<short_desc>Rotation of magnetometer 0 relative to airframe</short_desc>
<long_desc>An internal magnetometer will force a value of -1, so a GCS should only attempt to configure the rotation if the value is greater than or equal to zero.</long_desc>
@@ -8338,6 +8388,9 @@ and either current or throttle depending on value of CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP
Unit for throttle-based compensation is [G] and
for current-based compensation [G/kA]</short_desc>
<short_desc>Rotation of magnetometer 1 relative to airframe</short_desc>
<long_desc>An internal magnetometer will force a value of -1, so a GCS should only attempt to configure the rotation if the value is greater than or equal to zero.</long_desc>
@@ -8439,6 +8506,9 @@ and either current or throttle depending on value of CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP
Unit for throttle-based compensation is [G] and
for current-based compensation [G/kA]</short_desc>
<short_desc>Rotation of magnetometer 2 relative to airframe</short_desc>
<long_desc>An internal magnetometer will force a value of -1, so a GCS should only attempt to configure the rotation if the value is greater than or equal to zero.</long_desc>
@@ -8540,6 +8624,9 @@ and either current or throttle depending on value of CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP
Unit for throttle-based compensation is [G] and
for current-based compensation [G/kA]</short_desc>
<short_desc>Rotation of magnetometer 2 relative to airframe</short_desc>
<short_desc>Rotation of magnetometer 3 relative to airframe</short_desc>
<long_desc>An internal magnetometer will force a value of -1, so a GCS should only attempt to configure the rotation if the value is greater than or equal to zero.</long_desc>
@@ -8641,6 +8742,9 @@ and either current or throttle depending on value of CAL_MAG_COMP_TYP
Unit for throttle-based compensation is [G] and
for current-based compensation [G/kA]</short_desc>
<short_desc>Differential pressure sensor analog scaling</short_desc>
<long_desc>Pick the appropriate scaling from the datasheet. this number defines the (linear) conversion from voltage to Pascal (pa). For the MPXV7002DP this is 1000. NOTE: If the sensor always registers zero, try switching the static and dynamic tubes.</long_desc>
@@ -8760,9 +8867,13 @@ is less than 50% of this value</short_desc>
<short_desc>Bitfield selecting mag sides for calibration</short_desc>
<long_desc>If set to two side calibration, only the offsets are estimated, the scale calibration is left unchanged. Thus an initial six side calibration is recommended. Bits: DETECT_ORIENTATION_TAIL_DOWN = 1 DETECT_ORIENTATION_NOSE_DOWN = 2 DETECT_ORIENTATION_LEFT = 4 DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHT = 8 DETECT_ORIENTATION_UPSIDE_DOWN = 16 DETECT_ORIENTATION_RIGHTSIDE_UP = 32</long_desc>
<long_desc>If set to two side calibration, only the offsets are estimated, the scale calibration is left unchanged. Thus an initial six side calibration is recommended. Bits: ORIENTATION_TAIL_DOWN = 1 ORIENTATION_NOSE_DOWN = 2 ORIENTATION_LEFT = 4 ORIENTATION_RIGHT = 8 ORIENTATION_UPSIDE_DOWN = 16 ORIENTATION_RIGHTSIDE_UP = 32</long_desc>
@@ -9140,6 +9251,14 @@ How often the sensor is readout</short_desc>
<long_desc>Magnetometer data maximum publication rate. This is an upper bound, actual magnetometer data rate is still dependant on the sensor.</long_desc>