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 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

#pragma once

#include "FactSystem.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"

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#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QSettings>
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class InstrumentValueData;

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class FactValueGrid : public QQuickItem
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    FactValueGrid(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
    FactValueGrid(const QString& defaultSettingsGroup);
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    enum Orientation {
        HorizontalOrientation=0,    // Labels will be to the left of the value
        VerticalOrientation         // Labels will be above the value

    enum FontSize {

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    // defaultSettingsGroup:
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    //  This is the setting group name for default settings which are used when the user has not modified anything from the default setup. These settings will be overwritten
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    //  prior to each use by the call to QGCCorePlugin::FactValueGridCreateDefaultSettings.
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    // userSettingsGroup:
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    //  This is the settings group name for user modified settings. Settings will be saved to here whenever the user modified anything. Also at that point in time the
    //  defaults settings group will be removed.

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    // The combination of the two valuePage*SettingsGroup values allows each FactValueGrid to have it's own persistence space.
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    Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel*  rows                            MEMBER _rows                                            NOTIFY rowsChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(int                  columnCount                     MEMBER _columnCount                                     NOTIFY columnCountChanged)
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    Q_PROPERTY(QString              userSettingsGroup               MEMBER _userSettingsGroup                               NOTIFY userSettingsGroupChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString              defaultSettingsGroup            MEMBER _defaultSettingsGroup                            NOTIFY defaultSettingsGroupChanged)
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    Q_PROPERTY(Orientation          orientation                     MEMBER _orientation                                     CONSTANT)
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    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList          iconNames                       READ iconNames                                          CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(FontSize             fontSize                        READ fontSize                       WRITE setFontSize   NOTIFY fontSizeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList          fontSizeNames                   MEMBER _fontSizeNames                                   CONSTANT)

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    Q_INVOKABLE void                resetToDefaults     (void);
    Q_INVOKABLE QmlObjectListModel* appendRow           (void);
    Q_INVOKABLE void                deleteLastRow       (void);
    Q_INVOKABLE void                appendColumn        (void);
    Q_INVOKABLE void                deleteLastColumn    (void);
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    FontSize    fontSize    (void) const { return _fontSize; }
    QStringList iconNames   (void) const { return _iconNames; }
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    void setFontSize(FontSize fontSize);

    // Override from QQmlParserStatus
    void componentComplete(void) final;

    void userSettingsGroupChanged   (const QString& userSettingsGroup);
    void defaultSettingsGroupChanged(const QString& defaultSettingsGroup);
    void fontSizeChanged            (FontSize fontSize);
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    void rowsChanged                (QmlObjectListModel* model);
    void columnCountChanged         (int columnCount);
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    QString                 _defaultSettingsGroup;              // Settings group to read from if the user has not modified from the default settings
    QString                 _userSettingsGroup;                 // Settings group to read from for user modified settings
    Orientation             _orientation =          VerticalOrientation;
    FontSize                _fontSize =             DefaultFontSize;
    bool                    _preventSaveSettings =  false;
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    QmlObjectListModel*     _rows =                 nullptr;
    int                     _columnCount =          0;

    InstrumentValueData*    _createNewInstrumentValueWorker (QObject* parent);
    void                    _saveSettings                   (void);
    void                    _loadSettings                   (void);
    void                    _connectSignals                 (void);
    void                    _connectSaveSignals             (InstrumentValueData* value);
    QString                 _pascalCase                     (const QString& text);
    void                    _saveValueData                  (QSettings& settings, InstrumentValueData* value);
    void                    _loadValueData                  (QSettings& settings, InstrumentValueData* value);
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    // These are user facing string for the various enums.
    static       QStringList _iconNames;
    static const QStringList _fontSizeNames;

    static const char* _versionKey;
    static const char* _rowsKey;
    static const char* _columnsKey;
    static const char* _orientationKey;
    static const char* _fontSizeKey;
    static const char* _factGroupNameKey;
    static const char* _factNameKey;
    static const char* _textKey;
    static const char* _showUnitsKey;
    static const char* _iconKey;
    static const char* _rangeTypeKey;
    static const char* _rangeValuesKey;
    static const char* _rangeColorsKey;
    static const char* _rangeIconsKey;
    static const char* _rangeOpacitiesKey;

    static const char* _deprecatedGroupKey;

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