Commit 3112498c authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Adjust grid line direction after polygon clip

parent c2b0c085
......@@ -396,6 +396,24 @@ void ComplexMissionItem::_intersectLinesWithPolygon(const QList<QLineF>& lineLis
/// Adjust the line segments such that they are all going the same direction with respect to going from P1->P2
void ComplexMissionItem::_adjustLineDirection(const QList<QLineF>& lineList, QList<QLineF>& resultLines)
for (int i=0; i<lineList.count(); i++) {
const QLineF& line = lineList[i];
QLineF adjustedLine;
if (line.angle() > 180.0) {
} else {
adjustedLine = line;
resultLines += adjustedLine;
void ComplexMissionItem::_gridGenerator(const QList<QPointF>& polygonPoints, QList<QPointF>& gridPoints)
double gridAngle = _gridAngleFact.rawValue().toDouble();
......@@ -435,15 +453,24 @@ void ComplexMissionItem::_gridGenerator(const QList<QPointF>& polygonPoints, QL
float yBottom = largeBoundRect.bottomRight().y() + 100.0;
lineList += QLineF(_rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yTop), center, gridAngle), _rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yBottom), center, gridAngle));
qCDebug(ComplexMissionItemLog) << "line" << lineList.last().x1() << lineList.last().y1() << lineList.last().x2() << lineList.last().y2();
qCDebug(ComplexMissionItemLog) << "line(" << lineList.last().x1() << ", " << lineList.last().y1() << ")-(" << lineList.last().x2() <<", " << lineList.last().y2() << ")";
x += gridSpacing;
// Now intesect the lines with the smaller bounding rect
// Now intersect the lines with the polygon
QList<QLineF> intersectLines;
#if 1
_intersectLinesWithPolygon(lineList, polygon, intersectLines);
// This is handy for debugging grid problems, not for release
intersectLines = lineList;
// Make sure all lines are going to same direction. Polygon intersection leads to line which
// can be in varied directions depending on the order of the intesecting sides.
QList<QLineF> resultLines;
//_intersectLinesWithRect(lineList, smallBoundRect, resultLines);
_intersectLinesWithPolygon(lineList, polygon, resultLines);
_adjustLineDirection(intersectLines, resultLines);
// Turn into a path
for (int i=0; i<resultLines.count(); i++) {
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ private:
QPointF _rotatePoint(const QPointF& point, const QPointF& origin, double angle);
void _intersectLinesWithRect(const QList<QLineF>& lineList, const QRectF& boundRect, QList<QLineF>& resultLines);
void _intersectLinesWithPolygon(const QList<QLineF>& lineList, const QPolygonF& polygon, QList<QLineF>& resultLines);
void _adjustLineDirection(const QList<QLineF>& lineList, QList<QLineF>& resultLines);
int _sequenceNumber;
bool _dirty;
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