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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#include "QGCHilConfiguration.h"
#include "ui_QGCHilConfiguration.h"

Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
#include "QGCHilFlightGearConfiguration.h"
Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
#include "QGCHilXPlaneConfiguration.h"
#include "UAS.h"
QGCHilConfiguration::QGCHilConfiguration(Vehicle* vehicle, QWidget *parent)
    : QWidget(parent)
    , _vehicle(vehicle)
    , ui(new Ui::QGCHilConfiguration)

    // XXX its quite wrong that this is implicitely a factory
    // class, but this is something to clean up for later.

    QSettings settings;
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    int i = settings.value("SIMULATOR_INDEX", -1).toInt();
//        ui->simComboBox->blockSignals(true);
//        ui->simComboBox->blockSignals(false);
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Lorenz Meier committed
void QGCHilConfiguration::receiveStatusMessage(const QString& message)

Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue("SIMULATOR_INDEX", ui->simComboBox->currentIndex());
Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
    delete ui;

void QGCHilConfiguration::setVersion(QString version)
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Thomas Gubler committed
void QGCHilConfiguration::on_simComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index)
    //clean up
    QLayoutItem *child;
    while ((child = ui->simulatorConfigurationLayout->takeAt(0)) != 0)
        delete child->widget();
        delete child;
Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
    if(1 == index)
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
        // Ensure the sim exists and is disabled
        _vehicle->uas()->enableHilFlightGear(false, "", true, this);
        QGCHilFlightGearConfiguration* hfgconf = new QGCHilFlightGearConfiguration(_vehicle, this);
Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
        QGCFlightGearLink* fg = dynamic_cast<QGCFlightGearLink*>(_vehicle->uas()->getHILSimulation());
            connect(fg, &QGCFlightGearLink::statusMessage, ui->statusLabel, &QLabel::setText);
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
        // Ensure the sim exists and is disabled
        QGCHilXPlaneConfiguration* hxpconf = new QGCHilXPlaneConfiguration(_vehicle->uas()->getHILSimulation(), this);
Thomas Gubler's avatar
Thomas Gubler committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
        // Select correct version of XPlane
        QGCXPlaneLink* xplane = dynamic_cast<QGCXPlaneLink*>(_vehicle->uas()->getHILSimulation());
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
        if (xplane)
            xplane->setVersion((index == 2) ? 10 : 9);
            connect(xplane, &QGCXPlaneLink::statusMessage, ui->statusLabel, &QLabel::setText);
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
// Disabling JSB Sim since its not well maintained,
// but as refactoring is pending we're not ditching the code yet
//    else if (4)
//    {
//        // Ensure the sim exists and is disabled
//        _vehicle->uas()->enableHilJSBSim(false, "");
//        QGCHilJSBSimConfiguration* hfgconf = new QGCHilJSBSimConfiguration(_vehicle, this);
//        hfgconf->show();
//        ui->simulatorConfigurationLayout->addWidget(hfgconf);
//        QGCJSBSimLink* jsb = dynamic_cast<QGCJSBSimLink*>(_vehicle->uas()->getHILSimulation());
//        if (jsb)
//        {
//            connect(jsb, SIGNAL(statusMessage(QString)), ui->statusLabel, SLOT(setText(QString)));
//        }
//    }