Commit 521fda0e authored by Jessica's avatar Jessica

README was added to doc directory with inforamtion on how to run doxygen. A...

README was added to doc directory with inforamtion on how to run doxygen. A mention to read the README in /doc for information was added to the main README in qgroundcontrol.
parent 0b7f080e
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $doxywizard &
doxywizard information:
Or go to the Doxygen Manual for information.
Or go to the Doxygen Manual for information at the website noted below.
......@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ Go to the following website for the correct download and follow the wizard to in
Run the wizard to generate the documentation.
Go to the website below or the Doxygen Manual for information on running doxywizard
Go to the website below or the Doxygen Manual for information on running doxywizard.
doxygen Manual
Doxygen Manual
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