Commit 55f61af4 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Added pressure support for airspeed in sensor level hil

parent d984564c
......@@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::readBytes()
Eigen::Vector3f magbody = m * mag;
qDebug() << "yaw mag:" << p.f[2] << "x" << xmag << "y" << ymag;
qDebug() << "yaw mag in body:" << magbody(0) << magbody(1) << magbody(2);
// qDebug() << "yaw mag:" << p.f[2] << "x" << xmag << "y" << ymag;
// qDebug() << "yaw mag in body:" << magbody(0) << magbody(1) << magbody(2);
xmag = magbody(0);
ymag = magbody(1);
......@@ -664,8 +664,31 @@ void QGCXPlaneLink::readBytes()
if (_sensorHilEnabled)
diff_pressure = 0.0f;
pressure_alt = alt;
diff_pressure = (ind_airspeed * ind_airspeed * 1.225f) / 2.0f;
/* tropospheric properties (0-11km) for standard atmosphere */
const double T1 = 15.0 + 273.15; /* temperature at base height in Kelvin */
const double a = -6.5 / 1000; /* temperature gradient in degrees per metre */
const double g = 9.80665; /* gravity constant in m/s/s */
const double R = 287.05; /* ideal gas constant in J/kg/K */
/* current pressure at MSL in kPa */
double p1 = 1013.25 / 10.0;
/* measured pressure in hPa */
double p = abs_pressure / 10.0;
* Solve:
* / -(aR / g) \
* | (p / p1) . T1 | - T1
* \ /
* h = ------------------------------- + h1
* a
pressure_alt = (((pow((p / p1), (-(a * R) / g))) * T1) - T1) / a;
// set pressure alt to changed
fields_changed |= (1 << 11);
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