Commit 5505d423 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Save airframe meta XML file during Firmware upgrades

parent 6368f2d3
......@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ bool FirmwareImage::_px4Load(const QString& imageFilename)
QSettings settings;
QDir parameterDir = QFileInfo(settings.fileName()).dir();
QString parameterFilename = parameterDir.filePath("PX4ParameterFactMetaData.xml");
qDebug() << parameterFilename;
QFile parameterFile(parameterFilename);
if ( | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
......@@ -260,6 +259,35 @@ bool FirmwareImage::_px4Load(const QString& imageFilename)
// Decompress the airframe xml and save to file
success = _decompressJsonValue(px4Json, // JSON object
bytes, // Raw bytes of JSON document
"airframe_xml_size", // key which holds byte size
"airframe_xml", // key which holds compress bytes
decompressedBytes); // Returned decompressed bytes
if (success) {
// We cache the airframe xml in the same location as settings and parameters
QSettings settings;
QDir airframeDir = QFileInfo(settings.fileName()).dir();
QString airframeFilename = airframeDir.filePath("PX4AirframeFactMetaData.xml");
qDebug() << airframeFilename;
QFile airframeFile(airframeFilename);
if ( | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
qint64 bytesWritten = airframeFile.write(decompressedBytes);
if (bytesWritten != decompressedBytes.count()) {
// FIXME: What about these warnings?
emit statusMessage(QString("Write failed for airframe meta data file, error: %1").arg(airframeFile.errorString()));
} else {
} else {
emit statusMessage(QString("Unable to open airframe meta data file %1 for writing, error: %2").arg(airframeFilename).arg(airframeFile.errorString()));
// Decompress the image and save to file
_imageSize = px4Json.value(QString("image_size")).toInt();
success = _decompressJsonValue(px4Json, // JSON object
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