Commit 321f21f2 authored by Bryant Mairs's avatar Bryant Mairs

QGC data logging now records small MAVLink messages.

Previously MAVLink data streams recorded by QGC would use a fixed block size of the maximum MAVLink message length and fill in only the bytes written by the message. This wasted space, make manual parsing difficult, and broke compatibility with scripts provided in the MAVLink project (issue #174).

This patch alters logging to output only a packed data stream (64-bit big endian unix timestamp in microseconds since epoch + MAVLink message) instead of the unpacked data stream previously output. Additionally the previous logging code used the system endianness for packing in the timestamp, this has now been switched to always be big endian regardless of platform. All the documentation specifies big endian, so the code now follows the docs here.

Additionally data playback has been modified to playback both the new packed data streams as well as the old data streams, even those with improper endianness for their timestamps.

Finally, a variety of bugs have been fixed, along with some additional features and user experience changes, hopefully for the better. All existing functionality has been preserved as well.
parent fda0d238
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QtEndian>
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
......@@ -358,19 +359,26 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
// Log data
if (m_loggingEnabled && m_logfile)
uint8_t buf[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64)] = {0};
quint64 time = QGC::groundTimeUsecs();
memcpy(buf, (void*)&time, sizeof(quint64));
// Write message to buffer
mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf+sizeof(quint64), &message);
//we need to write the maximum package length for having a
//consistent file structure and beeing able to parse it again
int len = MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN + sizeof(quint64);
uint8_t buf[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64)];
// Write the uint64 time in microseconds in big endian format before the message.
// This timestamp is saved in UTC time. We are only saving in ms precision because
// getting more than this isn't possible with Qt without a ton of extra code.
quint64 time = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() * 1000;
qToBigEndian(time, buf);
// Then write the message to the buffer
int len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf + sizeof(quint64), &message);
// Determine how many bytes were written by adding the timestamp size to the message size
len += sizeof(quint64);
// Now write this timestamp/message pair to the log.
QByteArray b((const char*)buf, len);
if(m_logfile->write(b) != len)
// If there's an error logging data, raise an alert and stop logging.
emit protocolStatusMessage(tr("MAVLink Logging failed"), tr("Could not write to file %1, disabling logging.").arg(m_logfile->fileName()));
// Stop logging
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QtEndian>
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "SerialLink.h"
......@@ -10,17 +11,15 @@
QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer(MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink, QWidget *parent) :
......@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer(MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink, QWidget *pare
......@@ -53,6 +52,9 @@ QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer(MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink, QWidget *pare
// Monitor for when the end of the log file is reached. This is done using signals because the main work is in a timer.
connect(this, SIGNAL(logFileEndReached()), &loopTimer, SLOT(stop()));
......@@ -90,14 +92,18 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::play()
if (logFile.isOpen())
// Disable the log file selector button
if (logLink)
// Make sure we aren't at the end of the file, if we are, reset to the beginning and play from there.
if (logFile.atEnd())
delete logLink;
logLink = new MAVLinkSimulationLink("");
// Always correct the current start time such that the next message will play immediately at playback.
// We do this by subtracting the current file playback offset from now()
playbackStartTime = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - (logCurrentTime - logStartTime) / 1000;
// Start timer
if (mavlinkLogFormat)
......@@ -112,10 +118,10 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::play()
// to guarantee the baud rate, then divide 1000 by the number of read
// operations to obtain the interval in milliseconds
int interval = 1000 / ((binaryBaudRate / 10) / len);
loopTimer.start(interval / accelerationFactor);
isPlaying = true;
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Started playing.."));
......@@ -133,44 +139,97 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::play()
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::pause()
isPlaying = false;
isPlaying = false;
if (logLink)
delete logLink;
logLink = NULL;
bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::reset(int packetIndex)
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::reset()
loopCounter = 0;
// Now update the position slider to its default location
// And since we haven't starting playback, clear the time of initial playback and the current timestamp.
playbackStartTime = 0;
logCurrentTime = logStartTime;
bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::jumpToPlaybackLocation(float percentage)
// Reset only for valid values
const unsigned int packetSize = timeLen + packetLen;
if (packetIndex >= 0 && packetIndex*packetSize <= logFile.size() - packetSize)
if (percentage <= 100.0f && percentage >= 0.0f)
bool result = true;
loopCounter = 0;
if (mavlinkLogFormat)
// But if we have a timestamped MAVLink log, then actually aim to hit that percentage in terms of
// time through the file.
qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentage * (float)logFile.size());
// Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
if (!
// Fallback: Start from scratch
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Changing packet index failed, back to start."));
result = false;
// But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
mavlink_message_t dummy;
logCurrentTime = findNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
if (!*packetSize))
// Now calculate the current file location based on time.
float newRelativeTime = (float)(logCurrentTime - logStartTime);
// Calculate the effective baud rate of the file in bytes/s.
float logDuration = (logEndTime - logStartTime);
float baudRate = logFile.size() / logDuration / 1e6;
// And the desired time is:
float desiredTime = percentage * logDuration;
// And now jump the necessary number of bytes in the proper direction
qint64 offset = (newRelativeTime - desiredTime) * baudRate; + offset);
// And scan until we reach the start of a MAVLink message. We make sure to record this timestamp for
// smooth jumping around the file.
logCurrentTime = findNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
// Now update the UI with our actual final position.
newRelativeTime = (float)(logCurrentTime - logStartTime);
percentage = newRelativeTime / logDuration;
// Fallback: Start from scratch
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Changing packet index failed, back to start."));
result = false;
// If we're working with a non-timestamped file, we just jump to that percentage of the file,
// align to the next MAVLink message and roll with it. No reason to do anything more complicated.
qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentage * (float)logFile.size());
// Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
if (!
// Fallback: Start from scratch
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Changing packet index failed, back to start."));
result = false;
// But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
mavlink_message_t dummy;
int sliderVal = (packetIndex / (double)(logFile.size()/packetSize)) * (ui->positionSlider->maximum() - ui->positionSlider->minimum());
startTime = 0;
// Now update the UI. This is necessary because stop() is called when loading a new logfile
return result;
......@@ -179,6 +238,26 @@ bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::reset(int packetIndex)
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::updatePositionSliderUi(float percent)
int sliderVal = ui->positionSlider->minimum() + (int)(percent * (float)(ui->positionSlider->maximum() - ui->positionSlider->minimum()));
// Calculate the runtime in hours:minutes:seconds
// WARNING: Order matters in this computation
quint32 seconds = percent * (logEndTime - logStartTime) / 1e6;
quint32 minutes = seconds / 60;
quint32 hours = minutes / 60;
seconds -= 60*minutes;
minutes -= 60*hours;
// And show the user the details we found about this file.
QString timeLabel = tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2);
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadSettings()
QSettings settings;
......@@ -203,6 +282,7 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::storeSettings()
bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::selectLogFile()
// Prompt the user for a new file using the last directory they searched.
return selectLogFile(lastLogDirectory);
......@@ -253,11 +333,9 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::setAccelerationFactorInt(int factor)
// operations to obtain the interval in milliseconds
int interval = 1000 / ((binaryBaudRate / 10) / len);
loopTimer.start(interval / accelerationFactor);
//qDebug() << "FACTOR:" << accelerationFactor;
ui->speedLabel->setText(tr("Speed: %1X").arg(accelerationFactor, 5, 'f', 2, '0'));
......@@ -271,21 +349,24 @@ bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadLogFile(const QString& file)
// Check if logging is still enabled
// Disable logging while replaying a log file.
if (mavlink->loggingEnabled())
MainWindow::instance()->showInfoMessage(tr("MAVLink Logging Stopped during Replay"), tr("MAVLink logging has been stopped during the log replay. To re-enable logging, use the link properties in the communication menu."));
// Ensure that the playback process is stopped
// Make sure to stop the logging process and reset everything.
// And that the old file is closed nicely.
if (logFile.isOpen())
// Now load the new file.
if (!
MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("The selected logfile is unreadable"), tr("Please make sure that the file %1 is readable or select a different file").arg(file));
......@@ -296,47 +377,81 @@ bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadLogFile(const QString& file)
QFileInfo logFileInfo(file);
startTime = 0;
ui->logFileNameLabel->setText(tr("Logfile: %1").arg(logFileInfo.fileName()));
// If there's an existing MAVLinkSimulationLink() being used for an old file,
// we replace it.
if (logLink)
delete logLink;
logLink = new MAVLinkSimulationLink("");
// Select if binary or MAVLink log format is used
mavlinkLogFormat = file.endsWith(".mavlink");
if (mavlinkLogFormat)
// Get the time interval from the logfile
// Get the first timestamp from the logfile
// This should be a big-endian uint64.
QByteArray timestamp =;
quint64 starttime = parseTimestamp(timestamp);
// Now find the last timestamp by scanning for the last MAVLink packet and
// find the timestamp before it. To do this we start searchin a little before
// the end of the file, specifically the maximum MAVLink packet size + the
// timestamp size. This guarantees that we will hit a MAVLink packet before
// the end of the file. Unfortunately, it basically guarantees that we will
// hit more than one. This is why we have to search for a bit.
qint64 fileLoc = logFile.size() - MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN - timeLen;;
quint64 endtime = starttime; // Set a sane default for the endtime
mavlink_message_t msg;
quint64 newTimestamp;
while ((newTimestamp = findNextMavlinkMessage(&msg)) > endtime) {
endtime = newTimestamp;
if (endtime == starttime) {
MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("The selected logfile cannot be processed"), tr("No valid timestamps were found at the end of the logfile.").arg(file));
ui->logFileNameLabel->setText(tr("No logfile selected"));
return false;
// First timestamp
quint64 starttime = *((quint64*)(timestamp.constData()));
// Remember the start and end time so we can move around this logfile with the slider.
logEndTime = endtime;
logStartTime = starttime;
logCurrentTime = logStartTime;
// Last timestamp;
QByteArray timestamp2 =;
quint64 endtime = *((quint64*)(timestamp2.constData()));
// Reset everything
// Reset our log file so when we go to read it for the first time, we start at the beginning.
qDebug() << "Starttime:" << starttime << "End:" << endtime;
// Calculate the runtime in hours:minutes:seconds
// WARNING: Order matters in this computation
int seconds = (endtime - starttime)/1000000;
int minutes = seconds / 60;
int hours = minutes / 60;
quint32 seconds = (endtime - starttime)/1000000;
quint32 minutes = seconds / 60;
quint32 hours = minutes / 60;
seconds -= 60*minutes;
minutes -= 60*hours;
// And show the user the details we found about this file.
QString timelabel = tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2);
currPacketCount = logFileInfo.size()/(MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64));
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("%2 MB, %3 packets, %4").arg(logFileInfo.size()/1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2).arg(currPacketCount).arg(timelabel));
currPacketCount = logFileInfo.size()/(32 + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES + sizeof(quint64)); // Count packets by assuming an average payload size of 32 bytes
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("%2 MB, ~%3 packets, %4").arg(logFileInfo.size()/1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2).arg(currPacketCount).arg(timelabel));
// Load in binary mode
// Load in binary mode. In this mode, files should be have a filename postfix
// of the baud rate they were recorded at, like `test_run_115200.bin`. Then on
// playback, the datarate is equal to set to this value.
// Set baud rate if any present
// Set baud rate if any present. Otherwise we default to 57600.
QStringList parts = logFileInfo.baseName().split("_");
binaryBaudRate = defaultBinaryBaudRate;
if (parts.count() > 1)
bool ok;
......@@ -359,9 +474,6 @@ bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadLogFile(const QString& file)
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("%2 MB, %4 at %5 KB/s").arg(logFileInfo.size()/1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2).arg(timelabel).arg(binaryBaudRate/10.0f/1024.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
// Reset current state
// Check if a serial link is connected
bool linkWarning = false;
......@@ -382,24 +494,66 @@ bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadLogFile(const QString& file)
quint64 QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::parseTimestamp(const QByteArray &data)
// Retrieve the timestamp from the ByteArray assuming a proper BigEndian quint64 timestamp in microseconds.
quint64 timestamp = qFromBigEndian(*((quint64*)(data.constData())));
// And get the current time in microseconds
quint64 currentTimestamp = ((quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()) * 1000;
// Now if the parsed timestamp is in the future, it must be an old file where the timestamp was stored as
// little endian, so switch it.
if (timestamp > currentTimestamp) {
timestamp = qbswap(timestamp);
return timestamp;
* Jumps to the current percentage of the position slider
* Jumps to the current percentage of the position slider. When this is called, the LogPlayer should already
* have been paused, so it just jumps to the proper location in the file and resumes playing.
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::jumpToSliderVal(int slidervalue)
// Set the logfile to the correct percentage and
// align to the timestamp values
int packetCount = logFile.size() / (packetLen + timeLen);
int packetIndex = (packetCount - 1) * (slidervalue / (double)(ui->positionSlider->maximum() - ui->positionSlider->minimum()));
// Determine what percentage through the file we should be (time or packet number depending).
float newLocation = slidervalue / (float)(ui->positionSlider->maximum() - ui->positionSlider->minimum());
// And clamp our calculated values to the valid range of [0,100]
if (newLocation > 100.0f)
newLocation = 100.0f;
if (newLocation < 0.0f)
newLocation = 0.0f;
// Do only accept valid jumps
if (reset(packetIndex))
// Do only valid jumps
if (jumpToPlaybackLocation(newLocation))
if (mavlinkLogFormat)
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Jumped to packet %1").arg(packetIndex));
// Grab the total seconds of this file (1e6 is due to microsecond -> second conversion)
int seconds = newLocation * (logEndTime - logStartTime) / 1e6;
int minutes = seconds / 60;
int hours = minutes / 60;
seconds -= 60*minutes;
minutes -= 60*hours;
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Jumped to time %1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2));
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Jumped to %1").arg(newLocation));
......@@ -413,103 +567,50 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::jumpToSliderVal(int slidervalue)
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::logLoop()
// If we have a file with timestamps, try and pace this out following the time differences
// between the timestamps and the current playback speed.
if (mavlinkLogFormat)
bool ok;
// Now parse MAVLink messages, grabbing their timestamps as we go. We stop once we
// have at least 3ms until the next one.
int nextExecutionTime = 0;
mavlink_message_t msg;
while (nextExecutionTime < 3) {
// First check initialization
if (startTime == 0)
QByteArray startBytes =;
// Now we're sitting at the start of a MAVLink message, so read it all into a byte array for feeding to our parser.
// Check if the correct number of bytes could be read
if (startBytes.length() != timeLen)
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Error reading first %1 bytes").arg(timeLen));
MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("Failed loading MAVLink Logfile"), tr("Error reading first %1 bytes from logfile. Got %2 instead of %1 bytes. Is the logfile readable?").arg(timeLen).arg(startBytes.length()));
// Emit this message to our MAVLink parser.
emit bytesReady(logLink, message);
// Convert data to timestamp
startTime = *((quint64*)(startBytes.constData()));
currentStartTime = QGC::groundTimeUsecs();
ok = true;
//qDebug() << "START TIME: " << startTime;
// Check if these bytes could be correctly decoded
if (!ok)
// If we've reached the end of the of the file, make sure we handle that well
if (logFile.atEnd())
ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Error decoding first timestamp, aborting."));
MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("Failed loading MAVLink Logfile"), tr("Could not load initial timestamp from file %1. Is the file corrupted?").arg(logFile.fileName()));
// For some reason calling pause() here doesn't work, so we update the UI manually here.
isPlaying = false;
// Note that we explicitly set the slider to 100%, as it may not hit that by itself depending on log file size.
emit logFileEndReached();
// Initialization seems fine, load next chunk
//this is ok because before we already read the timestamp of this paket before
QByteArray chunk =;
QByteArray packet = chunk.left(packetLen);
// Run our parser to find the next timestamp and leave us at the start of the next MAVLink message.
logCurrentTime = findNextMavlinkMessage(&msg);
// Emit this packet
emit bytesReady(logLink, packet);
// Check if reached end of file before reading next timestamp
if (chunk.length() < (timeLen + packetLen) || logFile.atEnd())
// Reached end of file
QString status = tr("Reached end of MAVLink log file.");
// Calculate how long we should wait in real time until parsing this message.
// We pace ourselves relative to the start time of playback to fix any drift (initially set in play())
qint64 timediff = (logCurrentTime - logStartTime) / accelerationFactor;
quint64 desiredPacedTime = playbackStartTime + ((quint64)timediff) / 1000;
quint64 currentTime = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
nextExecutionTime = desiredPacedTime - currentTime;
// End of file not reached, read next timestamp
// which is located after current packet
QByteArray rawTime = chunk.mid(packetLen);
// This is the timestamp of the next packet
quint64 time = *((quint64*)(rawTime.constData()));
ok = true;
if (!ok)
// Convert it to 64bit number
QString status = tr("Time conversion error during log replay. Continuing..");
// Normal processing, passed all checks
// start timer to match time offset between
// this and next packet
// Offset in ms
qint64 timediff = (time - startTime)/accelerationFactor;
// Immediately load any data within
// a 3 ms interval
int nextExecutionTime = (((qint64)currentStartTime + (qint64)timediff) - (qint64)QGC::groundTimeUsecs())/1000;
//qDebug() << "nextExecutionTime:" << nextExecutionTime << "QGC START TIME:" << currentStartTime << "LOG START TIME:" << startTime;
if (nextExecutionTime < 2)
// And schedule the next execution of this function.
......@@ -532,23 +633,48 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::logLoop()
// Ui update: Only every 20 messages
// to prevent flickering and high CPU load
// Update status label
// Update progress bar
if (loopCounter % 40 == 0 || currPacketCount < 500)
// Update the UI every 2^5=32 times, or when there isn't much data to be played back.
// Reduces flickering and minimizes CPU load.
if ((loopCounter & 0x1F) == 0 || currPacketCount < 2000)
QFileInfo logFileInfo(logFile);
int progress = (ui->positionSlider->maximum()-ui->positionSlider->minimum())*(logFile.pos()/static_cast<float>(logFileInfo.size()));
//qDebug() << "Progress:" << progress;
updatePositionSliderUi(logFile.pos() / static_cast<float>(logFileInfo.size()));
* This function parses out the next MAVLink message and its corresponding timestamp.
* It makes no assumptions about where in the file we currently are. It leaves the file right
* at the beginning of the successfully parsed message. Note that this function will not attempt to
* correct for any MAVLink parsing failures, so it always returns the next successfully-parsed
* message.
* @param msg[output] Where the final parsed message output will go.
* @return A Unix timestamp in microseconds UTC or 0 if parsing failed
quint64 QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::findNextMavlinkMessage(mavlink_message_t *msg)
char nextByte;
mavlink_status_t comm;
while (logFile.getChar(&nextByte)) { // Loop over every byte
bool messageFound = mavlink_parse_char(logLink->getId(), nextByte, msg, &comm);
// If we've found a message, jump back to the start of the message, grab the timestamp,
// and go back to the end of this file.
if (messageFound) { - (msg->len + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES + timeLen));
QByteArray rawTime =;
return parseTimestamp(rawTime);
// Otherwise, if we never find a message, return a failure code of 0.
return 0;
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
......@@ -571,4 +697,4 @@ void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter p(this);
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ public slots:
void playPause(bool play);
/** @brief Replay the logfile */
void play();
/** @brief Pause the logfile */
/** @brief Pause the log player. */
void pause();
/** @brief Reset the logfile */
bool reset(int packetIndex=0);
/** @brief Reset the internal log player state, including the UI */
void reset();
/** @brief Select logfile */
bool selectLogFile(const QString startDirectory);
/** @brief Select logfile */
......@@ -72,21 +72,22 @@ public slots:
/** @brief Send ready bytes */
void bytesReady(LinkInterface* link, const QByteArray& bytes);
void logFileEndReached();
int lineCounter;
int totalLines;
quint64 startTime;
quint64 endTime;
quint64 currentStartTime;
quint64 playbackStartTime; ///< The time when the logfile was first played back. This is used to pace out replaying the messages to fix long-term drift/skew. 0 indicates that the player hasn't initiated playback of this log file. In units of milliseconds since epoch UTC.
quint64 logCurrentTime; ///< The timestamp of the next message in the log file. In units of microseconds since epoch UTC.
quint64 logStartTime; ///< The first timestamp in the current log file. In units of microseconds since epoch UTC.
quint64 logEndTime; ///< The last timestamp in the current log file. In units of microseconds since epoch UTC.
float accelerationFactor;
MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink;
MAVLinkSimulationLink* logLink;
QFile logFile;
QTimer loopTimer;
int loopCounter;
bool mavlinkLogFormat;
bool mavlinkLogFormat; ///< If the logfile is stored in the timestamped MAVLink log format
int binaryBaudRate;
static const int defaultBinaryBaudRate = 57600;
bool isPlaying;
unsigned int currPacketCount;
static const int packetLen = MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN;
......@@ -100,6 +101,35 @@ protected:
Ui::QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer *ui;
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
/** @brief Parse out a quint64 timestamp in microseconds in the proper endianness. */
quint64 parseTimestamp(const QByteArray &data);
* This function parses out the next MAVLink message and its corresponding timestamp.
* It makes no assumptions about where in the file we currently are. It leaves the file right
* at the beginning of the successfully parsed message. Note that this function will not attempt to
* correct for any MAVLink parsing failures, so it always returns the next successfully-parsed
* message.
* @param msg[output] Where the final parsed message output will go.
* @return A Unix timestamp in microseconds UTC or 0 if parsing failed
quint64 findNextMavlinkMessage(mavlink_message_t *msg);
* Updates the QSlider UI to be at the given percentage.
* @param percent A percentage value between 0.0% and 100.0%.
void updatePositionSliderUi(float percent);
* Jumps to a new position in the current playback file as a percentage.
* @param percentage The position of the file to jump to as a percentage.
* @return True if the new file position was successfully jumped to, false otherwise
bool jumpToPlaybackLocation(float percentage);
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="logStatsLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>No logfile selected..</string>
......@@ -54,6 +54,16 @@
<property name="checkable">
<property name="checked">
<widget class="QLabel" name="timeLabel">
<property name="text">
......@@ -119,7 +129,7 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="logFileNameLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>No logfile selected..</string>
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ QGCStatusBar::QGCStatusBar(QWidget *parent) :
toggleLoggingButton = new QPushButton("Logging", this);
toggleLoggingButton = new QPushButton(tr("Log to file"), this);
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