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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include "qwt_plot.h"
#include "qwt_plot_canvas.h"
#include "qwt_scale_map.h"
#include "qwt_plot_scaleitem.h"
#include "qwt_double_interval.h"

class QwtPlotScaleItem::PrivateData
        scaleDraw(new QwtScaleDraw()) {
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    ~PrivateData() {
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        delete scaleDraw;

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    QColorGroup colorGroup;
    QPalette palette;
    QFont font;
    double position;
    int borderDistance;
    bool scaleDivFromAxis;
    QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw;
    QRect canvasRectCache;

   \brief Constructor for scale item at the position pos.

   \param alignment In case of QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale/QwtScaleDraw::TopScale
                    the scale item is corresponding to the xAxis(),
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                    otherwise it corresponds to the yAxis().

   \param position  x or y position, depending on the corresponding axis.
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   \sa setPosition(), setAlignment()
    QwtScaleDraw::Alignment alignment, const double pos):
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    d_data = new PrivateData;
    d_data->position = pos;


//! Destructor
    delete d_data;

//! \return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotScale
int QwtPlotScaleItem::rtti() const
    return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotScale;

   \brief Assign a scale division

   When assigning a scaleDiv the scale division won't be synchronized
   with the corresponding axis anymore.

   \param scaleDiv Scale division
   \sa scaleDiv(), setScaleDivFromAxis(), isScaleDivFromAxis()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setScaleDiv(const QwtScaleDiv& scaleDiv)
    d_data->scaleDivFromAxis = false;

//! \return Scale division
const QwtScaleDiv& QwtPlotScaleItem::scaleDiv() const
    return d_data->scaleDraw->scaleDiv();

   Enable/Disable the synchronization of the scale division with
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   the corresponding axis.

   \sa isScaleDivFromAxis()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setScaleDivFromAxis(bool on)
    if ( on != d_data->scaleDivFromAxis ) {
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        d_data->scaleDivFromAxis = on;
        if ( on ) {
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            const QwtPlot *plt = plot();
            if ( plt ) {
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                updateScaleDiv( *plt->axisScaleDiv(xAxis()),
                                *plt->axisScaleDiv(yAxis()) );
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   \return True, if the synchronization of the scale division with
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           the corresponding axis is enabled.
   \sa setScaleDiv(), setScaleDivFromAxis()
bool QwtPlotScaleItem::isScaleDivFromAxis() const
    return d_data->scaleDivFromAxis;

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
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   Set the color group
   \sa QwtAbstractScaleDraw::draw(), colorGroup()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setColorGroup(const QColorGroup &colorGroup)
    if ( colorGroup != d_data->colorGroup ) {
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        d_data->colorGroup = colorGroup;

   \return color group
   \sa setColorGroup()
QColorGroup QwtPlotScaleItem::colorGroup() const
    return d_data->colorGroup;


   Set the palette
   \sa QwtAbstractScaleDraw::draw(), palette()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setPalette(const QPalette &palette)
    if ( palette != d_data->palette ) {
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        d_data->palette = palette;

   \return palette
   \sa setPalette()
QPalette QwtPlotScaleItem::palette() const
    return d_data->palette;


   Change the tick label font
   \sa font
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setFont(const QFont &font)
    if ( font != d_data->font ) {
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        d_data->font = font;

   \return tick label font
   \sa setFont()
QFont QwtPlotScaleItem::font() const
    return d_data->font;

  \brief Set a scale draw

  \param axisId axis index
  \param scaleDraw object responsible for drawing scales.

  The main use case for replacing the default QwtScaleDraw is
  to overload QwtAbstractScaleDraw::label, to replace or swallow
  tick labels.

  \sa scaleDraw()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setScaleDraw(QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw)
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    if ( scaleDraw == NULL )

    if ( scaleDraw != d_data->scaleDraw )
        delete d_data->scaleDraw;

    d_data->scaleDraw = scaleDraw;

    const QwtPlot *plt = plot();
    if ( plt ) {
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        updateScaleDiv( *plt->axisScaleDiv(xAxis()),
                        *plt->axisScaleDiv(yAxis()) );
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   \return Scale draw
   \sa setScaleDraw()
const QwtScaleDraw *QwtPlotScaleItem::scaleDraw() const
    return d_data->scaleDraw;

   \return Scale draw
   \sa setScaleDraw()
QwtScaleDraw *QwtPlotScaleItem::scaleDraw()
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    return d_data->scaleDraw;

   Change the position of the scale
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   The position is interpreted as y value for horizontal axes
   and as x value for vertical axes.

   The border distance is set to -1.

   \sa position(), setAlignment()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setPosition(double pos)
    if ( d_data->position != pos ) {
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        d_data->position = pos;
        d_data->borderDistance = -1;

   \return Position of the scale
   \sa setPosition(), setAlignment()
double QwtPlotScaleItem::position() const
    return d_data->position;

   \brief Align the scale to the canvas

   If distance is >= 0 the scale will be aligned to a
   border of the contents rect of the canvas. If
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   alignment() is QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale, the scale will
   be aligned to the right border, if it is QwtScaleDraw::TopScale
   it will be aligned to the bottom (and vice versa),

   If distance is < 0 the scale will be at the position().

   \param distance Number of pixels between the canvas border and the
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                   backbone of the scale.

   \sa setPosition(), borderDistance()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setBorderDistance(int distance)
    if ( distance < 0 )
        distance = -1;

    if ( distance != d_data->borderDistance ) {
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        d_data->borderDistance = distance;

   \return Distance from a canvas border
   \sa setBorderDistance(), setPosition()
int QwtPlotScaleItem::borderDistance() const
    return d_data->borderDistance;

   Change the alignment of the scale

   The alignment sets the orientation of the scale and the position of
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   the ticks:

   - QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale: horizontal, ticks below
   - QwtScaleDraw::TopScale: horizontal, ticks above
   - QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale: vertical, ticks left
   - QwtScaleDraw::RightScale: vertical, ticks right

   For horizontal scales the position corresponds to QwtPlotItem::yAxis(),
   otherwise to QwtPlotItem::xAxis().

   \sa scaleDraw(), QwtScaleDraw::alignment(), setPosition()
void QwtPlotScaleItem::setAlignment(QwtScaleDraw::Alignment alignment)
    QwtScaleDraw *sd = d_data->scaleDraw;
    if ( sd->alignment() != alignment ) {
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  \brief Draw the scale
void QwtPlotScaleItem::draw(QPainter *painter,
                            const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
                            const QRect &canvasRect) const
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    if ( canvasRect != d_data->canvasRectCache ) {
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        QwtPlotScaleItem* that = (QwtPlotScaleItem*)this;

    QPen pen = painter->pen();

    int pw = painter->pen().width();
    if ( pw == 0 )
        pw = 1;

    QwtScaleDraw *sd = d_data->scaleDraw;
    if ( sd->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) {
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        int y;
        if ( d_data->borderDistance >= 0 ) {
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            if ( sd->alignment() == QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale )
                y = + d_data->borderDistance;
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                y = canvasRect.bottom() - d_data->borderDistance - pw + 1;

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            y = yMap.transform(d_data->position);

        if ( y < || y > canvasRect.bottom() )

        sd->move(canvasRect.left(), y);
        sd->setLength(canvasRect.width() - 1);
    } else { // == Qt::Vertical
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        int x;
        if ( d_data->borderDistance >= 0 ) {
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            if ( sd->alignment() == QwtScaleDraw::RightScale )
                x = canvasRect.left() + d_data->borderDistance;
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                x = canvasRect.right() - d_data->borderDistance - pw + 1;
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            x = xMap.transform(d_data->position);
        if ( x < canvasRect.left() || x > canvasRect.right() )

        sd->setLength(canvasRect.height() - 1);


#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    sd->draw(painter, d_data->colorGroup);
    sd->draw(painter, d_data->palette);
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   \brief Update the item to changes of the axes scale division

   In case of isScaleDivFromAxis(), the scale draw is synchronized
   to the correspond axis.

   \param xScaleDiv Scale division of the x-axis
   \param yScaleDiv Scale division of the y-axis

   \sa QwtPlot::updateAxes()

void QwtPlotScaleItem::updateScaleDiv(const QwtScaleDiv& xScaleDiv,
                                      const QwtScaleDiv& yScaleDiv)
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    QwtScaleDraw *sd = d_data->scaleDraw;
    if ( d_data->scaleDivFromAxis && sd ) {
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            sd->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? xScaleDiv : yScaleDiv);

void QwtPlotScaleItem::updateBorders()
    const QwtPlot *plt = plot();
    if ( plt == NULL || !d_data->scaleDivFromAxis )
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    const QRect r = plt->canvas()->contentsRect();
    d_data->canvasRectCache = r;

    QwtDoubleInterval interval;
    if ( d_data->scaleDraw->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) {
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        const QwtScaleMap map = plt->canvasMap(xAxis());
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        const QwtScaleMap map = plt->canvasMap(yAxis());

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = d_data->scaleDraw->scaleDiv();