QStringcommentContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n *\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
QStringcommentEncodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Encode a %1 struct into a message\n *\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n * @param %1 C-struct to read the message contents from\n */\n");
QStringcommentDecodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Decode a %1 message into a struct\n *\n * @param msg The message to decode\n * @param %1 C-struct to decode the message contents into\n */\n");
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: In message %1 inavlid array type %4 used near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(messageName,QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName,arrayType));
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: In message %1 inavlid array type %4 used near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(messageName,QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName,arrayType));
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: In message %1 inavlid array type %4 used near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(messageName,QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName,arrayType));
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: In message %1 inavlid type %4 used near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(messageName,QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName,fieldType));
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Unable to calculate length for %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fieldType));
QStringmHeader=QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see http://pixhawk.ethz.ch/software/mavlink\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef MAVLINK_H\n#define MAVLINK_H\n\n").arg(date);// The main header includes all messages