Commit 2dbd8519 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Consistent sizing between Combo and TextField

Also correctly set implicitHeight on QGCTextField
parent 2d64f0cb
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ComboBox {
background: Item {
implicitWidth: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 4.5)
implicitHeight: ScreenTools.isMobile ? Math.max(25, Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2)) : Math.max(25, Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.2))
implicitHeight: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (ScreenTools.isMobile ? 2 : 1.2))
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
......@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ TextField {
QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
textColor: qgcPal.textFieldText
height: Math.round(Math.max(25, ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (ScreenTools.isMobile ? 2.5 : 1.2)))
implicitHeight: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * (ScreenTools.isMobile ? 2 : 1.2))
QGCLabel {
id: unitsLabelWidthGenerator
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