staticconstchar*msgBegin="If you are currently connected to your Pixhawk board via QGroundControl, you must 'Disconnect' from the board. "
"If your board is connected via USB, you must unplug the USB cable.\n\n"
"Click 'Next' when these two steps are complete to begin upgrading.";
staticconstchar*msgBoardSearch="Plug in your board via USB now...";
staticconstchar*msgBoardNotFound="Unable to detect your board. If the board is currently connected via USB. Disconnect it, and click 'Try Again'.";
staticconstchar*msgBootloaderSearch="Searching for Bootloader...";
staticconstchar*msgBootloaderNotFound="Unable to connect to Bootloader. If the board is currently connected via USB. Disconnect it, and click 'Try Again'.";
staticconstchar*msgBootloaderError="An error occured while communicating with the Bootloader.";
staticconstchar*msgFirmwareSelect="Please select the firmware you would like to upload to the board from the dropdown to the right.";
staticconstchar*msgFirmwareBoardFlashing="Flashing new firmware onto board...";
staticconstchar*msgFirmwareBoardFlashError="A failure has occured while flashing the new firmware to your board. "
"This has left the board in an inconsistent state.\n\n"
"There currently is an known issue which does not yet have a fix which may cause this.\n\n"
"You should click 'Try Again' to attempt the upgrade process again.";
staticconstchar*msgFirmwareBoardVerifying="Verifying firmware on board...";
staticconstchar*msgFirmwareBoardVerifyError="Verification of flash memory on board failed. "
"This has left the board in an inconsistent state. "
"You should click 'Try Again' to attempt the upgrade process again.";
staticconstchar*msgFirmwareBoardUpgraded="Your board has been upgraded successfully.\n\nYou can now connect to your board via QGroundControl\n\nClick 'Try Again' to do another upgrade.";
//State Next command Cancel command Try Again command State Text
#define SELECT_FIRMWARE_LICENSE "By clicking Next you agree to the terms and disclaimer of the BSD open source license, as redistributed with the source code."
_ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Firmware file has 0 length image"));
_appendStatusLog(tr("Firmware file has 0 length image"));
_ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Image size for decompressed image does not match stored image size: Expected(%1) Actual(%2)").arg(_imageSize).arg(b.count()));
_appendStatusLog(tr("Image size for decompressed image does not match stored image size: Expected(%1) Actual(%2)").arg(_imageSize).arg(b.count()));