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SlugsDataSensorView.h 6.17 KiB
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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station


This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project

    QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.


 * @file
 *   @brief Grpahical presentation of SLUGS generated data
 *   @author Juan F. Robles  <>


#include <QWidget>

#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "SlugsMAV.h"
#include "mavlink.h"

namespace Ui
class SlugsDataSensorView;

class SlugsDataSensorView : public QWidget

    explicit SlugsDataSensorView(QWidget *parent = 0);

public slots:
         * @brief Adds the UAS for data display
         * Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets. If
         * there is no current UAS active, it sets it as active.

         * @param uas The UAS being added
    void addUAS(UASInterface* uas);

         * @brief Sets the UAS as active
         * @param uas The UAS being set as active
    void setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas);

         * @brief Updates the Raw Data widget
    void slugRawDataChanged (int uasId, const mavlink_raw_imu_t& rawData);

         * @brief Adds the UAS for data display
         * Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
    void slugLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas,
                                  double x,
                                  double y,
                                  double z,
                                  quint64 time);
         * @brief Adds the UAS for data display
         * Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
    void slugSpeedLocalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas,
                                       double vx,
                                       double vy,
                                       double vz,
                                       quint64 time);
         * @brief Adds the UAS for data display
         * Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
    void slugAttitudeChanged(UASInterface* uas,
                             double slugroll,
                             double slugpitch,
                             double slugyaw,
                             quint64 time);

         * @brief Adds the UAS for data display
         * Adds the UAS and makes all the correct connections for data display on the Widgets
    void slugsGlobalPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas,
                                    double lat,
                                    double lon,
                                    double alt,
                                    quint64 time);

         * @brief set COG and SOG values
         * COG and SOG GPS display on the Widgets
    void slugsGPSCogSog(int systemId,
                        double cog,
                        double sog);

         * @brief Updates the CPU load widget - 170
    void slugsCpuLoadChanged(int systemId,
                             const mavlink_cpu_load_t& cpuLoad);

         * @brief Updates the air data widget - 171
    void slugsAirDataChanged(int systemId,
                             const mavlink_air_data_t& airData);

         * @brief Updates the sensor bias widget - 172
    void slugsSensorBiasChanged(int systemId,
                                const mavlink_sensor_bias_t& sensorBias);

         * @brief Updates the diagnostic widget - 173
    void slugsDiagnosticMessageChanged(int systemId,
                                       const mavlink_diagnostic_t& diagnostic);

         * @brief Updates the Navigation widget - 176
    void slugsNavegationChanged(int systemId,
                                const mavlink_slugs_navigation_t& slugsNavigation);

         * @brief Updates the Data Log widget - 177
    void  slugsDataLogChanged(int systemId,
                              const mavlink_data_log_t& dataLog);

//   /**
//        * @brief Updates the PWM Commands widget - 175
//   */
//   void slugsPWMChanged(int systemId,
//                        const mavlink_servo_output_raw_t& pwmCommands);

         * @brief Updates the filtered sensor measurements widget - 178
    void slugsFilteredDataChanged(int systemId,
                                  const mavlink_scaled_imu_t& filteredData);
         * @brief Updates the gps Date Time widget - 179
    void slugsGPSDateTimeChanged(int systemId,
                                 const mavlink_gps_date_time_t& gpsDateTime);

    void slugsRCRawChannels(int systemId,
                            const mavlink_rc_channels_raw_t& gpsDateTime);

    void slugsRCServo(int systemId,
                      const mavlink_servo_output_raw_t& gpsDateTime);


    UASInterface* activeUAS;

    Ui::SlugsDataSensorView *ui;
