Commit 2792adc5 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

hide the differential pressure sensor if we are a rotary wing

parent c1b6e6b4
......@@ -337,6 +337,15 @@ void QGCPX4SensorCalibration::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas)
connect(uas, SIGNAL(textMessageReceived(int,int,int,QString)), this, SLOT(handleTextMessage(int,int,int,QString)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)));
activeUAS = uas;
if (activeUAS->isRotaryWing()) {
// Users are confused by the config button
} else {
void QGCPX4SensorCalibration::handleTextMessage(int uasid, int compId, int severity, QString text)
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