.
package org.qgroundcontrol.qgchelper;
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Project home page:
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import android.util.Log;
* Utility class which services a {@link UsbSerialDriver} in its {@link #run()}
* method.
* Original author mike wakerly (
* Modified by Mike Goza
public class UsbIoManager implements Runnable {
private static final int READ_WAIT_MILLIS = 100;
private static final int BUFSIZ = 4096;
private static final String TAG = "QGC_UsbIoManager";
private final UsbSerialDriver mDriver;
private int mUserData;
private final ByteBuffer mReadBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFSIZ);
private final ByteBuffer mWriteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFSIZ);
private enum State
// Synchronized by 'this'
private State mState = State.STOPPED;
// Synchronized by 'this'
private Listener mListener;
public interface Listener
* Called when new incoming data is available.
public void onNewData(byte[] data, int userData);
* Called when {@link SerialInputOutputManager#run()} aborts due to an
* error.
public void onRunError(Exception e, int userData);
* Creates a new instance with no listener.
public UsbIoManager(UsbSerialDriver driver)
this(driver, null, 0);
Log.i(TAG, "Instance created");
* Creates a new instance with the provided listener.
public UsbIoManager(UsbSerialDriver driver, Listener listener, int userData)
mDriver = driver;
mListener = listener;
mUserData = userData;
public synchronized void setListener(Listener listener)
mListener = listener;
public synchronized Listener getListener()
return mListener;
public void writeAsync(byte[] data)
synchronized (mWriteBuffer)
public synchronized void stop()
if (getState() == State.RUNNING)
mState = State.STOPPING;
mUserData = 0;
private synchronized State getState()
return mState;
* Continuously services the read and write buffers until {@link #stop()} is
* called, or until a driver exception is raised.
public void run()
synchronized (this)
if (mState != State.STOPPED)
throw new IllegalStateException("Already running.");
mState = State.RUNNING;
while (true)
if (mState != State.RUNNING)
catch (Exception e)
final Listener listener = getListener();
if (listener != null)
listener.onRunError(e, mUserData);
synchronized (this)
mState = State.STOPPED;
private void step() throws IOException
// Handle incoming data.
int len =, READ_WAIT_MILLIS);
if (len > 0)
final Listener listener = getListener();
if (listener != null)
final byte[] data = new byte[len];
mReadBuffer.get(data, 0, len);
listener.onNewData(data, mUserData);
// Handle outgoing data.
byte[] outBuff = null;
synchronized (mWriteBuffer)
if (mWriteBuffer.position() > 0)
len = mWriteBuffer.position();
outBuff = new byte[len];
mWriteBuffer.get(outBuff, 0, len);
if (outBuff != null)
mDriver.write(outBuff, READ_WAIT_MILLIS);
......@@ -120,7 +120,11 @@ bool QextSerialPortPrivate::close_sys()
bool QextSerialPortPrivate::flush_sys()
#ifdef __android__
::ioctl(fd, TCSADRAIN, &currentTermios);
return true;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
android {
QT += androidextras
$$PWD/qserialport.h \
$$PWD/qserialport_p.h \
$$PWD/qserialportinfo_p.h \
$$PWD/qserialport.cpp \
$$PWD/qserialportinfo.cpp \
$$PWD/qserialport_android.cpp \
CONFIG += mobility
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/qt4support/include
......@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ inline bool isinf(T value)
#define isinf(x) std::isinf(x)
#ifdef __android__
#define isinf(x) std::isinf(x)
namespace QGC
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -29,8 +29,10 @@
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
#ifndef __android__
#include "UnitTest.h"
/// @file
/// @brief Subclass of QMessageBox which re-implements the static public functions. There are two reasons for this:
......@@ -104,10 +106,12 @@ private:
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
#ifndef __android__
if (qgcApp()->runningUnitTests()) {
qDebug() << "QGCMessageBox (unit testing)" << title << text;
return UnitTest::_messageBox(icon, title, text, buttons, defaultButton);
} else
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
......@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
#include "PX4Bootloader.h"
#include <QFile>
#ifdef __android__
#include "qserialportinfo.h"
#include <QSerialPortInfo>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTime>
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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