Commit 14db071c authored by lm's avatar lm

Added menu for multiple map sources

parent e0085289
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "qmapcontrol.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
class QMenu;
namespace Ui {
class MapWidget;
......@@ -61,20 +63,29 @@ protected:
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event);
QAction* osmAction;
QAction* yahooActionMap;
QAction* yahooActionSatellite;
QAction* yahooActionOverlay;
QAction* googleActionMap;
QAction* googleSatAction;
QPushButton* followgps;
QPushButton* createPath;
QLabel* gpsposition;
MapControl* mc;
QMenu* mapMenu;
QPushButton* mapButton;
MapControl* mc; ///< QMapControl widget
MapAdapter* mapadapter; ///< Adapter to load the map data
qmapcontrol::Layer* l; ///< Current map layer (background)
qmapcontrol::Layer* overlay; ///< Street overlay (foreground)
qmapcontrol::GeometryLayer* geomLayer; ///< Layer for waypoints
int zoomLevel;
int detailZoom; ///< Steps zoomed in further than qMapControl allows
int detailZoom; ///< Steps zoomed in further than qMapControl allows
static const int scrollStep = 40; ///< Scroll n pixels per keypress
static const int maxZoom = 50;
TileMapAdapter* osmAdapter;
GoogleSatMapAdapter* gSatAdapter;
Layer* osmLayer;
Layer* geomLayer;
static const int maxZoom = 50; ///< Maximum zoom level
//Layer* gSatLayer;
......@@ -87,6 +98,7 @@ protected:
void captureMapClick (const QMouseEvent* event, const QPointF coordinate);
void createPathButtonClicked();
void captureGeometryClick(Geometry*, QPoint);
void mapproviderSelected(QAction* action);
Ui::MapWidget *m_ui;
QList<Point*> wps;
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