Commit 51ef451f authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Handle file open correctly

Path through code allowed for xmlfile to be used when file was not
opened. Also changed qWarning->qDebug to allow QT_FAIL_WARNINGS to be
used to find bugs.
parent 4346e969
......@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::loadQgcConfig(bool primary)
if (!autopilotdir.exists("general"))
//TODO: Throw some kind of error here. There is no general configuration directory
qWarning() << "Invalid general dir. no general configuration will be loaded.";
qDebug() << "Invalid general dir. no general configuration will be loaded.";
if (!autopilotdir.exists(mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower()))
//TODO: Throw an error here too, no autopilot specific configuration
qWarning() << "Invalid vehicle dir, no vehicle specific configuration will be loaded.";
qDebug() << "Invalid vehicle dir, no vehicle specific configuration will be loaded.";
// Generate widgets for the General tab.
......@@ -380,23 +380,10 @@ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::loadConfig()
QGCToolWidget* tool;
QDir autopilotdir(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/files/" + mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower());
QDir generaldir = QDir(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/general/widgets");
QDir vehicledir = QDir(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/" + mav->getSystemTypeName().toLower() + "/widgets");
if (!autopilotdir.exists("general"))
//TODO: Throw some kind of error here. There is no general configuration directory
qWarning() << "Invalid general dir. no general configuration will be loaded.";
if (!autopilotdir.exists(mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower()))
//TODO: Throw an error here too, no autopilot specific configuration
qWarning() << "Invalid vehicle dir, no vehicle specific configuration will be loaded.";
qDebug() << autopilotdir.absolutePath();
qDebug() << generaldir.absolutePath();
qDebug() << vehicledir.absolutePath();
QFile xmlfile(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/arduplane.pdef.xml");
if (xmlfile.exists() && !
if (!
doneLoadingConfig = true;
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