readonlypropertystringassistModeDescription:qsTr("If Position Control is placed on a seperate channel from the Main mode channel, an additional 'Assist' mode is added to the Main switch. ")+
readonlypropertystringassistModeDescription:qsTr("If Position Control is placed on a separate channel from the Main mode channel, an additional 'Assist' mode is added to the Main switch. ")+
qsTr("In order for the Attitude Control/Position Control switch to be active, the Main switch must be in Assist mode.")
readonlypropertystringautoModeDescription:qsTr("If Loiter is placed on a seperate channel from the Main mode channel, an additional 'Auto' mode is added to the Main switch. ")+
readonlypropertystringautoModeDescription:qsTr("If Loiter is placed on a separate channel from the Main mode channel, an additional 'Auto' mode is added to the Main switch. ")+
qsTr("In order for the Mission/Loiter switch to be active, the Main switch must be in Auto mode.")