voidtimeout();///< Called by the timer if a response times out. Handles send retries.
voidtimeout();///< Called by the timer if a response times out. Handles send retries.
/** @name Waypoint list operations */
/** @name Waypoint list operations */
voidaddWaypoint(Waypoint*wp,boolenforceFirstActive=true);///< adds a new waypoint to the end of the list and changes its sequence number accordingly
voidaddWaypointEditable(Waypoint*wp,boolenforceFirstActive=true);///< adds a new waypoint to the end of the editable list and changes its sequence number accordingly
Waypoint*createWaypoint(boolenforceFirstActive=true);///< Creates a waypoint
Waypoint*createWaypoint(boolenforceFirstActive=true);///< Creates a waypoint
intremoveWaypoint(quint16seq);///< locally remove the specified waypoint from the storage
intremoveWaypoint(quint16seq);///< locally remove the specified waypoint from the storage
voidmoveWaypoint(quint16cur_seq,quint16new_seq);///< locally move a waypoint from its current position cur_seq to a new position new_seq
voidmoveWaypoint(quint16cur_seq,quint16new_seq);///< locally move a waypoint from its current position cur_seq to a new position new_seq
voidsaveWaypoints(constQString&saveFile);///< saves the local waypoint list to saveFile
voidsaveWaypoints(constQString&saveFile);///< saves the local waypoint list to saveFile
voidloadWaypoints(constQString&loadFile);///< loads a waypoint list from loadFile
voidloadWaypoints(constQString&loadFile);///< loads a waypoint list from loadFile
voidnotifyOfChange(Waypoint*wp);///< Notifies manager to changes to a waypoint
voidnotifyOfChangeEditable(Waypoint*wp);///< Notifies manager to changes to an editable waypoint
//void notifyOfChangeViewOnly(Waypoint* wp); ///< Notifies manager to changes to a viewonly waypoint