Lorenz Meier authoredLorenz Meier authored
MultiSignalSpy.h 2.74 KiB
* (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.
#include <QObject>
#include <QSignalSpy>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
/// @file
/// @brief This class allows you to keep track of signal counts on a set of signals associated with an object.
/// Mainly used for writing object unit tests.
/// @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com>
class MultiSignalSpy : public QObject
MultiSignalSpy(QObject* parent = NULL);
bool init(QObject* signalEmitter, const char** rgSignals, size_t cSignals);
/// @param mask bit mask specifying which signals to check. The lowest order bit represents
/// index 0 into the rgSignals array and so on up the bit mask.
/// @return true if signal count = 1 for the specified signals
bool checkSignalByMask(quint32 mask);
/// @return true if signal count = 1 for specified signals and signal count of 0
/// for all other signals
bool checkOnlySignalByMask(quint32 mask);
/// @param mask bit mask specifying which signals to check. The lowest order bit represents
/// index 0 into the rgSignals array and so on up the bit mask.
/// @return true if signal count >= 1 for the specified signals
bool checkSignalsByMask(quint32 mask);
/// @return true if signal count >= 1 for specified signals and signal count of 0
/// for all other signals
bool checkOnlySignalsByMask(quint32 mask);
bool checkNoSignalByMask(quint32 mask);
bool checkNoSignals(void);
void clearSignalByIndex(quint32 index);
void clearSignalsByMask(quint32 mask);
void clearAllSignals(void);
bool waitForSignalByIndex(quint32 index, int msec);
QSignalSpy* getSpyByIndex(quint32 index);
// Returns the value type for the first parameter of the signal
bool pullBoolFromSignalIndex(quint32 index);
int pullIntFromSignalIndex(quint32 index);
QGeoCoordinate pullQGeoCoordinateFromSignalIndex(quint32 index);
// QObject overrides
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent * event);
void _printSignalState(quint32 mask);
bool _checkSignalByMaskWorker(quint32 mask, bool multipleSignalsAllowed);
bool _checkOnlySignalByMaskWorker(quint32 mask, bool multipleSignalsAllowed);
QObject* _signalEmitter;
const char** _rgSignals;
QSignalSpy** _rgSpys;
size_t _cSignals;
bool _timeout;