Commit 41358199 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne


parent 208be59b
......@@ -40,14 +40,12 @@ QGCView {
// Help text which is shown both in the status text area prior to pressing a cal button and in the
// pre-calibration dialog.
readonly property string compassHelp: "For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions. For this calibration is is best " +
"to be connected to your vehicle via radio instead of USB since the USB cable will likely get in the way."
readonly property string compassHelp: "For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions. For this calibration it is best " +
"to be connected to your vehicle via radio instead of USB, since the USB cable will likely get in the way."
readonly property string gyroHelp: "For Gyroscope calibration you will need to place your vehicle right side up on solid surface and leave it still."
readonly property string accelHelp: "For Accelerometer calibration you will need to place your vehicle on all six sides and hold it still there for a few seconds."
readonly property string accelHelp: "For Accelerometer calibration you will need to place your vehicle on all six sides and hold it still in each orientation for a few seconds."
readonly property string airspeedHelp: "For Airspeed calibration you will need to keep your airspeed sensor out of any wind and then blow across the sensor."
property var controller
// Used to pass what type of calibration is being performed to the preCalibrationDialog
property string preCalibrationDialogType
......@@ -85,6 +83,22 @@ QGCView {
SensorsComponentController {
id: controller
onResetStatusTextArea: statusLog.text = statusTextAreaDefaultText
onSetCompassRotations: showDialog(compassRotationDialogComponent, "Set Compass Rotation(s)", 50, StandardButton.Ok)
onWaitingForCancelChanged: {
if (controller.waitingForCancel) {
showMessage("Calibration Cancel", "Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds.", 0)
} else {
Component {
id: preCalibrationDialogComponent
......@@ -118,7 +132,7 @@ QGCView {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
visible: preCalibrationDialogType != "airspeed"
text: "Please check and/or update board rotation before calibrating"
text: "Please check and/or update board rotation before calibrating."
FactComboBox {
......@@ -131,6 +145,82 @@ QGCView {
Component {
id: compassRotationDialogComponent
QGCViewDialog {
id: compassRotationDialog
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 10
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Please check and/or update compass rotation(s)"
// Compass 0 rotation
Component {
id: compass0ComponentLabel
QGCLabel { text: "Compass Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass0ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass0RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: Fact { name: "CAL_MAG0_ROT"; onFactMissing: showMissingFactOverlay(name) }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentCombo : null }
// Compass 1 rotation
Component {
id: compass1ComponentLabel
QGCLabel { text: "Compass 1 Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass1ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: Fact { name: "CAL_MAG1_ROT"; onFactMissing: showMissingFactOverlay(name) }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentCombo : null }
// Compass 2 rotation
Component {
id: compass2ComponentLabel
QGCLabel { text: "Compass 2 Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass2ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: Fact { name: "CAL_MAG2_ROT"; onFactMissing: showMissingFactOverlay(name) }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentCombo : null }
} // Column
} // QGCViewDialog
} // Component - compassRotationDialogComponent
Component {
id: view
......@@ -141,21 +231,20 @@ QGCView {
target: rootQGCView
onCompleted: {
rootQGCView.controller = viewPanel.controller
controller.factPanel = viewPanel
controller.statusLog = statusTextArea
controller.progressBar = progressBar
controller.compassButton = compassButton
controller.gyroButton = gyroButton
controller.accelButton = accelButton
controller.airspeedButton = airspeedButton
controller.cancelButton = cancelButton
controller.orientationCalAreaHelpText = orientationCalAreaHelpText
SensorsComponentController {
id: controller
factPanel: viewPanel
statusLog: statusTextArea
progressBar: progressBar
compassButton: compassButton
gyroButton: gyroButton
accelButton: accelButton
airspeedButton: airspeedButton
cancelButton: cancelButton
orientationCalAreaHelpText: orientationCalAreaHelpText
onResetStatusTextArea: statusTextArea.text = statusTextAreaDefaultText
......@@ -163,7 +252,7 @@ QGCView {
onWaitingForCancelChanged: {
if (controller.waitingForCancel) {
showMessage("Calibration Cancel", "Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds.", 0)
} else {
......@@ -193,148 +282,6 @@ QGCView {
color: qgcPal.window
Rectangle {
id: overlay
anchors.fill: parent
color: qgcPal.window
opacity: 0.75
z: 100
visible: false
Rectangle {
width: 300
height: 100
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: qgcPal.window
border.width: 1
border.color: qgcPal.text
visible: controller.waitingForCancel
z: overlay.z + 1
onVisibleChanged: {
overlay.visible = visible
QGCLabel {
anchors.fill: parent
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
text: "Waiting for Cancel (may take a few seconds)"
function showBoardRotationOverlay(calibrationType) {
boardRotationOverlay.calibrationType = calibrationType
boardRotationOverlay.visible = true
overlay.visible = true
Rectangle {
id: compassRotationOverlay
width: 300
height: compassRotationOverlayColumn.height + 11
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: qgcPal.window
border.width: 1
border.color: qgcPal.text
visible: false
z: overlay.z + 1
Column {
id: compassRotationOverlayColumn
anchors.topMargin: 10
width: parent.width
spacing: 10
Column {
anchors.leftMargin: 10
anchors.rightMargin: 10
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: 10
QGCLabel {
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "Please check and/or update compass rotation(s)"
// Compass 0 rotation
Component {
id: compass0ComponentLabel
QGCLabel { text: "Compass Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass0ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass0RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: Fact { name: "CAL_MAG0_ROT" }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass0Rot ? compass0ComponentCombo : null }
// Compass 1 rotation
Component {
id: compass1ComponentLabel
QGCLabel { text: "Compass 1 Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass1ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: Fact { name: "CAL_MAG1_ROT" }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass1Rot ? compass1ComponentCombo : null }
// Compass 2 rotation
Component {
id: compass2ComponentLabel
QGCLabel { text: "Compass 2 Orientation" }
Component {
id: compass2ComponentCombo
FactComboBox {
id: compass1RotationCombo
width: rotationColumnWidth
model: rotations
fact: Fact { name: "CAL_MAG2_ROT" }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentLabel : null }
Loader { sourceComponent: showCompass2Rot ? compass2ComponentCombo : null }
QGCButton {
x: 1
width: parent.width - 2
primary: true
text: "OK"
onClicked: {
compassRotationOverlay.visible = false
overlay.visible = false
function showCompassRotationOverlay() {
if (showCompass0Rot || showCompass1Rot || showCompass2Rot) {
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Item {
function __showDialog(component, title, charWidth, buttons) {
function showDialog(component, title, charWidth, buttons) {
__dialogCharWidth = charWidth
__dialogTitle = title
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Item {
__dialogOverlay.visible = true
function __showMessage(title, message, buttons) {
function showMessage(title, message, buttons) {
__dialogCharWidth = 50
__dialogTitle = title
__messageDialogText = message
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Item {
__dialogOverlay.visible = true
function __hideDialog() {
function hideDialog() {
__dialogComponent = null
__viewPanel.enabled = true
__dialogOverlay.visible = false
......@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ Item {
Connections {
target: __viewPanel.item
onShowDialog: __showDialog(component, title, charWidth, buttons)
onShowMessage: __showMessage(title, message, buttons)
onHideDialog: __hideDialog()
onShowDialog: __rootItem.showDialog(component, title, charWidth, buttons)
onShowMessage: __rootItem.showMessage(title, message, buttons)
onHideDialog: __rootItem.hideDialog()
Connections {
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ QGCView {
QGCViewPanel {
id: panel
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
FirmwareUpgradeController {
id: controller
upgradeButton: upgradeButton
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