Commit 1db0adaf authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Fixed an issue when importing a tile set that already exists would cause an...

Fixed an issue when importing a tile set that already exists would cause an error. When an imported set has a same name, it is renamed so the name is unique. The original logic had an error and was allowing the "new" set to be added with the same name, which would cause an error. In addition, if a new tile set brings no new unique tiles, it is now ignored.
Fixed an issue where the progress was based on the total number of incoming tiles but this total can change if a given tile already exists in the database (it is not added).
parent 3e055542
......@@ -607,19 +607,26 @@ QGCCacheWorker::_deleteTileSet(QGCMapTask* mtask)
QGCDeleteTileSetTask* task = static_cast<QGCDeleteTileSetTask*>(mtask);
QGCCacheWorker::_deleteTileSet(qulonglong id)
QSqlQuery query(*_db);
QString s;
//-- Only delete tiles unique to this set
s = QString("DELETE FROM Tiles WHERE tileID IN (SELECT A.tileID FROM SetTiles A JOIN SetTiles B ON A.tileID = B.tileID WHERE B.setID = %1 GROUP BY A.tileID HAVING COUNT(A.tileID) = 1)").arg(task->setID());
s = QString("DELETE FROM Tiles WHERE tileID IN (SELECT A.tileID FROM SetTiles A JOIN SetTiles B ON A.tileID = B.tileID WHERE B.setID = %1 GROUP BY A.tileID HAVING COUNT(A.tileID) = 1)").arg(id);
s = QString("DELETE FROM TilesDownload WHERE setID = %1").arg(task->setID());
s = QString("DELETE FROM TilesDownload WHERE setID = %1").arg(id);
s = QString("DELETE FROM TileSets WHERE setID = %1").arg(task->setID());
s = QString("DELETE FROM TileSets WHERE setID = %1").arg(id);
s = QString("DELETE FROM SetTiles WHERE setID = %1").arg(task->setID());
s = QString("DELETE FROM SetTiles WHERE setID = %1").arg(id);
......@@ -700,17 +707,16 @@ QGCCacheWorker::_importSets(QGCMapTask* mtask)
//-- Prepare progress report
quint64 tileCount = 0;
quint64 currentCount = 0;
int lastProgress = -1;
QString s;
s = QString("SELECT COUNT(tileID) FROM Tiles");
if(query.exec(s)) {
if( {
//-- Total number of tiles in imported database
tileCount = query.value(0).toULongLong();
if(!tileCount) {
qWarning() << "No tiles found in imported database";
tileCount = 1; //-- Let it run through
if(tileCount) {
//-- Iterate Tile Sets
s = QString("SELECT * FROM TileSets ORDER BY defaultSet DESC, name ASC");
if(query.exec(s)) {
......@@ -731,17 +737,18 @@ QGCCacheWorker::_importSets(QGCMapTask* mtask)
//-- If not default set, create new one
if(!defaultSet) {
//-- Check if we have this tile set already
if(_findTileSetID(name, insertSetID)) {
int testCount = 0;
//-- Set with this name already exists. Make name unique.
while (true) {
QString testName;
testName.sprintf("%s %03d", name.toLatin1().data(), ++testCount);
testName.sprintf("%s %02d", name.toLatin1().data(), ++testCount);
if(!_findTileSetID(testName, insertSetID) || testCount > 99) {
if(testCount > 1) {
name = testName;
//-- Create new set
QSqlQuery cQuery(*_db);
cQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO TileSets("
......@@ -772,8 +779,11 @@ QGCCacheWorker::_importSets(QGCMapTask* mtask)
QSqlQuery subQuery(*dbImport);
QString sb = QString("SELECT * FROM Tiles WHERE tileID IN (SELECT A.tileID FROM SetTiles A JOIN SetTiles B ON A.tileID = B.tileID WHERE B.setID = %1 GROUP BY A.tileID HAVING COUNT(A.tileID) = 1)").arg(setID);
if(subQuery.exec(sb)) {
quint64 tilesFound = 0;
quint64 tilesSaved = 0;
while( {
QString hash = subQuery.value("hash").toString();
QString format = subQuery.value("format").toString();
QByteArray img = subQuery.value("tile").toByteArray();
......@@ -787,16 +797,25 @@ QGCCacheWorker::_importSets(QGCMapTask* mtask)
if(cQuery.exec()) {
quint64 importTileID = cQuery.lastInsertId().toULongLong();
QString s = QString("INSERT INTO SetTiles(tileID, setID) VALUES(%1, %2)").arg(importTileID).arg(insertSetID);
task->setProgress((int)((double)currentCount / (double)tileCount * 100.0));
if(tileCount) {
int progress = (int)((double)currentCount / (double)tileCount * 100.0);
//-- Avoid calling this if (int) progress hasn't changed.
if(lastProgress != progress) {
lastProgress = progress;
//-- Update tile count
if(tilesSaved) {
//-- Update tile count (if any added)
s = QString("SELECT COUNT(size) FROM Tiles A INNER JOIN SetTiles B on A.tileID = B.tileID WHERE B.setID = %1").arg(insertSetID);
if(cQuery.exec(s)) {
if( {
......@@ -806,12 +825,28 @@ QGCCacheWorker::_importSets(QGCMapTask* mtask)
qint64 uniqueTiles = tilesFound - tilesSaved;
if((quint64)uniqueTiles < tileCount) {
tileCount -= uniqueTiles;
} else {
tileCount = 0;
//-- If there was nothing new in this set, remove it.
if(!tilesSaved && !defaultSet) {
qCDebug(QGCTileCacheLog) << "No unique tiles in" << name << "Removing it.";
} else {
task->setError("No tile set in database");
delete dbImport;
if(!tileCount) {
task->setError("No unique tiles in imported database");
} else {
task->setError("Error opening import database");
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ private:
bool _createDB (QSqlDatabase *db, bool createDefault = true);
quint64 _getDefaultTileSet ();
void _updateTotals ();
void _deleteTileSet (qulonglong id);
void updateTotals (quint32 totaltiles, quint64 totalsize, quint32 defaulttiles, quint64 defaultsize);
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