Commit 0271c2cc authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Removed custom combobox

parent 2de904b7
...@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ ...@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
<qresource prefix="Custom/Widgets"> <qresource prefix="Custom/Widgets">
<file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomArtificialHorizon.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomArtificialHorizon.qml</file> <file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomArtificialHorizon.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomArtificialHorizon.qml</file>
<file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomAttitudeWidget.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomAttitudeWidget.qml</file> <file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomAttitudeWidget.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomAttitudeWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomComboBox.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomComboBox.qml</file>
<file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomIconButton.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomIconButton.qml</file> <file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomIconButton.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomIconButton.qml</file>
<file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomOnOffSwitch.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomOnOffSwitch.qml</file> <file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomOnOffSwitch.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomOnOffSwitch.qml</file>
<file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomQuickButton.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomQuickButton.qml</file> <file alias="Custom/Widgets/CustomQuickButton.qml">res/Custom/Widgets/CustomQuickButton.qml</file>
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
* @file
* @author Gus Grubba <>
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
Button {
id: combo
property real pointSize: ScreenTools.defaultFontPointSize ///< Point size for button text
property bool centeredLabel: false
property alias model: popupItems.model
property alias textRole: popup.textRole
property alias currentIndex: popup.__selectedIndex
readonly property alias count: popupItems.count
readonly property alias currentText: popup.currentText
property var _qgcPal: QGCPalette { colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
property int _verticalPadding: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5)
property real _dropImageWidth: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 0.5
property real _dropImageMargin: _dropImageWidth * 0.5
property var __popup: popup
signal activated(int index)
style: ButtonStyle {
/*! This defines the background of the button. */
background: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 6)
implicitHeight: Math.round(ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight)
color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0)
Image {
id: image
width: _dropImageWidth
height: _dropImageWidth
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.rightMargin: _dropImageMargin
anchors.right: parent.right
source: "/custom/img/menu_dropdown.svg"
/*! This defines the label of the button. */
label: Item {
implicitWidth: text.implicitWidth
implicitHeight: text.implicitHeight
baselineOffset: text.y + text.baselineOffset
QGCLabel {
id: text
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: centeredLabel ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
text: control.currentText
color: "#FFF"
font.pointSize: combo.pointSize
onClicked: {
combo.focus = true
Component.onCompleted: {
if (currentIndex === -1) {
currentIndex = 0
function textAt (index) {
if (index >= count || index < 0)
return null;
return popupItems.objectAt(index).text;
function find (text) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < popupItems.count ; ++i) {
var currentString = popupItems.objectAt(i).text
if (text === currentString) {
return i
return -1
ExclusiveGroup { id: eg }
Menu {
id: popup
__minimumWidth: combo.width
__visualItem: combo
style: MenuStyle {
font.pointSize: combo.pointSize ScreenTools.normalFontFamily
__labelColor: combo._qgcPal.buttonText
__selectedLabelColor: combo._qgcPal.buttonHighlightText
__selectedBackgroundColor: combo._qgcPal.buttonHighlight
__backgroundColor: combo._qgcPal.button
__maxPopupHeight: 600
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem"
__scrollerStyle: ScrollViewStyle { }
property string textRole: ""
property bool showing: false
property string currentText: selectedText
property string selectedText
onSelectedTextChanged: popup.currentText = selectedText
on__SelectedIndexChanged: {
if (__selectedIndex === -1)
popup.currentText = ""
property int _y: combo.height
property bool _modelIsArray: false
onAboutToShow: showing = true
onAboutToHide: showing = false
function toggleShow() {
if (popup._popupVisible) {
} else {
__popup(Qt.rect(0, _y, 0, 0), 0)
function resolveTextValue(initialTextRole) {
if (!model) {
var get = model['get'];
if (!get && popup._modelIsArray && !!model[0]) {
if (model[0].constructor !== String && model[0].constructor !== Number)
get = function(i) { return model[i]; }
var modelMayHaveRoles = get !== undefined
textRole = initialTextRole
if (textRole === "" && modelMayHaveRoles && get(0)) {
// No text role set, check whether model has a suitable role
// If 'text' is found, or there's only one role, pick that.
var listElement = get(0)
var roleName = ""
var roleCount = 0
for (var role in listElement) {
if (listElement[role].constructor === Function)
if (role === "text") {
roleName = role
} else if (!roleName) {
roleName = role
if (roleCount > 1 && roleName !== "text") {
console.warn("No suitable 'textRole' found for ComboBox.")
} else {
textRole = roleName
function updateSelectedText() {
var selectedItem
if (__selectedIndex !== -1 && (selectedItem = items[__selectedIndex])) {
selectedText = Qt.binding(function () { return selectedItem.text })
if (currentText !== selectedText) // __selectedIndex went form -1 to 0
Instantiator {
id: popupItems
onModelChanged: {
popup._modelIsArray = !!model ? model.constructor === Array : false
onObjectAdded: {
// There is a bug in Instantiator which can cause objects to be added out of order from an index standpoint.
// If not handled correctly this will cause menu items to be added incorrectly due to the way Menu.insertItem works.
//console.log("menu add", index, object.text)
if (index === popup.__selectedIndex) {
popup.selectedText = object["text"]
// Find the correct place for menu item. We can't just add at index, due to possible bad ordering
var insertIndex = -1
for (var i=0; i<popup.items.length; i++) {
//console.log("position search", i, popup.items[i].itemIndex)
if (popup.items[i].itemIndex > index) {
insertIndex = i
if (insertIndex === -1) {
popup.insertItem(popup.items.length, object)
} else {
//console.log("out of order menu add", index, insertIndex)
popup.insertItem(insertIndex, object)
onObjectRemoved: popup.removeItem(object)
MenuItem {
text: popup.textRole === '' ? modelData : ((popup._modelIsArray ? modelData[popup.textRole] : model[popup.textRole]) || '')
checked: index == currentIndex
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: eg
property int itemIndex: index
onTriggered: {
//console.log("onTriggered", index, currentIndex)
if (index !== currentIndex) {
//console.log("activated", index)
...@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Module Custom.Widgets ...@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Module Custom.Widgets
CustomArtificialHorizon 1.0 CustomArtificialHorizon.qml CustomArtificialHorizon 1.0 CustomArtificialHorizon.qml
CustomAttitudeWidget 1.0 CustomAttitudeWidget.qml CustomAttitudeWidget 1.0 CustomAttitudeWidget.qml
CustomComboBox 1.0 CustomComboBox.qml
CustomIconButton 1.0 CustomIconButton.qml CustomIconButton 1.0 CustomIconButton.qml
CustomOnOffSwitch 1.0 CustomOnOffSwitch.qml CustomOnOffSwitch 1.0 CustomOnOffSwitch.qml
CustomQuickButton 1.0 CustomQuickButton.qml CustomQuickButton 1.0 CustomQuickButton.qml
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