Commit 17a591ac authored by Matej Frančeškin's avatar Matej Frančeškin Committed by Andrew Voznytsa

Fix video start/stop/restart on error

parent 42c15ee2
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ CustomVideoManager::CustomVideoManager(QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox)
CustomVideoManager::_updateSettings(unsigned id)
if(!_videoSettings || !_videoReceiver)
......@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ public:
CustomVideoManager (QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox);
void _updateSettings ();
void _updateSettings (unsigned id);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ public:
// FIXME: AV: they should be removed after finishing multiple video stream support
// new arcitecture does not assume direct access to video receiver from QML side, even if it works for now
virtual VideoReceiver* videoReceiver () { return _videoReceiver; }
virtual VideoReceiver* thermalVideoReceiver () { return _thermalVideoReceiver; }
virtual VideoReceiver* videoReceiver () { return _videoReceiver[0]; }
virtual VideoReceiver* thermalVideoReceiver () { return _videoReceiver[1]; }
#if defined(QGC_DISABLE_UVC)
virtual bool uvcEnabled () { return false; }
......@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ protected:
friend class FinishVideoInitialization;
void _initVideo ();
bool _updateSettings ();
bool _updateVideoUri (const QString& uri);
bool _updateThermalVideoUri (const QString& uri);
bool _updateSettings (unsigned id);
bool _updateVideoUri (unsigned id, const QString& uri);
void _cleanupOldVideos ();
void _restartVideo ();
void _restartAllVideos ();
void _restartVideo (unsigned id);
void _startReceiver (unsigned id);
void _stopReceiver (unsigned id);
......@@ -155,18 +155,15 @@ protected:
QString _imageFile;
SubtitleWriter _subtitleWriter;
bool _isTaisync = false;
VideoReceiver* _videoReceiver = nullptr;
VideoReceiver* _videoReceiver[2] = { nullptr, nullptr };
void* _videoSink[2] = { nullptr, nullptr };
QString _videoUri[2];
bool _videoStarted[2] = { false, false };
QAtomicInteger<bool> _streaming = false;
QAtomicInteger<bool> _decoding = false;
QAtomicInteger<bool> _recording = false;
QAtomicInteger<quint32> _videoSize = 0;
VideoReceiver* _thermalVideoReceiver = nullptr;
bool _enableVideoRestart = false;
void* _videoSink = nullptr;
void* _thermalVideoSink = nullptr;
VideoSettings* _videoSettings = nullptr;
QString _videoUri;
QString _thermalVideoUri;
QString _videoSourceID;
bool _fullScreen = false;
Vehicle* _activeVehicle = nullptr;
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