Commit 562c3d2c authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Merge pull request #713 from thomasgubler/regainaudio

Don't read out seconds since last connection on connection regain
parents abe60a9a 38485a57
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void UAS::updateState()
// Connection gained
if (connectionLost && (heartbeatInterval < timeoutIntervalHeartbeat))
QString audiostring = QString("Link regained to system %1 after %2 seconds").arg(this->getUASID()).arg((int)(connectionLossTime/1000000));
QString audiostring = QString("Link regained to system %1").arg(this->getUASID());
connectionLost = false;
connectionLossTime = 0;
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