Commit 367b0b85 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Add Guided mode support

parent cd39a194
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -84,12 +84,15 @@ public:
QList<VehicleComponent*> componentsForVehicle(AutoPilotPlugin* vehicle) final;
QList<MAV_CMD> supportedMissionCommands(void) final;
bool isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities) final;
bool isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities);
QStringList flightModes(void) final;
QString flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) final;
QString flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const final;
bool setFlightMode(const QString& flightMode, uint8_t* base_mode, uint32_t* custom_mode) final;
bool isGuidedMode(const Vehicle* vehicle) const final;
void pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle);
int manualControlReservedButtonCount(void) final;
void adjustMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message) final;
void adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message) final;
void adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message) final;
void initializeVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle) final;
bool sendHomePositionToVehicle(void) final;
void addMetaDataToFact(QObject* parameterMetaData, Fact* fact, MAV_TYPE vehicleType) final;
......@@ -111,6 +114,10 @@ private:
static bool _isTextSeverityAdjustmentNeeded(const APMFirmwareVersion& firmwareVersion);
void _setInfoSeverity(mavlink_message_t* message) const;
QString _getMessageText(mavlink_message_t* message) const;
void _handleParamValue(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
void _handleParamSet(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
void _handleStatusText(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
void _handleHeartbeat(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
APMFirmwareVersion _firmwareVersion;
bool _textSeverityAdjustmentNeeded;
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
/// @author Don Gagne <>
#include "ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "MissionManager.h"
APMCopterMode::APMCopterMode(uint32_t mode, bool settable) :
APMCustomMode(mode, settable)
......@@ -73,3 +75,104 @@ ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin(void)
supportedFlightModes << APMCopterMode(APMCopterMode::BRAKE ,true);
bool ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities)
return (capabilities & (SetFlightModeCapability | GuidedModeCapability | PauseVehicleCapability)) == capabilities;
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::guidedModeRTL(Vehicle* vehicle)
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::guidedModeLand(Vehicle* vehicle)
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel)
if (qIsNaN(vehicle->altitudeAMSL()->rawValue().toDouble())) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Unable to takeoff, vehicle position not known."));
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_command_long_t cmd;
cmd.command = (uint16_t)MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF;
cmd.confirmation = 0;
cmd.param1 = 0.0f;
cmd.param2 = 0.0f;
cmd.param3 = 0.0f;
cmd.param4 = 0.0f;
cmd.param5 = 0.0f;
cmd.param6 = 0.0f;
cmd.param7 = vehicle->altitudeAMSL()->rawValue().toFloat() + altitudeRel; // AMSL meters
cmd.target_system = vehicle->id();
cmd.target_component = 0;
MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol();
mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &cmd);
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::guidedModeGotoLocation(Vehicle* vehicle, const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord)
if (qIsNaN(vehicle->altitudeRelative()->rawValue().toDouble())) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Unable to go to location, vehicle position not known."));
QGeoCoordinate coordWithAltitude = gotoCoord;
vehicle->missionManager()->writeArduPilotGuidedMissionItem(coordWithAltitude, false /* altChangeOnly */);
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::guidedModeChangeAltitude(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel)
if (qIsNaN(vehicle->altitudeRelative()->rawValue().toDouble())) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Unable to change altitude, vehicle altitude not known."));
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_set_position_target_local_ned_t cmd;
memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(mavlink_set_position_target_local_ned_t));
cmd.target_system = vehicle->id();
cmd.target_component = 0;
cmd.coordinate_frame = MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_OFFSET_NED;
cmd.type_mask = 0xFFF8; // Only x/y/z valid
cmd.x = 0.0f;
cmd.y = 0.0f;
cmd.z = -(altitudeRel - vehicle->altitudeRelative()->rawValue().toDouble());
MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol();
mavlink_msg_set_position_target_local_ned_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &cmd);
bool ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::isPaused(const Vehicle* vehicle) const
return vehicle->flightMode() == "Brake";
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
void ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin::setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode)
if (guidedMode) {
} else {
......@@ -64,6 +64,17 @@ class ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin : public APMFirmwarePlugin
// Overrides from FirmwarePlugin
bool isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities) final;
bool isPaused(const Vehicle* vehicle) const final;
void setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode) final;
void pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle) final;
void guidedModeRTL(Vehicle* vehicle) final;
void guidedModeLand(Vehicle* vehicle) final;
void guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel) final;
void guidedModeGotoLocation(Vehicle* vehicle, const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord) final;
void guidedModeChangeAltitude(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel) final;
......@@ -22,9 +22,16 @@
#include "FirmwarePlugin.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include <QDebug>
bool FirmwarePlugin::isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities)
return false;
QList<VehicleComponent*> FirmwarePlugin::componentsForVehicle(AutoPilotPlugin* vehicle)
......@@ -32,7 +39,7 @@ QList<VehicleComponent*> FirmwarePlugin::componentsForVehicle(AutoPilotPlugin* v
return QList<VehicleComponent*>();
QString FirmwarePlugin::flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode)
QString FirmwarePlugin::flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const
QString flightMode;
......@@ -86,11 +93,17 @@ int FirmwarePlugin::manualControlReservedButtonCount(void)
return -1;
void FirmwarePlugin::adjustMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
void FirmwarePlugin::adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
// Generic plugin does no message adjustment
void FirmwarePlugin::adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
// Generic plugin does no message adjustment
......@@ -129,3 +142,69 @@ void FirmwarePlugin::getParameterMetaDataVersionInfo(const QString& metaDataFile
majorVersion = -1;
minorVersion = -1;
bool FirmwarePlugin::isGuidedMode(const Vehicle* vehicle) const
// Not supported by generic vehicle
return false;
void FirmwarePlugin::setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode)
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
bool FirmwarePlugin::isPaused(const Vehicle* vehicle) const
// Not supported by generic vehicle
return false;
void FirmwarePlugin::pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
// Not supported by generic vehicle
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeRTL(Vehicle* vehicle)
// Not supported by generic vehicle
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeLand(Vehicle* vehicle)
// Not supported by generic vehicle
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel)
// Not supported by generic vehicle
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeGotoLocation(Vehicle* vehicle, const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord)
// Not supported by generic vehicle
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
void FirmwarePlugin::guidedModeChangeAltitude(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel)
// Not supported by generic vehicle
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by Vehicle."));
......@@ -50,12 +50,14 @@ class FirmwarePlugin : public QObject
/// Set of optional capabilites which firmware may support
typedef enum {
SetFlightModeCapability, ///< FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode method is supported
MavCmdPreflightStorageCapability, ///< MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE is supported
SetFlightModeCapability = 1 << 0, ///< FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode method is supported
MavCmdPreflightStorageCapability = 1 << 1, ///< MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE is supported
PauseVehicleCapability = 1 << 2, ///< Vehicle supports pausing at current location
GuidedModeCapability = 1 << 3, ///< Vehicle Support guided mode commands
} FirmwareCapabilities;
/// @return true: Firmware supports all specified capabilites
virtual bool isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities) { Q_UNUSED(capabilities); return false; }
virtual bool isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities);
/// Returns VehicleComponents for specified Vehicle
/// @param vehicle Vehicle to associate with components
......@@ -69,13 +71,42 @@ public:
/// Returns the name for this flight mode. Flight mode names must be human readable as well as audio speakable.
/// @param base_mode Base mode from mavlink HEARTBEAT message
/// @param custom_mode Custom mode from mavlink HEARTBEAT message
virtual QString flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode);
virtual QString flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const;
/// Sets base_mode and custom_mode to specified flight mode.
/// @param[out] base_mode Base mode for SET_MODE mavlink message
/// @param[out] custom_mode Custom mode for SET_MODE mavlink message
virtual bool setFlightMode(const QString& flightMode, uint8_t* base_mode, uint32_t* custom_mode);
/// Returns whether the vehicle is in guided mode or not.
virtual bool isGuidedMode(const Vehicle* vehicle) const;
/// Set guided flight mode
virtual void setGuidedMode(Vehicle* vehicle, bool guidedMode);
/// Returns whether the vehicle is paused or not.
virtual bool isPaused(const Vehicle* vehicle) const;
/// Causes the vehicle to stop at current position. If guide mode is supported, vehicle will be let in guide mode.
/// If not, vehicle will be left in Loiter.
virtual void pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle);
/// Command vehicle to return to launch
virtual void guidedModeRTL(Vehicle* vehicle);
/// Command vehicle to land at current location
virtual void guidedModeLand(Vehicle* vehicle);
/// Command vehicle to takeoff from current location
/// @param altitudeRel Relative altitude to takeoff to
virtual void guidedModeTakeoff(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel);
/// Command vehicle to move to specified location (altitude is included and relative)
virtual void guidedModeGotoLocation(Vehicle* vehicle, const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord);
/// Command vehicle to change to the specified relatice altitude
virtual void guidedModeChangeAltitude(Vehicle* vehicle, double altitudeRel);
/// FIXME: This isn't quite correct being here. All code for Joystick suvehicleTypepport is currently firmware specific
/// not just this. I'm going to try to change that. If not, this will need to be removed.
/// Returns the number of buttons which are reserved for firmware use in the MANUAL_CONTROL mavlink
......@@ -89,8 +120,15 @@ public:
/// spec implementations such that the base code can remain mavlink generic.
/// @param vehicle Vehicle message came from
/// @param message[in,out] Mavlink message to adjust if needed.
virtual void adjustMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
virtual void adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
/// Called before any mavlink message is sent to the Vehicle so plugin can adjust any message characteristics.
/// This is handy to adjust or differences in mavlink spec implementations such that the base code can remain
/// mavlink generic.
/// @param vehicle Vehicle message came from
/// @param message[in,out] Mavlink message to adjust if needed.
virtual void adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message);
/// Called when Vehicle is first created to send any necessary mavlink messages to the firmware.
virtual void initializeVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle);
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ QStringList PX4FirmwarePlugin::flightModes(void)
return flightModes;
QString PX4FirmwarePlugin::flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode)
QString PX4FirmwarePlugin::flightMode(uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const
QString flightMode = "Unknown";
......@@ -178,17 +178,10 @@ int PX4FirmwarePlugin::manualControlReservedButtonCount(void)
return 0; // 0 buttons reserved for rc switch simulation
void PX4FirmwarePlugin::adjustMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
// PX4 Flight Stack plugin does no message adjustment
bool PX4FirmwarePlugin::isCapable(FirmwareCapabilities capabilities)
return (capabilities & (MavCmdPreflightStorageCapability | SetFlightModeCapability)) == capabilities;
qDebug() << (capabilities & (MavCmdPreflightStorageCapability | SetFlightModeCapability | PauseVehicleCapability)) << capabilities;
return (capabilities & (MavCmdPreflightStorageCapability | SetFlightModeCapability | PauseVehicleCapability)) == capabilities;
void PX4FirmwarePlugin::initializeVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
......@@ -247,3 +240,8 @@ QObject* PX4FirmwarePlugin::loadParameterMetaData(const QString& metaDataFile)
return metaData;
void PX4FirmwarePlugin::pauseVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
vehicle->setFlightMode("Auto: Pause");
......@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ public:
bool isCapable (FirmwareCapabilities capabilities) final;
QStringList flightModes (void) final;
QString flightMode (uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) final;
QString flightMode (uint8_t base_mode, uint32_t custom_mode) const final;
bool setFlightMode (const QString& flightMode, uint8_t* base_mode, uint32_t* custom_mode) final;
void pauseVehicle (Vehicle* vehicle) final;
int manualControlReservedButtonCount(void) final;
void adjustMavlinkMessage (Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message) final;
void initializeVehicle (Vehicle* vehicle) final;
bool sendHomePositionToVehicle (void) final;
void addMetaDataToFact (QObject* parameterMetaData, Fact* fact, MAV_TYPE vehicleType) final;
......@@ -47,22 +47,8 @@ QGCView {
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
property real availableHeight: parent.height
readonly property bool isBackgroundDark: _mainIsMap ? (_flightMap ? _flightMap.isSatelliteMap : true) : true
property var _activeVehicle: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
readonly property real _defaultRoll: 0
readonly property real _defaultPitch: 0
readonly property real _defaultHeading: 0
readonly property real _defaultAltitudeAMSL: 0
readonly property real _defaultGroundSpeed: 0
readonly property real _defaultAirSpeed: 0
readonly property string _mapName: "FlightDisplayView"
readonly property string _showMapBackgroundKey: "/showMapBackground"
readonly property string _mainIsMapKey: "MainFlyWindowIsMap"
readonly property string _PIPVisibleKey: "IsPIPVisible"
property bool _mainIsMap: QGroundControl.loadBoolGlobalSetting(_mainIsMapKey, true)
property bool _isPipVisible: QGroundControl.loadBoolGlobalSetting(_PIPVisibleKey, true)
......@@ -82,6 +68,18 @@ QGCView {
property real pipSize: mainWindow.width * 0.2
readonly property bool isBackgroundDark: _mainIsMap ? (_flightMap ? _flightMap.isSatelliteMap : true) : true
readonly property real _defaultRoll: 0
readonly property real _defaultPitch: 0
readonly property real _defaultHeading: 0
readonly property real _defaultAltitudeAMSL: 0
readonly property real _defaultGroundSpeed: 0
readonly property real _defaultAirSpeed: 0
readonly property string _mapName: "FlightDisplayView"
readonly property string _showMapBackgroundKey: "/showMapBackground"
readonly property string _mainIsMapKey: "MainFlyWindowIsMap"
readonly property string _PIPVisibleKey: "IsPIPVisible"
FlightDisplayViewController { id: _controller }
function setStates() {
......@@ -174,6 +172,7 @@ QGCView {
FlightDisplayViewMap {
id: _flightMap
anchors.fill: parent
flightWidgets: widgetsLoader.item
......@@ -40,9 +40,14 @@ FlightMap {
anchors.fill: parent
mapName: _mapName
property alias missionController: _missionController
property var flightWidgets
property bool _followVehicle: true
property bool _activeVehicleCoordinateValid: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle ? multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.coordinateValid : false
property var activeVehicleCoordinate: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle ? multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate()
property var _activeVehicle: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
property bool _activeVehicleCoordinateValid: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.coordinateValid : false
property var activeVehicleCoordinate: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate()
property var _gotoHereCoordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate()
Component.onCompleted: {
QGroundControl.flightMapPosition = center
......@@ -58,6 +63,8 @@ FlightMap {
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
MissionController {
id: _missionController
Component.onCompleted: start(false /* editMode */)
......@@ -68,14 +75,14 @@ FlightMap {
model: _mainIsMap ? multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle ? multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.trajectoryPoints : 0 : 0
MapPolyline {
line.width: 3
line.color: "red"
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems - 1
path: [
{ latitude: object.coordinate1.latitude, longitude: object.coordinate1.longitude },
{ latitude: object.coordinate2.latitude, longitude: object.coordinate2.longitude },
line.width: 3
line.color: "red"
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems - 1
path: [
{ latitude: object.coordinate1.latitude, longitude: object.coordinate1.longitude },
{ latitude: object.coordinate2.latitude, longitude: object.coordinate2.longitude },
// Add the vehicles to the map
......@@ -83,12 +90,12 @@ FlightMap {
model: multiVehicleManager.vehicles
VehicleMapItem {
vehicle: object
coordinate: object.coordinate
isSatellite: flightMap.isSatelliteMap
size: _mainIsMap ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 5 : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems
vehicle: object
coordinate: object.coordinate
isSatellite: flightMap.isSatelliteMap
size: _mainIsMap ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 5 : ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems
// Add the mission items to the map
......@@ -101,8 +108,29 @@ FlightMap {
model: _mainIsMap ? _missionController.waypointLines : 0
// Used to make pinch zoom work
// GoTo here waypoint
MapQuickItem {
coordinate: _gotoHereCoordinate
visible: _vehicle.guidedMode && _gotoHereCoordinate.isValid
z: QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems
anchorPoint.x: sourceItem.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: sourceItem.height / 2
sourceItem: MissionItemIndexLabel {
isCurrentItem: true
label: "G"
// Handle guided mode clicks
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
if (_activeVehicle && _activeVehicle.guidedMode) {
_gotoHereCoordinate = flightMap.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
......@@ -107,6 +107,41 @@ void MissionManager::writeMissionItems(const QList<MissionItem*>& missionItems)
emit inProgressChanged(true);
void MissionManager::writeArduPilotGuidedMissionItem(const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord, bool altChangeOnly)
if (inProgress()) {
qCDebug(MissionManagerLog) << "writeArduPilotGuidedMissionItem called while transaction in progress";
_writeTransactionInProgress = true;
mavlink_message_t messageOut;
mavlink_mission_item_t missionItem;
missionItem.target_system = _vehicle->id();
missionItem.target_component = 0;
missionItem.seq = 0;
missionItem.command = MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT;
missionItem.param1 = 0;
missionItem.param2 = 0;
missionItem.param3 = 0;
missionItem.param4 = 0;
missionItem.x = gotoCoord.latitude();
missionItem.y = gotoCoord.longitude();
missionItem.z = gotoCoord.altitude();
missionItem.current = altChangeOnly ? 3 : 2;
missionItem.autocontinue = true;
mavlink_msg_mission_item_encode(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), &messageOut, &missionItem);
_dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink();
_vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_dedicatedLink, messageOut);
emit inProgressChanged(true);
void MissionManager::requestMissionItems(void)
qCDebug(MissionManagerLog) << "requestMissionItems read sequence";
......@@ -211,8 +246,6 @@ void MissionManager::_handleMissionCount(const mavlink_message_t& message)
void MissionManager::_requestNextMissionItem(void)
......@@ -394,6 +427,16 @@ void MissionManager::_handleMissionAck(const mavlink_message_t& message)
case AckGuidedItem:
// MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MISSION_ACK to end sequence
if (missionAck.type == MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED) {
qCDebug(MissionManagerLog) << "_handleMissionAck guide mode item accepted";
} else {
_sendError(VehicleError, QString("Vehicle returned error: %1. Vehicle did not accept guided item.").arg(_missionResultToString((MAV_MISSION_RESULT)missionAck.type)));
......@@ -437,14 +480,16 @@ void MissionManager::_sendError(ErrorCode_t errorCode, const QString& errorMsg)
QString MissionManager::_ackTypeToString(AckType_t ackType)
switch (ackType) {
case AckNone: // State machine is idle
case AckNone:
return QString("No Ack");
case AckMissionCount: // MISSION_COUNT message expected
case AckMissionCount:
return QString("MISSION_COUNT");
case AckMissionItem: ///< MISSION_ITEM expected
case AckMissionItem:
return QString("MISSION_ITEM");
case AckMissionRequest: ///< MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MISSION_ACK to end sequence
case AckMissionRequest:
return QString("MISSION_REQUEST");
case AckGuidedItem:
return QString("Guided Mode Item");
qWarning(MissionManagerLog) << "Fell off end of switch statement";
return QString("QGC Internal Error");
......@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ public:
/// @param missionItems Items to send to vehicle
void writeMissionItems(const QList<MissionItem*>& missionItems);
/// Writes the specified set mission items to the vehicle as an ArduPilot guided mode mission item.
/// @param gotoCoord Coordinate to move to
/// @param altChangeOnly true: only altitude change, false: lat/lon/alt change
void writeArduPilotGuidedMissionItem(const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord, bool altChangeOnly);
/// Error codes returned in error signal
typedef enum {
......@@ -90,6 +95,7 @@ private:
AckMissionCount, ///< MISSION_COUNT message expected
AckMissionItem, ///< MISSION_ITEM expected
AckMissionRequest, ///< MISSION_REQUEST is expected, or MISSION_ACK to end sequence
AckGuidedItem, ///< MISSION_ACK expected in reponse to ArduPilot guided mode single item send
} AckType_t;
void _startAckTimeout(AckType_t ack);
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ Vehicle::Vehicle(LinkInterface* link,
, _rcRSSI(0)
, _rcRSSIstore(100.0)
, _autoDisconnect(false)
, _flying(false)
, _connectionLost(false)
, _connectionLostEnabled(true)
, _missionManager(NULL)
......@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ Vehicle::Vehicle(LinkInterface* link,
connect(this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageOnThread, this, &Vehicle::_sendMessage, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLinkOnThread, this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLink, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(this, &Vehicle::flightModeChanged, this, &Vehicle::_announceflightModeChanged);
connect(this, &Vehicle::flightModeChanged, this, &Vehicle::_handleFlightModeChanged);
connect(this, &Vehicle::armedChanged, this, &Vehicle::_announceArmedChanged);
_uas = new UAS(_mavlink, this, _firmwarePluginManager);
......@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t mes
// Give the plugin a change to adjust the message contents
_firmwarePlugin->adjustMavlinkMessage(this, &message);
_firmwarePlugin->adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(this, &message);
switch (message.msgid) {
......@@ -412,6 +413,9 @@ void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t mes
// Following are ArduPilot dialect messages
......@@ -425,6 +429,23 @@ void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t mes
void Vehicle::_handleExtendedSysState(mavlink_message_t& message)
mavlink_extended_sys_state_t extendedState;
mavlink_msg_extended_sys_state_decode(&message, &extendedState);
switch (extendedState.landed_state) {
void Vehicle::_handleVibration(mavlink_message_t& message)
mavlink_vibration_t vibration;
......@@ -703,7 +724,7 @@ void Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLink(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// Give the plugin a chance to adjust
_firmwarePlugin->adjustMavlinkMessage(this, &message);
_firmwarePlugin->adjustOutgoingMavlinkMessage(this, &message);
static const uint8_t messageKeys[256] = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_CRCS;
mavlink_finalize_message_chan(&message, _mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), link->getMavlinkChannel(), message.len, messageKeys[message.msgid]);
......@@ -1091,7 +1112,7 @@ QStringList Vehicle::flightModes(void)
return _firmwarePlugin->flightModes();
QString Vehicle::flightMode(void)
QString Vehicle::flightMode(void) const
return _firmwarePlugin->flightMode(_base_mode, _custom_mode);
......@@ -1302,7 +1323,7 @@ void Vehicle::_connectionActive(void)
if (_connectionLost) {
_connectionLost = false;
emit connectionLostChanged(false);
_say(QString("% 1 communication regained").arg(_vehicleIdSpeech()));
_say(QString("%1 communication regained").arg(_vehicleIdSpeech()));
......@@ -1349,9 +1370,10 @@ QString Vehicle::_vehicleIdSpeech(void)
void Vehicle::_announceflightModeChanged(const QString& flightMode)
void Vehicle::_handleFlightModeChanged(const QString& flightMode)
_say(QString("%1 %2 flight mode").arg(_vehicleIdSpeech()).arg(flightMode));
emit guidedModeChanged(_firmwarePlugin->isGuidedMode(this));
void Vehicle::_announceArmedChanged(bool armed)
......@@ -1364,6 +1386,111 @@ void Vehicle::clearTrajectoryPoints(void)
void Vehicle::setFlying(bool flying)
if (armed() && _flying != flying) {
_flying = flying;
emit flyingChanged(flying);
bool Vehicle::guidedModeSupported(void) const
return _firmwarePlugin->isCapable(FirmwarePlugin::GuidedModeCapability);
bool Vehicle::pauseVehicleSupported(void) const
return _firmwarePlugin->isCapable(FirmwarePlugin::PauseVehicleCapability);
void Vehicle::guidedModeRTL(void)
if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by vehicle."));
void Vehicle::guidedModeLand(void)
if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by vehicle."));
void Vehicle::guidedModeTakeoff(double altitudeRel)
if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by vehicle."));
_firmwarePlugin->guidedModeTakeoff(this, altitudeRel);
void Vehicle::guidedModeGotoLocation(const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord)
if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by vehicle."));
_firmwarePlugin->guidedModeGotoLocation(this, gotoCoord);
void Vehicle::guidedModeChangeAltitude(double altitudeRel)
if (!guidedModeSupported()) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Guided mode not supported by vehicle."));
_firmwarePlugin->guidedModeChangeAltitude(this, altitudeRel);
void Vehicle::pauseVehicle(void)
if (!pauseVehicleSupported()) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(QStringLiteral("Pause not supported by vehicle."));
bool Vehicle::guidedMode(void) const
return _firmwarePlugin->isGuidedMode(this);
void Vehicle::setGuidedMode(bool guidedMode)
return _firmwarePlugin->setGuidedMode(this, guidedMode);
void Vehicle::emergencyStop(void)
mavlink_message_t msg;
mavlink_command_long_t cmd;
cmd.command = (uint16_t)MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM;
cmd.confirmation = 0;
cmd.param1 = 0.0f;
cmd.param2 = 21196.0f; // Magic number for emergency stop
cmd.param3 = 0.0f;
cmd.param4 = 0.0f;
cmd.param5 = 0.0f;
cmd.param6 = 0.0f;
cmd.param7 = 0.0f;
cmd.target_system = id();
cmd.target_component = 0;
mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(_mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &cmd);
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_hdopFactName = "hdop";
const char* VehicleGPSFactGroup::_vdopFactName = "vdop";
......@@ -287,6 +287,18 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool multiRotor READ multiRotor CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool autoDisconnect MEMBER _autoDisconnect NOTIFY autoDisconnectChanged)
/// true: Vehicle is flying, false: Vehicle is on ground
Q_PROPERTY(bool flying READ flying WRITE setFlying NOTIFY flyingChanged)
/// true: Vehicle is in Guided mode and can respond to guided commands, false: vehicle cannot respond to direct control commands
Q_PROPERTY(bool guidedMode READ guidedMode WRITE setGuidedMode NOTIFY guidedModeChanged)
/// true: Guided mode commands are supported by this vehicle
Q_PROPERTY(bool guidedModeSupported READ guidedModeSupported CONSTANT)
/// true: pauseVehicle command is supported
Q_PROPERTY(bool pauseVehicleSupported READ pauseVehicleSupported CONSTANT)
// FactGroup object model properties
......@@ -322,6 +334,31 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE void clearTrajectoryPoints(void);
/// Command vehicle to return to launch
Q_INVOKABLE void guidedModeRTL(void);
/// Command vehicle to land at current location
Q_INVOKABLE void guidedModeLand(void);
/// Command vehicle to takeoff from current location
Q_INVOKABLE void guidedModeTakeoff(double altitudeRel);
/// Command vehicle to move to specified location (altitude is included and relative)
Q_INVOKABLE void guidedModeGotoLocation(const QGeoCoordinate& gotoCoord);
/// Command vehicle to change to the specified relatice altitude
Q_INVOKABLE void guidedModeChangeAltitude(double altitudeRel);
/// Command vehicle to pause at current location. If vehicle supports guide mode, vehicle will be left
/// in guided mode after pause.
Q_INVOKABLE void pauseVehicle(void);
/// Command vehicle to kill all motors no matter what state
Q_INVOKABLE void emergencyStop(void);
bool guidedModeSupported(void) const;
bool pauseVehicleSupported(void) const;
// Property accessors
QGeoCoordinate coordinate(void) { return _coordinate; }
......@@ -390,7 +427,7 @@ public:
bool flightModeSetAvailable(void);
QStringList flightModes(void);
QString flightMode(void);
QString flightMode(void) const;
void setFlightMode(const QString& flightMode);
bool hilMode(void);
......@@ -399,6 +436,9 @@ public:
bool fixedWing(void) const;
bool multiRotor(void) const;
void setFlying(bool flying);
void setGuidedMode(bool guidedMode);
QmlObjectListModel* trajectoryPoints(void) { return &_mapTrajectoryList; }
int flowImageIndex() { return _flowImageIndex; }
......@@ -432,14 +472,16 @@ public:
bool mavPresent () { return _mav != NULL; }
QString currentState () { return _currentState; }
int rcRSSI () { return _rcRSSI; }
bool px4Firmware () { return _firmwareType == MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4; }
bool apmFirmware () { return _firmwareType == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA; }
bool genericFirmware () { return !px4Firmware() && !apmFirmware(); }
bool px4Firmware () const { return _firmwareType == MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4; }
bool apmFirmware () const { return _firmwareType == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA; }
bool genericFirmware () const { return !px4Firmware() && !apmFirmware(); }
bool connectionLost () const { return _connectionLost; }
bool connectionLostEnabled() const { return _connectionLostEnabled; }
uint messagesReceived () { return _messagesReceived; }
uint messagesSent () { return _messagesSent; }
uint messagesLost () { return _messagesLost; }
bool flying () const { return _flying; }
bool guidedMode () const;
Fact* roll (void) { return &_rollFact; }
Fact* heading (void) { return &_headingFact; }
......@@ -484,6 +526,8 @@ signals:
void connectionLostChanged(bool connectionLost);
void connectionLostEnabledChanged(bool connectionLostEnabled);
void autoDisconnectChanged(bool autoDisconnectChanged);
void flyingChanged(bool flying);
void guidedModeChanged(bool guidedMode);
void messagesReceivedChanged ();
void messagesSentChanged ();
......@@ -527,7 +571,7 @@ private slots:
void _addNewMapTrajectoryPoint(void);
void _parametersReady(bool parametersReady);
void _remoteControlRSSIChanged(uint8_t rssi);
void _announceflightModeChanged(const QString& flightMode);
void _handleFlightModeChanged(const QString& flightMode);
void _announceArmedChanged(bool armed);
void _handleTextMessage (int newCount);
......@@ -560,6 +604,7 @@ private:
void _handleSysStatus(mavlink_message_t& message);
void _handleWind(mavlink_message_t& message);
void _handleVibration(mavlink_message_t& message);
void _handleExtendedSysState(mavlink_message_t& message);
void _missionManagerError(int errorCode, const QString& errorMsg);
void _mapTrajectoryStart(void);
void _mapTrajectoryStop(void);
......@@ -610,6 +655,7 @@ private:
int _rcRSSI;
double _rcRSSIstore;
bool _autoDisconnect; ///< true: Automatically disconnect vehicle when last connection goes away or lost heartbeat
bool _flying;
// Lost connection handling
bool _connectionLost;
......@@ -435,53 +435,6 @@ Row {
//-- Arm/Disarm
Item {
width: armCol.width * 1.1
height: mainWindow.tbCellHeight
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Row {
id: armCol
spacing: tbSpacing * 0.5
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Image {
width: mainWindow.tbCellHeight * 0.5
height: mainWindow.tbCellHeight * 0.5
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
mipmap: true
smooth: true
source: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.armed ? "/qmlimages/Disarmed.svg" : "/qmlimages/Armed.svg") : "/qmlimages/Disarmed.svg"
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
QGCLabel {
text: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.armed ? "Armed" : "Disarmed") : ""
font.pixelSize: tbFontLarge
color: colorWhite
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
armDialog.visible = true
MessageDialog {
id: armDialog
visible: false
icon: StandardIcon.Warning
standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No
title: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.armed ? "Disarming Vehicle" : "Arming Vehicle") : ""
text: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.armed ? "Do you want to disarm? This will cut power to all motors." : "Do you want to arm? This will enable all motors.") : ""
onYes: {
activeVehicle.armed = !activeVehicle.armed
armDialog.visible = false
property var colorOrangeText: (qgcPal.globalTheme === QGCPalette.Light) ? "#b75711" : "#ea8225"
property var colorRedText: (qgcPal.globalTheme === QGCPalette.Light) ? "#ee1112" : "#ef2526"
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