Commit 30be74b2 authored by tstellanova's avatar tstellanova

ensure that delta files with new params are loaded

parent 980ec054
......@@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ void UASParameterDataModel::readUpdateParamsFromStream( QTextStream& stream)
if (wpParams.size() == 5) {
// Only load parameters for right mav
if (!userWarned && (uasId != lineMavId)) {
//TODO warn the user somehow ??
//TODO warn the user somehow ?? Appears these are saved currently with mav ID 0 but mav ID is often nonzero?
QString msg = tr("The parameters in the stream have been saved from system %1, but the currently selected system has the ID %2.").arg(lineMavId).arg(uasId);
// MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(
// tr("Parameter loading warning"),
// tr("The parameters from the file %1 have been saved from system %2, but the currently selected system has the ID %3. If this is unintentional, please click on <READ> to revert to the parameters that are currently onboard").arg(fileName).arg(>getUASID()));
qWarning() << msg ;
// tr("Parameter loading warning"),
// tr("The parameters from the file %1 have been saved from system %2, but the currently selected system has the ID %3. If this is unintentional, please click on <READ> to revert to the parameters that are currently onboard").arg(fileName).arg(>getUASID()));
userWarned = true;
bool changed = false;
......@@ -286,8 +286,9 @@ void UASParameterDataModel::readUpdateParamsFromStream( QTextStream& stream)
changed = true;
else {
if (fabs((static_cast<float>(onboardParameters.value(componentId)->value(key, dblVal).toDouble())) - (dblVal)) >
2.0f * FLT_EPSILON) {
QMap<QString,QVariant>* compParams = onboardParameters.value(componentId);
if (!compParams->contains(key) ||
(fabs((static_cast<float>(compParams->value(key).toDouble())) - (dblVal)) > 2.0f * FLT_EPSILON)) {
changed = true;
qDebug() << "Changed" << key << "VAL" << dblVal;
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