• Lorenz Meier's avatar
    Jenkins CI: Disable integration · 48f4ae19
    Lorenz Meier authored
    QGC is not using Jenkins actively for QA or binary building and is using QMake as build system (not CMake as Jenkins is). Maintaining two ways of doing things dilutes the limited time available for QA and CI maintenance and Travis / Github actions plus AppVeyor work perfectly fine.
backup-Jenkinsfile 9.92 KB
pipeline {
  agent none
  stages {

    stage('build') {
      parallel {

        stage('Android 32 bit Release') {
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CCACHE_CPP2 = '1'
            QGC_CONFIG = 'release'
            QMAKE_VER = "5.12.5/android_armv7/bin/qmake"
            QT_MKSPEC = "android-clang"
          agent {
            docker {
              image 'mavlink/qgc-build-android:2019-11-12'
              args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
            sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
            sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'
            sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
            sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`'
            sh 'ccache -s'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('Android 64 bit Release') {
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CCACHE_CPP2 = '1'
            QGC_CONFIG = 'release'
            QMAKE_VER = "5.12.5/android_arm64_v8a/bin/qmake"
            QT_MKSPEC = "android-clang"
          agent {
            docker {
              image 'mavlink/qgc-build-android_arm64_v8a:2019-11-12'
              args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
            sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
            sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'
            sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
            //sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`' // FIXME
            sh 'ccache -s'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('Linux Debug') {
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            QGC_CONFIG = 'debug'
            QMAKE_VER = "5.12.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake"
          agent {
            docker {
              image 'mavlink/qgc-build-linux:2019-11-12'
              args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
            sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
            sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'
            sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
            sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`'
            sh 'ccache -s'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('Linux Debug (cmake)') {
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = 'Debug'
            QT_VERSION = "5.12.5"
            QT_MKSPEC = "gcc_64"
          agent {
            docker {
              image 'mavlink/qgc-build-linux:2019-11-12'
              args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'make distclean'
            sh 'make submodulesclean'
            sh 'make linux'
            //sh 'make linux check' // TODO: needs Xvfb or similar
            sh 'ccache -s'
            sh 'make distclean'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('Linux Release') {
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            QGC_CONFIG = 'release'
            QMAKE_VER = "5.12.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake"
          agent {
            docker {
              image 'mavlink/qgc-build-linux:2019-11-12'
              args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
            sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
            sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'
            withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'QGC_Airmap_api_key', variable: 'AIRMAP_API_HEADER')]) {
              sh 'cp $AIRMAP_API_HEADER ${WORKSPACE}/src/Airmap/Airmap_api_key.h'
            sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
            //sh 'cd build; make -j`nproc --all`' // TODO: increase slave memory
            sh 'cd build; make'
            sh 'ccache -s'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('Linux Release (cmake)') {
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = 'Release'
            QT_VERSION = "5.12.5"
            QT_MKSPEC = "gcc_64"
          agent {
            docker {
              image 'mavlink/qgc-build-linux:2019-11-12'
              args '-v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw'
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'make distclean'
            sh 'make submodulesclean'
            sh 'make linux'
            sh 'ccache -s'
            sh 'make distclean'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('OSX Debug') {
          agent {
            node {
              label 'mac'
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            QGC_CONFIG = 'debug'
            QMAKE_VER = "5.11.0/clang_64/bin/qmake"
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
            sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
            sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'
            sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
            sh 'cd build; make -j`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`'
            sh 'ccache -s'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('OSX Debug (cmake)') {
          agent {
            node {
              label 'mac'
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CCACHE_CPP2 = '1'
            CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = 'Debug'
            QT_VERSION = "5.11.0"
            QT_MKSPEC = "clang_64"
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'make distclean'
            sh 'make submodulesclean'
            sh 'make mac'
            sh 'ccache -s'
            sh 'make distclean'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('OSX Release') {
          agent {
            node {
              label 'mac'
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CCACHE_CPP2 = '1'
            QGC_CONFIG = 'installer'
            QMAKE_VER = "5.11.0/clang_64/bin/qmake"
          stages {
            stage('Clean Checkout') {
              steps {
                sh 'export'
                sh 'ccache -z'
                sh 'git submodule deinit -f .'
                sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'
                sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --force'

            stage('Add Airmap API key') {
              steps {
                withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'QGC_Airmap_api_key', variable: 'AIRMAP_API_HEADER')]) {
                  sh 'cp $AIRMAP_API_HEADER ${WORKSPACE}/src/Airmap/Airmap_api_key.h'
              when {
                anyOf {
                  branch 'master';
                  branch 'Stable_*'

            stage('Build OSX Release') {
              steps {
                sh 'mkdir build; cd build; ${QT_PATH}/${QMAKE_VER} -r ${WORKSPACE}/qgroundcontrol.pro CONFIG+=${QGC_CONFIG} CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn'
                sh 'cd build; make -j`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`'
                archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'build/**/*.dmg', fingerprint: true)
                sh 'ccache -s'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

        stage('OSX Release (cmake)') {
          agent {
            node {
              label 'mac'
          environment {
            CCACHE_BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
            CCACHE_CPP2 = '1'
            CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = 'Release'
            QT_VERSION = "5.11.0"
            QT_MKSPEC = "clang_64"
          steps {
            sh 'export'
            sh 'ccache -z'
            sh 'make distclean'
            sh 'make submodulesclean'
            sh 'make mac'
            sh 'ccache -s'
            sh 'make distclean'
          post {
            cleanup {
              sh 'git clean -ff -x -d .'

      } // parallel
    } // stage('build')
  } // stages

  environment {
    CCACHE_DIR = '/tmp/ccache'

  options {
    buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30'))
    timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES')