#include "QGCToolWidgetItem.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
namespace Ui
class QGCXYPlot;
class UASInterface;
class QwtPlot;
class XYPlotCurve;
class QGCXYPlot : public QGCToolWidgetItem
explicit QGCXYPlot(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual void setEditMode(bool editMode);
public slots:
void writeSettings(QSettings& settings);
void readSettings(const QSettings& settings);
void readSettings(const QString& pre,const QVariantMap& settings);
void appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString& unit, const QVariant& variant, quint64 usec);
void clearPlot();
void styleChanged(MainWindow::QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE style);
void updateMinMaxSettings();
private slots:
void on_maxDataShowSpinBox_valueChanged(int value);
void on_stopStartButton_toggled(bool checked);
void on_timeScrollBar_valueChanged(int value);
Ui::QGCXYPlot *ui;
QwtPlot *plot;
XYPlotCurve* xycurve;
double x; /**< Last unused value for the x-coordinate */
quint64 x_timestamp_us; /**< Timestamp that we last recieved a value for x */
bool x_valid; /**< Whether we have recieved an x value but so far no corresponding y value */
double y; /**< Last unused value for the x-coordinate */
quint64 y_timestamp_us; /**< Timestamp that we last recieved a value for x */
bool y_valid; /**< Whether we have recieved an x value but so far no corresponding y value */
quint64 max_timestamp_diff_us; /**< Only combine x and y to a data point if the timestamp for both doesn't differ by more than this */