VisualMissionItem.h 16.6 KB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#pragma once
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#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QtQml>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>

#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "Fact.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
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#include "MissionController.h"

28 29
class MissionItem;

30 31 32 33
// Abstract base class for all Simple and Complex visual mission objects.
class VisualMissionItem : public QObject

36 37
    VisualMissionItem(Vehicle* vehicle, bool flyView, QObject* parent);
    VisualMissionItem(const VisualMissionItem& other, bool flyView, QObject* parent);
38 39 40 41 42


    const VisualMissionItem& operator=(const VisualMissionItem& other);

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43 44 45 46 47 48 49
    enum ReadyForSaveState {

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50 51
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             homePosition                        READ homePosition                                                   CONSTANT)                                           ///< true: This item is being used as a home position indicator
    Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate   coordinate                          READ coordinate                         WRITE setCoordinate         NOTIFY coordinateChanged)                           ///< This is the entry point for a waypoint line into the item. For a simple item it is also the location of the item
    Q_PROPERTY(double           terrainAltitude                     READ terrainAltitude                                                NOTIFY terrainAltitudeChanged)                      ///< The altitude of terrain at the coordinate position, NaN if not known
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53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             coordinateHasRelativeAltitude       READ coordinateHasRelativeAltitude                                  NOTIFY coordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged)        ///< true: coordinate.latitude is relative to home altitude
    Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate   exitCoordinate                      READ exitCoordinate                                                 NOTIFY exitCoordinateChanged)                       ///< This is the exit point for a waypoint line coming out of the item.
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitude   READ exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitude                              NOTIFY exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged)    ///< true: coordinate.latitude is relative to home altitude
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             exitCoordinateSameAsEntry           READ exitCoordinateSameAsEntry                                      NOTIFY exitCoordinateSameAsEntryChanged)            ///< true: exitCoordinate and coordinate are the same value
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          commandDescription                  READ commandDescription                                             NOTIFY commandDescriptionChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          commandName                         READ commandName                                                    NOTIFY commandNameChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          abbreviation                        READ abbreviation                                                   NOTIFY abbreviationChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             dirty                               READ dirty                              WRITE setDirty              NOTIFY dirtyChanged)                                ///< Item is dirty and requires save/send
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             isCurrentItem                       READ isCurrentItem                      WRITE setIsCurrentItem      NOTIFY isCurrentItemChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(int              sequenceNumber                      READ sequenceNumber                     WRITE setSequenceNumber     NOTIFY sequenceNumberChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(int              lastSequenceNumber                  READ lastSequenceNumber                                             NOTIFY lastSequenceNumberChanged)
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64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             specifiesCoordinate                 READ specifiesCoordinate                                            NOTIFY specifiesCoordinateChanged)                  ///< true: Item is associated with a coordinate position
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             isStandaloneCoordinate              READ isStandaloneCoordinate                                         NOTIFY isStandaloneCoordinateChanged)               ///< true: Waypoint line does not go through item
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             specifiesAltitudeOnly               READ specifiesAltitudeOnly                                          NOTIFY specifiesAltitudeOnlyChanged)                ///< true: Item has altitude only, no full coordinate
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             isSimpleItem                        READ isSimpleItem                                                   NOTIFY isSimpleItemChanged)                         ///< Simple or Complex MissionItem
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          editorQml                           MEMBER _editorQml                                                   CONSTANT)                                           ///< Qml code for editing this item
    Q_PROPERTY(QString          mapVisualQML                        READ mapVisualQML                                                   CONSTANT)                                           ///< QMl code for map visuals
    Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* childItems                       READ childItems                                                     CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(double           specifiedFlightSpeed                READ specifiedFlightSpeed                                           NOTIFY specifiedFlightSpeedChanged)                 ///< NaN if this item does not specify flight speed
72 73
    Q_PROPERTY(double           specifiedGimbalYaw                  READ specifiedGimbalYaw                                             NOTIFY specifiedGimbalYawChanged)                   ///< Gimbal yaw, NaN for not specified
    Q_PROPERTY(double           specifiedGimbalPitch                READ specifiedGimbalPitch                                           NOTIFY specifiedGimbalPitchChanged)                 ///< Gimbal pitch, NaN for not specified
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74 75
    Q_PROPERTY(double           missionGimbalYaw                    READ missionGimbalYaw                                               NOTIFY missionGimbalYawChanged)                     ///< Current gimbal yaw state at this point in mission
    Q_PROPERTY(double           missionVehicleYaw                   READ missionVehicleYaw                                              NOTIFY missionVehicleYawChanged)                    ///< Expected vehicle yaw at this point in mission
    Q_PROPERTY(bool             flyView                             READ flyView                                                        CONSTANT)
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    Q_PROPERTY(ReadyForSaveState readyForSaveState                  READ readyForSaveState                                              NOTIFY readyForSaveStateChanged)

79 80
    Q_PROPERTY(QGCGeoBoundingCube* boundingCube                     READ boundingCube                                                   NOTIFY boundingCubeChanged)

    // The following properties are calculated/set by the MissionController recalc methods

83 84
    Q_PROPERTY(double altDifference     READ altDifference      WRITE setAltDifference      NOTIFY altDifferenceChanged)        ///< Change in altitude from previous waypoint
    Q_PROPERTY(double altPercent        READ altPercent         WRITE setAltPercent         NOTIFY altPercentChanged)           ///< Percent of total altitude change in mission altitude
    Q_PROPERTY(double terrainPercent    READ terrainPercent     WRITE setTerrainPercent     NOTIFY terrainPercentChanged)       ///< Percent of terrain altitude in mission altitude
    Q_PROPERTY(bool   terrainCollision  READ terrainCollision   WRITE setTerrainCollision   NOTIFY terrainCollisionChanged)     ///< true: Item collides with terrain
87 88
    Q_PROPERTY(double azimuth           READ azimuth            WRITE setAzimuth            NOTIFY azimuthChanged)              ///< Azimuth to previous waypoint
    Q_PROPERTY(double distance          READ distance           WRITE setDistance           NOTIFY distanceChanged)             ///< Distance to previous waypoint
89 90

    // Property accesors

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    bool homePosition               (void) const { return _homePositionSpecialCase; }
    void setHomePositionSpecialCase (bool homePositionSpecialCase) { _homePositionSpecialCase = homePositionSpecialCase; }

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    double altDifference    (void) const { return _altDifference; }
    double altPercent       (void) const { return _altPercent; }
    double terrainPercent   (void) const { return _terrainPercent; }
    bool   terrainCollision (void) const { return _terrainCollision; }
99 100 101
    double azimuth          (void) const { return _azimuth; }
    double distance         (void) const { return _distance; }
    bool   isCurrentItem    (void) const { return _isCurrentItem; }
    double terrainAltitude  (void) const { return _terrainAltitude; }
    bool   flyView          (void) const { return _flyView; }
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    QmlObjectListModel* childItems(void) { return &_childItems; }

    void setIsCurrentItem   (bool isCurrentItem);
    void setAltDifference   (double altDifference);
    void setAltPercent      (double altPercent);
    void setTerrainPercent  (double terrainPercent);
    void setTerrainCollision(bool terrainCollision);
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
    void setAzimuth         (double azimuth);
    void setDistance        (double distance);

    Vehicle* vehicle(void) { return _vehicle; }

    // Pure virtuals which must be provides by derived classes

    virtual bool            dirty                   (void) const = 0;
    virtual bool            isSimpleItem            (void) const = 0;
    virtual bool            isStandaloneCoordinate  (void) const = 0;
    virtual bool            specifiesCoordinate     (void) const = 0;
    virtual bool            specifiesAltitudeOnly   (void) const = 0;
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    virtual QString         commandDescription      (void) const = 0;
    virtual QString         commandName             (void) const = 0;
    virtual QString         abbreviation            (void) const = 0;
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    virtual QGeoCoordinate  coordinate              (void) const = 0;
    virtual QGeoCoordinate  exitCoordinate          (void) const = 0;
    virtual int             sequenceNumber          (void) const = 0;
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130 131
    virtual double          specifiedFlightSpeed    (void) = 0;
    virtual double          specifiedGimbalYaw      (void) = 0;
    virtual double          specifiedGimbalPitch    (void) = 0;
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134 135 136
    //-- Default implementation returns an invalid bounding cube
    virtual QGCGeoBoundingCube* boundingCube        (void) { return &_boundingCube; }

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    /// Update item to mission flight status at point where this item appears in mission.
    /// IMPORTANT: Overrides must call base class implementation
    virtual void setMissionFlightStatus(MissionController::MissionFlightStatus_t& missionFlightStatus);
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    virtual bool coordinateHasRelativeAltitude      (void) const = 0;
    virtual bool exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitude  (void) const = 0;
    virtual bool exitCoordinateSameAsEntry          (void) const = 0;

    virtual void setDirty           (bool dirty) = 0;
    virtual void setCoordinate      (const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) = 0;
    virtual void setSequenceNumber  (int sequenceNumber) = 0;
    virtual int  lastSequenceNumber (void) const = 0;

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150 151
    /// @return Returns whether the item is ready for save and if not, why
    virtual ReadyForSaveState readyForSaveState(void) const { return ReadyForSave; }

    /// Save the item(s) in Json format
    ///     @param missionItems Current set of mission items, new items should be appended to the end
    virtual void save(QJsonArray&  missionItems) = 0;

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    /// @return The QML resource file which contains the control which visualizes the item on the map.
    virtual QString mapVisualQML(void) const = 0;

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    /// Returns the mission items associated with the complex item. Caller is responsible for freeing.
    ///     @param items List to append to
    ///     @param missionItemParent Parent object for newly created MissionItems
    virtual void appendMissionItems(QList<MissionItem*>& items, QObject* missionItemParent) = 0;

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    /// Adjust the altitude of the item if appropriate to the new altitude.
    virtual void applyNewAltitude(double newAltitude) = 0;

168 169 170
    /// @return Amount of additional time delay in seconds needed to fly this item
    virtual double additionalTimeDelay(void) const = 0;

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    double  missionGimbalYaw    (void) const { return _missionGimbalYaw; }
    double  missionVehicleYaw   (void) const { return _missionVehicleYaw; }
    void    setMissionVehicleYaw(double vehicleYaw);

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175 176 177 178
    static const char* jsonTypeKey;                 ///< Json file attribute which specifies the item type
    static const char* jsonTypeSimpleItemValue;     ///< Item type is MISSION_ITEM
    static const char* jsonTypeComplexItemValue;    ///< Item type is Complex Item

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    void altDifferenceChanged           (double altDifference);
    void altPercentChanged              (double altPercent);
    void terrainPercentChanged          (double terrainPercent);
    void terrainCollisionChanged        (double terrainCollision);
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    void azimuthChanged                 (double azimuth);
    void commandDescriptionChanged      (void);
    void commandNameChanged             (void);
    void abbreviationChanged            (void);
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    void coordinateChanged              (const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate);
    void exitCoordinateChanged          (const QGeoCoordinate& exitCoordinate);
    void dirtyChanged                   (bool dirty);
    void distanceChanged                (double distance);
    void isCurrentItemChanged           (bool isCurrentItem);
    void sequenceNumberChanged          (int sequenceNumber);
    void isSimpleItemChanged            (bool isSimpleItem);
    void specifiesCoordinateChanged     (void);
    void isStandaloneCoordinateChanged  (void);
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    void specifiesAltitudeOnlyChanged   (void);
    void specifiedFlightSpeedChanged    (void);
    void specifiedGimbalYawChanged      (void);
    void specifiedGimbalPitchChanged    (void);
    void lastSequenceNumberChanged      (int sequenceNumber);
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202 203
    void missionGimbalYawChanged        (double missionGimbalYaw);
    void missionVehicleYawChanged       (double missionVehicleYaw);
    void terrainAltitudeChanged         (double terrainAltitude);
    void additionalTimeDelayChanged     (void);
    void boundingCubeChanged            (void);
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    void readyForSaveStateChanged       (void);
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    void coordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged       (bool coordinateHasRelativeAltitude);
    void exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitudeChanged   (bool exitCoordinateHasRelativeAltitude);
    void exitCoordinateSameAsEntryChanged           (bool exitCoordinateSameAsEntry);
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    Vehicle*    _vehicle;
    bool        _flyView;
216 217
    bool        _isCurrentItem;
    bool        _dirty;
    bool        _homePositionSpecialCase;   ///< true: This item is being used as a ui home position indicator
    double      _terrainAltitude;           ///< Altitude of terrain at coordinate position, NaN for not known
220 221
    double      _altDifference;             ///< Difference in altitude from previous waypoint
    double      _altPercent;                ///< Percent of total altitude change in mission
    double      _terrainPercent;            ///< Percent of terrain altitude for coordinate
    bool        _terrainCollision;          ///< true: item collides with terrain
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    double      _azimuth;                   ///< Azimuth to previous waypoint
    double      _distance;                  ///< Distance to previous waypoint
    QString     _editorQml;                 ///< Qml resource for editing item
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    double      _missionGimbalYaw;
    double      _missionVehicleYaw;

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    QGCGeoBoundingCube  _boundingCube;      ///< The bounding "cube" of this element.

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    MissionController::MissionFlightStatus_t    _missionFlightStatus;
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    /// This is used to reference any subsequent mission items which do not specify a coordinate.
    QmlObjectListModel  _childItems;

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    void    _setBoundingCube                (QGCGeoBoundingCube bc);

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private slots:
    void _updateTerrainAltitude (void);
    void _reallyUpdateTerrainAltitude (void);
    void _terrainDataReceived   (bool success, QList<double> heights);
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    void _commonInit(void);

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    QTimer _updateTerrainTimer;
    double _lastLatTerrainQuery;
    double _lastLonTerrainQuery;