constQVector<Waypoint*>&getWaypointList(void){returnwaypoints;}///< Returns a const reference to the waypoint list.
constQVector<Waypoint*>getGlobalFrameWaypointList();///< Returns a global waypoint list
constQVector<Waypoint*>getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList();///< Returns a global waypoint list containing only waypoints suitable for navigation. Actions and other mission items are filtered out.
intgetIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list
intgetGlobalFrameIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only global waypoints
intgetGlobalFrameAndNavTypeIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only global AND navigation mode waypoints
intgetLocalFrameIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only local waypoints
intgetMissionFrameIndexOf(Waypoint*wp);///< Get the index of a waypoint in the list, counting only mission waypoints
intgetGlobalFrameCount();///< Get the count of global waypoints in the list
intgetGlobalFrameAndNavTypeCount();///< Get the count of global waypoints in navigation mode in the list
intgetLocalFrameCount();///< Get the count of local waypoints in the list
<string>Set the confirm flag for this button. Some commands require that first one command is sent without confirm flag and then a second, equal command with confirm flag. This ensures safety.</string>