{ QextSerialPort::NoError, "No error occurred." },
{ QextSerialPort::DeviceNotFoundError, "An error occurred while attempting to open a non-existing device." },
{ QextSerialPort::PermissionError, "An error occurred while attempting to open an already opened device by another process or a user not having enough permission and credentials to open." },
{ QextSerialPort::OpenError, "An error occurred while attempting to open an already opened device in this object." },
{ QextSerialPort::NotOpenError, "This error occurs when an operation is executed that can only be successfully performed if the device is open." },
{ QextSerialPort::ParityError, "Parity error detected by the hardware while reading data." },
{ QextSerialPort::FramingError, "Framing error detected by the hardware while reading data." },
{ QextSerialPort::BreakConditionError, "Break condition detected by the hardware on the input line." },
{ QextSerialPort::WriteError, "An I/O error occurred while writing the data." },
{ QextSerialPort::ReadError, "An I/O error occurred while reading the data." },
{ QextSerialPort::ResourceError, "An I/O error occurred when a resource becomes unavailable, e.g. when the device is unexpectedly removed from the system." },
{ QextSerialPort::UnsupportedOperationError, "The requested device operation is not supported or prohibited by the running operating system." },
{ QextSerialPort::TimeoutError, "A timeout error occurred." },
_errorString=tr("Flash failed: %1 at address 0x%2").arg(_errorString).arg(bytesSent,8,16,QLatin1Char('0'));
@@ -393,12 +351,14 @@ bool PX4Bootloader::_bootloaderVerifyRev2(QextSerialPort* port, const QString fi
_errorString=tr("Verify failed: %1 at address: 0x%2").arg(_errorString).arg(bytesVerified,8,16,QLatin1Char('0'));
_errorString=tr("Compare failed at %1: file(0x%2) flash(0x%3)").arg(bytesVerified+i).arg(fileBuf[i],2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(flashBuf[i],2,16,QLatin1Char('0'));
_errorString=tr("Compare failed at %1: file(0x%2) flash(0x%3) at address: 0x%4").arg(bytesVerified+i).arg(fileBuf[i],2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(flashBuf[i],2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(bytesVerified,8,16,QLatin1Char('0'));