Commit 41b2fd7e authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba


parent 2aa69014
......@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(JoystickValuesLog, "JoystickValuesLog")
const char* Joystick::_settingsGroup = "Joysticks";
const char* Joystick::_calibratedSettingsKey = "Calibrated3"; // Increment number to force recalibration
const char* Joystick::_buttonActionSettingsKey = "ButtonActionName%1";
const char* Joystick::_buttonActionNameKey = "ButtonActionName%1";
const char* Joystick::_buttonActionRepeatKey = "ButtonActionRepeat%1";
const char* Joystick::_buttonActionFrequencyKey = "ButtonActionFrequency%1";
const char* Joystick::_throttleModeSettingsKey = "ThrottleMode";
const char* Joystick::_exponentialSettingsKey = "Exponential";
const char* Joystick::_accumulatorSettingsKey = "Accumulator";
......@@ -71,6 +73,13 @@ const char* Joystick::_rgFunctionSettingsKey[Joystick::maxFunction] = {
int Joystick::_transmitterMode = 2;
ButtonAction::ButtonAction(QObject* parent, QString action_, bool canRepeat_)
: QObject(parent)
, _action(action_)
, _repeat(canRepeat_)
Joystick::Joystick(const QString& name, int axisCount, int buttonCount, int hatCount, MultiVehicleManager* multiVehicleManager)
: _name(name)
, _axisCount(axisCount)
......@@ -83,14 +92,13 @@ Joystick::Joystick(const QString& name, int axisCount, int buttonCount, int hatC
_rgAxisValues = new int[static_cast<size_t>(_axisCount)];
_rgCalibration = new Calibration_t[static_cast<size_t>(_axisCount)];
_rgButtonValues = new uint8_t[static_cast<size_t>(_totalButtonCount)];
for (int i = 0; i < _axisCount; i++) {
_rgAxisValues[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _totalButtonCount; i++) {
_rgButtonValues[i] = BUTTON_UP;
_buttonActionArray << nullptr;
connect(_multiVehicleManager, &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &Joystick::_activeVehicleChanged);
......@@ -101,10 +109,14 @@ Joystick::~Joystick()
// Crash out of the thread if it is still running
delete[] _rgAxisValues;
delete[] _rgCalibration;
delete[] _rgButtonValues;
for (int button = 0; button < _totalButtonCount; button++) {
if(_buttonActionArray[button]) {
void Joystick::_setDefaultCalibration(void) {
......@@ -247,9 +259,19 @@ void Joystick::_loadSettings()
// Remap to stored TX mode in settings
_remapAxes(2, _transmitterMode, _rgFunctionAxis);
for (int button=0; button<_totalButtonCount; button++) {
_rgButtonActions << settings.value(QString(_buttonActionSettingsKey).arg(button), QString()).toString();
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "_loadSettings button:action" << button << _rgButtonActions[button];
for (int button = 0; button < _totalButtonCount; button++) {
QString a = settings.value(QString(_buttonActionNameKey).arg(button), QString()).toString();
if(!a.isEmpty()) {
if(_buttonActionArray[button]) {
AssignedButtonAction* ap = new AssignedButtonAction();
ap->action = a;
ap->repeat = settings.value(QString(_buttonActionRepeatKey).arg(button), false).toBool();
ap->frequency = settings.value(QString(_buttonActionFrequencyKey).arg(button), 1).toInt();
_buttonActionArray[button] = ap;
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "_loadSettings button:action" << button << _buttonActionArray[button]->action << _buttonActionArray[button]->repeat << _buttonActionArray[button]->frequency;
if (badSettings) {
......@@ -316,8 +338,12 @@ void Joystick::_saveSettings()
for (int button = 0; button < _totalButtonCount; button++) {
settings.setValue(QString(_buttonActionSettingsKey).arg(button), _rgButtonActions[button]);
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "_saveSettings button:action" << button << _rgButtonActions[button];
if(_buttonActionArray[button]) {
settings.setValue(QString(_buttonActionNameKey).arg(button), _buttonActionArray[button]->action);
settings.setValue(QString(_buttonActionRepeatKey).arg(button), _buttonActionArray[button]->repeat);
settings.setValue(QString(_buttonActionFrequencyKey).arg(button), _buttonActionArray[button]->frequency);
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "_saveSettings button:action" << button << _buttonActionArray[button]->action << _buttonActionArray[button]->repeat << _buttonActionArray[button]->frequency;
......@@ -334,15 +360,12 @@ int Joystick::_mapFunctionMode(int mode, int function) {
// Remap current axis functions from current TX mode to new TX mode
void Joystick::_remapAxes(int currentMode, int newMode, int (&newMapping)[maxFunction]) {
int temp[maxFunction];
for(int function = 0; function < maxFunction; function++) {
temp[_mapFunctionMode(newMode, function)] = _rgFunctionAxis[_mapFunctionMode(currentMode, function)];
for(int function = 0; function < maxFunction; function++) {
newMapping[function] = temp[function];
void Joystick::setTXMode(int mode) {
......@@ -413,49 +436,99 @@ float Joystick::_adjustRange(int value, Calibration_t calibration, bool withDead
void Joystick::run()
//-- Joystick thread
//-- Reset timers
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _totalButtonCount; buttonIndex++) {
if(_buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]) {
while (!_exitThread) {
// Update axes
for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < _axisCount; axisIndex++) {
int newAxisValue = _getAxis(axisIndex);
// Calibration code requires signal to be emitted even if value hasn't changed
_rgAxisValues[axisIndex] = newAxisValue;
emit rawAxisValueChanged(axisIndex, newAxisValue);
void Joystick::_handleButtons()
//-- Update button states
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _buttonCount; buttonIndex++) {
bool newButtonValue = _getButton(buttonIndex);
if (newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] == BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] = BUTTON_DOWN;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(buttonIndex, newButtonValue);
} else if (!newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] != BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] = BUTTON_UP;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(buttonIndex, newButtonValue);
// Update buttons
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _buttonCount; buttonIndex++) {
bool newButtonValue = _getButton(buttonIndex);
if (newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] == BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] = BUTTON_DOWN;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(buttonIndex, newButtonValue);
} else if (!newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] != BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] = BUTTON_UP;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(buttonIndex, newButtonValue);
//-- Update hat - append hat buttons to the end of the normal button list
int numHatButtons = 4;
for (int hatIndex = 0; hatIndex < _hatCount; hatIndex++) {
for (int hatButtonIndex = 0; hatButtonIndex<numHatButtons; hatButtonIndex++) {
// Create new index value that includes the normal button list
int rgButtonValueIndex = hatIndex*numHatButtons + hatButtonIndex + _buttonCount;
// Get hat value from joystick
bool newButtonValue = _getHat(hatIndex, hatButtonIndex);
if (newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] == BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] = BUTTON_DOWN;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(rgButtonValueIndex, newButtonValue);
} else if (!newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] != BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] = BUTTON_UP;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(rgButtonValueIndex, newButtonValue);
// Update hat - append hat buttons to the end of the normal button list
int numHatButtons = 4;
for (int hatIndex = 0; hatIndex < _hatCount; hatIndex++) {
for (int hatButtonIndex = 0; hatButtonIndex<numHatButtons; hatButtonIndex++) {
// Create new index value that includes the normal button list
int rgButtonValueIndex = hatIndex*numHatButtons + hatButtonIndex + _buttonCount;
// Get hat value from joystick
bool newButtonValue = _getHat(hatIndex, hatButtonIndex);
if (newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] == BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] = BUTTON_DOWN;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(rgButtonValueIndex, newButtonValue);
} else if (!newButtonValue && _rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] != BUTTON_UP) {
_rgButtonValues[rgButtonValueIndex] = BUTTON_UP;
emit rawButtonPressedChanged(rgButtonValueIndex, newButtonValue);
//-- Process button press
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _totalButtonCount; buttonIndex++) {
//-- This button just went down
if(_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] == BUTTON_DOWN) {
//-- Flag it as processed
_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] = BUTTON_REPEAT;
//-- Process single button
if(_buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]) {
if(!_buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]->repeat || _buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]->frequency == 0) {
QString buttonAction = _buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]->action;
if (!buttonAction.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "Single button triggered" << buttonIndex << buttonAction;
} else {
//-- Process repeat buttons
int buttonDelay = static_cast<int>(1000.0f / _buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]->frequency);
if(_buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]->buttonTime.elapsed() > buttonDelay) {
QString buttonAction = _buttonActionArray[buttonIndex]->action;
if (!buttonAction.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "Repeat button triggered" << buttonIndex << buttonAction;
void Joystick::_handleAxis()
//-- Get frequency
int axisDelay = static_cast<int>(1000.0f / _frequency);
//-- Check elapsed time since last run
if(_axisTime.elapsed() > axisDelay) {
//-- Update axis
for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < _axisCount; axisIndex++) {
int newAxisValue = _getAxis(axisIndex);
// Calibration code requires signal to be emitted even if value hasn't changed
_rgAxisValues[axisIndex] = newAxisValue;
emit rawAxisValueChanged(axisIndex, newAxisValue);
if (_activeVehicle->joystickEnabled() && !_calibrationMode && _calibrated) {
int axis = _rgFunctionAxis[rollFunction];
float roll = _adjustRange(_rgAxisValues[axis], _rgCalibration[axis], _deadband);
......@@ -519,22 +592,8 @@ void Joystick::run()
} else {
throttle = (throttle + 1.0f) / 2.0f;
//-- Process button press
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _totalButtonCount; buttonIndex++) {
//-- This button just went down
if(_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] == BUTTON_DOWN) {
//-- Flag it as processed
_rgButtonValues[buttonIndex] = BUTTON_REPEAT;
//-- Process button
QString buttonAction =_rgButtonActions[buttonIndex];
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "button triggered" << buttonIndex << buttonAction;
if (!buttonAction.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(JoystickValuesLog) << "name:roll:pitch:yaw:throttle:gimbalPitch:gimbalYaw" << name() << roll << -pitch << yaw << throttle << gimbalPitch << gimbalYaw;
// NOTE: The buttonPressedBits going to MANUAL_CONTROL are currently used by ArduSub (and it only handles 16 bits)
// Set up button bitmap
quint64 buttonPressedBits = 0; // Buttons pressed for manualControl signal
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _totalButtonCount; buttonIndex++) {
......@@ -544,9 +603,6 @@ void Joystick::run()
buttonPressedBits |= buttonBit;
qCDebug(JoystickValuesLog) << "name:roll:pitch:yaw:throttle:gimbalPitch:gimbalYaw" << name() << roll << -pitch << yaw << throttle << gimbalPitch << gimbalYaw;
// NOTE: The buttonPressedBits going to MANUAL_CONTROL are currently used by ArduSub (and it only handles 16 bits)
uint16_t shortButtons = static_cast<uint16_t>(buttonPressedBits & 0xFFFF);
emit manualControl(roll, -pitch, yaw, throttle, shortButtons, _activeVehicle->joystickMode());
if(_activeVehicle && _axisCount > 4 && _gimbalEnabled) {
......@@ -555,13 +611,7 @@ void Joystick::run()
emit manualControlGimbal((gimbalPitch + 1.0f) / 2.0f * 90.0f, gimbalYaw * 180.0f);
// Sleep. Update rate of joystick is by default 25 Hz
unsigned long mswait = static_cast<unsigned long>(1000.0f / _frequency);
void Joystick::startPolling(Vehicle* vehicle)
......@@ -669,27 +719,37 @@ int Joystick::getFunctionAxis(AxisFunction_t function)
return _rgFunctionAxis[function];
QStringList Joystick::actions()
QList<ButtonAction*> Joystick::actions()
QStringList list;
list << _buttonActionArm << _buttonActionDisarm << _buttonActionToggleArm;
if (_activeVehicle) {
list << _activeVehicle->flightModes();
list << _buttonActionVTOLFixedWing << _buttonActionVTOLMultiRotor;
list << _buttonActionZoomIn << _buttonActionZoomOut;
list << _buttonActionNextStream << _buttonActionPreviousStream;
list << _buttonActionNextCamera << _buttonActionPreviousCamera;
list << _buttonActionTriggerCamera;
list << _buttonActionStartVideoRecord;
list << _buttonActionStopVideoRecord;
list << _buttonActionToggleVideoRecord;
list << _buttonActionGimbalDown;
list << _buttonActionGimbalUp;
list << _buttonActionGimbalLeft;
list << _buttonActionGimbalRight;
list << _buttonActionGimbalCenter;
return list;
if(_actions.isEmpty()) {
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionArm);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionDisarm);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionToggleArm);
if (_activeVehicle) {
QStringList list = _activeVehicle->flightModes();
foreach(auto mode, list) {
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, mode);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionVTOLFixedWing);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionVTOLMultiRotor);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionZoomIn, true);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionZoomOut, true);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionNextStream);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionPreviousStream);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionNextCamera);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionPreviousCamera);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionTriggerCamera);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionStartVideoRecord);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionStopVideoRecord);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionToggleVideoRecord);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionGimbalDown, true);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionGimbalUp, true);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionGimbalLeft, true);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionGimbalRight, true);
_actions << new ButtonAction(this, _buttonActionGimbalCenter);
return _actions;
void Joystick::setButtonAction(int button, const QString& action)
......@@ -698,12 +758,20 @@ void Joystick::setButtonAction(int button, const QString& action)
qCWarning(JoystickLog) << "Invalid button index" << button;
qDebug() << "setButtonAction" << action;
_rgButtonActions[button] = action;
if(action.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() << "setButtonAction:" << "None";
_buttonActionArray[button] = nullptr;
} else {
qDebug() << "setButtonAction:" << action;
if(!_buttonActionArray[button]) {
_buttonActionArray[button] = new AssignedButtonAction();
_buttonActionArray[button]->action = action;
qCDebug(JoystickLog) << "_loadSettings button:action" << button << _buttonActionArray[button]->action << _buttonActionArray[button]->repeat << _buttonActionArray[button]->frequency;
emit buttonActionsChanged(buttonActions());
emit actionTitlesChanged(actionTitles());
QString Joystick::getButtonAction(int button)
......@@ -711,15 +779,17 @@ QString Joystick::getButtonAction(int button)
if (!_validButton(button)) {
qCWarning(JoystickLog) << "Invalid button index" << button;
return _rgButtonActions[button];
if(_buttonActionArray[button]) {
return _buttonActionArray[button]->action;
return QString();
QVariantList Joystick::buttonActions()
QStringList Joystick::actionTitles()
QVariantList list;
for (int button=0; button<_totalButtonCount; button++) {
list += QVariant::fromValue(_rgButtonActions[button]);
QStringList list;
for (int button = 0; button < _totalButtonCount; button++) {
list << getButtonAction(button);
return list;
......@@ -21,10 +21,33 @@
//-- Action assigned to button
class AssignedButtonAction : public QObject {
QString action;
QTime buttonTime;
bool repeat = false;
int frequency = 1;
//-- Assignable Button Action
class ButtonAction : public QObject {
ButtonAction(QObject* parent, QString action_, bool canRepeat_ = false);
Q_PROPERTY(QString action READ action CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool canRepeat READ canRepeat CONSTANT)
QString action () { return _action; }
bool repeat () { return _repeat; }
QString _action;
bool _repeat = false;
class Joystick : public QThread
Joystick(const QString& name, int axisCount, int buttonCount, int hatCount, MultiVehicleManager* multiVehicleManager);
......@@ -60,13 +83,13 @@ public:
} ThrottleMode_t;
Q_PROPERTY(bool calibrated MEMBER _calibrated NOTIFY calibratedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int totalButtonCount READ totalButtonCount CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(int axisCount READ axisCount CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool requiresCalibration READ requiresCalibration CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList actions READ actions CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList buttonActions READ buttonActions NOTIFY buttonActionsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool calibrated MEMBER _calibrated NOTIFY calibratedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int totalButtonCount READ totalButtonCount CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(int axisCount READ axisCount CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool requiresCalibration READ requiresCalibration CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<ButtonAction*> actions READ actions CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList actionTitles READ actionTitles NOTIFY actionTitlesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gimbalEnabled READ gimbalEnabled WRITE setGimbalEnabled NOTIFY gimbalEnabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int throttleMode READ throttleMode WRITE setThrottleMode NOTIFY throttleModeChanged)
......@@ -85,8 +108,8 @@ public:
int totalButtonCount () { return _totalButtonCount; }
int axisCount () { return _axisCount; }
bool gimbalEnabled () { return _gimbalEnabled; }
QStringList actions ();
QVariantList buttonActions ();
QList<ButtonAction*> actions ();
QStringList actionTitles ();
void setGimbalEnabled (bool set);
......@@ -143,7 +166,7 @@ signals:
void rawAxisValueChanged(int index, int value);
void rawButtonPressedChanged(int index, int pressed);
void buttonActionsChanged(QVariantList actions);
void actionTitlesChanged(QStringList actions);
void throttleModeChanged(int mode);
......@@ -166,7 +189,7 @@ signals:
void manualControl (float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float throttle, quint16 buttons, int joystickMmode);
void manualControlGimbal (float gimbalPitch, float gimbalYaw);
void buttonActionTriggered(int action);
void buttonActionTriggered (int action);
void gimbalEnabledChanged ();
void frequencyChanged ();
......@@ -192,6 +215,8 @@ protected:
void _buttonAction (const QString& action);
bool _validAxis (int axis);
bool _validButton (int button);
void _handleAxis ();
void _handleButtons ();
virtual bool _open () = 0;
......@@ -244,19 +269,21 @@ protected:
int _totalButtonCount;
static int _transmitterMode;
int _rgFunctionAxis[maxFunction] = {};
QTime _axisTime;
QStringList _rgButtonActions;
MultiVehicleManager* _multiVehicleManager = nullptr;
QList<ButtonAction*> _actions;
QList<AssignedButtonAction*> _buttonActionArray;
MultiVehicleManager* _multiVehicleManager = nullptr;
static const char* _rgFunctionSettingsKey[maxFunction];
static const char* _settingsGroup;
static const char* _calibratedSettingsKey;
static const char* _buttonActionSettingsKey;
static const char* _buttonActionNameKey;
static const char* _buttonActionRepeatKey;
static const char* _buttonActionFrequencyKey;
static const char* _throttleModeSettingsKey;
static const char* _exponentialSettingsKey;
static const char* _accumulatorSettingsKey;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Item {
property bool pressed
QGCCheckBox {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
checked: _activeJoystick ? _activeJoystick.buttonActions[modelData] !== "" : false
checked: _activeJoystick ? _activeJoystick.actionTitles[modelData] !== "" : false
onClicked: _activeJoystick.setButtonAction(modelData, checked ? buttonActionCombo.textAt(buttonActionCombo.currentIndex) : "")
Rectangle {
......@@ -69,9 +69,23 @@ Item {
QGCComboBox {
id: buttonActionCombo
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 26
model: _activeJoystick ? _activeJoystick.actions : 0
model: _activeJoystick ? _activeJoystick.actions : []
onActivated: _activeJoystick.setButtonAction(modelData, textAt(index))
Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = find(_activeJoystick.buttonActions[modelData])
Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = find(_activeJoystick.actionTitles[modelData])
QGCCheckBox {
id: repeatCheck
text: qsTr("Repeat")
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
QGCComboBox {
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 10
model: ["1Hz","2Hz","5Hz","10Hz"]
enabled: repeatCheck.checked
Item {
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 2
height: 1
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