msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Please move stick, switch or potentiometer for the %1 channel\n all the way up/down or left/right.").arg(channelNames[channelWanted]));
QMessageBox::warning(0,"Warning!","You are about to start radio calibration.\nPlease ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.\nAlso ensure transmitter and receiver are powered and connected\n\nDo not move the RC sticks, then click OK to confirm");
//go ahead and try to map first 8 channels, now that user can skip channels
QMessageBox::information(0,"Information","Additional channels have not been mapped, but can be mapped in the channel table below.");
//QMessageBox::information(0,"Information","Additional channels have not been mapped, but can be mapped in the channel table below.");
QMessageBox::information(0,"Information","Click OK, then move all sticks to their extreme positions, watching the min/max values to ensure you get the most range from your controller. This includes all switches");