Commit 299a27e3 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Unit tests for survey grid angle and entry location

parent 62bbd9c8
......@@ -178,3 +178,74 @@ void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testCameraTrigger(void)
QCOMPARE(_multiSpy->pullIntFromSignalIndex(lastSequenceNumberChangedIndex), lastSeq);
// Clamp expected grid angle from 0<->180. We don't care about opposite angles like 90/270
double SurveyMissionItemTest::_clampGridAngle180(double gridAngle)
if (gridAngle >= 0.0) {
if (gridAngle == 360.0) {
gridAngle = 0.0;
} else if (gridAngle >= 180.0) {
gridAngle -= 180.0;
} else {
if (gridAngle < -180.0) {
gridAngle += 360.0;
} else {
gridAngle += 180.0;
return gridAngle;
void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testGridAngle(void)
QGCMapPolygon* mapPolygon = _surveyItem->mapPolygon();
for (int i=0; i<_polyPoints.count(); i++) {
QGeoCoordinate& vertex = _polyPoints[i];
for (double gridAngle=-360.0; gridAngle<=360.0; gridAngle++) {
QVariantList gridPoints = _surveyItem->gridPoints();
QGeoCoordinate firstTransectEntry = gridPoints[0].value<QGeoCoordinate>();
QGeoCoordinate firstTransectExit = gridPoints[1].value<QGeoCoordinate>();
double azimuth = firstTransectEntry.azimuthTo(firstTransectExit);
//qDebug() << gridAngle << azimuth << _clampGridAngle180(gridAngle) << _clampGridAngle180(azimuth);
QCOMPARE((int)_clampGridAngle180(gridAngle), (int)_clampGridAngle180(azimuth));
void SurveyMissionItemTest::_testEntryLocation(void)
QGCMapPolygon* mapPolygon = _surveyItem->mapPolygon();
for (int i=0; i<_polyPoints.count(); i++) {
QGeoCoordinate& vertex = _polyPoints[i];
for (double gridAngle=-360.0; gridAngle<=360.0; gridAngle++) {
QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgSeenEntryCoords;
QList<int> rgEntryLocation;
rgEntryLocation << SurveyMissionItem::EntryLocationTopLeft
<< SurveyMissionItem::EntryLocationTopRight
<< SurveyMissionItem::EntryLocationBottomLeft
<< SurveyMissionItem::EntryLocationBottomRight;
// Validate that each entry location is unique
for (int i=0; i<rgEntryLocation.count(); i++) {
int entryLocation = rgEntryLocation[i];
rgSeenEntryCoords << _surveyItem->coordinate();
......@@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ private slots:
void _testDirty(void);
void _testCameraValueChanged(void);
void _testCameraTrigger(void);
void _testGridAngle(void);
void _testEntryLocation(void);
double _clampGridAngle180(double gridAngle);
enum {
gridPointsChangedIndex = 0,
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