Unverified Commit 4cc35937 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #6504 from DonLakeFlyer/MorePreFlight

Simplify PreFlightCheckButton implementation
parents 77b6dc5e dc0866d1
......@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ QGCView {
title: qsTr("Fly")
maxHeight: (_flightVideo.visible ? _flightVideo.y : parent.height) - toolStrip.y
buttonVisible: [ _useChecklist, _guidedController.showTakeoff || !_guidedController.showLand, _guidedController.showLand && !_guidedController.showTakeoff, true, true, true, _guidedController.smartShotsAvailable ]
buttonEnabled: [ _useChecklist, _guidedController.showTakeoff, _guidedController.showLand, _guidedController.showRTL, _guidedController.showPause, _anyActionAvailable, _anySmartShotAvailable ]
buttonEnabled: [ _useChecklist && _activeVehicle, _guidedController.showTakeoff, _guidedController.showLand, _guidedController.showRTL, _guidedController.showPause, _anyActionAvailable, _anySmartShotAvailable ]
property bool _anyActionAvailable: _guidedController.showStartMission || _guidedController.showResumeMission || _guidedController.showChangeAlt || _guidedController.showLandAbort
property bool _anySmartShotAvailable: _guidedController.showOrbit
......@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ QGCView {
opacity : 0.2+0.8*(QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.vehicles.count > 0)
tooltip: qsTr("Reset the checklist (e.g. after a vehicle reboot)")
onClicked: preFlightCheckList.resetNrClicks()
onClicked: preFlightCheckList.reset()
Image { source:"/qmlimages/MapSyncBlack.svg" ; anchors.fill: parent }
......@@ -15,24 +15,9 @@ import QGroundControl.Vehicle 1.0
PreFlightCheckButton {
name: qsTr("Global position estimate")
telemetryTextFailure: qsTr("AHRS Unhealthy. Check console.")
telemetryFailure: _unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorAHRS
property int _unhealthySensors: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.sensorsUnhealthyBits : 0
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
on_UnhealthySensorsChanged: updateItem()
on_ActiveVehicleChanged: updateItem()
Component.onCompleted: updateItem()
function updateItem() {
if (!_activeVehicle) {
state = stateNotChecked
} else {
if (_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorAHRS) {
state = stateMajorIssue
} else {
state = statePassed
property int _unhealthySensors: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.sensorsUnhealthyBits : 0
......@@ -16,33 +16,16 @@ import QGroundControl.Vehicle 1.0
// This class stores the data and functions of the check list but NOT the GUI (which is handled somewhere else).
PreFlightCheckButton {
name: qsTr("Battery")
pendingText: qsTr("Healthy & charged > %1. Battery connector firmly plugged?").arg(failureVoltage)
manualText: qsTr("Healthy & charged > %1. Battery connector firmly plugged?").arg(failureVoltage)
telemetryTextFailure: _batUnHealthy ?
qsTr("Not healthy. Check console.") :
("Low (below %1). Please recharge.").arg(failureVoltage)
property int failureVoltage: 40
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
property int _unhealthySensors: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.sensorsUnhealthyBits : 0
property var _batPercentRemaining: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.battery.percentRemaining.value : 0
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
on_BatPercentRemainingChanged: updateItem()
on_UnhealthySensorsChanged: updateItem()
on_ActiveVehicleChanged: updateItem()
Component.onCompleted: updateItem()
function updateItem() {
if (!_activeVehicle) {
state = stateNotChecked
} else {
if (_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorBattery) {
failureText = qsTr("Not healthy. Check console.")
state = stateMajorIssue
} else if (_batPercentRemaining < failureVoltage) {
failureText = qsTr("Low (below %1). Please recharge.").arg(failureVoltage)
state = stateMajorIssue
} else {
state = _nrClicked > 0 ? statePassed : statePending
property bool _batUnHealthy: _unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorBattery
property bool _batLow: _batPercentRemaining < failureVoltage
......@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ Item {
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
property int _checkState: _activeVehicle ? (_activeVehicle.armed ? 1 + (buttonActuators.state + buttonMotors.state + buttonMission.state + buttonSoundOutput.state) / 4 / 4 : 0) : 0 ; // Shows progress of checks inside the checklist - unlocks next check steps in groups
function resetNrClicks() {
function reset() {
// Check list item data
......@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ Item {
// Standard check list items (group 0) - Available from the start
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonHardware
name: "Hardware"
defaultText: "Props mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?"
name: qsTr("Hardware")
manualText: qsTr("Props mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?")
PreFlightBatteryCheck {
id: buttonBattery
......@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {text:qsTr("<i>Please arm the vehicle here.</i>") ; opacity: 0.2+0.8*(QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.vehicles.count > 0) ; anchors.horizontalCenter:buttonHardware.horizontalCenter ; anchors.topMargin:40 ; anchors.bottomMargin:40;}
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonActuators
name: "Actuators"
name: qsTr("Actuators")
group: 1
defaultText: "Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?"
manualText: qsTr("Move all control surfaces. Did they work properly?")
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonMotors
name: "Motors"
name: qsTr("Motors")
group: 1
defaultText: "Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?"
manualText: qsTr("Propellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?")
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonMission
name: "Mission"
name: qsTr("Mission")
group: 1
defaultText: "Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision)."
manualText: qsTr("Please confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).")
PreFlightSoundCheck {
id: buttonSoundOutput
......@@ -90,23 +90,21 @@ Item {
QGCLabel {text:qsTr("<i>Last preparations before launch</i>") ; opacity : 0.2+0.8*(_checkState >= 2); anchors.horizontalCenter:buttonHardware.horizontalCenter}
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonPayload
name: "Payload"
name: qsTr("Payload")
group: 2
defaultText: "Configured and started?"
pendingText: "Payload lid closed?"
manualText: qsTr("Configured and started? Payload lid closed?")
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonWeather
name: "Wind & weather"
group: 2
defaultText: "OK for your platform?"
pendingText: "Launching into the wind?"
manualText: qsTr("OK for your platform? Lauching into the wind?")
PreFlightCheckButton {
id: buttonFlightAreaFree
name: "Flight area"
name: qsTr("Flight area")
group: 2
defaultText: "Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?"
manualText: qsTr("Launch area and path free of obstacles/people?")
} // Object Model
......@@ -15,26 +15,10 @@ import QGroundControl.Vehicle 1.0
PreFlightCheckButton {
name: qsTr("Radio Control")
pendingText: qsTr("Receiving signal. Perform range test & confirm.")
failureText: qsTr("No signal or invalid autopilot-RC config. Check RC and console.")
manualText: qsTr("Receiving signal. Perform range test & confirm.")
telemetryTextFailure: qsTr("No signal or invalid autopilot-RC config. Check RC and console.")
telemetryFailure: _unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorRCReceiver
property int _unhealthySensors: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.sensorsUnhealthyBits : 0
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
on_UnhealthySensorsChanged: updateItem()
on_ActiveVehicleChanged: updateItem()
Component.onCompleted: updateItem()
function updateItem() {
if (!_activeVehicle) {
state = stateNotChecked
} else {
if (_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorRCReceiver) {
state = stateMajorIssue
} else {
state = _nrClicked > 0 ? statePassed : statePending
property int _unhealthySensors: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.sensorsUnhealthyBits : 0
......@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@ import QGroundControl.Vehicle 1.0
PreFlightCheckButton {
name: qsTr("Sensors")
telemetryFailure: (_unhealthySensors & _allCheckedSensors) || !_gpsLock || _satCountFailure
property int failureSatCount: -1 ///< -1 indicates no sat count check
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
property int _unhealthySensors: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.sensorsUnhealthyBits : 0
property bool _gpsLock: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.gps.lock.rawValue >= 3 : 0
property bool _satCount: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.gps.count : 0
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
property int _satCount: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.gps.count.rawValue : 0
property bool _satCountFailure: failureSatCount !== -1 && _satCount <= failureSatCount
property int _allCheckedSensors: Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dMag |
Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dAccel |
Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dGyro |
......@@ -29,37 +31,24 @@ PreFlightCheckButton {
Vehicle.SysStatusSensorDifferentialPressure |
on_GpsLockChanged: updateItem()
on_SatCountChanged: updateItem()
on_UnhealthySensorsChanged: updateItem()
on_ActiveVehicleChanged: updateItem()
Component.onCompleted: updateItem()
function updateItem() {
if (!_activeVehicle) {
state = stateNotChecked
} else {
if(!(_unhealthySensors & _allCheckedSensors)) {
if (!_gpsLock) {
pendingText = qsTr("Pending. Waiting for GPS lock.")
state = statePending
} else if (failureSatCount !== -1 && _satCount <= failureSatCount) {
pendingText = qsTr("Pending. Waiting for Sat Count > %1.").arg(failureSatCount)
state = statePending
} else {
state = statePassed
} else {
if (_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dMag) failureText=qsTr("Failure. Magnetometer issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dAccel) failureText=qsTr("Failure. Accelerometer issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dGyro) failureText=qsTr("Failure. Gyroscope issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorAbsolutePressure) failureText=qsTr("Failure. Barometer issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorDifferentialPressure) failureText=qsTr("Failure. Airspeed sensor issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorGPS) failureText=qsTr("Failure. No valid or low quality GPS signal. Check console.")
state = stateMajorIssue
on_GpsLockChanged: updateTelemetryTextFailure()
on_SatCountFailureChanged: updateTelemetryTextFailure()
on_UnhealthySensorsChanged: updateTelemetryTextFailure()
Component.onCompleted: updateTelemetryTextFailure()
function updateTelemetryTextFailure() {
if(_unhealthySensors & _allCheckedSensors) {
if (_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dMag) telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Failure. Magnetometer issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dAccel) telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Failure. Accelerometer issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensor3dGyro) telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Failure. Gyroscope issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorAbsolutePressure) telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Failure. Barometer issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorDifferentialPressure) telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Failure. Airspeed sensor issues. Check console.")
else if(_unhealthySensors & Vehicle.SysStatusSensorGPS) telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Failure. No valid or low quality GPS signal. Check console.")
} else if (!_gpsLock) {
telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Pending. Waiting for GPS lock.")
} else if (_satCountFailure) {
telemetryTextFailure = qsTr("Pending. Waiting for Sat Count > %1.").arg(failureSatCount)
......@@ -11,36 +11,10 @@ import QtQuick 2.3
import QGroundControl 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Vehicle 1.0
PreFlightCheckButton {
name: qsTr("Sound output")
pendingText: qsTr("QGC audio output enabled. System audio output enabled, too?")
failureText: qsTr("Failure, QGC audio output is disabled. Please enable it under application settings->general to hear audio warnings!")
property bool _audioMuted: QGroundControl.settingsManager.appSettings.audioMuted.rawValue
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
on_AudioMutedChanged: updateItem()
on_ActiveVehicleChanged: updateItem()
Component.onCompleted: updateItem()
function onActiveVehicleChanged() {
buttonSoundOutput.updateItem(); // Just updated here for initialization once we connect to a vehicle
function updateItem() {
if (!_activeVehicle) {
state = stateNotChecked
} else {
if (_audioMuted) {
state = stateMajorIssue
_nrClicked = 0
} else {
state = _nrClicked > 0 ? statePassed : statePending
manualText: qsTr("QGC audio output enabled. System audio output enabled, too?")
telemetryTextFailure: qsTr("QGC audio output is disabled. Please enable it under application settings->general to hear audio warnings!")
telemetryFailure: QGroundControl.settingsManager.appSettings.audioMuted.rawValue
......@@ -15,103 +15,120 @@ import QGroundControl 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
/// The PreFlightCheckButtons supports creating a button which the user then has to verify/click to confirm a check.
/// It also supports failing the check based on values from within the system: telemetry or QGC app values.
/// Two types of checks may be included on the button:
/// Manual - This is simply a check which the user must verify and confirm. It is not based on any system state.
/// Telemetry - This type of check can fail due to some state within the system. A telemetry check failure can be
/// a hard stop in that there is no way to pass the checklist until the system state resolves itself.
/// Or it can also optionall be override by the user.
/// If a button uses both manual and telemetry checks, the telemetry check takes precendence and must be passed first.
QGCButton {
property string name: ""
property int group: 0
property string defaultText: qsTr("Not checked yet")
property string pendingText: ""
property string failureText: qsTr("Failure. Check console.")
property int state: stateNotChecked
readonly property int stateNotChecked: 0
readonly property int statePending: 1
readonly property int stateMinorIssue: 2
readonly property int stateMajorIssue: 3
readonly property int statePassed: 4
property var _color: qgcPal.button
property int _nrClicked: 0
property string _text: name + ": " + defaultText
property string manualText: "" ///< text to show for a manual check, "" signals no manual check
property string telemetryTextOverride: "" ///< text to show if telemetry check failed and override is allowed
property string telemetryTextFailure ///< text to show if telemetry check failed (override not allowed)
property bool telemetryFailure: false ///< true: telemetry check failing, false: telemetry check passing
property bool passed: _manualState === _statePassed && _telemetryState === _statePassed
property int _manualState: manualText === "" ? _statePassed : _statePending
property int _telemetryState: _statePassed
property int _horizontalPadding: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
property int _verticalPadding: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2)
property real _stateFlagWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 4
readonly property int _statePending: 0 ///< Telemetry check has failed or manual check not yet verified, user can click to make it pass
readonly property int _stateFailed: 1 ///< Telemetry check has failed, user cannot click to make it pass
readonly property int _statePassed: 2 ///< Check has passed
readonly property color _passedColor: Qt.rgba(0.27,0.67,0.42,1)
readonly property color _pendingColor: Qt.rgba(0.9,0.47,0.2,1)
readonly property color _failedColor: Qt.rgba(0.92,0.22,0.22,1)
property string _text: "<b>" + name +"</b>: " +
((_telemetryState !== _statePassed) ?
(_telemetryState === _statePending ? telemetryTextOverride : telemetryTextFailure) :
(_manualState !== _statePassed ? manualText : qsTr("OK")))
property color _color: _telemetryState === _statePassed && _manualState === _statePassed ?
_passedColor :
(_telemetryState == _stateFailed ?
_failedColor :
(_telemetryState === _statePending || _manualState === _statePending ?
_pendingColor :
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
property bool _allowTelemetryFailureOverride: telemetryTextOverride !== ""
enabled: (!_activeVehicle || _activeVehicle.connectionLost) ? false : preFlightCheckList._checkState >= group
opacity: (!_activeVehicle || _activeVehicle.connectionLost) ? 0.4 : 0.2 + (0.8 * (preFlightCheckList._checkState >= group))
enabled: preFlightCheckList._checkState >= group
opacity: 0.2 + (0.8 * (preFlightCheckList._checkState >= group))
width: 40 * ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
style: ButtonStyle {
background: Rectangle {color:_color; border.color: qgcPal.button; radius:3}
padding {
top: _verticalPadding
bottom: _verticalPadding
left: (_horizontalPadding * 2) + _stateFlagWidth
right: _horizontalPadding
background: Rectangle {
color: qgcPal.button
border.color: qgcPal.button;
radius: 3
Rectangle {
color: _color
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: _stateFlagWidth
label: Label {
text: _text
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
color: state > 0 ? qgcPal.mapWidgetBorderLight : qgcPal.buttonText
color: qgcPal.buttonText
onPendingTextChanged: { if (state === statePending) { getTextFromState(); getColorFromState(); } }
onFailureTextChanged: { if (state === stateMajorIssue) { getTextFromState(); getColorFromState(); } }
onStateChanged: { getTextFromState(); getColorFromState(); }
onClicked: {
if (state <= statePending) {
_nrClicked = _nrClicked + 1 //Only allow click-counter to increase when not failed yet
function updateItem() {
// This is the default updateFunction. It assumes the item is a MANUAL check list item, i.e. one that
// only requires user clicks (one click if pendingText="", two clicks otherwise) for completion.
if (_nrClicked === 0) {
state = stateNotChecked
} else if (_nrClicked === 1) {
if (pendingText.length === 0) {
state = statePassed
onTelemetryFailureChanged: {
if (telemetryFailure) {
// We have a new telemetry failure, reset user pass
_telemetryState = _allowTelemetryFailureOverride ? _statePending : _stateFailed
} else {
state = statePending
_telemetryState = _statePassed
} else {
state = statePassed
onClicked: {
if (telemetryFailure && !_allowTelemetryFailureOverride) {
// No way to proceed past this failure
function getTextFromState() {
if (state === stateNotChecked) {
_text = qsTr(name) + ": " + qsTr(defaultText)
} else if (state === statePending) {
_text = "<b>"+qsTr(name)+"</b>" +": " + pendingText
} else if (state === stateMinorIssue) {
_text = "<b>"+qsTr(name)+"</b>" +": " + qsTr("Minor problem")
} else if (state === stateMajorIssue) {
_text = "<b>"+qsTr(name)+"</b>" +": " + failureText
} else if (state === statePassed) {
_text = "<b>"+qsTr(name)+"</b>" +": " + qsTr("OK")
} else {
console.warn("Internal Error: invalid state", state)
if (telemetryFailure && _allowTelemetryFailureOverride && _telemetryState !== _statePassed) {
// User is allowed to proceed past this failure
_telemetryState = _statePassed
if (manualText !== "" && _manualState !== _statePassed) {
// User is confirming a manual check
_manualState = _statePassed
function getColorFromState() {
if (state === stateNotChecked) {
_color = qgcPal.button
} else if (state === statePending) {
_color = Qt.rgba(0.9,0.47,0.2,1)
} else if (state === stateMinorIssue) {
_color = Qt.rgba(1.0,0.6,0.2,1)
} else if (state === stateMajorIssue) {
_color = Qt.rgba(0.92,0.22,0.22,1)
} else if (state === statePassed ) {
_color = Qt.rgba(0.27,0.67,0.42,1)
function reset() {
_manualState = manualText === "" ? statePass : _statePending
if (telemetryFailure) {
_telemetryState = _allowTelemetryFailureOverride ? _statePending : _stateFailed
} else {
console.warn("Internal Error: invalid state", state)
_telemetryState = _statePassed
function resetNrClicks() {
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
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