Q_PROPERTY(intresumeMissionIndexREADresumeMissionIndexNOTIFYresumeMissionIndexChanged)///< Returns the item index two which a mission should be resumed. -1 indicates resume mission not available.
Q_PROPERTY(intresumeMissionIndexREADresumeMissionIndexNOTIFYresumeMissionIndexChanged)///< Returns the item index two which a mission should be resumed. -1 indicates resume mission not available.
text:qsTr("Adjust the initial launch location by selecting 'P' and dragging it to the correct location.")
text:qsTr("Adjust the initial launch location by dragging 'L' indicator to the desired location.")
text:qsTr("Adjust the takeoff completion location by dragging it to the correct location.")
text:qsTr("Adjust the takeoff %1 location by dragging 'T' indicator to the desired location.").arg(missionItem.launchTakeoffAtSameLocation?"":qsTr("completion "))