Commit 265e051c authored by Salini Venate's avatar Salini Venate

Set NoProxy for the TCP Socket used for Videostreaming

parent 432971ac
......@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ VideoReceiver::_timeout()
// found to be working, only then we actually start the stream.
QUrl url(_uri);
_socket = new QTcpSocket;
connect(_socket, static_cast<void (QTcpSocket::*)(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)>(&QTcpSocket::error), this, &VideoReceiver::_socketError);
connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::connected, this, &VideoReceiver::_connected);
//qCDebug(VideoReceiverLog) << "Trying to connect to:" << << url.port();
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