std::cout<<"Unable to decode message from system "<<std::dec<<static_cast<int>(message.sysid)<<" with message id:"<<static_cast<int>(message.msgid)<<std::endl;
//qDebug() << std::cerr << "Unable to decode message from system " << std::dec << static_cast<int>(message.acid) << " with message id:" << static_cast<int>(message.msgid) << std::endl;
QStringerrString=tr("UNABLE TO DECODE MESSAGE NUMBER %1").arg(message.msgid);
GAudioOutput::instance()->say(errString+tr(", please check console for details."));
std::cout<<"Unable to decode message from system "<<std::dec<<static_cast<int>(message.sysid)<<" with message id:"<<static_cast<int>(message.msgid)<<std::endl;
//qDebug() << std::cerr << "Unable to decode message from system " << std::dec << static_cast<int>(message.acid) << " with message id:" << static_cast<int>(message.msgid) << std::endl;
/** @brief Copy an image from the current active UAS */
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ protected:
intwarningBlinkRate;///< Blink rate of warning messages, will be rounded to the refresh rate
QTimer*refreshTimer;///< The main timer, controls the update rate
QTimer*imageTimer;///< The timer for the image update rate
QFontfont;///< The HUD font, per default the free Bitstream Vera SANS, which is very close to actual HUD fonts
QFontDatabasefontDatabase;///< Font database, only used to load the TrueType font file (the HUD font is directly loaded from file rather than from the system)