// Store the connection information in the protocol links map
//qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "ADDED LINK TO PROTOCOL" << link->getName() << protocol->getName() << "NEW SIZE OF LINK LIST:" << protocolLinks.size();
boolidle;///< indicates if the system is following the waypoints or is waiting
uint16_tcurrent_active_wp_id;///< id of current waypoint
boolyawReached;///< boolean for yaw attitude reached
boolposReached;///< boolean for position reached
uint64_ttimestamp_lastoutside_orbit;///< timestamp when the MAV was last outside the orbit or had the wrong yaw value
uint64_ttimestamp_firstinside_orbit;///< timestamp when the MAV was the first time after a waypoint change inside the orbit and had the correct yaw value
std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*>waypoints1;///< vector1 that holds the waypoints
std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*>waypoints2;///< vector2 that holds the waypoints
std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*>*waypoints;///< pointer to the currently active waypoint vector
std::vector<mavlink_waypoint_t*>*waypoints_receive_buffer;///< pointer to the receive buffer waypoint vector