Commit 0f3a3ee2 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Add Mission Items to Fly View

parent 81621c14
......@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactCheckBox.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactCheckBox.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactComboBox.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactComboBox.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/qmldir">src/QmlControls/QGroundControl.Controls.qmldir</file>
<!-- Controls module -->
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCButton.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCButton.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCRadioButton.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCRadioButton.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCCheckBox.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCCheckBox.qml</file>
......@@ -81,7 +84,6 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/QGCMovableItem.qml">src/QmlControls/QGCMovableItem.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/ScreenTools/qmldir">src/QmlControls/QGroundControl.ScreenTools.qmldir</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml">src/QmlControls/ScreenTools.qml</file>
<file alias="ScreenToolsFontQuery.qml">src/QmlControls/ScreenToolsFontQuery.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/SubMenuButton.qml">src/QmlControls/SubMenuButton.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/IndicatorButton.qml">src/QmlControls/IndicatorButton.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/VehicleRotationCal.qml">src/QmlControls/VehicleRotationCal.qml</file>
......@@ -94,6 +96,10 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/ParameterEditor.qml">src/QmlControls/ParameterEditor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/ParameterEditorDialog.qml">src/QmlControls/ParameterEditorDialog.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/ModeSwitchDisplay.qml">src/QmlControls/ModeSwitchDisplay.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/MissionItemIndexLabel.qml">src/QmlControls/MissionItemIndexLabel.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/MissionItemSummary.qml">src/QmlControls/MissionItemSummary.qml</file>
<file alias="ScreenToolsFontQuery.qml">src/QmlControls/ScreenToolsFontQuery.qml</file>
<file alias="ParameterEditorWidget.qml">src/ViewWidgets/ParameterEditorWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="CustomCommandWidget.qml">src/ViewWidgets/CustomCommandWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="SetupView.qml">src/VehicleSetup/SetupView.qml</file>
......@@ -125,6 +131,7 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/FlightMap.qml">src/FlightMap/FlightMap.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCVideoBackground.qml">src/FlightMap/QGCVideoBackground.qml</file>
<!-- FlightMap Widgets -->
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCAltitudeWidget.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/QGCAltitudeWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCArtificialHorizon.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/QGCArtificialHorizon.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCAttitudeWidget.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/QGCAttitudeWidget.qml</file>
......@@ -138,8 +145,11 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCSlider.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/QGCSlider.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCSpeedWidget.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/QGCSpeedWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCWaypointEditor.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/QGCWaypointEditor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/QGCWaypoint.qml">src/FlightMap/MapItems/QGCWaypoint.qml</file>
<!-- FlightMap MapQuickItems -->
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/MissionMapItem.qml">src/FlightMap/MapItems/MissionMapItem.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/VehicleMapItem.qml">src/FlightMap/MapItems/VehicleMapItem.qml</file>
<qresource prefix="/res">
<file alias="LeftArrow">resources/LeftArrow.svg</file>
......@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ Item {
property real _roll: _activeVehicle ? (isNaN(_activeVehicle.roll) ? _defaultRoll : _activeVehicle.roll) : _defaultRoll
property real _pitch: _activeVehicle ? (isNaN(_activeVehicle.pitch) ? _defaultPitch : _activeVehicle.pitch) : _defaultPitch
property real _heading: _activeVehicle ? (isNaN(_activeVehicle.heading) ? _defaultHeading : _activeVehicle.heading) : _defaultHeading
property real _latitude: _activeVehicle ? ((_activeVehicle.latitude === 0) ? _defaultLatitude : _activeVehicle.latitude) : _defaultLatitude
property real _longitude: _activeVehicle ? ((_activeVehicle.longitude === 0) ? _defaultLongitude : _activeVehicle.longitude) : _defaultLongitude
property real _heading: _activeVehicle ? (isNaN(_activeVehicle.heading) ? _defaultHeading : _activeVehicle.heading) : _defaultHeading
property real _altitudeWGS84: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.altitudeWGS84 : _defaultAltitudeWGS84
property real _groundSpeed: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.groundSpeed : _defaultGroundSpeed
property real _airSpeed: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.airSpeed : _defaultAirSpeed
......@@ -72,17 +74,18 @@ Item {
id: flightMap
anchors.fill: parent
mapName: "FlightDisplayView"
latitude: _latitude
longitude: _longitude
latitude: parent._latitude
longitude: parent._longitude
z: 10
showVehicles: true
showMissionItems: true
QGCCompassWidget {
x: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (7.1)
y: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (0.42)
size: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (13.3)
heading: _heading
heading: parent._heading
active: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable
z: flightMap.z + 2
......@@ -92,8 +95,8 @@ Item {
anchors.right: parent.right
y: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (0.42)
size: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (13.3)
rollAngle: _roll
pitchAngle: _pitch
rollAngle: parent._roll
pitchAngle: parent._pitch
active: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable
z: flightMap.z + 2
......@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ Item {
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height * 0.65 > ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (23.4) ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (23.4) : parent.height * 0.65
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (5)
altitude: _altitudeWGS84
altitude: parent._altitudeWGS84
z: 30
......@@ -110,15 +113,15 @@ Item {
anchors.left: parent.left
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (5)
height: parent.height * 0.65 > ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (23.4) ? ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (23.4) : parent.height * 0.65
speed: _groundSpeed
speed: parent._groundSpeed
z: 40
QGCCurrentSpeed {
anchors.left: parent.left
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (6.25)
airspeed: _airSpeed
groundspeed: _groundSpeed
airspeed: parent._airSpeed
groundspeed: parent._groundSpeed
active: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable
z: 50
......@@ -126,8 +129,8 @@ Item {
QGCCurrentAltitude {
anchors.right: parent.right
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelSize * (6.25)
altitude: _altitudeWGS84
vertZ: _climbRate
altitude: parent._altitudeWGS84
vertZ: parent._climbRate
active: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable
z: 60
......@@ -51,11 +51,14 @@ Item {
property alias mapItem: map
property alias mapMenu: mapTypeMenu
property bool showVehicles: false
property bool showMissionItems: false
Component.onCompleted: {
map.zoomLevel = 18
//-- Menu to select supported map types
......@@ -143,7 +146,6 @@ Item {
// we need to keep a separate array of Vehicles which must be at the top level of the object
// hierarchy in order for the dynamically added object to see it.
property var _vehicles: [] ///< List of known vehicles
property var _vehicleMapItems: [] ///< List of known vehicle map items
......@@ -155,6 +157,10 @@ Item {
function addVehicle(vehicle) {
if (!showVehicles) {
var qmlItemTemplate = "VehicleMapItem { " +
"coordinate: _vehicles[%1].coordinate; " +
"heading: _vehicles[%1].heading " +
......@@ -173,6 +179,10 @@ Item {
function removeVehicle(vehicle) {
if (!showVehicles) {
for (var i=0; i<_vehicles.length; i++) {
if (_vehicles[i] == vehicle) {
_vehicles[i] = undefined
......@@ -184,11 +194,102 @@ Item {
function addExistingVehicles() {
if (!showVehicles) {
for (var i=0; i<multiVehicleManager.vehicles.length; i++) {
// The following code is used to show mission items on the FlightMap
property var _missionItems: [] ///< List of known vehicles
property var _missionMapItems: [] ///< List of known vehicle map items
Connections {
target: multiVehicleManager
onActiveVehicleAvailableChanged: updateMissionItemsConnections()
function updateMissionItemsConnections() {
if (multiVehicleManager.activeVehicleAvailable) {
} else {
// Previously active vehicle is about to go away, disconnect signals
if (multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle) {
function addMissionItem(missionItem, index) {
if (!showMissionItems) {
console.warning("Shouldn't be called with showMissionItems=false")
var qmlItemTemplate = "MissionMapItem { " +
"coordinate: _missionItems[%1].coordinate; " +
"index: %2" +
var i = _missionItems.length
qmlItemTemplate = qmlItemTemplate.replace("%1", i)
qmlItemTemplate = qmlItemTemplate.replace("%2", index + 1)
var mapItem = Qt.createQmlObject (qmlItemTemplate, map)
mapItem.z = map.z + 1
function removeMissionItem(missionItem) {
if (!showMissionItems) {
console.warning("Shouldn't be called with showMissionItems=false")
for (var i=0; i<_missionItems.length; i++) {
if (_missionItems[i] == missionItem) {
// Qml has an annoying habit of not destroying remove Qml item until it hits the main loop.
// Because of that we need to leave the the mission item references even though we have
// removed the items, otherwise we'll get references to undefined errors until we hit the main
// loop again.
//_missionItems[i] = undefined
_missionMapItems[i] = undefined
function updateMissionItems() {
if (!showMissionItems) {
var vehicle = multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
if (!vehicle) {
console.warning("Why no active vehicle?")
// Remove previous items
for (var i=0; i<_missionItems.length; i++) {
_missionMapItems = []
// Add new items
for (var i=0; i<vehicle.missionItems.length; i++) {
addMissionItem(vehicle.missionItems[i], i)
Plugin {
id: mapPlugin
......@@ -268,7 +369,27 @@ Item {
/// Mission item list
Row {
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: controlWidgets.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
Repeater {
model: multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle ? multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.missionItems : 0
MissionItemSummary {
missionItem: modelData
missionItemIndex: index + 1
/// Map control widgets
Column {
id: controlWidgets
anchors.margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
......@@ -284,18 +405,55 @@ Item {
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth / 2
property real zoomIncrement: 1.0
property real buttonWidth: (optionsButton.width - spacing) / 2
readonly property real _zoomIncrement: 1.0
property real _buttonWidth: (optionsButton.width - spacing) / 2
NumberAnimation {
id: animateZoom
property real startZoom
property real endZoom
target: map
properties: "zoomLevel"
from: startZoom
to: endZoom
duration: 500
easing {
type: Easing.OutExpo
QGCButton {
width: parent.buttonWidth
width: parent._buttonWidth
text: "+"
onClicked: map.zoomLevel = map.zoomLevel + parent.zoomIncrement
onClicked: {
var endZoomLevel = map.zoomLevel + parent._zoomIncrement
if (endZoomLevel > map.maximumZoomLevel) {
endZoomLevel = map.maximumZoomLevel
animateZoom.startZoom = map.zoomLevel
animateZoom.endZoom = endZoomLevel
QGCButton {
width: parent.buttonWidth
width: parent._buttonWidth
text: "-"
onClicked: map.zoomLevel = map.zoomLevel - parent.zoomIncrement
onClicked: {
var endZoomLevel = map.zoomLevel - parent._zoomIncrement
if (endZoomLevel < map.minimumZoomLevel) {
endZoomLevel = map.minimumZoomLevel
animateZoom.startZoom = map.zoomLevel
animateZoom.endZoom = endZoomLevel
......@@ -21,61 +21,21 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
* @file
* @brief QGC Waypoint Marker
* @author Gus Grubba <>
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtLocation 5.3
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
/// Marker for displaying a mission item on the map
MapQuickItem {
id: marker
property int waypointID: 0
anchorPoint.x: markerIcon.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: markerIcon.height / 2
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: markerIcon
width: 30
height: 30
color: markerMouseArea.containsMouse ? (markerMouseArea.pressed ? Qt.rgba(0.69,0.2,0.68,0.25) : Qt.rgba(0.69,0.2,0.68,0.75)) : Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
radius: 8
border.color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0.75)
Text {
id: number
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 11
font.weight: Font.DemiBold
color: "white"
text: marker.waypointID
MouseArea {
id: markerMouseArea
enabled: !map.readOnly
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true marker
preventStealing: true
property int pressX : -1
property int pressY : -1
property int jitterThreshold : 4
onPressed : {
pressX = mouse.x;
pressY = mouse.y;
map.currentMarker = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < map.markers.length; i++) {
if (marker === map.markers[i]) {
map.currentMarker = i;
onPositionChanged: {
if (Math.abs(pressX - mouse.x ) < jitterThreshold && Math.abs(pressY - mouse.y) < jitterThreshold) {
map.updateMarker(marker.coordinate, marker.waypointID)
property int index
anchorPoint.x: sourceItem.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: sourceItem.height / 2
MissionItemIndexLabel {
missionItemIndex: index
......@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ QGCWaypointEditor 1.0 QGCWaypointEditor.qml
# MapQuickItems
VehicleMapItem 1.0 VehicleMapItem.qml
QGCWaypoint 1.0 QGCWaypoint.qml
MissioMapItem 1.0 MissionMapItem.qml
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
Rectangle {
property int missionItemIndex ///< Index to show in label
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
height: width
radius: width / 2
border.width: 2
border.color: "white"
color: "orange"
QGCLabel {
anchors.fill: parent
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
color: "white"
text: missionItemIndex
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
/// Mission item summary display control
Rectangle {
property var missionItem ///< Mission Item object
property int missionItemIndex ///< Index for this item
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
height: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 3
border.width: 2
border.color: "white"
color: "white"
opacity: 0.75
radius: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
QGCLabel {
anchors.margins: parent.radius / 2
anchors.left: parent.left
color: "black"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignTop
text: missionItem.type
MissionItemIndexLabel {
anchors.right: parent.right
missionItemIndex: parent.missionItemIndex + 1
......@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@ QGCViewPanel 1.0 QGCViewPanel.qml
QGCViewDialog 1.0 QGCViewDialog.qml
QGCViewMessage 1.0 QGCViewMessage.qml
MissionItemIndexLabel 1.0 MissionItemIndexLabel.qml
MissionItemSummary 1.0 MissionItemSummary.qml
......@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ void Vehicle::_waypointViewOnlyListChanged()
Waypoint* wp = waypoints[i];
_waypoints.append(new Waypoint(*wp));
emit waypointsChanged();
emit missionItemsChanged();
if(_longitude == DEFAULT_LON && _latitude == DEFAULT_LAT && _waypoints.length()) {
_longitude = _waypoints[0]->getLongitude();
......@@ -87,8 +87,9 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(double waypointDistance READ waypointDistance NOTIFY waypointDistanceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(uint16_t currentWaypoint READ currentWaypoint NOTIFY currentWaypointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(unsigned int heartbeatTimeout READ heartbeatTimeout NOTIFY heartbeatTimeoutChanged)
//-- Waypoint management
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Waypoint> waypoints READ waypoints NOTIFY waypointsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Waypoint> missionItems READ missionItems NOTIFY missionItemsChanged)
// Property accesors
int id(void) { return _id; }
......@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ public:
uint16_t currentWaypoint () { return _currentWaypoint; }
unsigned int heartbeatTimeout () { return _currentHeartbeatTimeout; }
QQmlListProperty<Waypoint> waypoints() {return QQmlListProperty<Waypoint>(this, _waypoints); }
QQmlListProperty<Waypoint> missionItems() {return QQmlListProperty<Waypoint>(this, _waypoints); }
public slots:
void setLatitude(double latitude);
......@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ signals:
void satelliteLockChanged ();
void waypointDistanceChanged();
void currentWaypointChanged ();
void waypointsChanged ();
void missionItemsChanged ();
private slots:
void _mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message);
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ Waypoint::Waypoint(
, _description(description)
, _reachedTime(0)
connect(this, &Waypoint::latitudeChanged, this, &Waypoint::coordinateChanged);
connect(this, &Waypoint::longitudeChanged, this, &Waypoint::coordinateChanged);
Waypoint::Waypoint(const Waypoint& other)
......@@ -233,6 +234,7 @@ void Waypoint::setAction(int /*MAV_CMD*/ action)
emit changed(this);
emit typeChanged(type());
......@@ -362,3 +364,112 @@ void Waypoint::setTurns(int turns)
emit changed(this);
QGeoCoordinate Waypoint::coordinate(void)
return QGeoCoordinate(_x, _y);
QString Waypoint::type(void)
QString type;
switch (_action) {
type = "Waypoint";
type = "Loiter";
type = "Return To Launch";
type = "Land";
type = "Takeoff";
type = QString("Unknown(%1)").arg(_action);
#if 0
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND_LOCAL=23, /* Land at local position (local frame only) |Landing target number (if available)| Maximum accepted offset from desired landing position [m] - computed magnitude from spherical coordinates: d = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), which gives the maximum accepted distance between the desired landing position and the position where the vehicle is about to land| Landing descend rate [ms^-1]| Desired yaw angle [rad]| Y-axis position [m]| X-axis position [m]| Z-axis / ground level position [m]| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF_LOCAL=24, /* Takeoff from local position (local frame only) |Minimum pitch (if airspeed sensor present), desired pitch without sensor [rad]| Empty| Takeoff ascend rate [ms^-1]| Yaw angle [rad] (if magnetometer or another yaw estimation source present), ignored without one of these| Y-axis position [m]| X-axis position [m]| Z-axis position [m]| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_FOLLOW=25, /* Vehicle following, i.e. this waypoint represents the position of a moving vehicle |Following logic to use (e.g. loitering or sinusoidal following) - depends on specific autopilot implementation| Ground speed of vehicle to be followed| Radius around MISSION, in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise| Desired yaw angle.| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT=30, /* Continue on the current course and climb/descend to specified altitude. When the altitude is reached continue to the next command (i.e., don't proceed to the next command until the desired altitude is reached. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Desired altitude in meters| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT=31, /* Begin loiter at the specified Latitude and Longitude. If Lat=Lon=0, then loiter at the current position. Don't consider the navigation command complete (don't leave loiter) until the altitude has been reached. Additionally, if the Heading Required parameter is non-zero the aircraft will not leave the loiter until heading toward the next waypoint. |Heading Required (0 = False)| Radius in meters. If positive loiter clockwise, negative counter-clockwise, 0 means no change to standard loiter.| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_ROI=80, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicles control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. |Region of intereset mode. (see MAV_ROI enum)| MISSION index/ target ID. (see MAV_ROI enum)| ROI index (allows a vehicle to manage multiple ROI's)| Empty| x the location of the fixed ROI (see MAV_FRAME)| y| z| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING=81, /* Control autonomous path planning on the MAV. |0: Disable local obstacle avoidance / local path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable local path planning, 2: Enable and reset local path planning| 0: Disable full path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable, 2: Enable and reset map/occupancy grid, 3: Enable and reset planned route, but not occupancy grid| Empty| Yaw angle at goal, in compass degrees, [0..360]| Latitude/X of goal| Longitude/Y of goal| Altitude/Z of goal| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT=82, /* Navigate to MISSION using a spline path. |Hold time in decimal seconds. (ignored by fixed wing, time to stay at MISSION for rotary wing)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude/X of goal| Longitude/Y of goal| Altitude/Z of goal| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_ALTITUDE_WAIT=83, /* Mission command to wait for an altitude or downwards vertical speed. This is meant for high altitude balloon launches, allowing the aircraft to be idle until either an altitude is reached or a negative vertical speed is reached (indicating early balloon burst). The wiggle time is how often to wiggle the control surfaces to prevent them seizing up. |altitude (m)| descent speed (m/s)| Wiggle Time (s)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_GUIDED_ENABLE=92, /* hand control over to an external controller |On / Off (> 0.5f on)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay in seconds (decimal)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate (m/s)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance (meters)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle: [0-360], 0 is north| speed during yaw change:[deg per second]| direction: negative: counter clockwise, positive: clockwise [-1,1]| relative offset or absolute angle: [ 1,0]| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE=176, /* Set system mode. |Mode, as defined by ENUM MAV_MODE| Custom mode - this is system specific, please refer to the individual autopilot specifications for details.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP=177, /* Jump to the desired command in the mission list. Repeat this action only the specified number of times |Sequence number| Repeat count| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED=178, /* Change speed and/or throttle set points. |Speed type (0=Airspeed, 1=Ground Speed)| Speed (m/s, -1 indicates no change)| Throttle ( Percent, -1 indicates no change)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME=179, /* Changes the home location either to the current location or a specified location. |Use current (1=use current location, 0=use specified location)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER=180, /* Set a system parameter. Caution! Use of this command requires knowledge of the numeric enumeration value of the parameter. |Parameter number| Parameter value| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY=181, /* Set a relay to a condition. |Relay number| Setting (1=on, 0=off, others possible depending on system hardware)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY=182, /* Cycle a relay on and off for a desired number of cyles with a desired period. |Relay number| Cycle count| Cycle time (seconds, decimal)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO=183, /* Set a servo to a desired PWM value. |Servo number| PWM (microseconds, 1000 to 2000 typical)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_SERVO=184, /* Cycle a between its nominal setting and a desired PWM for a desired number of cycles with a desired period. |Servo number| PWM (microseconds, 1000 to 2000 typical)| Cycle count| Cycle time (seconds)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION=185, /* Terminate flight immediately |Flight termination activated if > 0.5| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0/0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude (meters)| Landing speed (m/s)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonmous landing. |Altitude (meters)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CONTROL_VIDEO=200, /* Control onboard camera system. |Camera ID (-1 for all)| Transmission: 0: disabled, 1: enabled compressed, 2: enabled raw| Transmission mode: 0: video stream, >0: single images every n seconds (decimal)| Recording: 0: disabled, 1: enabled compressed, 2: enabled raw| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI=201, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicles control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. |Region of intereset mode. (see MAV_ROI enum)| MISSION index/ target ID. (see MAV_ROI enum)| ROI index (allows a vehicle to manage multiple ROI's)| Empty| x the location of the fixed ROI (see MAV_FRAME)| y| z| */
MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE=202, /* Mission command to configure an on-board camera controller system. |Modes: P, TV, AV, M, Etc| Shutter speed: Divisor number for one second| Aperture: F stop number| ISO number e.g. 80, 100, 200, Etc| Exposure type enumerator| Command Identity| Main engine cut-off time before camera trigger in seconds/10 (0 means no cut-off)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL=203, /* Mission command to control an on-board camera controller system. |Session control e.g. show/hide lens| Zoom's absolute position| Zooming step value to offset zoom from the current position| Focus Locking, Unlocking or Re-locking| Shooting Command| Command Identity| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE=204, /* Mission command to configure a camera or antenna mount |Mount operation mode (see MAV_MOUNT_MODE enum)| stabilize roll? (1 = yes, 0 = no)| stabilize pitch? (1 = yes, 0 = no)| stabilize yaw? (1 = yes, 0 = no)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL=205, /* Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount |pitch or lat in degrees, depending on mount mode.| roll or lon in degrees depending on mount mode| yaw or alt (in meters) depending on mount mode| reserved| reserved| reserved| MAV_MOUNT_MODE enum value| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST=206, /* Mission command to set CAM_TRIGG_DIST for this flight |Camera trigger distance (meters)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_FENCE_ENABLE=207, /* Mission command to enable the geofence |enable? (0=disable, 1=enable, 2=disable_floor_only)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE=208, /* Mission command to trigger a parachute |action (0=disable, 1=enable, 2=release, for some systems see PARACHUTE_ACTION enum, not in general message set.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST=209, /* Mission command to perform motor test |motor sequence number (a number from 1 to max number of motors on the vehicle)| throttle type (0=throttle percentage, 1=PWM, 2=pilot throttle channel pass-through. See MOTOR_TEST_THROTTLE_TYPE enum)| throttle| timeout (in seconds)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT=210, /* Change to/from inverted flight |inverted (0=normal, 1=inverted)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GRIPPER=211, /* Mission command to operate EPM gripper |gripper number (a number from 1 to max number of grippers on the vehicle)| gripper action (0=release, 1=grab. See GRIPPER_ACTIONS enum)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE=212, /* Enable/disable autotune |enable (1: enable, 0:disable)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL_QUAT=220, /* Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount, using a quaternion as reference. |q1 - quaternion param #1, w (1 in null-rotation)| q2 - quaternion param #2, x (0 in null-rotation)| q3 - quaternion param #3, y (0 in null-rotation)| q4 - quaternion param #4, z (0 in null-rotation)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_MASTER=221, /* set id of master controller |System ID| Component ID| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GUIDED_LIMITS=222, /* set limits for external control |timeout - maximum time (in seconds) that external controller will be allowed to control vehicle. 0 means no timeout| absolute altitude min (in meters, AMSL) - if vehicle moves below this alt, the command will be aborted and the mission will continue. 0 means no lower altitude limit| absolute altitude max (in meters)- if vehicle moves above this alt, the command will be aborted and the mission will continue. 0 means no upper altitude limit| horizontal move limit (in meters, AMSL) - if vehicle moves more than this distance from it's location at the moment the command was executed, the command will be aborted and the mission will continue. 0 means no horizontal altitude limit| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_LAST=240, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the DO commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION=241, /* Trigger calibration. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Gyro calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Magnetometer calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Ground pressure: 0: no, 1: yes| Radio calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Accelerometer calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Compass/Motor interference calibration: 0: no, 1: yes| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_SET_SENSOR_OFFSETS=242, /* Set sensor offsets. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Sensor to adjust the offsets for: 0: gyros, 1: accelerometer, 2: magnetometer, 3: barometer, 4: optical flow, 5: second magnetometer| X axis offset (or generic dimension 1), in the sensor's raw units| Y axis offset (or generic dimension 2), in the sensor's raw units| Z axis offset (or generic dimension 3), in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 4, in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 5, in the sensor's raw units| Generic dimension 6, in the sensor's raw units| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_UAVCAN=243, /* Trigger UAVCAN config. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |1: Trigger actuator ID assignment and direction mapping.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE=245, /* Request storage of different parameter values and logs. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. |Parameter storage: 0: READ FROM FLASH/EEPROM, 1: WRITE CURRENT TO FLASH/EEPROM, 2: Reset to defaults| Mission storage: 0: READ FROM FLASH/EEPROM, 1: WRITE CURRENT TO FLASH/EEPROM, 2: Reset to defaults| Onboard logging: 0: Ignore, 1: Start default rate logging, -1: Stop logging, > 1: start logging with rate of param 3 in Hz (e.g. set to 1000 for 1000 Hz logging)| Reserved| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN=246, /* Request the reboot or shutdown of system components. |0: Do nothing for autopilot, 1: Reboot autopilot, 2: Shutdown autopilot.| 0: Do nothing for onboard computer, 1: Reboot onboard computer, 2: Shutdown onboard computer.| Reserved| Reserved| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO=252, /* Hold / continue the current action |MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD: hold MAV_GOTO_DO_CONTINUE: continue with next item in mission plan| MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION: Hold at current position MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_SPECIFIED_POSITION: hold at specified position| MAV_FRAME coordinate frame of hold point| Desired yaw angle in degrees| Latitude / X position| Longitude / Y position| Altitude / Z position| */
MAV_CMD_MISSION_START=300, /* start running a mission |first_item: the first mission item to run| last_item: the last mission item to run (after this item is run, the mission ends)| */
MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM=400, /* Arms / Disarms a component |1 to arm, 0 to disarm| */
MAV_CMD_GET_HOME_POSITION=410, /* Request the home position from the vehicle. |Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_START_RX_PAIR=500, /* Starts receiver pairing |0:Spektrum| 0:Spektrum DSM2, 1:Spektrum DSMX| */
MAV_CMD_GET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL=510, /* Request the interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID |The MAVLink message ID| */
MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL=511, /* Request the interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. This interface replaces REQUEST_DATA_STREAM |The MAVLink message ID| The interval between two messages, in microseconds. Set to -1 to disable and 0 to request default rate.| */
MAV_CMD_REQUEST_AUTOPILOT_CAPABILITIES=520, /* Request autopilot capabilities |1: Request autopilot version| Reserved (all remaining params)| */
MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE=2000, /* Start image capture sequence |Duration between two consecutive pictures (in seconds)| Number of images to capture total - 0 for unlimited capture| Resolution in megapixels (0.3 for 640x480, 1.3 for 1280x720, etc)| */
MAV_CMD_IMAGE_STOP_CAPTURE=2001, /* Stop image capture sequence |Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_TRIGGER_CONTROL=2003, /* Enable or disable on-board camera triggering system. |Trigger enable/disable (0 for disable, 1 for start)| Shutter integration time (in ms)| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE=2500, /* Starts video capture |Camera ID (0 for all cameras), 1 for first, 2 for second, etc.| Frames per second| Resolution in megapixels (0.3 for 640x480, 1.3 for 1280x720, etc)| */
MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE=2501, /* Stop the current video capture |Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_PANORAMA_CREATE=2800, /* Create a panorama at the current position |Viewing angle horizontal of the panorama (in degrees, +- 0.5 the total angle)| Viewing angle vertical of panorama (in degrees)| Speed of the horizontal rotation (in degrees per second)| Speed of the vertical rotation (in degrees per second)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION=3000, /* Request VTOL transition |The target VTOL state, as defined by ENUM MAV_VTOL_STATE. Only MAV_VTOL_STATE_MC and MAV_VTOL_STATE_FW can be used.| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in degrees compass heading (0..360). A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overriden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position in meters. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude, in meters AMSL| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deploment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_START_MAG_CAL=42424, /* Initiate a magnetometer calibration |uint8_t bitmask of magnetometers (0 means all)| Automatically retry on failure (0=no retry, 1=retry).| Save without user input (0=require input, 1=autosave).| Delay (seconds)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_ACCEPT_MAG_CAL=42425, /* Initiate a magnetometer calibration |uint8_t bitmask of magnetometers (0 means all)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_CANCEL_MAG_CAL=42426, /* Cancel a running magnetometer calibration |uint8_t bitmask of magnetometers (0 means all)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
return type;
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ This file is part of the PIXHAWK project
#include <QString>
#include <QtQml>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "QGC.h"
......@@ -65,6 +67,9 @@ public:
const Waypoint& operator=(const Waypoint& other);
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate coordinate READ coordinate NOTIFY coordinateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString type READ type NOTIFY typeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double longitude READ longitude NOTIFY longitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double latitude READ latitude NOTIFY latitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitude READ altitude NOTIFY altitudeChanged)
......@@ -162,6 +167,8 @@ public:
void save(QTextStream &saveStream);
bool load(QTextStream &loadStream);
QGeoCoordinate coordinate(void);
QString type(void);
quint16 _id;
......@@ -227,7 +234,8 @@ signals:
void latitudeChanged ();
void longitudeChanged ();
void altitudeChanged ();
void coordinateChanged(void);
void typeChanged(QString type);
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