Commit 3bc22fdc authored by Dennis Shtatnov's avatar Dennis Shtatnov

Improve Syslink UI

parent d4e6eca7
......@@ -526,12 +526,6 @@ void LinkManager::_updateAutoConnectLinks(void)
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeCrazyflie2:
if (_autoconnectPixhawk) {
pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(QString("Crazyflie on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4Flow:
if (_autoConnectSettings->autoConnectPX4Flow()->rawValue().toBool()) {
pSerialConfig = new SerialConfiguration(tr("%1 on %2 (AutoConnect)").arg(boardName).arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
......@@ -204,8 +204,6 @@ bool QGCSerialPortInfo::getBoardInfo(QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t& boardType,
if (boardType == BoardTypeUnknown) {
// Fall back to port name matching which could lead to incorrect board mapping. But in some cases the
// vendor and product id do not come through correctly so this is used as a last chance detection method.
<<<<<<< c4da69536e067addfbf394609e9369c1c2d00129
for (int i=0; i<_boardFallbackList.count(); i++) {
const BoardFallback_t& boardFallback = _boardFallbackList[i];
......@@ -214,44 +212,6 @@ bool QGCSerialPortInfo::getBoardInfo(QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t& boardType,
if (boardFallback.androidOnly) {
if (description() == "PX4 FMU v4.x" || description() == "PX4 BL FMU v4.x") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V4 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypePX4FMUV4;
} else if (description() == "PX4 FMU v2.x" || description() == "PX4 BL FMU v2.x") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V2 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypePX4FMUV2;
} else if (description() == "PX4 FMU v1.x" || description() == "PX4 BL FMU v1.x") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V1 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypePX4FMUV1;
} else if (description().startsWith("PX4 FMU")) {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found PX4 FMU, assuming V2 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypePX4FMUV2;
} else if (description().contains(QRegExp("PX4.*Flow", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found possible px4 flow camera (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypePX4Flow;
} else if (description() == "MindPX FMU v2.x" || description() == "MindPX BL FMU v2.x") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found MindPX FMU V2 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypeMINDPXFMUV2;
} else if (description() == "PX4 TAP v1.x" || description() == "PX4 BL TAP v1.x") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found TAP V1 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypeTAPV1;
} else if (description() == "PX4 ASC v1.x" || description() == "PX4 BL ASC v1.x") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found ASC V1 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypeASCV1;
} else if (description() == "PX4 Crazyflie v2.0" || description() == "Crazyflie BL") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found Crazyflie 2.0 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypeCrazyflie2;
} else if (description() == "FT231X USB UART") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found possible Radio (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypeSikRadio;
#ifdef __android__
} else if (description().endsWith("USB UART")) {
// This is a fairly broad fallbacks for radios which will also catch most FTDI devices. That would
// cause problems on desktop due to incorrect connections. Since mobile is more anal about connecting
// it will work fine here.
boardType = BoardTypeSikRadio;
>>>>>>> Add firmware upgrade support for CF2
boardType = boardFallback.boardType;
name = _boardTypeToString(boardType);
......@@ -298,19 +258,6 @@ QList<QGCSerialPortInfo> QGCSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(void)
return list;
<<<<<<< c4da69536e067addfbf394609e9369c1c2d00129
bool QGCSerialPortInfo::boardTypePixhawk(void) const
BoardType_t boardType = this->boardType();
return boardType == BoardTypePX4FMUV1 || boardType == BoardTypePX4FMUV2
|| boardType == BoardTypePX4FMUV4 || boardType == BoardTypeAeroCore
|| boardType == BoardTypeMINDPXFMUV2 || boardType == BoardTypeTAPV1
|| boardType == BoardTypeASCV1 || boardType == BoardTypeCrazyflie2;
>>>>>>> Add firmware upgrade support for CF2
bool QGCSerialPortInfo::isBootloader(void) const
BoardType_t boardType;
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