Commit 49470ca0 authored by lm's avatar lm


parent e74faa37
......@@ -332,13 +332,13 @@ SOURCES += src/ \
message("Including headers for OpenSceneGraph")
message("Including sources for OpenSceneGraph")
# Enable only if OpenSceneGraph is available
SOURCES += src/ui/map3D/
contains(DEPENDENCIES_PRESENT, osgearth) {
message("Including sources for OSGEARTH")
message("Including sources for osgEarth")
# Enable only if OpenSceneGraph is available
SOURCES += src/ui/map3D/ \
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ contains(DEPENDENCIES_PRESENT, osgearth) {
contains(DEPENDENCIES_PRESENT, libfreenect) {
message("Including headers for libfreenect")
message("Including sources for libfreenect")
# Enable only if libfreenect is available
SOURCES += src/input/
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